The Greatest Traitor: The Life of Sir Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March (64 page)

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Authors: Ian Mortimer

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Carbury, Ireland: 274 (n. 34)
Cardiff, Wales: 75, 87, 106, 157, 258, 281 (n. 11)
Carlisle, Cumberland: 22, 26–28, 30–31, 177, 180
Carlisle, Earl of:
Andrew de Carmarthen, Wales: 99
Carmarthen, John de:
John de Carmarthenshire, Wales: 203
Carmelites: 155
Carpets and rugs: 15, 118–120, 198, 208
Carrickfergus Castle, Ireland: 69–70, 81
Cashel, Ireland: 97, 308
Cashel, Archbishop of:
FitzJohn, William
Castle Kevin, Ireland: 42
‘Castle Olethon’, Ireland: 307
Castle Rising, Norfolk: 242
Castleconnell, Ireland: 84
Castledermot, Ireland: 81
Cecima, Italy: 253–254, 261
Cefnllys Castle, Wales: 14, 78
Chancellors of England:
Langton, John; Sandall, John; Baldock, Robert; Ayrmin, William; Hothum, John; Burghersh, Henry
Chancellor of Ireland:
Thornbury, Walter de
Chandlos, Thomas de: 201
Chaplais, Pierre, historian: 261
Charles IV ‘the Fair’ (1294–1328), King of France (1322): 36–37, 123, 133–138, 140–143, 162, 204, 283 (n. 10, 14)
Charlton, Alan de: 116–118, 121
Charlton, Hawise (fl. 1309–1345), Lady Charlton (1313): 48–49
Charlton, John de (d. 1353), Lord Charlton of Powys (1313): 17, 33, 41, 47–49, 79, 103–104, 114, 273 (n. 23), 273 (n. 13), 320
Charlton, John de (d. 1360), heir to lordship of Powys: 94, 121, 320
Charlton, Maud de (fl. 1319–45), wife of John de Charlton (d. 1360): 94, 121, 320
Charlton, Thomas de (d. 1344), Bishop of Hereford (1327), Treasurer (1328–29): 94, 203, 227
Chelmsford, John de: 79
Chepstow, Monmouthshire: 157, 251, 258–259
Cheshire: 107
Chester, Cheshire: 191
Chichester, Sussex: 315
Chichester, Bishop of:
Langton, John
Chicksands Priory, Bedfordshire: 136, 322
Chigwell, Hamo de (fl. 1319–1330), six times Mayor of London: 126, 155, 212–213, 220, 228–229
Chirbury, Shropshire: 225, 228
Chirk Castle, Wales: 13, 114
Church Stretton, Shropshire: 201
Cirencester, Gloucestershire: 113–114, 311
Clare, Eleanor:
Despenser, Eleanor
Clare, Elizabeth de:
Damory, Elizabeth de
Clare, Gilbert de (1243–1295), Earl of Gloucester (1262): 7–8
Clare, Gilbert de (1291–1314), Earl of Gloucester (1295)
see also
earldom of Gloucester: 17, 32–33, 39, 46, 58–59, 61, 64–65, 73–75, 87, 99, 276 (n. 12, 14)
Clare, Joan de (1272?–1307), Countess of Gloucester (1290): 32
Clare, Margaret de, daughter of Gilbert de Clare:
Gaveston, Margaret
Clare, Richard de (d. 1318), lord of Thomond: 79, 97, 101
Clayhanger, John de, Abbot of Wigmore (1318): 93, 130
Clement V (c. 1260–1314), Pope (1305): 42, 52, 93
Cleobury, Richard de: 201
Cleobury, William de: 44
Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire: 79
Clerk, Henry le: 85
Clerkenwell, Priory of St John: 108
Clifford Castle, Herefordshire: 234
Clifford, Robert de (1274–1314), Lord Clifford (1282): 17, 64, 275 (n. 11)
Clifford, Roger de (1300–1322), Lord Clifford (1314): 102, 105, 123–125
Clinton, William (d. 1354), Lord Clinton (1330), Earl of Huntingdon (1337): 237
Clipstone, Nottinghamshire: 306, 314, 317
Clonmel, Ireland: 88, 307
Clun, Wales: 107, 114, 228, 281 (n. 11), 309, 316
Coleraine, Ireland: 68
Coleville, John de: 79
Cologne, Germany: 252, 260–261
Comyn, Isabel (fl. 1306–13), Countess of Buchan: 25, 27–28, 30, 121
Comyn, John (d. 1306): 24–25
Comyn, Robert (d. 1306): 24, 28
Grey, Richard de, Lord of Codnor
Connacht, Ireland: 67, 69–70
Connor, Battle of (1315): 69–70, 277 (n. 26)
Controne, Pancio de: 237
Conway, Wales: 201, 304
Corfe Castle, Dorset: 188–190, 220, 227, 229, 231, 252, 254, 256–258, 262, 266
Cork, Ireland: 88, 96–97, 307, 309
Cornwall: 21, 43, 247
Cornwall, Earl of:
Gaveston, Piers; John of Eltham
Coronations: 12, 37–38, 170–171, 229
Costume: 15, 30, 38, 108, 117–119, 144, 169, 170, 207, 226, 240
Couhé, France: 272 (n. 6), 320–321
Courtenay, Hugh de (1303–1377), heir to earldom of Devon (Earl of Devon, 1340): 170
Coventry, Warwickshire: 242, 314
Craon, Amaury de: 53
Crombek, Richard de: 238
Croft, Hugh de (d. 1317): 44, 82, 85, 278 (n. 18)
Cromwell, John de (d. 1335?), Lord Cromwell (1308), Steward of the Royal Household (1314–16): 49, 104, 147, 202
Culpeper, Thomas (d. 1321): 113
Culpeper, Walter (d. 1321): 112–113
Cumberland: 123
Cusack, John de: 89, 96
Cusack, Walter de: 81
Cuttino, George Peddy, historian: 253–254, 260
Dalry, Scotland: 26
Dalswinton Castle, Scotland: 54
Damory, Elizabeth (c. 1295–1360), Lady Damory (1317): 127
Damory, Roger (d. 1322), Lord Damory (1317): 33, 79, 90–92, 94–95, 97, 99–101, 103–105, 110, 124, 126
Daniel, John (d. 1326): 160
Darcy, John (d. 1347), Justiciar of Ireland (1323): 175
Darlington, Co. Durham: 177
Deddington, Oxfordshire: 52
Dee, River, N. Wales: 13
Dee, River, Ireland: 70
Denbigh, Wales: 171
Derbyshire: 234
Desmond, Ireland: 88
Despenser family: 16
Despenser, Eleanor (1292–1337), Lady Despenser (1314): 135, 171, 200
Despenser, Hugh (c. 1223–1265), Lord Despenser: 8, 65
Despenser, Hugh (1261–1326), Lord Despenser (1295), Earl of Winchester (1322): 1, 33, 103, 107–111, 114, 123–124, 128–129, 137, 143, 156, 159–161, 163
Despenser, Hugh (d. 1326), Lord Despenser (1314): 1–2, 97, 199, 231–232, 239, 259, 273 (n. 23)
– at coronation of Edward II: 38
– rise to prominence, 1314–1320: 65, 87, 90, 95, 99
– role in negotiating Treaty of Leake, 1318: 91–92
– antagonism of Roger and other Marcher lords: 99–104
– war with Marcher lords: 105–110, 114, 266
– banishment: 109–111, 113
– return to England: 123
– government 1322–1326: 121, 124, 126–127, 131, 137–139
– acquisitiveness: 127, 172, 201
– unwelcome in France: 136, 143, 283 (n. 10)
– attempts to prevent Edward leaving England: 142
– ordered to leave court by Pope: 148
– tries to bribe French to kill Isabella: 148
– Lord Mortimer of Chirk dies in his custody: 149
– compared with Roger as a strategist: 153
– price of £2,000 set on his head by Roger and Isabella: 154
– compared with snake in Garden of Eden: 155
– takes flight with king: 153–157, 251
– arrest, judegment and execution: 159–164
– forfeited estates: 171, 173, 202, 228, 234
Deveril, John: 229–230, 258, 262
Devon: 21
Deuddwr, Wales: 78
Dinas Castle, Wales: 48
Dinbaud Castle, Wales: 14, 78
Dominicans: 176, 217, 231, 276 (n. 15)
Donald (d. 1332), Earl of Mar (1305?): 181, 231
Doncaster, Yorkshire:
Doncaster Petition: 113
Donnington Castle, Berkshire: 234
Donore, Ireland: 45
Dordrecht, Holland: 149
Dorset: 21, 107, 177
Douglas, Archibald (d. 1333), brother of James Douglas: 181
Douglas, James ‘Black Douglas’ (1286?–1330), Lord of Douglas: 56–57, 61, 177, 181–183, 205, 210
Dover, Kent: 30, 34, 36, 109, 131, 162, 221, 273 (n. 7), 315
Drogheda, Ireland: 49, 87–88, 97, 307–309
Droitwich, Worcestershire: 233, 312
Droxford, John (d. 1329), Bishop of Bath and Wells (1309): 122, 130
Dublin, Ireland: 41–42, 49, 66, 70–71, 81, 83–89, 96–98, 125, 304–309
Dublin, Archbishop of:
Leche, John de; Bicknor, Alexander
Dublin University: 97–98, 280 (n. 18)
Duleek, Ireland: 40
Dumfries: 24, 25, 28, 32, 55
Dun, Thomas, Scottish naval captain: 70, 83
Dunamase, Ireland: 22, 46
Dunaverty Castle, Scotland: 27
Dunbar, Scotland: 57
Dundalk, Ireland: 68, 81, 93
Dundee, Scotland: 54
Dunheved brothers: 173, 176
Dunstable, Bedfordshire: 152, 154, 227, 274 (n. 28), 310, 316
Dunstanburgh Castle, Northumberland: 123
Durham: 177, 183, 312
Durham, Bishop of:
Bek, Anthony; Beaumont, Louis de
Eaglescliff, John (d. 1346), Bishop of Llandaff (1323): 186
Edinburgh, Scotland: 57, 67
Edmund of Woodstock (1301–1330), Earl of Kent (1320): 5, 19, 115, 129, 132, 239, 250
– role in St Sardos campaign: 137
– marries Margaret Wake: 285 (n. 32)
– role in 1326 invasion: 147, 151, 158–160
– role on regency council: 288 (n. 21)
– role in Weardale campaign: 177, 181, 183
– instigates grant to Roger: 201
– receives grant of Despenser manors: 202
– present at Edward II’s funeral: 246
– support of Henry of Lancaster 1328: 211, 216–218
– learns Edward II still alive: 216–217
– deserts Lancaster and joins Roger: 218, 220
– visits Pope at Avignon: 225
– plots restoration of Edward II: 225, 252
– returns to England: 229
– at coronation of Queen Philippa: 229
– seizure of at Winchester: 229
– trial, judgement and confession: 229–231, 240
– execution: 231–234, 247, 263
– forfeited estates: 234
– said to be innocent by Roger at his execution: 241, 268
– wife:
Wake, Margaret de
Edward I (1239–1307), King of England (1272): 7–8, 10–12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23–33, 54, 78, 135, 245
Edward II, ‘Edward of Carnarvon’ (b. 1284), Prince of Wales (to 1307), King of England (1307–1327): 1–5, 48
– as Prince of Wales: 14–16, 18–19, 22–26, 28–31
– accession: 32
– favouritism of Gaveston: 19, 33–39
– marriage to Isabella: 36–37
– coronation: 37–38
– in crisis of 1308: 38–40
– engineers Gaveston’s return from Ireland: 42–43
– reaction to Gaveston’s murder: 51–53, 55–56
– campaign in Scotland, 1313–14: 55–64
– involvement in Irish affairs, 1315–17: 69, 72
– reaction to grievances of Llywelyn Bren and subsequent revolt: 74–76

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