The Gunpowder Plot: Terror & Faith in 1605 (66 page)

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James II, King of England,
ref 1
ref 2

James Edward Stewart, Prince (‘the Old Pretender’; ‘James III’),
ref 1

James, Thomas,
ref 1

Jardine, David:
A Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot
ref 1

Jesuits: welcome James’s accession,
ref 1
; regular meetings,
ref 2
ref 3
; Cecil (Salisbury) condemns,
ref 4
; dispute with Appellants,
ref 5
; and Gunpowder Plot oath,
ref 6
; persecuted under James,
ref 7
; and tyrannicide,
ref 8
; counsel against violence,
ref 9
ref 10
; supposed approval of Plot,
ref 11
; alleged involvement in Plot,
ref 12
ref 13
ref 14
ref 15
; and Spanish Treason,
ref 16
; vengeance against,
ref 17
; maligned at trial of Plotters,
ref 18
; give absolution to Plotters,
ref 19
ref 20
; use of equivocation, 294–5; organisation in England,
ref 21
; accused at Garnet’s trial,
ref 22
; gifts from Helena Wintour,
ref 23
; attacked after Plot,
ref 24
; and Oath of Allegiance,
ref 25
see also

John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster,
ref 1

Johnson, James,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Johnson, William,
ref 1

Jones, Inigo,
ref 1
ref 2

Jonson, Ben,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
Eastward Ho!
ref 6
ref 7
The Masque of Blackness
ref 8
The Satyr
ref 9

Judith and Holofernes,
ref 1

Kennedy, John F.,
ref 1

Kennedy, Robert,
ref 1

Kent, Susan, Countess of,
ref 1

Kerdrel, Br Stephan de, O.P.M.,
ref 1

Keyes, Christiana,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Keyes, Robert: joins Gunpowder Plot,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
; and Rookwood,
ref 4
; flees London,
ref 5
; as suspect,
ref 6
; captured,
ref 7
; trial,
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11
; examined,
ref 12
; executed,
ref 13
; and Mordaunt,
ref 14

King’s Servants (players),
ref 1
ref 2

Kinsale (Ireland),
ref 1

Knevett, Sir Thomas,
ref 1
ref 2

Knollys, Sir William
Banbury, 1st Earl of

Kruger, Paul,
ref 1

Lake, Sir Thomas,
ref 1

Lanier, Emilia,
ref 1

Lapworth, Warwickshire,
ref 1
ref 2

Lawley, Sir Thomas,
ref 1

Lawson, Dorothy (
ref 1

Lawson, Roger,
ref 1

Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of,
ref 1

Lennox, 1st Duke of
Stuart, Esmé

Lerma, Francisco Gomez de Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of,
ref 1
ref 2

Lessius, Father Leonard, S.J.:
The Treasure of Vowed Chastity in Secular Persons
ref 1

Lewes, Sussex,
ref 1

Lewkenor, Sir Lewis,
ref 1

Lindsay, Sir James,
ref 1

Line, Anne,
ref 1

‘Little John’
Owen, Nicholas

Littleton, Humphrey (‘Red Humphrey’): recusancy,
ref 1
; at Hagley,
ref 2
; offers to betray priests,
ref 3
; executed,
ref 4

Littleton, Muriel (
ref 1

Littleton, Stephen: joins Digby,
ref 1
; recusancy,
ref 2
; on Warwick enterprise,
ref 3
; at Holbeach,
ref 4
; groom escapes,
ref 5
n; captured,
ref 6
; and Humphrey Littleton,
ref 7
; executed,
ref 8

Locherson, John,
ref 1

London: size and population,
ref 1
; reaction after discovery of Plot,
ref 2

Lordan, Father D.B.,
ref 1

Lords, House of

Louis XI, King of France,
ref 1

Louvain, Spanish Netherlands,
ref 1

Lyte, Thomas,
ref 1

Lyveden ‘New Bield’, near Oundle, Northamptonshire,
ref 1

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron,
ref 1

ref 1

Main Plot (1603),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Maitland, F.W.,
ref 1

Mandela, Nelson,
ref 1

Mar, John Erskine, 2nd or 7th Earl of,
ref 1

Margaret, Queen of James IV of Scotland (
Countess of Angus),
ref 1

Mariana, Father Juan de, S.J.:
De Rege et Regis Institutione
ref 1

Markham, Anne, Lady,
ref 1

Markham, Sir Griffin,
ref 1
ref 2

Martin, Richard,
ref 1

Mary I Tudor, Queen of England,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland,
ref 1

Mary of Modena, Queen of James II,
ref 1

Mary, Princess (daughter of James and Anne),
ref 1
& n,
ref 2
ref 3
; death,
ref 4

Mary, Queen of Scots: and Elizabeth’s life and reign,
ref 1
; execution,
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
; abdication,
ref 6
; James and,
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
; and Catholic succession,
ref 11
; and Northern Rising,
ref 12
; threatened,
ref 13
; burial place,
ref 14
; and Casket Letters,
ref 15
; papers rearranged,
ref 16

Mayne, Father Cuthbert,
ref 1

Mermaid Tavern, London,
ref 1

Middleton, Father Robert,
ref 1

Milton, John,
ref 1

Mischeefes Mysterie… The Powder Plot
(popular rhyme),
ref 1
ref 2

Molin, NiccolÒ,
ref 1
ref 2

Montague, Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount,
ref 1
ref 2

Montague, Anthony Browne, 2nd Viscount,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

Montague, Sir Edward,
ref 1

Montague, Sir Henry,
ref 1

Montague, Magdalen, Viscountess,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Monteagle, Elizabeth, Lady (
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Monteagle, William Parker, 4th Baron (
13th Baron Morley): in Essex conspiracy,
ref 1
ref 2
; and Gunpowder Plot,
ref 3
; regard for Catesby,
ref 4
; religious affiliation,
ref 5
; as potential victim in blowing up of Parliament,
ref 6
; Garnet meets,
ref 7
; and Francis Tresham,
ref 8
; receives anonymous warning letter,
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11
ref 12
ref 13
ref 14
ref 15
ref 16
; benefits from revealing letter,
ref 17
; helps search Parliament,
ref 18
; and discovery of Plot,
ref 19
; Salisbury praises at trial of Plotters,
ref 20
; and Garnet trial,
ref 21
; children,
ref 22
; pension and later life,
ref 23
; portraits,
ref 24

Mordaunt, Henry, 4th Baron,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

More, Sir Thomas,
ref 1

Morgan, Henry,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Morley, Henry Parker, 12th Baron,
ref 1

Morley, Henry Parker, 14th Baron,
ref 1

Morton, James Douglas, 4th Earl of,
ref 1

Mush, Father John,
ref 1

Newdegate, Charles Newdigate,
ref 1

Nicholls, Mark:
Investigating Gunpowder Plot
ref 1

‘secret adherence’

Nicolson, George,
ref 1

Norbrook (house), Warwickshire,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Norfolk, Dukedom of: under attainder,
ref 1

Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

North, Frederick, Lord (
2nd Earl of Guilford),
ref 1

Northampton, Henry Howard, 1st Earl of: questionable loyalty,
ref 1
; Earldom,
ref 2
; fortune,
ref 3
; and Mary Queen of Scots’ monument,
ref 4
; learns of Monteagle Letter,
ref 5
; and Eliza Vaux,
ref 6
; at trial of Plotters,
ref 7
ref 8
; examines Garnet,
ref 9
; mentioned by Garnet in Tower,
ref 10
; at Garnet’s trial,
ref 11

Northern Rising (1569),
ref 1

Northumberland, Dorothy, Countess of (
ref 1
ref 2

Northumberland, Henry Percy, 8th Earl of,
ref 1

Northumberland, Henry Percy, 9th Earl of: and James’s accession,
ref 1
; and religious toleration,
ref 2
; sends Thomas Percy on mission to James,
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
; background and qualities,
ref 6
; supposed kinship to Thomas Percy,
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
; made Captain of Gentlemen Pensioners,
ref 10
; employs Thomas Percy,
ref 11
ref 12
ref 13
; appoints Thomas Percy Gentleman Pensioner,
ref 14
ref 15
; as potential victim of Gunpowder Plot,
ref 16
; as proposed Protector for Princess Elizabeth,
ref 17
; and Monteagle Letter,
ref 18
ref 19
; Thomas Percy visits at Syon,
ref 20
; and search of Parliament cellars,
ref 21
; and discovery of Plot,
ref 22
ref 23
; arrested,
ref 24
; in Tower,
ref 25
ref 26
ref 27
; interrogated,
ref 28
; as Catholic apologist,
ref 29
; James mistrusts,
ref 30
; trial,
ref 31
; fined and imprisoned,
ref 32
; release and death,
ref 33

Norton, Thomas,
ref 1

Nottingham, Charles Howard, 1st Earl of,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Nottingham, Katharine, Countess of,
ref 1
ref 2

Nottingham, Margaret, Countess of (
ref 1

Oates, Titus,
ref 1
ref 2

Oldcorne, Father Edward, S.J.: at St Peter’s, York,
ref 1
; and Digbys,
ref 2
; suspected of writing Monteagle Letter,
ref 3
; and fugitives,
ref 4
; at Hindlip,
ref 5
ref 6
; captured,
ref 7
ref 8
; imprisoned in London,
ref 9
; tortured,
ref 10
; Little John denies knowing,
ref 11
; conversations monitored,
ref 12
ref 13
; in Tower,
ref 14
; executed,
ref 15

Olivares, Guzmán, Duke of,
ref 1

Overal, John, Dean of St Paul’s,
ref 1
ref 2

Overbury, Sir Thomas,
ref 1

Owen, Henry,
ref 1

Owen, Hugh: career,
ref 1
ref 2
; hostility to Scots,
ref 3
; discounts Spanish help,
ref 4
ref 5
; introduces Fawkes to Wintour,
ref 6
; and Gunpowder Plot,
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
; intelligence on,
ref 10
; named by Fawkes under torture,
ref 11
; attempts to extradite,
ref 12
ref 13
ref 14
; in Garnet’s confession,
ref 15
; survives to old age,
ref 16

Owen, Father John, S.J.,
ref 1

Owen, Nicholas (‘little John’): devises hiding places,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
; physical disabilities,
ref 10
; and Coughton Court,
ref 11
; suffers torture,
ref 12
ref 13
ref 14
; at Hindlip,
ref 15
ref 16
; captured,
ref 17
; death,
ref 18
ref 19
; canonised,
ref 20
n; heroism,
ref 21

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