Read The Heir Online

Authors: Ariana Rodriguez

The Heir (11 page)

BOOK: The Heir
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You will know when it is time to use it.I’m
sorry I’m not around to protect you both. I’m sorry I can’t tell
you more but it’s for your safety. I hope you never forget how much
I love you and that you tell our baby that I love him too. Love
always, Cade.”

Jessica finished reading the note and with
tears in her eyes looked at her mom. "So I'm a shape shifter?"

Lauren nodded. "After you were attacked,
James took a small sample of your blood and mixed it with the
serum; he found that it basically put all your abnormalities to
sleep and that it destroyed your scent."

“Will I ever be able to shift?”

"We think so." James answered her from the
door way, "but we're not sure."

Jessica turned to look at him. "How can we
find out?"

"The only way is if we let the serum be
deluded by your blood completely" James proceeded to explain to her
his theory about her white blood cells treating the serum like an
enemy and slowly weakening it until it became ineffective.

"And how long until that happens?"

"I estimate that you have less than a year.
But I don't think it's a good idea to do that, without another dose
we run the risk of them finding you. Without the serum it would be
like painting a bull’s eye on your back."

Jessica took a second to calculate the risks
before deciding against another dose. "No more serum" She told
them. They both tried to argue but Jessica stood up and spoke over
them. "No, maybe it was your choice to run and hide, but not mine.
And one more thing.”

They looked at her and waited.

"I fired the bodyguards.”

"You did what?!"

"I fired the bodyguards" She repeated and
crossed her arms. "I don't want bodyguards, and I definitely don't
want those ones, they proved to be incompetent, I’m sure that if we
ever ran into trouble I'd be the one saving them!"

"They were highly recommended" James bit

"Maybe they were but I don't need them and I
don't want them."

"If you don't want to take the serum then I'm
going to insist on the bodyguards. I'll find bodyguards that are up
to your standards."

"No serum and no bodyguards."

"If you don't take the serum you're getting
the bodyguards."

His words were said with such finality that
she started seeing red. “I hope they have good health insurance
because they are going to need it."

James looked at her and nodded. "I'll make
sure they do.

“Please, lets’ not argue. I’m sure we can
compromise.” Lauren interjected, “No serum and one bodyguard.” She
offered to Jessica.

Jessica took a deep breath and grudgingly
accepted. “And since I’m going to be here for a while I’m going to
look for a job. I don’t want to spend my time doing nothing.”

She turned to go before they could argue and
headed for her room, taking the stairs two at time. Four months,
she was here for four more months. Time could not fly by fast

Chapter 7

So what do you want for your birthday?"
Shane, her bodyguard, asked her.

Jessica thought about that for a second, she
couldn't tell him the truth; that she wanted to find someone that
knew her real father. She needed to find someone that could help
her understand the other part of herself. Someone to teach her how
to do the things she thought only possible in stories.

“I think I'm good." She told him and was
surprised to find that it was mostly the truth.

They were headed towards Jessica's
volunteering job when he stopped in the middle of the side walk to
give her a skeptical look.

"Seriously, you don't have to get me
anything, I have everything I could ever want." material wise at
least, she added to herself and pushed away the feeling of
disappointment that threatened to take over her.

Her birthday was in a couple of weeks, that
meant that she'd been with her family for two months, and in that
time she hadn't come closer to finding anything else about her
father. The disappointment she felt was heavy enough to sink a
cruise ship. Although, she did have to admit that it was one of a
few blemishes in her close to great life at the moment.

Two months ago she never would have imagined
that things would have turned out as good as they did. She liked to
think that she had come to have a normal relationship with her
parents. It was as normal as someone in her situation could manage;
most of the time she got along famously with them. She no longer
teetered between calling them father and mother or by their first
name, they were now her mom and dad.

"Earth to Jessica!” Shane snapped his fingers
inches from her face. "What were you thinking about?"

Jessica shook her head; she was amazed to
find that they'd reached the second hand shop she volunteered at.
"Nothing I was just dozing off. Anyways thanks for the escort but
I'm going to be late."

She leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek
but he turned at the last minute and it landed on his lips. Before
she could pull away he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her
close and deepened the kiss. When he finally released her, Jessica
was too shocked to do anything but stare up at him. He smiled back
at her before rubbing a thumb across her bottom lip.

Any bystander looking at them would just see
a couple of lovers sharing a goodbye kiss. But Jessica was
infuriated because she never agreed on taking things that far. If
looks could kill Shane would be dead five seconds ago.

He took her clenched fists and held them
against his chest before leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"Smile, you never know who is watching."

"That wasn't part of the deal.” She grated
out through what barely passed as a smile.

The deal had been that he would play the part
of her boyfriend in public without any of the benefits. She hated
being escorted around by a muscled guy in suit so she’d come up
with this solution. Her bodyguard dressed like a normal person and
to keep people from wondering the claimed to be dating. Not once
had Jessica agreed to kissing or any deeper forms of affection.

"We've been going out for months." He blew
softly on her ear and Jessica shuddered with disgust. "People are
going to start talking if all they see is us holding hands." He
then stepped away and gave her a crooked smile.

Jessica wanted nothing more than to slap the
smile off his face but she knew that if she did she could kiss her
freedom goodbye. Instead Jessica smiled evilly at him and took
great pleasure in his sudden alarm.

Shane took a step back and without losing the
smile, Jessica whispered, "kiss me again at your own risk."

Without waving goodbye, she turned and
stepped into the store. Whistling a happy tune, she made her way
around the racks of clothes and to the store counter. She refused
to let him ruin her day.

"You're in a good mood." Lottie, the store
owner, commented when she drew near.

"That’s right," She answered with a smile,
leaning her elbows on the counter. “I’m in a great mood."

"Well, if you are ready to work you could
start by changing the clothes on the mannequins."

"Yes ma'am"

"None of that sass young lady!" Lottie told
her with a smile.

"No ma'am" She answered with laughter in her
voice and turned to do as she was told.

She'd just reached the first mannequin when
the doorbell chimed. "Let me know if you need any help" She called
out; her back was to the door. If she’d seen who it was, she
doubted she would’ve answered so cheerfully.

"Actually I do need your help."

It had been months since she'd last heard
that voice, a voice that could melt butter, but she was sure she’d
be able to recognize it after years. He was the man responsible for
her aversion to any other mans’ kisses. Not just kisses, she
couldn't stand any other mans’ touch.

His kisses ruined her for everyone else and
then he disappeared like a magician. She

"How can I help you" She asked him as she
turned to look at him, striving and barely managing to achieve an
impersonal tone.

Jessica was secretly thrilled to see him
again but she refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing that
she’d thought about him day and night.

"You could help me by telling who that guy

"What guy?"

"The guy that was just touching you" He
clarified through clenched teeth.

"Oh well, that’s actually none of your
business." She answered him mock cheerfullness.

Even though her heart raced at the sight of
him, Jessica turned away, dismissing him. In a surprising move he
snagged her by the waist, turned her back around and brought her
flush against him. Instantly, her nerve endings came to life after
so many months of hibernation.

"Oh it's my business alright." He murmured in
a seductive voice that sent shivers down her spine. Too shocked to
struggle, she just looked up at him like a doe caught in
headlights. "Next time he touches you, think about this."

Before she could protest, he brought one of
his hands up to the back of her head and claimed her mouth. Once
again Jessica felt like she’d been struck by lightning. The
passionate kiss came up from some deep place inside of him and he
poured it directly into her like a current of electricity.

Only with him did she feel so alive.

Jessica made a sound that came from deep in
her chest and kissed him back just as passionately. Wrapping her
arms around his neck, she closed her eyes and lost herself in the
embrace. The rest of the world ceased to exist and she clung to him
like a life saver. She clung to him like she never wanted the kiss
to end.

Then just as suddenly as he’d reappeared in
her life, he pulled back and ended the kiss. Jessica opened her
eyes dazedly and could feel passionate heat burning her cheeks. Her
hands were still around his neck and as if scalded, Jessica quickly
dropped them to her side.

"You have a week to break it off with him."
He ordered, looking in control of himself while she stood there,
fighting to get a grip on herself.

Passion made way for mortification and
mortification made way for anger.

"Who do you think you are?!" She flung at his
already retreating back.

He reacted as fast as lightning. He moved
quickly and silently like a predator after its prey and the next
thing she knew she was being hauled back into his arms. Their eyes
clashed, both glittering with gold sparks of anger before he
crashed his lips against hers.

With Jessica’s hands fisted between them she
tried to push him away but it was futile and she soon found herself
once against lost in the heat of his touch. His lips cast a magic
spell over her that she hadn’t the power to break.

It was he pulled away.

"You have one week." He repeated huskily
before walking away without a backwards glance; leaving her alone
to deal with the emotional aftermath.

Jessica pressed her finger tips against her
kiss swollen lips, if she closed her eyes she could still feel his
lips against hers, could still taste him. Even his scent, masculine
and tempting as sin, surrounded her like cloak. But strongest of
all she was the self-loathing.

Instead of fighting him tooth and nail she’d
fallen in to his arms like a love starved fool.

“Dasha were my eyes deceiving me or did a
hunk just walk out of this store?” Laura asked Dasha from behind
Jessica, they also volunteered at the shop.

“I need to go to church because I’ve just met
Jesus!" Dasha exclaimed.

"Let me know when you go because I'm coming
with. I need to be saved too." Jessica heard Laura reply and she
almost groaned out loud.

"You're not going to find him anywhere near a
church." Jessica replied, turning to look at the two women.

“I think you're right, I never heard about
Jesus kissing like that!" Dasha told her with a triumphant

Their knowing smiles had her turning red.

"So who is he?" Laura asked her.

“Yes, do tell.” Dasha demanded.

"I didn't know we were all working today,
it's really not that busy. Maybe I'll just go home.” Jessica

"That's a good idea"

“You can go home after you spill it.”

Jessica gave in and told them everything
between her and Nick, including his 'one week' demand, and at the
end the girls released a dreamy sigh.

"Girl if I were you I'd of dragged him to one
of the fitting rooms and rocked his fine ass all the way to seventh

Jessica shook her head and rolled her

“So what are you going to do?” Laura asked

"What am I going to do? Go home." Jessica
simply replied. She drew out her cell phone and called Shane.

After making her excuses, she went outside to
wait for Shane. It was another bright and sunny day in California
but the turmoil within her left no room for the enjoyment of the
weather. The sudden tap on her shoulder made her tense; she brought
her hands up in a defense stance and snapped around. Her heart beat
a happy dance when she realized that it was Nick standing in front
of her.

Angry at her own reaction, she lowered her
hands and snapped at him. “What do you want now?" He took a step
towards her and, shaking her head, she brought her hands up to fend
him off and took a step back. "That's close enough." She told him,
his nearness making her nervous and she needed all of her mental
faculties to keep him at bay.

Nick took a deep breath and ran a hand
through his hair. "Listen I just wanted to apo-"

"Hey baby, are you ready to go?" Shane
suddenly asked as he came to stand next to Jessica and wrapped an
arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Jessica failed to hide the disgust she felt
from Shanes’ touch and Nick’s mocking smile told her that he’d
noticed. She glared at him and just to annoy him, clung tighter to
Shane. His glittering eyes, looking deep into hers, Nick rubbed his
bottom lip with his thumb, reminding her of their shared

BOOK: The Heir
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