The Great White Bear (33 page)

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Authors: Kieran Mulvaney

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Rich, Tracey, and Andy Rouse.
Polar Bears.
Rickmansworth, UK: Evans Mitchell Books, 2006.
Short, well-illustrated monograph. A nice introduction.

Rosing, Norbert.
The World of the Polar Bear.
Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2006.
Gorgeous. Rosing is an excellent photographer, and his images of polar bears and the Arctic in this coffee-table book are stunning. His text is also informative and digestible.

Sale, Richard.
The Arctic: The Complete Story.
London: Frances Lincoln, 2008.
Complete" certainly describes this immense tome, large in format and extensive in content. A great deal of text and a great many photographs and illustrations make this the ultimate guide to the northern polar realms.

Sale, Richard.
A Complete Guide to Arctic Wildlife.
Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2006.
A thick, comprehensive field guide to Arctic fauna.

Stirling, Ian, ed.
Bears: A Complete Guide to Every Species.
London: HarperCollins, 1993.
Several expert contributors lend authority to this large-format introductory guide.

Stirling, Ian.
Polar Bears.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1988.
More than twenty years after publication, this remains the definitive introduction, by the recognized authority on the species.

Streever, Bill.
Cold: Adventures in the World's Frozen Places.
New York: Little, Brown & Company, 2009.
Polar bears are but supporting players in the pages of this book, but it is a very well-written and very readable account of Alaska, the Arctic, ice, snow, and cold.

Thomas, David N.
Frozen Oceans: The Floating World of Pack Ice.
Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2004.
It's all about the sea ice. Without it, there are no polar bears, no ringed seals, and a very different Arctic environment. This illustrated volume makes the subject surprisingly accessible and entertaining, even as it remains authoritative and scholarly.

Wadhams, Peter.
Ice in the Ocean.
London: Gordon and Breach, 2000.
A more complete, but slightly more challenging, work than the Thomas book.

Ward, Kennan.
Journeys with the Ice Bear.
Minocqua, WI: NorthWord Press, 1996.
Ward's excellent photographs are supplemented by an informative, engaging, and enthusiastic text.

Weart, Spencer R.
The Discovery of Global Warming.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003.
A very, very good guide to the history of the science behind climate change.


Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impacts Assessment.
Cambridge University Press, 2004. 140 pages.

Amstrup, Steven C. "Polar Bear:
Ursus maritimus
." In
Wild Mammals of North America: Biology, Management, and Conservation,
edited by G. A. Feldhammer, B. C. Thompson, and J. A. Chapman, 587—610. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003.

Amstrup, Steven C., Bruce G. Marcot, and David C. Douglas.
Forecasting the Range-Wide Status of Polar Bears at Selected Times During the 21st Century.
Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey, 2007. 126 pages.

Amstrup, Steven C., Ian Stirling, Tom'S. Smith, Craig Perham, and Gregory Thiemann. "Recent observations of intraspecific predation and cannibalism among polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea."
Polar Biology
29 (2006): 997-1002.

Bankes, Nigel. "Climate Change and the Regime for the Conservation of Polar Bears." In
Climate Governance in the Arctic,
edited by Timo Koivurova, E. Carina H. Keskitalo, and Nigel Bankes, 351—82. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2009.

Clarkson, Peter L., and Doug Irish. "Den collapse kills female polar bear and two newborn cubs."
44, no. 1 (1991): 83—84.

Cronin, Matthew A., Steven C. Amstrup, and Gerald W. Garner. "Interspecific and intraspecific mitochondrial DNA variation in North American bears (Ursus)."
Canadian Journal of Zoology
69 (1991): 2985—2992.

Derocher, Andrew, Nicholas Lunn, and Ian Stirling. "Polar bears in a warming climate."
Integrated and Comparative Biology
44 (2004): 163—76.

Derocher, A. E., and 0. Wigg. "Infanticide and cannibalism of juvenile polar bears
(Ursus maritimus)
in Svalbard."
52, no. 3 (1999): 307—10.

Dyck, M. G., W. Soon, R. K. Baydack, D. R. Legates, S. Baliunas, T. F. Ball, and L. O. Hancock. "Polar bears of western Hudson Bay and climate change: Are warming spring air temperatures the 'ultimate' survival control factor?"
Ecological Complexity
4 (2007): 73—84.

Fischbach, A. S., S. C. Amstrup, and D. C. Douglas. "Landward and eastward shift of Alaskan polar bear denning associated with recent sea ice changes."
Polar Biology
30 (2007): 1395-1405.

Harington, C. R. "Denning habits of the polar bear
(Ursus maritimus
Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series
5 (1968): 1-32.

Harington, C. R. "The evolution of Arctic marine mammals."
Ecological Applications
18 (2008): S23–S40.

Heaton, T. H., S. L. Talbot, and G. F. Shields. "An ice age refugium for large mammals in the Alexander Archipelago, southeastern Alaska."
Quaternary Research
46 (1996): 182-92.

Herrero, Stephen, and Susan Fleck. "Injury to people inflicted by black, grizzly or polar bears: Recent trends and new insights."
Bears: Their Biology and Management,
vol. 8:
A Selection of Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, February 1989

Kelly, Brendan P. "Ringed Seal,
Phoca hispida
." In
Selected Marine Mammals of Alaska: Species Accounts with Research and Management Recommendations,
edited by Jack W. Lentfer, 57—76. Washington, DC: Marine Mammal Commission, 1988.

Larsen, Thor S., and Ian Stirling.
The Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears—Its History and Future.
Tromso: Norwegian Polar Institute, 2009. 16 pages.

Lunn, Nick J., Ian Stirling, and Dennis Andriashek. "Selection of maternity dens by female polar bears in western Hudson Bay, Canada and the effects of human disturbance."
Polar Biology
27 (2004): 350—56.

Marz, Stacey, and Monica Medina.
On Thin Ice: The Precarious State of Arctic Marine Mammals in the United States Due to Global Warming.
Yarmouth Port, MA: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 2007. 39 pages.

Monnett, Charles, and Jeffrey'S. Gleason. "Observations of mortality associated with extended open-water swimming by polar bears in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea."
Polar Biology
29 (2006): 681-87.

Moore, Sue E., and Henry P. Huntington. "Arctic marine mammals and climate change: Impacts and resilience."
Ecological Applications
18, no. 2 (2008): S157–S165.

Mulvaney, Kieran. "Arctic Blast."
Washington Post Magazine,
September 13, 2009,

O'Neill, Saffron J., Tim J. Osborn, Mike Hulme, Irene Lorenzoni, and Andrew R. Watkinson. "Using expert knowledge to assess uncertainties in future polar bear populations under climate change."
Journal of Applied Ecology
45 (2008): 1649-59.

Regehr, Eric V, Nicholas J. Lunn, Steven C. Amstrup, and Ian Stirling. "Effects of earlier sea ice breakup on survival and population size of polar bears in western Hudson Bay."
Journal of Wildlife Management
71, no. 8 (2007): 2673-83.

Richardson, E., I. Stirling, and B. Kochyubajda. "The effects of forest fires on polar bear maternity denning habitat in western Hudson Bay."
Polar Biology
30 (2007): 369-78.

Schliebe, Scott, Thomas Evans, Kurt Johnson, Michael Roy, Susanne Miller, Charles Hamilton, Rosa Meehan, and Sonja Jahrsdoerfer.
Range-Wide Status Review of the Polar Bear
(Ursus maritimus). Anchorage, AK: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 2006. 262 pages.

Shnayerson, Michael. "The Edge of Extinction."
Vanity Fair,
May 2008, pp. 246-53, 275-78.

Stirling, Ian. "Polar Bear:
Ursus maritimus
." In
Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals,
edited by W. F. Perrin, B. Wursig, and J. G. M. Thewissen, 945-47. San Diego: Academic Press, 2002.

Stirling, Ian, and Andrew E. Derocher. "Melting under pressure: The real scoop on climate warming and polar bears."
Wildlife Professional
(Fall 2007): 24-27, 43.

Stirling, Ian, and Andrew E. Derocher. "Possible impacts of climate warming on polar bears."
46, no. 3 (1993): 240-45.

Stirling, Ian, and Claire Parkinson. "Possible effects of climate warming on selected populations of polar bears
(Ursus maritimus)
in the Canadian Arctic."
59, no. 3 (2006): 261-75.

Stirling, Ian, Andrew E. Derocher, William A. Gough, and Karyn Rode. "Response to Dyck et al. (2007) on polar bears and climate change in western Hudson Bay."
Ecological Complexity
5 (2008): 193-201.

Stirling, Ian, Nicholas J. Lunn, and John Iacozza. "Long-term trends in the population ecology of polar bears in western Hudson Bay in relation to climatic change."
52, no. 3 (1999): 294-306.

Talbot, S. L., and G. F. Shields. "A phylogeny of the bears (Ursidae) inferred from complete sequences of three mitochondrial genes."
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
5, no. 3 (1996): 567-75.

Taylor, Mitchell, Thor Larsen, and R. E. Schweinsburg. "Observations of intraspecific aggression and cannibalism in polar bears (
Ursus maritimus)." Arctic
38, no. 4 (1985): 303-309.

Thiemann, Gregory W., Andrew E. Derocher, and Ian Stirling. "Polar bear
Ursus maritimus
conservation in Canada: An ecological basis for identifying designatable units."
42, no. 4 (2008): 504-15.

Yu, Li, Qing-wei Li, O. A. Ryder, and Ya-ping Zhang. "Phylogeny of the bears (Ursidae) based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes."
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
32 (2004): 480-94.


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