The Hands of Time (12 page)

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Authors: Irina Shapiro

BOOK: The Hands of Time
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“It was Mr. Alec
chose the gown,” I told her
carefully taking off the necklace and laying it on the dresser.  Nell let go of the gown and turned back to me. 

“Mr. Finlay got the necklace

e did,
and it’s ever so beautiful.”  She looked at the necklace, but didn’t touch it
and I suddenly wondered if Nell had a little crush on Finn. 
He’s nearly
her age
, I thought, but then again there weren’t too many men around for her
to admire and Finn was certain to appeal to an impressionable young girl
.  I dismissed the thought
and picked up my everyday gown, slipping on the skirt.  I could do with some fresh air.  The room felt stuffy
and I felt a sudden urge to get away from Nell.



Chapter 1


I tried not to gape as the carriage rattled down the gravel path lined with
oaks toward the Weston estate.  The drive to the house stretched for at least a mile until the house
finally came into view
surrounded by manicured lawns dotted with Greek statues
, little
fountains and a maze.  Lord Weston must be very rich indeed.  The house itself was made of beige stone,
which glowed
golden in the late
afternoon sun
large and solid amid the perfectly laid
out gardens.  A liveried footman helped me out of the carriage
then turned to deal with our luggage, surrendering the carriage over to a groom.  Most of the guests would be arriving tomorrow, but Alec had some business with Lord Weston, so we were as
ked to come on Friday instead and enjoy an extra night of Lord
Weston’s hospitality

The drive from the castle had been pleasant
giving me
a chance to see something of the countryside
and acquire a sore
due to
lack of shocks in the carriage. 
Neither Alec nor
Finn seemed similarly
and alighted from the carriage full of energy, escorting me inside
and bidding a good evening to our hosts

I was glad to stretch my legs
and hoped I might have a chance to walk around the garden before

Alec and Finn would be occupied with the master of the house
and I would have some time on my own
to change out of my traveling attire and explore the grounds

They finally
me on the way
as to
what exactly they did, surprised that a woman would be interested in how they made their money.    Alec explained that they owned three merchant vessels named
Morning Star, Misty Dawn
Lady Violet
, named after
late wife.  The ships transported cargo from their Uncle’s plantation in Virginia
bringing timber as well as other cargo that various merchants paid them to ship to England.  Once a ship came into port, the cargo was offloaded, transferred to their warehouse on the wharf
and then either picked up by a third party or sent to its final destination
.  Either Alec or Finn
or both
were always on hand when a ship was being unloaded to ensure that nothing vanished between the dock and the warehouse
and to pay the crew and supervise the
provisioning and
loading of cargo
for the return voyage
The ships were scheduled in such a way that one came into port every few weeks, depending on the weather during the crossing. 
In other words, they were in Import/Export.  Lord Weston
his fortune by shipping iron products to
and did business exclusively with
Whitfield brothers, an arrangement which suited both parties. 

Lord and Lady Weston
us in a
drawing room,
decorated with thick carpets
and heavily carved furniture upholstered in the
shade of green. 
Several large paintings depicting hunting scenes adorned the walls
and there was a lovely statue of Athena on a table topped with what looked like malachite or jade.  An ornate clock held the place of honor on the
, but it wasn’t the one I was looking for
and I turned away, a hollow feeling in my stomach. 

The Lord was a tubby man in his forties, with
blue eyes and bushy whiskers
liberally streaked with gr
y.  He
held my hand much longer th
n necessary
no doubt annoying his wife. 
Lady Weston
was his exact opposite, tall and thin
with an elaborate coif and a heavily
making her look
like a
marble statue.  I could see that she was burning with curiosity as to my sudden appearance at Yealm Castle
, but
I had my story well rehearsed.  The brothers told me countless details of the plantation in the
suggested I
that I left home due to a
of a personal nature
which would imply that I was jilted by my intended
giving a valid reason for my visit, but discouraging them from asking too many prying questions.  I had to laugh as I congratulated them on their cleverness. 

Lady Weston invited me to take a turn around the garden with her as the men went off to do their business
in Lord Weston’s office
and I meekly followed her outside
.  I would have preferred to explore on my own, but declining would have been rude, so I agreed, assuring her it would be my pleasure. 

“So which one is it to be?” 
asked as soon as we were out of earshot of the open windows of the ground floor.

“Which what?”  I had no idea what she meant until I saw her knowing smile.

“Which brother will you choose?  I have to admit that I would have a hard time
between the two.  Alec is so handsome and steadfast, but Finn, now he is a charmer.  If I was twenty years younger,
I would
have no objection to
him lifting my skirts.”  She giggled like a schoolgirl
and I suddenly liked her much better.  She sounded just like one of my friends
the twenty-first century,
and I realized how much I had missed female companionship since I landed in the past.  “I can
my husband’s fortune on the fact that they are both in love with you
but Alec
will stand aside for his brother despite his own feelings.  He would never risk losing Finn.  They have been through so much together after their parents died and Alec lost Violet.  She was such a lovely girl. 
tragic.”  She sighed dramatically and linked her arm through mine.  “So which one makes your heart beat faster?”


m very fond of them
.  They

ve been so kind to me and I would never want to come between them.”  I answered carefully.

“Too late, my girl, too late.” 
She pulled me along the path, eager to show me the maze
and chattering about the coming



Chapter 1


Getting ready for the
all took nearly as long as the
all itself.  A steaming hot bath was awaiting me when I got back to my room after luncheon
and a maid was assigned by Lady Weston to help me dress for the party and style my hair.  Lady Weston had several ladies
maids trained,
to her, in Paris
who knew the
styles in hair dressing and applying make-up.  I surrendered myself to Georgina, who seemed to know what she was doing and wouldn’t take “no” for an
even if I tried to resist.

Georgina began by teasing my hair into an elaborate coif that rose about six inches above my head.  The hair was divided into several parts
with sections twisted into coils and pinned atop my head and a long curl that would
over my shoulder.  She also made a neat chignon at the back of my head, encasing it in the sapphire
studded hairnet so thoughtfully provided by Alec.  I was afraid to move my head, but Georgina just
and assured me that unless a storm swept through the ballroom
my hair would
in that exact position until she took out all the pins and untwisted the coils.  The woman was obviously a pro.

The next step was my face
and I raised my hands in protest as jar after jar of rouge appeared from the drawer of the dressing table.  Georgina gently pushed my hands
and went to work.  She explained that going to a ball with my face unpainted was the
of bad manners
and I
would not only embarrass myself, but my escorts
who would likely never get over the humiliation.  I liked her witty sense of humor
and allowed her to put on the
war paint
.  She covered my face with a thick layer of white rice powder and then darkened my eyebrows and lashes, rouging my cheeks and lips last.  Georgina surveyed her handiwork and took out a small box full of patches, affixing a crescent moon patch to my cheekbone and giving a nod of approval. 

Tis all the rage in Paris, Mistress Crane.  The gentlemen find it very erotic.”  She smiled in my reflection in the mirror
expecting me to admire myself.

“I wouldn’t dream of denying the gentlemen the pleasure,” I said
the patch.  I had to admit that it did add a certain something to my
already elaborate appearance
making me feel
a completely different person.  I wondered what Alec and Finlay would think when they saw me gliding down the curving staircase, ready to make my debut into society.

At last it was time to dress
and Georgina stuffed me into the whalebone corset and pulled on the laces
until I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen.  Betty never made them so tight.  My silk stockings came halfway up my thighs and were tied with a pretty bow in front, leaving everything between the
and the stockings completely exposed.  I still had a hard time getting used to not wearing underwear
and I felt as if I was preparing for a
spread as I surveyed myself in the mirror. 
I had to admit that it did look very erotic. 
I stepped into the petticoats and allowed the maid to adjust my skirt, lace
the bodice and attach the slashed sleeves.  The kid slippers came last
and I was ready to go.





all was a blur. 
As soon as I made my descent down the staircase and was greatly admired by both Finlay and Alec, I was escorted into the dining room where supper
be served before the dancing began.  Lord Weston nearly fell over himself when he saw me
and I saw a brief moment of annoyance on his wife’s face before she rearranged her features into a mask of approval. 

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