The Griffin's Flight

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Authors: K.J. Taylor

BOOK: The Griffin's Flight
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After all the months that had passed, he’d hoped that the nightmares would have left him by now, but they hadn’t. If anything, they were getting worse.
the inner voice whispered.
Arren closed his eyes and tried not to think. In spite of his exhaustion, though, he couldn’t sleep. He never slept well any more. It was partly the dreams, but it was also the fear. It troubled him every time he lay down to rest: the fear that somehow, this time, he wouldn’t wake up.
Once again the memory of Lord Rannagon’s dead body rose up in his mind.
The boy has lost his mind. Murderer
Arren curled up, wrapping his arms around his knees and hugging them to his chest.
he thought.
No. They wanted me dead even before I was a murderer
“I couldn’t help it,” Arren whispered. “I couldn’t help it.”
Every Northerner has a madness inside him. One day it will come through in you
“No,” Arren whispered again.
The boy has lost his mind
He rolled over onto his other side, covering his ears with his hands, trying to blot it out. But the accusations were in his memory, not in the world around him, and they could not be escaped.
Ace Books by K. J. Taylor
The Fallen Moon
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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the author
HarperCollins Australia mass-market edition / February 2010
Ace mass-market edition / February 2011
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For my grandmother.
You listened to my heartbeat and gave me
your name, and I know you loved me,
even though we never met.
Thanks to everyone at Griffins_Eyrie for never losing faith and for being just generally awesome. Thanks to my parents for not using birth control, and my sister for telling me the truth even when I don’t want to hear it. Thanks are also due to Stephanie for not sending me another rejection letter, and to Vanessa for making a neat list of all my screwups like every good editor should. And, once again, thanks to Janice Jones ([email protected]) for knowing more Welsh than I do.
Author’s Note
Once again, the language of the Northerners is Welsh, and “dd” is pronounced “th.”
Hence “Arenadd” is “Arrenath,” “Saeddryn” is “Saythrin,” and “Arddryn” is “Arthrin.”
Eagleholm Lands

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