"No, but we do circle the world and keep it safe. We're like those stars."
"For this one I vote yes," Emily said.
"That's because you came up with it," Billy said.
"We'll wait 'til Titus gets back and take a real vote," Jane said. "But I like it."
They hovered there for a moment, the world going about its everyday business a mile below them. Everything felt very quiet, and easy.
"I hope he gets back soon," Jane said.
"He will," Emily said. "Let's return to the Tower and call Titus. I don't want to wait 'til he's completed his walkabout to be able to tell people our name."
"You go on," Jane said. "I'll catch up."
Billy looked at her with a level of concern that always surprised Jane when she discovered it, those times when his cockiness fell away and she saw real worry in its place.
"You okay?" he asked.
Billy raised an eyebrow, but nodded.
"C'mon, Em, I'll race you."
"No fair, you fly, I float."
"We'll teach you to break the sound barrier yet," he said.
Billy put a hand lightly on Jane's arm, just for a moment, and winked at her. He took off like a shot, leaving Emily cursing and following in his wake.
Jane closed her eyes, and let the sunlight's warmth sink into her. She felt her heart beat, and her strength swell. She felt indestructible, brave . . . and yet, very much alone.
She opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and headed west.
There was a farm she yearned to visit, and two people she loved above all else that she needed to see.
Jane landed in their cornfield like a falling star, touching down in the same spot Doc Silence chose all that time ago.
Her parents were waiting on the front porch. They smiled as if she'd never left.
"We are the stars," Jane said.
The End
The Indestructibles
Reading Group and Discussion Question Guide
While the characters possess special powers, many of the problems they confront are those faced by young people ever day. What are some of the challenges the heroes experienced that you relate to?
How does the theme of family relate to all of the heroes and even some of the villains in the story? How might it impact the characters' actions?
The story arc / journey for each character is unique. Who did you relate the most to during the story? Was there anyone you had trouble relating to?
Which character do you feel had developed the most by the end of the story? How has he or she changed?
Some of the characters need to make difficult decisionsalong the way to do what they think is right. Did you agree with the choices they made? Is there anything you would have done differently if you were in their place?
If you could change one event in the story, what would it be and why?
Some of the characters hide things about themselves in order to fit in with others. What were a few examples of these actions? How did they impact the character's story?
What story revelation surprised you the most? What reactions or emotions did that revelation elicit in you?
Some of the villains turn out to not be completely evil in the end. Why do you believe they changed? Do you think their actions in the end make up for their conduct earlier in the story?
Throughout the story, references and hints are offered about the previous generation of heroes and why they are no longer around. Why do you think they are gone? What do you think might have happened to them?
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