Read The Highwayman of Tanglewood Online

Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

The Highwayman of Tanglewood (41 page)

BOOK: The Highwayman of Tanglewood
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No one spoke—the only sound was that of the breeze, a falcon’s cry overhead and the rhythm of the rider’s horse as it slowed to a trot.


Kissing Cousins

Contemporary Romance

“It won’t change your life...” he said, his voice low and rich like a warm drink laced with molasses. “And it sure won’t be the best kiss you’ll ever have,” he added. Her body erupted into goose bumps as his thumb traveled slowly over her lower lip. “But I’ll try to make it worth your time...”


Take a Walk with Me

Contemporary Romance

“Grandma?” Cozy called as she closed the front door behind her.  She inhaled a deep breath—bathing in the warm, inviting scent of banana nut bread baking in the oven.  “Grandma?  Are you in here?”

“Cozy!” her grandma called in a loud whisper.  “I’m in the kitchen.  Hurry!”

Cozy frowned—her heart leapt as worry consumed her for a moment.  Yet, as she hurried to the kitchen to find her grandma kneeling at the window that faced the new neighbors yard, and peering out with a pair of binoculars, she exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Grandma!  You’re still spying on him?” she giggled.

“Get down!  They’ll see us!  Get down!” Dottie ordered in a whisper, waving one hand in a gesture that Cozy should duck.

Giggling with amusement at her grandma’s latest antics, Cozy dropped to her hands and knees and crawled toward the window.

“Who’ll see us?” she asked.

“Here,” Dottie whispered, pausing only long enough to reach for a second set of binoculars sitting on the nearby counter.  “These are for you.”  She smiled at Cozy—winked as a grin of mischief spread over her face.  “And now…may I present the entertainment for this evening…Mr. Buckly hunk of burning love Bryant…and company.”






BOOK: The Highwayman of Tanglewood
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