The Hills Party (The Hollywood Twins #1)

BOOK: The Hills Party (The Hollywood Twins #1)
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The Hollywood Twins

Book 1 – The Hills Party

By Amanda White

Amanda White Romance ©

"This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental".

Copyright © 2013 Amanda White.

Published By Amanda White Romance.

Chapter 1

Drops of rain
slithered across the glass of the window that Rachel was staring through. She sighed morosely, as she once again went over all of the bills that were due. She never thought she would be stuck without enough money to cover the rent.


Twenty-four years old and already out of college, she had graduated with honors in psychology. However, the hard work from years of slaving over books had not amounted to much. She was still slinging beers in a Hollywood bar at night, rather than landing the rewarding job she had expected. Now she was faced with yet another month of uncertainty. How would she and her twin sister, Hanna, ever come up with enough money to cover the rent of their two bedroom Hollywood apartment on Sunset and Vine?


As upset as Rachel was, she could tell that Hanna was not the least bit concerned. How could she know that? Was it some kind of twin ESP? Nope. She knew from the groans that were coming from the action in the next room. Like clockwork, Hanna would get home from one of her gigs at two in the morning, bringing a tag along to play with on the couch. She had a fairly successful career as a DJ that could have been a lot more successful, if only she would focus on business a little bit more, than the pleasure. But Hanna was not the type of girl to turn down a good time.


Rachel did not really mind her sister's sexual exploits; she just wished they did not always have to take place right in their living room.


“She has her own room for god's sake,” she muttered as she rested her forehead against the cool glass. It was hard to concentrate on financial decisions when the moans kept getting louder.


Out on the couch, Hanna was being pinned down by a muscular man, who she had thought was adorable in the flashing lights of the club. Now that he was hovering above her though, she realized he was rather massive. She squinted her dark green eyes and tried to smile up at him, as he growled playfully and pushed her knees wider apart. He was not her usual type. Although she liked a fit man, she did not necessarily like the body builder types. Still, he would make do for some fun.


Hanna had already shed her tight fitted T-shirt as they walked through the door and her jean skirt was scooted up over her hips. Her panties were bundled somewhere between her thighs and her ankles, and he was fidgeting with the belt on his trousers. He was all thumbs and couldn't get the clasp loosened. Hanna sighed and rolled her eyes. She reached out to help him, and then gasped as she saw what was unleashed. He laughed at her reaction and swiftly covered her mouth with his own. The hot and sultry kiss was enough to leave Hanna raring to go. When she felt him enter her, she let out a long loud moan that she knew her sister could hear. It did not bother her at all. Maybe it would inspire Rachel to go out and get some action of her own.


Despite the fact that Hanna and Rachel were twins, and shared a similar slender body shape, long dark hair and dark green eyes, that was about where 'identical' came to an end. Hanna was fun-loving and she was always willing to grab life, or anyone else for that matter, by the seat of its pants. Rachel on the other hand, chewed on her nails, just enough to leave little dents, but not enough to break them. She thought about the future. She worried about the present. She had enough maturity to take care of both of them, which left Hanna with the freedom to have all the fun she wanted. And this mountain of a man was plenty of fun. His heavy body pushed her down against the couch cushions and she squealed with pleasure as he rocked inside of her. She no longer regretted her impulsive decision to bring him home. They spent the rest of the wee hours of the night distracting Rachel from her concerns about the rent payment with their calls of ecstasy.


Rachel had finally put on some headphones to block out the sounds and listened to the latest forlorn release of one of her favorite singers. She had to admit that she was a little jealous of Hanna's activities. It was not just some casual fun that Rachel was looking for though. She wanted to be with someone who truly wanted to be with her. Someone who would be grateful to have her attention, and who she hoped would be interested in more than just a fling. Hanna accused her of being boring, but Rachel still had romantic notions left over from the princess movies she used to adore. It was not the idea of being rescued, but the idea that there was one special person out there destined for her. She thought she had found him a few times, but in the end, her high expectations had left her disappointed and feeling neglected. So now Rachel was not one to rush into a relationship. She had a hard time trusting a man's advances as being anything more than just an attempt to manipulate and cajole her. Hanna, on the other hand, did not mind cajoling, she preferred it. To her, the best part of a passionate night, was a solitary morning.

Chapter 2

Rachel heard the shower start up in Hanna's bathroom, and she thought it would be safe. Usually that was a signal that the man of the evening had been kicked to the curb. She left her room with only a thin loose robe draped over the black lace nighty she wore. It was nearly seven, and she was starving. She had been waiting for the living room to be cleared, before she headed out for breakfast. As she walked past the couch, she noticed the rumpled blankets cast across the floor and bent over to pick them up.


“Oh baby, that was spectacular,” a deep voice growled from the couch and suddenly strong thick arms were wrapped around Rachel's waist. She had not noticed that her sister's guest was still lying on the couch. He tugged her backwards into his lap while Rachel cried out.


“Let go of me!” She shrieked and struck at his arms with balled up fists. Her heart was racing, as she felt his completely nude body against her robe.


“Wow, chill out,” he muttered as he released her. “You're the one wiggling that fabulous ass in front of me; I thought it was an invitation!”


Rachel pulled her robe tighter around her body and glared at the massive man. “I am not Hanna,” she hissed just in time for Hanna to strut out of her bedroom wearing only a very long T-shirt.


“Uh oh,” she muttered when she saw the scene before her.


The man on the couch looked over his shoulder and took in a sharp breath at the sight of Hanna, and then looked quickly back at Rachel.


“Twins?” he gulped out, and tugged a blanket over his body. “Oh wow, sorry,” he mumbled, his face turning beet red. He looked like an embarrassed little boy, and Rachel started to feel a little sorry for him.


“It's okay,” she sighed as she glowered at her sister. “It is to be expected, isn't it Hanna?” She pursed her lips with annoyance and stalked into the kitchen.


“Rachel!” Hanna called after her, but Rachel ignored her and started a pot of coffee.


“I should go,” the man on the couch announced and began searching for his clothes.


“Yes, you probably should,” Hanna said sharply. “Just like I told you to before I got in the shower.”


The man frowned as he glanced up at her. “I thought it would be impolite to leave without saying goodbye.”


“Okay, goodbye then,” Hanna snapped back, her green eyes shimmering with annoyance, and strode into the kitchen after her sister.


The kitchen was filled with icy silence. Hanna was not one to interrupt her sister when she was angry. Rachel acted all sweet and calm but when she was angry, she was feisty. Rachel was slamming coffee cups down on the counter and shoving cabinet doors shut.


“Rachel,” Hanna pleaded. “I told him to leave, I'm sorry,” she batted her full dark lashes that were still weighted with layers of last night's mascara; despite the shower she had just taken.


“That's not the point,” Rachel snapped back. “The point is, while I am up all night worrying about how we are going to pay the rent, you are up all night, doing-” she waved her hand toward the living room. “Whatever that guy's name was?”


“Rick,”' Hanna said confidently, and then paused. “Or maybe it was Paul,” she looked thoughtful for a moment and then shrugged. “Right, well you shouldn't worry so much. The money will show up, it always does,” she smiled brightly and took the first cup of coffee that Rachel poured, ignoring Rachel's shocked expression. “You really should learn to relax Rae, you know, Paul was a lot of fun, and he was into you, maybe I could hook you up?' Hanna suggested innocently.


Rachel fixed her with such an intense glare that Hanna took a step back in the small kitchen. She could feel the heat pouring from Rachel's eyes, which had always been just a little bit darker than Hanna's.


“Hanna, when are you going to grow up?” Rachel demanded with frustration. “We came here to make a life for ourselves, and so far all we have is bills that we cannot pay.”


Hanna lowered her eyes slightly. She did not like it when Rachel treated her like a child.


“I have my own business,” she said defensively. “It's not my fault if all you do is tend bar.”


Rachel's eyes widened with fury, and then grew distant and cold. “Dancing around in your underwear is not a business,” she hissed sharply, knowing that she was crossing the line from being angry to being hurtful. “You sell yourself, not your music. Hanna, do you think if you weren't up there spinning with everything hanging out, anyone would even bother to go to your parties?”


Hanna winced, and a deep blush colored her flawless cheeks. She glanced away before Rachel could see the tears that were forming in her eyes. She knew that Rachel saw her as nothing more than a joke most of the time. She would always be the kid sister, even though she was only minutes younger than Rachel. No matter how hard she tried to prove herself, it would never be enough to change how her sister viewed her.


“I'm going to bed,” she mumbled and left her untouched coffee on the kitchen table. Rachel mumbled something back about having to clean that up too, and the tension lingered like a cloud around her. As she poured her own cup of coffee she tried not to regret what she had said. It was unnecessarily cruel, she knew, but she was tired of being the only adult in the apartment.

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