The Guardians (28 page)

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Authors: Steven Bird

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Post-Apocalyptic

BOOK: The Guardians
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"When you two guys make your rounds tomorrow morning, talk to Charlie Blanchard about that first since he would be our relay," added Evan.  "I think he is probably the most connected with anyone left in Del Rio anyway since he had the hardware store there."

"Will do," replied Griff. 

"Thank you all so much," Judith said.  "If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna run and tell the other ladies the good news," she said with a smile on her face and a glow about her that the
y had never seen before.

Evan went upstairs and when he caught a break in the women's very excited conversation about Judith and her sons
, he asked, "Do you ladies know where Molly is?"

, she's out with the chickens," Sarah replied.

"OK, thanks," he said as he turned to walk out of the house.  As he went out the back door
, Lilly and Sammy were playing on the swing set that he, Jason and Griff had built over the course of the past summer.  It was a beautiful evening, the sun was shining through the trees, the birds were singing, and there was a light fall breeze.  It was cool enough for a jacket, but still pretty comfortable outside.

As he approached the chicken coo
p, he slowed down to observe Molly.  Life was so busy and hectic most of the time just trying to feed and protect everyone that it seemed that he rarely found the time just to slow down, enjoy life, and observe all of the wonders that surrounded him.  Molly was singing to herself as he slipped quietly into the coop, just admiring her figure and her natural beauty.  She heard his foot crunch on some fresh hay, and chills went up her spine in fear.  Almost afraid to turn around as his hand gently touched her shoulder, she froze for a second and then felt his breath on her neck as he began to kiss her behind the ear and put his arms around her.  She just melted into his arms and closed her eyes. 

After a moment
, she turned around and kissed him passionately, dropping her empty egg basket onto the floor and embracing him with both arms.  She pulled back from him just to be able to look into his eyes and said, "Oh how I've missed you.  When is this all going to be over so that I can have my husband back?"

"I don't know beautiful," he said.  "I wish I did.  Hopefully things will calm down soon so that we can take a little more private time for ourselves.  When our two new additions arrive, maybe we can divide up the responsibilities around here a little more and get the time we need."

Molly pulled back slightly putting her hand on Evan's chest and said, "Two new additions?  What?"

"That's what I was coming out here to tell you before you sidetracked me with your beauty," he said as he kissed her again.  "Judith made contact...sort of...with her two sons.  They are on their way here from Texas to find her."

"Oh my God!" she said jumping up and down like an excited school girl.  "That's so wonderful!  Oh I have to go talk to her," she said as she ran out of the coop towards the house.

"I guess I should have kept that to myself for a few more minutes," Evan said to himself with a chuckle as he began to follow her with a smile.




Chapter 29: Mississippi



Upon arrival at the Tupelo Regional Airport, which was now an operating base for the Mississippi National Guard that had also severed ties with the Federal Government, Nate, Luke, and Rachel were led inside what was formerly the passenger terminal for regional airline service in and out of the area.  A tall African American gentleman wearing a Mississippi National Guard uniform came out to meet them.  "Doctor Stewart I presume?" he said looking at the three.

"Yes Sir, that's me, and these men are my staff, Lucas and Nathan Hoskins."

"Pleased to meet you," he said.  "My name is Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Jackson.  I'm the Officer in Charge of our Guard operations here at the airport.  My Texas counterparts didn't really tell me what you were doing here, or if I needed to lend any assistance.  I only received word that you would be arriving on this flight.  Is there something you need from us here?"

"I assume you have a HAM radio somewhere on the property?" she asked.

"Why yes we do," he replied.

"If you would be so kind to let us use your radio, we will know more about our mission," she replied.

"You weren't briefed on your mission before you left?" Lt. Colonel Jackson asked.

"Unfortunately, all of the information wasn't available at the time of our departure," she replied.

"Hopefully we can help," he said.  "Follow me, I'll take you do our communications office," he said as he turned and led them through the terminal.

Upon arrival at the communications office, Lt. Colonel Jackson introduced them to the station radio operator, a civilian in his early fifties named Herbert Brock.  "Herb her
e will help you out," he said.

Rachel pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket containing information that she had gotten from the radio operator back in Victoria Texas.  She explained to Herb what they needed and he dialed in the frequency and made the call.  Herb was wearing a headset, preventing the rest of them from hearing the radio replies that he was receiving.  He was scribbling something down on a piece of paper as he was receiving a reply.  Nate and Luke were both nervous with anticipation as to what the message might be.  Herb took off his headset and said, "Well, here ya go.  Looks like your contact can be reached at the Del Rio Baptist Church in Del Rio, Tennessee.

Nate and Luke both couldn't contain their excitement as they heard the news.  Finally, they had a destination.  They could now see the light at the end of the tunnel in the search for their parents.  As Luke hugged and kissed Rachel in all of his excitement, Lt. Colonel Jackson said, "I take it this isn't a Texas State Guard operation at all is it?"

Rachel just looked at him and said, "No Sir, not really.  We are...well, were... TNG medical staff.  I am Doctor Rachel Stewart and Luke here was a member of my staff.  That part is true, but there is more to the story."

"Go on," he said.

Rachel then explained in detail what had transpired with the three of them over the past year, and how Nate had traveled so far just to find his brother so that they may reunite with their family.  She went on to explain the bombing in Victoria
, and how she had come to join them in their journey.

After she explained the situation in detail, Lt. Colonel Jackson just stood there rubbing his chin for a moment in silence just taking it all in.  Nate worried that he may be upset that they
traveled under the pretense of official state business.  Such a thing may be considered a crime by them he thought to himself.

Lt. Colonel Jackson finally broke his silence after a few moments of deliberation and said, "If there wasn't people in this world left who would do anything for family, then there wouldn't be a world left worth living in.  What can I do to help?"

"Oh thank you so much!" Nate said with relief.  "If we could post a message on the Survivor's Locator Network that would be great."

"Sure thing," he responded.  "Just let Herb here know what you need."

Herb transmitted a message for their mother to report that they were now in Tupelo, and on their way to Del Rio.  They thanked Herb and Lt. Colonel Jackson for their help and their hospitality as Lt. Colonel Jackson proceeded to escort them out of the terminal.  "So, how are you going to get to Del Rio?" He asked.

"We haven't gotten that far in the planning process," replied Nate.  "All we kne
w before we arrived was that they were in Tennessee."

"Well, you're in luck that she's in East Tennessee.  From what we know, the eastern part of the state is relatively stable.  There really isn't any sort of government law enforcement presence, but there are constitutionally minded militia groups, and other such citizens organizations that keep an eye on things in there local areas.  Memphis on the other hand is a smoldering ruin ruled by gangs.  You will want to steer clear of that end of the state."

"Thanks for the info Sir," replied Nate.  "Do you have any routes that you could recommend?" he asked as he lifted up his pant leg to reveal his prosthetic leg.  "I'd rather not hike all the way there if I could hep it.  This thing is still new for me."

"Hmmm, well that definitely complicates things for you doesn't it?" said Lt. Colonel Jackson.  "Did that happen in the service?" he asked.

"I was in the Navy prior to everything falling apart, but I never saw combat.  This happened while traveling with the Texas State Guard.  Rachel, um, I mean Doctor Stewart here was one of the Docs that patched me up.  She just happened to be dating my brother.  Small world huh?"

"I'd say so," replied Lt. Colonel Jackson.  "Well, let me think for a minute," he said as he rubbed his chin.  "You're going to what part of Tennessee?"
he asked.

"Del Rio, Sir," Nate replied.  "It's in East Tennessee, all the way on the other side of the state according to my map."

"Well, you sure as hell can't walk that far," Lt. Colonel Jackson said as he continued his thoughts.  "You could I guess, but I sure wouldn't recommend it.  I'll tell you what, if you promise me one thing, if you promise to make this one thing a priority in your life, I'll source you some bicycles and give you a ride as far as the Mississippi border.  I would get you a vehicle, but you'd never find enough fuel to get you there.  If the TSG held Doctor Stewart and your brother in such high regard that they not only helped you find them, but got you all transportation on a flight to here, you must be good people."

"Yes Sir, what do you need?" Nate replied.

"Pay it forward," he said.  "Not just once, but over and over again throughout life.  This country is nearly down for the count and just waiting for the knockout bell to ring.  If we are ever going to pull out of this chaos we are in, and once again return to being a thriving and peaceful nation, it's going to take a lot of good people doing great things.  Right now our country is tearing itself apart.  While the separate factions of government are fighting over who to blame and who gets control, the people are fighting each other for food, shelter, and security.  The good are dying and the bad are getting worse.  Be the good that this country and our world so desperately needs.  If someone crosses your path and they won't make it without your help, then be there for them.  Show them good still exists.  I have two daughters out there somewhere that I haven't heard from since the collapse.  Like you, I've got my information and theirs on the Survivor's Locator Network, but haven't heard a thing.  I would give anything for them to cross paths with good people like you, that may be yet another link in the chain for them to find their way home," Lt. Colonel Jackson said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"I give you my word," Nate replied as he reached out to shake his hand.  "I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for people doing just that.  And I'll personally say a prayer for your family every day of my life.  I know God is shining down on me, and I'll pray that he always shines on your family as well."




Chapter 30:  Psychological Warfare



Early the next morning, Jason and Griff began to make their rounds.  Being just the two of them, they took along simple daypacks and rode mountain bikes to conserve fuel and to operate quietly.  Jason brought with him the AR-15 that he acquired during last year's struggle to escape New York during the initial days of the attacks leading to the collapse.  He knew that they had a lot of ground to cover that day, so lugging his Remington 700 around while riding his bike was not something he wanted to deal with.

Griff also brought along an AR-15 from the Homefront's arsenal.  With both men carrying the same weapon platform, the two would have ammunition and magazine interchangeability.  Considering the recent events in the area, they simply couldn't rule out a gunfight, and needed to be prepared for such an event at all times.  In addition, the they also brought along several cans of blaze orange construction area ground marking spray paint.  They wanted to use the paint to leave a few warnings for the group at the Muncie place.

Their first stop was the Thomas Farm.  They proceeded with caution when approaching the home, using a tactical bound and moving as a team.  They had no way of knowing if the Muncie gang had returned to the farm in their absence, or if they were once again observing the area.  Once they reached the side of the house, they entered through the basement level, clearing the room as they entered with their AR-15's at high ready.  As Jason got inside and verified that the room was clear, he gave Griff the signal and he followed him into the basement.

Once inside, they could hear movement inside of the utility closet.  Jason crept up close to the door and tried to listen to see if he could verify that it was their prisoner.  He then took the butt of his rifle and rapped it against the door startling the man inside.  "I think it's still secure," he said.  He then fish
ed the key out of his pocket, unlocked it, and opened the door with a broom handle, in order to remain clear of the door just in case.

, they found their prisoner still secure.  They were both surprised by the overwhelming stench of human waste that permeated the small space.  "Aww man, he crapped himself," Jason said covering his mouth and nose with his undershirt.

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