The Intended (42 page)

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Authors: May McGoldrick

Tags: #Scotland, #Historical Romance, #highlanders, #philippa gregory, #diana gabaldon, #henry viii, #trilogy, #macpherson, #duke of norfolk

BOOK: The Intended
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“Let’s just hope that it is a long life that
awaits you...and me...considering what we’ve just done to ruin the
duke of Norfolk’s plans.”

Jaime turned her head and looked at the other
woman’s resigned expression.

“Oh, as well you should know.” Frances
shrugged her shoulders. “Edward is being held prisoner at Nonsuch
Palace awaiting the High Steward’s Court to convene.”

Jaime looked steadily at her friend. “What
does that mean, Frances?”

“The accusation may be one of treason.”
Frances said simply. “From what Surrey has heard, someone has come
forward with the rumor that Edward has held back booty he captured
in the king’s name at sea.”

Jaime kept silent. She knew this to be the
truth. Many times since arriving here, she had heard Edward boast
of his cleverness in this matter. “So what does this news have to
do with us? What plans have we ruined?”

Frances looked into Jaime’s eyes. “Your
sudden summons to appear at court...”

“Aye?” Jaime whispered.

“Surrey and I discussed this, and we decided
that the king must have had no knowledge of...another daughter,
which now we know to be the truth.”

“I think the king was relieved to think that
I was not Mary Boleyn’s daughter.”

“True. The Crown Prince is a sickly little
fellow. If, God forbid, he should die before the king, another
daughter would only complicate the succession.”

“But what of the duke’s plans?”

“The duke and Edward summoned you to marry
Edward in haste—before presenting you to His Majesty. Once he was
married to the king’s daughter, a royal pardon for Edward would be

“And we have prevented that by going to the

“Of course, we had no choice when he sent for

Jaime’s heart pounded joyfully at her good
fortune in not going to Nonsuch Palace when she had been summoned.
Then a thought occurred to her. “But if the earl knew so much from
that letter...”

Frances patted Jaime on the hand. “Surrey
deserves your trust, my dear. He did not learn everything until you
were bedridden. The Archbishop of Norwich sent a messenger to
Surrey—naturally assuming my husband was in on his father’s
scheme—seeking some information in order to draw up the papers on
your betrothal with Edward.”

“Drawing papers without ever having my
consent.” Jaime stopped and looked worriedly into her friend’s

Frances nodded. “Aye, they are dated two
months back.”

“But how could they?” Jaime brought a hand to
her brow and leaned heavily against a carved wooden panel.

Frances led her to one of the window seats.
Looking up and down the empty corridor, the countess waved a hand
dismissing Jaime’s fears. “I don’t think you need worry about what
has been done. Leaving His Majesty’s chambers, I have no doubt that
he was convinced that you are Elizabeth’s rather than Mary’s
daughter. So the duke can say all he wants. You have already given
the king enough reason to disbelieve the claims. Norfolk will not
be happy, though.”

Jaime touched Frances gently on the arm. “You
knew all of this and still helped me. I should have thought, being
married to a Howard, your first loyalty would be to them.”

Frances smiled. “It is, Jaime. But I am
devoted only to Surrey, for he is a man of honor, and truly the
most worthy of them all.”

“I see that.” Jaime smiled, but then her face
clouded over. “He is a far cry from his brother.”

“True,” Frances replied. “Not since Cain and
Abel have two brothers been so different.”

The candles spread about on various tables
only managed to deepen the shadows lurking in the chamber.

Catherine pulled aside the covers as the
tall, portly man approached the massive bed. Laying back and
curling up coyly, she watched him with slow, lingering eyes as he
opened the front of his robe. Though it was difficult, she managed
her usual look of awe at what she saw beneath.

Coming to her knees as he beckoned to her,
she scooted to the edge of the bed. Raising her hands straight up
in the air, she smiled as the king pulled her silk chemise over her
head. With great satisfaction, she saw his eyes focus on her
breasts. She didn’t wait for him to lick his lips; she reached up
and drew his mouth to one nipple.

It was always like this. Always the same, she
thought. He pushed her back onto the bed—his mouth still latched to
her nipple. She used her knee to rub against his manhood. If only
she could find some pleasure in what he did to her. He was hard
now, but for how long? Spread beneath him—with her hands, legs, and
hips going through the motions of what she knew he liked—she stared
at the canopy covering the bed and recalled the scene she had
walked in on between that wretched Jaime and the Highlander.

She could almost feel the Scot upon her. She
could imagine his passion. Malcolm was now suckling her breasts
with a firm mouth, a tantalizing play of tongue and teeth. She let
her hands travel the back of her lover’s back. She encircled his
waist with her legs.

Henry lifted his great bulk and moved from
her breast to her neck, nestling his mouth in the soft place
beneath her ear. Catherine knew what would come next, and she was
prepared when he entered her, sudden and quick. She moaned her
customary response and continued to stare at the canopy above.

She could envision Malcolm’s long, muscular
legs, his broad, scarred chest, his hands shaping and squeezing her
breasts. She could feel his long, thick shaft driving into her.
Again and again, driving so deeply into her.

Catherine imagined her hand to be the
Highlander’s as she reached between their bodies. She could feel
his strong fingers slide between their bodies, and found herself
growing more excited with each thrust. She could feel his fingers
stroking the source of all pleasure. He was now breathing heavily
in her ear, and his relentless pace was pushing her ever higher.
With a bearlike growl, he spilled his seed into her, and her own
lusty release was only a moment behind.

But seconds later, the scrape of his boarlike
whiskers brought back the truth of it all. It was no Highlander
nestled between her legs. Henry Tudor sprawled atop her. Catherine
turned her face in disgust.

The great bed creaked as the king rolled off
of her and onto his back. His hands crossed comfortably on his
heaving chest. “If we thought you missed us this much, Cat, that
little visit this evening with your cousin would have been

“And how did it go, your little chat?”

“Nothing for you to concern yourself with,”
he answered shortly. But then rolling himself with some effort, he
laid one beefy hand on her breast. Henry squeezed her erect nipple
between his thumb and forefinger. “What a tigress you were a moment
ago. I’ve never heard you cry out before.”

Hiding her disappointment about his refusal
to discuss Jaime, Catherine plastered a smile on her face. Feeling
his thumb rub over her nipple, she turned and gazed into his

“You are just so magnificent,” she replied,
letting her fingers graze the skin of his chest and move down over
his distended belly. “Such an exciting lover. You know that the
mere thought of you drives me wild. I cannot wait to be married, my
lusty bear.”

Henry’s laugh rumbled deep in his chest.
“Just remember, Cat, after we are wed, I still can’t spend all of
my time between your legs.”

“And why not?” she asked, putting a pout on
her face in retort. Raising her knee and laying it over his groin,
she rested her head in the palm of her hand. “I know many men who
would give their lives to take your place.”

The flash of anger in the king’s face shut
Catherine’s mouth in an instant.

“Beware, woman, of such talk,” he snapped,
turning and shoving her back onto the pillow. “Don’t forget your

Catherine stared as Henry’s face loomed above

“Disgrace yourself, and your head will adorn
my chamber wall. Do you understand me, Cat?”

Catherine Howard nodded. There was little
room to disagree.

Chapter 42



The soft knock at the chamber door drew both
women’s eyes to the oaken entry. With a nod in Caddy’s direction,
Jaime swung her legs wearily over the edge of the bed and reached
for her robe. She had retired but a moment earlier, and she was
desperate for rest in both body and mind.

Glancing back again at the door, she saw
Caddy arguing softly with whoever stood beyond. A moment passed
while Jaime tried to decide whether it would be quicker going and
handling this late visitor herself or letting her serving woman do
it. Casting a wistful look at her pillow, she knew what she really
wanted was simply to get back into bed and fall asleep. But
clearly, whoever was calling on them was not taking rejection
easily. With a sigh of resignation, Jaime stood up and started for
the door.

Before she had crossed half the distance, she
saw the door swing open and Malcolm step in. Behind him, Caddy went
out of the chamber, closing the door after her.

Her weariness evaporated into the night air
as she dashed into his arms. Malcolm held her tight against him,
kissing her face, grazing her lips with his own before lifting her
into his arms and taking her back to her bed. Without a word, he
deposited her gently into the middle and began to pull the
bedclothes over her. She fought off the covers.

“You should not have left your bed,” he
scolded. “Now stay put and stop fighting me.”

“Nay, bully. You will need to get in here
with me and hold me in place,” Jaime whispered with a smile.

“I cannot, lass. I came in here to

The words were lost on his lips as she slowly
undid the belt that held her robe in place. Tossing the outer
garment to the side, she smiled at the flash of desire glinting in
his eyes. Though her shift was cotton and certainly modest, his
eyes surveyed her as if she wore nothing at all. She lay back on
the bed and opened her arms.

“You are a witch,” he whispered hoarsely,
shaking his head and reaching once again to pull the covers over
her. Once the thick blanket separated her body from his, he leaned
into her embrace and kissed her with a thoroughness that left her

When he pulled away, Jaime sighed

“Jaime, my love, we’ve had a sudden change of
plans,” Malcolm said seriously, holding her face in his hands.

“You are not going without me!” she said,
panicky and unable to keep the note of fear out of her voice. “You
to take me with you, Malcolm. You
to. I
well enough to travel...”

“I will never take a step without you, lass.”
Malcolm leaned down and kissed her lips again. This time, as he
tried to pull away, she held him tightly and thoroughly kissed him

This time
sighed as she broke off
the kiss.

“Tell me about this change of plan,” she

It took Malcolm a moment to gather his
thoughts. But then his eyes once again focused on her face. “We had
originally planned to leave on Midsummer’s Eve.”

“Aye, Caddy tells me that even though the
celebration is three days off, the folk are already gathering from
miles around. It may offer a good diversion for our escape.”

“True, but we won’t be waiting till

“Oh?” she said, her voice rising with

Malcolm smiled as he let his fingers linger
caressingly over the soft skin of her face. “Aye. Evan sent word to
me tonight.”

“Evan?” she asked in amazement. “That good
man is helping us with our escape?”

“He is.” Malcolm nodded. “Well, our ship came
in two nights ago, and they’re coming back in tomorrow night, so we
are leaving earlier than planned.”

Jaime thrilled at the thought of leaving. “So
it is real. We are going home.”

“Aye, lass, we are. Tomorrow morning at first
light,” Malcolm answered. “Surrey told me today that the king is
planning to ride back to Nonsuch Palace after breakfast. So if we
leave at dawn, it could be hours before anyone even notices—with
all the commotion surrounding the king’s departure.”

Jaime couldn’t hold back her excitement as
she threw her arms about his neck and held him tight. “I’ll put on
my clothes and be ready in an instant.”

“Nay, my love.” He placed a kiss on her lips
before pushing her back on the pillow. “I want you to get as much
rest as you can in the next few hours. I’ll come after you before

Jaime paused, a troubled look creeping into
her eyes. “Malcolm, I’d like to bring...”

“I am sorry, my sweet. But I’m afraid you
will have to leave all your things behind.”

“Nay!” She shook her head with a slight
smile. “I meant Caddy. I don’t know how I could leave her.”

Malcolm’s brow knotted for a moment as he
gave the matter some thought. “Does she know anything about

Jaime shook her head. “Nay, Malcolm. I
haven’t told her.”

“We’ll take her,” Malcolm said
matter-of-factly. “We’ll just have to steal an extra horse.”

Jaime brightened again as she ran her fingers
through his hair. “There is no need. I could ride on your lap.
Remember how you used to take me for rides when I was but a wee

“You were a child, then, Jaime, but you are a
woman, now,” he whispered, resting his brow against hers, smiling
into her eyes. “With you sitting on my lap, I fear we’d lose Caddy
in no time. In fact, I do not know that we’d ever reach Harwich in
a day.”

She coiled her arms tighter about his neck
and drew him down onto her. “If you were to get in this bed with me
now, perhaps tomorrow you’d have an easier time with me riding in
your lap.”

“You think so?” he teased, using his tongue
to trace the line of her lips.

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