The Grotesques (27 page)

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Authors: Tia Reed

Tags: #Paranormal

BOOK: The Grotesques
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mason into the station for questioning. He may know something without realising it,” Rob said to a uniformed policeman, oblivious to the fact that he was right in front of her.

It’s me
, she screamed. She had nothing to distinguish her; not a bracelet like Cecily, not a birthmark or scratch.

“Romain will be in his workshop. I’ll accompany the caretaker,” Rob continued.

Please, get me out of here

They can’t take Romain
, Caroline said.

The belfry door creaked open. Light feet tapped down the steps.

What if they lock him up? We’ll be stuck in these vile bodies forever
, Bekka said.

Never mind that. What do you think will happen if Genord’s left unopposed
? Caroline said.

He has to turn Ella back
, Cecily said.

Are you kidding
? Bekka replied.
The three of us can barely fend off the dragon as it is

There’s Adam

Adam? He’s here? Adam!
He had to hear her. Cecily hadn’t sounded confident but if he was here he was alive. He would help her. He was a scientist, he wouldn’t have a bar of fanciful brainwashing.

“Gentlemen,” Genord’s cultured voice said. “I believe it time you left. You should also be aware I shall be reporting your conduct to your superiors.”

“We would like Romain to assist with our enquiries,” Rob said.

The caretaker walked in front of her. A secretive smile curled his lips. “A rather ugly version of a grotesque, I think you would agree.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. If Ella had been capable of movement, she would have shuddered with revulsion. Turning, the caretaker looked at Rob. From the murderous look on her ex’s face, Genord had to be goading him. “By all means, if you think Romain can help you find Miss Jerome. I desire a conversation with her myself. The inconvenience I am suffering as a result of her meddling demands an apology at the very least.”

Romain, turn Ella back. She can help you with the police
, Cecily said.

He can do it, can’t he
? Bekka sounded scared.

“We’d like you to accompany us to the station, too, Mr Genord,” Rob said.

Ella, you have to get Romain out of the police station. He needs to be here. To stop Genord

He can turn me back?
Ella hated herself for the whimper.

Genord straightened. “I’m afraid I have a pressing engagement. In the event you wish to protest, my lawyer will be arriving at any moment. Now, gentlemen, I expect you out of my church in ten minutes.” He left with the air of one in charge.

No, no
, Romain said, pulling at his hair, though she could not understand how she formed that impression when he was down in his workshop and she was perched on a ledge at a dizzying height.
Need ’tesques

“Let’s go,” Rob said.

Wait! I’m here!

Let her help you, Romain
, Caroline said.

Need five, six, seven
, Romain said, covering his hands with his face and nodding again and again.
Four not enough. One tell. One quiet. Three die

She couldn’t believe the police were climbing the steps.
Please. Let me go. I want to go home

You’ll change your mind once you know the truth
, Cecily said.

Nothing could change her mind. Not the raving of a lunatic mason or the doings of a psychopathic caretaker.

Adam didn’t,
Bekka said.

, she felt like screaming.

He’s coming round?
Cecily tried.

He hasn’t said a single word.

Adam, you need to get it together,
Cecily said.
You heard Romain, we need help

Where is he?
Ella asked. The clang of the belfry door meant he was her last hope.

May as well get Romain to turn Adam back. Ella will be more use to us
, Bekka said.

But not to Romain
. Cecily sounded glum.

She’s right
, Caroline said.
We have to get Romain back here. Ella’s the only one with the connections to do it.

Maybe she could promise to return.

Oh yeah, she’d promise all right, with no qualms about breaking it.

Yeah, right,
Bekka said as if the younger woman knew her mind.
Would you ever agree to be confined in these disgusting bodies?

What if she wakes him?
Cecily said.

Bekka said.

He likes her. I can tell. Romain, if Ella can reach Adam will you return her?

Adam liked her? That was good to know.

The mason seemed thoughtful.
, he said at last.

I’ll distract the cops, you get back up here, Romain
, Bekka said. The giant gecko creature slunk off the ledge and crawled in front of Ella.

It moved

The gecko gave a languid wink with one black eye.
No one was watching

You mean when they see us, we turn to stone?

When they watch we can’t turn
, Caroline said.
From flesh to stone or stone to flesh

The gecko slunk over the wall. Ella strained.

You’re trying too hard
, Cecily said.
You’re acting like you need to break a barrier. Relax, believe you are flesh, wait for your body to warm, and lift your arm
. The stone blurred and softened. A furred creature sat in its place, shook its head, and held up a paw.

It’s not my arm
. Caroline sighed. Ella’s stomach fluttered. What if they gave up on her?
Romain did something before I could move

He just helped you along

Okay, so she knew she was alive. And she had walked. Because she had believed she was still herself. So she just had to think the drug was wearing off and will herself to get up. She felt stone crumble within her veins, and blood trickle from the centre of her body until her skin felt the tickle of the night breeze. Her joints unlocked and she bent a creaky knee out. She stepped out and fell off the ledge beneath a tangle of wings. She flicked them back, picked herself up, and peered over the wall. The giant gecko was stuck to the side. Her appearance sent it scurrying down. It poked its head through the window outside Romain’s workroom and hissed. Men called out. Police climbed out the window. Bekka leaped off the wall, bounded right, then onto stained glass before zigzagging across the church and around the bell tower. Right on cue, the police gave chase. Chocolate frogs, one fired a gun.

“There’s another one,” one called, pointing to her. She waved her arms to attract his attention. Next thing she knew his gun was drawn. Ella ducked as he fired.

Be careful!
Caroline said.
You’re going to bring them back up here

They’re shooting at me

Um, you don’t exactly look like yourself
, Cecily said.
Adam is on the other side. Next to Igulum

Ella hauled herself over the inner ledge, across the roof and back over the low wall. Igulum creaked into life and pitched himself off the roof. The laboured beat of his wings betrayed his age. Down below, the police started shouting again.

Wait. Where are you going?

You revealed yourself. He’s acting as a decoy. We can’t have them come up here,
Caroline said.

She stumbled past silent grotesques until she came to a statue with blunt horns. It was not unlike one she had seen in pictures of Notre Dame Church.

Ella, you have to get him to respond.

She waved a leathery hand in front of his face. He was stone. She cupped his face in her hand.
She thought she heard a dim grunt in reply.
Adam, is that you?
Any time now the candid camera people were going to jump out and everyone was going to laugh at the way she was talking to a statue.

The door to the roof banged open. Irregular footsteps thudded down. She stopped making a fool of herself and waited for Romain to stop next to her so she could say the most ridiculous thing of all:
Okay, Romain, turn me back, turn him back, turn us all back

Romain hugged his wicked pot of sludge and used his index finger to scratch his crown. “Adam like Ella.”

Yes, and Ella likes Adam, so could you do something and make him flesh

Why don’t you give him a kiss?
Cecily said.

Now she sounded like Bekka.

It worked for Snow White and Sleeping Beauty

Oh, please
, Bekka said as she stole back over the wall.

To hell with it
, she thought. If it got them anywhere closer to reality, she would give him a thousand kisses. She climbed on the wall, leaned over, and kissed the thick stone lips.

El . . . la

He sounded so very faint.
It’s okay, you’re safe
. Romain put his hand on Adam’s head.
You’re going to feel warm in a minute. Follow my voice and you’ll wake up. Cecily’s here, and the other missing girls
. She prattled on as the stone melted into wrinkled skin. She took his hand. Her smile was so wide she thought her face would split. Adam blinked, pulled his hand away, and scuttled back. One ungainly leg slipped off the wall and he tumbled. The screech that came out of his mouth was pure terror.

Adam, it’s me. It’s Ella

Keep. A. Way

I’m in a costume. Romain dressed me in a costume. You recognise my voice, don’t you? You too. See?
She eased her hand forward and draped one of his wings across his body.

Oh boy
. Bekka rolled her sleepy eyes to the stars.
Like that’s going to help him come to grips.

It’s a start
, Caroline said.

Ce-ci-ly. You said Cecily’s here.
He was scratching at his skin. She pushed his hand away. His nail was laced with blood.

No. They’re glued on. Your cousin is over there
. She helped him scale the low wall, glad he went first and didn’t see the inelegant way she clambered over.

, she said, placing a hand on the lion chest. It was stone.

There’s police down there. I can’t change

Someone pounded on the door. She glanced over to see Romain had bolted it from the outside.

“Quick.” Romain’s nervous glances left Ella jittery.

Adam gripped her shoulder. His face assumed the hard, introverted look she had come to recognise so well.
Do you trust him?

I . . . yes

I have to get her back

I know. This . . . I think it’s the way. Will you trust him?

I’ll trust you.

They looked at each other for a long moment. Romain ambled between them, pushing them apart.

“Adam stone.”

Not till I know Ella’s safe

The tip of an axe cleaved through the door.

“No time. Stone. Now.”

You’re out of luck because I have no idea how
. He folded his arms.

Uh oh
, Cecily said.

Romain lurched in front of them, obscuring them from the suspicious gaze of the police in the car park.

You need to get back before they shoot.


Ella scrambled back over the inner wall, pulling Adam with her. The blade of the axe hacked further through the door. Romain stepped over the ledge and settled his calloused hand on Adam. She took a deep breath as he stilled. In the wrong position. Facing the wrong way. The axe cleaved all the way through. Genord’s arm reached through and searched for the bolt. Romain transferred his hand to her head.

“Still. Stone.”

You said you’d turn me back
. She hated the desperation in her voice.

“Stone first.” She willed herself to stillness. Felt the icy magic seep back into her veins. Could no longer move. Saw Adam shocked to immobility though he remained flesh and blood. Heard the bolt scrape out of the latch. And Romain’s heavenly chant. It coursed cold through her veins, tearing muscle from bone, remoulding her with a pain reminiscent of the massage she had indulged in on a Thai holiday among the smells of frying oil, smoking tuk-tuks, and a bright pot of geraniums.

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