The Guardian Chronicles: Book 03 - The Dark Tide (5 page)

BOOK: The Guardian Chronicles: Book 03 - The Dark Tide
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“You have every right to keep asking…you have suffered greatly while trying to protect the secret of its existence.  We all need to be on our guard.  If Kana gains possession of the orb, she will be able to destroy anyone or anything in her path.  The Orb of Nitesh does have the power to inflict significant harm on any of us.  However, she would never be able to discover the hidden capabilities that would threaten our existence.  Even without the power to destroy us, we will be hard pressed to stop her if she gains possession of this powerful object.”  His features darkened slightly as he spoke.  It was clear that in Kana’s hands that this weapon would wreak havoc.

“Is our top priority keeping the orb hidden or with the war that rages on?” asked Lady Necia softly.  She was clearly having a serious internal struggle that no one else seemed to notice.  She felt that Kana had turned against the council and not her as an individual.  She too had had issues with the council from time to time, so it seemed reasonable that the fallen guardian was somewhat justified in her actions.

“I will deal with ensuring the orb remains hidden.  No one outside this council is to know about the existence of it.  Also, no one is to mention master Mahdi and his kind.  These secrets must be kept at all costs.  Khalida will continue to lead the war effort while I deal with several pressing matters.  Before I take leave of you, I would like to tell you about my encounter with the dark lord.”  He looked at Lord Keb as he said this.  A look of pity crept across his face while he looked at his friend who looked to be holding the weight of all of Tuwa on his shoulders.  Adair seemed to rush through this until he looked at Keb.  He knew that this matter required a delicate approach…something that he had always struggled with.

“Please continue” said Khalida smoothly.  She was always able to sense his unease and knew that there were several things plaguing her master.  This was going to be difficult no matter how gentle the guardian tried to be.

“Once I learned of Lord Keb’s disappearance, I knew that I had to find out what was going on in the north.  I immediately knew that he was being held captive in that dark mountain which is the source of all evil in the world of the living.  I determined that I would need to figure out who was in that accursed place before I simply walked in to retrieve Keb.  It became clear that Kana had released Drogan and his followers from their icy prison.  She had them watching over Keb in Mount Mephistopheles.”  A chill filled the air at this revelation.  The mountain was said to be one of the few places where the world of the keeper and the living met.  Entering that place meant risking an encounter with the underworld.

“Kana released those foul creatures from the prison we placed them in?” asked Necia quickly.  She was still struggling with her former master’s betrayal and could not bring herself to fully face reality quite yet.  She cast a furtive look at Keb and then looked back at the guardian.  She was seriously conflicted with everything that she was learning.  The truth was not as clear to her as it was to the others.  It is hard after serving with someone for millennia to change your opinion of them.  The evidence was just not enough for her.

“Yes, and you had best accept the fact that Kana has not betrayed only you!  She has sold us all out for her own selfish desires!” blasted Lord Keb darkly.  He had little patience for Necia and her misplaced sympathies.  The atmosphere around them darkened noticeably as he looked her in the eye.  His focus was sharp now and he was able to maintain his human form.  His eyes turned dark brown as he glared at her.  There was real hatred in the look her gave the fire guardian.

“Keb makes a good point…albeit a little too harshly.  Kana has left us and is intent on ridding the world of this council and those who we support.  It is best if we all come to terms with that.”  Adair looked around at each of his guardians to make sure that they each understood.  His gaze rested on Necia a little longer to make sure she understood fully.  His eyes narrowed menacingly for a moment and then he looked away. 
I may have to deal with her soon.  I will not let another council member leave!

“I am sorry my lords…please continue” replied Necia ruefully.  She still did not completely believe what she was being told, however she knew that the right side in this unpleasant affair was with the guardian and the council.  She felt that she should not give up hope that Kana was a lost cause. 
They may actually be telling the truth so I will stay with them for now.  I just cannot give up on Kana…she would do the same for me if our roles were reversed.

“As I was saying, after quite some time of watching and waiting, I made my move.  When I was sure that Kana was gone, I entered the prison that held our friend Keb.  I immediately sensed the presence of the dark lord and bound him fast before he detected my presence.  There were a few lingering spirits, but they vanished once I captured Drogan.  Lord Keb was in a pitiful state by this time, so I immediately sent him back here to begin his recovery.  I remained behind for a while to do some research.”  There was a rush to the explanation; however, it was clear that he was irritated with Necia.  He refused to look in her direction.

“I want you all to know that Kana found out about the Orb of Nitesh and that is all.  She did not seem interested in our battle plans or any of your whereabouts.  I am ashamed because of my weakness…” Lord Keb was saying in a determinedly calm voice.  Darkness fell upon him as he sat there staring at the center of the table.  He began to lose his human form again.  It was as though a light was being dimmed.

“You have no need to apologize…a druid or an immortal elf would have ended their lives after the first round of torture” interrupted the guardian kindly.  “You only gave up one secret in all those weeks of torment at Kana’s and Drogan’s hands.  I applaud your determination and loyalty.”  The entire council clapped loudly for their friend.  This gesture gave Keb his confidence back as he smiled at the guardians.  Even Necia was sincere in her show of appreciation.  His human form solidified once more.  He looked at the fire guardian with a sneer…he did not trust and would not no matter what his master said.

“Thank you for your kind words my lord” replied Keb with a humble nod to Adair.

“You are quite welcome…now on with my story” continued Lord Adair determinedly.  “I discovered from the magical residue left by Drogan and his minions a bit of what their plans were.  First, I learned that the vile wraiths escaped along with several small dragons, hydras, liche, shape shifters, and possibly a deadly leviathan.  Second, they were heading to the Land of Lonna to prepare for a water assault on the eastern part of Landen.  Finally, the dark lord has made his own secret plans to subvert Kana once his fallen mistress had achieved her designs in getting the orb.”

“How does Drogan think he is going to accomplish this?” asked Khalida.  She was skeptical of the dark lord’s abilities especially since Kana had obviously grown more powerful in the past few months.  Even with his connection to the underworld, he was still limited in what he could do in the world of the living.

“He believes that by the end of the war that his powers will have returned to their full strength and that he will then be a match for her.”

“He is still an insufferable dolt after all these centuries.  I think that his extended stay in that icy fortress addled his brains” said Lord Neb critically.  He knew that it was not the cold but the isolation from his master in the underworld that had weakened him.  Still, he thought that the dark lord would have come up with something more than his weak plan.

“There is some truth to your assessment Neb…I spoke to the dark lord for some time after I leveled that accursed mountain.  I returned with him to his home in the north where I reformed the barrier that had been breached.  Kana only made a small break in it, but it was enough to allow Drogan’s fiends to escape.  Once he knew that he was trapped once more, he told me everything about Kana and what her plans were.  She is going to return to the battle for Landen within the next couple of days.  She has moved the orcs around to balance her assault.  She will likely join the demons once she learns that they are leaderless.”  There were a few moments of silence at the mention that the guardian had decimated the mountain that was the source of all evil.  Such a feat was not to be taken lightly…not to mention the fact he resealed the breach without their help.  That mountain was the place the keeper was always so close to breaking free into the world of the living.

“We must return at once to aid the armies in Landen” replied Khalida resolutely as she broke the silence that had fallen in the great domed hall.  She was a little taken aback by the power her master had used.

“You will return to them once you and the council have discussed strategies.  I must be off…I have things that need attending to.  I will be out of contact with you for some time, but I think that you will be too busy to notice.  I will return when the time is right.”  With a resounding crack Lord Adair disappeared.  A fine mist swirled momentarily and the vanished just as the guardian had.  As the guardian was disapparating, he looked at Necia one last time with a look that showed how much he distrusted her.

“Well, we should hurry this up a bit…it sounds like Landen is surrounded by three orc armies, two high elven armies, wolves, spiders, and Drogan’s fiends.  They are going to need all the help they can get” Lord Keb said meaningfully.  He seemed more substantive now as though he had purpose again.  He still looked at Necia as though he wanted to snuff her out of existence for her loyalty to the fallen guardian.

“Too right you are Keb…let’s get on with it” chimed in Lord Neb.  He slapped Keb hard on the shoulder to show his genial support and as a way of welcoming him back.  He knew that though his friend would need to have him watch over him for a little while.  He was clearly not fully recovered.  Keb’s state of mind was the one thing that really concerned the water lord.  He was already planning out how to keep track of the earth lord for the foreseeable future.

The guardians talked for a couple more hours before they all returned to Landen.  Ladies Necia and Hilzarie were asked to defend against Drogan’s hordes.  Lords Neb and Keb were assigned to the western cliff and the eastern part of Renshaw.  They would receive help from the Seda according to Khalida.  Neb and Keb looked questioningly at one another when she told them this.  Neither one believed her, but they would accept help from anyone at this point.  Mistress Khalida would help in the south because of the wicked warlock that was in command of the armies down there.  She would let the giants and the druid Yukio handle things in the north.  All of them received the news of Yukio being the seventh druid surprisingly well and were even heartened to have the backing of at least one member of his order.

The Forest of Renshaw


The orcs made their noisy march north adjacent to the eaves on the eastern edge of the Black Forest.  They did not venture further into the woods because of the uneasy feeling that emanated from the ancient oaks.  They all felt like they were being watched and that the trees were moving in unnatural ways considering there was only a weak breeze.  General Tomo’s army was marching at a feverish pace because they were supposed to reach Queen Kishi at the base of Mount Lamont within the next three days.  General Synan’s much larger army had been reduced to the same size of General Tomo’s because he was at the front of the assault Landen’s southern cliffs.  The general ordered his troops to halt for the day when they had reached the middle of the western cliffs.  He had his soldiers begin work on setting up a new base camp further into the thick black oaks of the forest.

General Tomo’s army did not look back at those who remained behind in the enchanted forest.  Even though the orcs were united under Kana, they were still divided by their different tribes.  They remained loyal to the general leading their particular army and did not fraternize with anyone outside their respective clans.  The fallen guardian had realized that it was no good in trying to make them get along, so she felt it was time to divide them up.  She felt confident that by moving the three orc armies into positions in the north, west, and south that they would finally be able to have a balanced attack.  She knew that this would give her minions the best chance of finally gaining some ground against the stubborn forces that ringed the cliffs of Landen.

As Tomo’s troops began their work they discovered several old dilapidated buildings that had not been used for many years.  Rust appeared to have done its work over centuries of neglect and lack of use.  As the general’s commander made his way through these structures he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.  Commander Nolan looked closer at the rust color on the walls and discovered that it was actually dark red blood.  A soft hoot of an owl overhead made the stout leader jump.  He cast his eyes about to see where the ruddy bird was.  He started to back away from the building as the atmosphere around him seemed to be closing in on him.  As he turned his attention to his troops who had watched him enter the eerie place, he noticed that they all had frightened looks on their faces.  He felt invisible hands reaching for him.

“What are you dogs looking at?” blasted Commander Nolan Sugguk harshly.  He was trembling slightly at the unexplainable oppression around him.  He shrugged as though he was trying to ward something off.  He was not too happy that some of the soldiers saw his jumpiness. 
I hate this cursed forest!

“There are shadows or spirits in that place” replied one of his soldiers as he pointed to the buildings the commander had just left.  This timid behavior was not acceptable to any orc soldier; however, no one seemed inclined to ridicule the one who had spoken since they all felt the same way.

BOOK: The Guardian Chronicles: Book 03 - The Dark Tide
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