The Invisible Line (68 page)

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Authors: Daniel J. Sharfstein

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civil rights for
elected officials
slavery; slaves
and Freedmen's Bureau
and Jim Crow era
land for newly freed blacks
marrying whites
migration of
racial ideologies regarding
and segregation
self-improvement of
taxes on
use of the law by
violence against
see also
race, races
forced migration of slaves from coastal South to
Spanish Fort, Battle of
American Anti-Slavery Society
American Missionary Association
Amistad slave revolt
Anthony, Susan B.
Kentucky, Virginia
Army of Tennessee
Augusta, Alexander T.
Austin, John
Bacon, John
Baldwin, Tom
Bascom, Henry B.
Beecher, Henry Ward
Benjamin, Judah
Berea, Kentucky, integrated college in
Betsy (slave)
Big Sandy River, Levisa fork of
Billisoly, Eugene
Black Codes
Blair, Francis P.
Blair, Henry
Boas, Franz
Boone, Daniel
Bowen, Sayes Jenks
Boynton, Shakespeare
Bragg, Braxton
Breckinridge, Billy
Breckinridge, John
Brown, John
Bruce, Blanche
Buckner, Simon Bolivar
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Freedmen's Bureau
Burns, Anthony
Bushnell, Simeon
Calhoun, John C.
California, statehood of
Cameron, Don
Carnegie, Andrew
Cartwright, Samuel
Castle, John
Centers, Clarissa “Clarsy”:
children of
move from South Carolina to Kentucky
relationship with George Freeman
and Spencer family
Centers, George, in Civil War
Centers, Malinda,
Spencer, Malinda Centers
Centers family
Chandler, William
Charleston (Charlestown), S.C.
Chase, Roland E.
Chase, Salmon
Chase, W. Calvin
Chavis, Elizabeth
Cherokee Indians
Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad
World's Fair (1933)
see also
Field Museum of National History
Civil Rights Act (1875)
Civil War, U.S.:
Belmont (Mo.), Battle of
black troops in
Columbus, Ky., rebel occupation of
commemorations of
and Fort Sumter
Franklin (Tenn.), Battle of
Gettysburg, Battle of
and Hart Gibson
Ivy Mountain (Ky.), Battle of
and James A. Garfield
and John Bell Hood
in Johnson County, Ky.
lawsuits over wartime losses
Morgan's Cavalry in
Nashville, Battle of
and Ohio
onset of
opposition to
and O.S.B. Wall
Princeton Court House (Va.) Battle of
prisoner exchange in
Ragamuffins (Fifth Kentucky Infantry C.S.A) in
and Randall Gibson
Spanish Fort, Battle of
and Spencer family
surrender in
Terrebonne Parish, La, Union occupation of
and Thirteenth Louisiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
and Ulysses S. Grant
veterans of
and William Tecumseh Sherman
Claiborne, John Francis Hamtramck
Clay, Cassius Marcellus
Clay, Henry
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland, Ohio
Cobb, Ty
Coffin, Levi
Collins family
Colonial Candle Company
Colquitt, Alfred
Comfort (slave)
Congress, U.S.:
Africa Americans in
and black migration
and civility and decorum among congressmen
and civil rights
and D.C. administration
and the election of 1876
and Fugitive Slave Act
and slave trade
Conley, Constantine
Consolidation Coal Company
Constitution, U.S.:
Thirteenth Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
Fifteenth Amendment
Cooke, Henry
Cooper, Anna Julia
Crane, Stephen
Daugherty, William
Davenport, James
Davidson, Edward
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, Joe
Davis, Letcher
Davis, Letcher, Jr.
Dayton, Anson
Democratic Party:
advocating Confederates be restored to power
and allegations by James Madison Wells
and Randall Gibson
and Tammany Hall
as White Man's Party
Dewey, George
DNA testing
Doster, Charlotte
Dougherty, Henry
Douglass, Frederick:
and black troops
and Negro Exodus
and O.S.B. Wall
on race hatred
Dred Scott vs. Sandford
DuBois, W.E.B.
Early, Jubal
Easton, Helen (Sallie Wall)
Elterich, Gotthold Otto
Ely, Jane (slave)
Ely, Priscilla (slave)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Estep, John
Estep, Sam
Europe, failed revolutions of 1848 in
Feld, Hubertus de la
Ferguson, Samuel
Field, Henry:
and father
and museum
name change of
and racial types
Field, Marshall
Field, Marshall
Field, Minna
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
Hall of the Races of Mankind
Library of Racial Photographs
Fitzhugh, George
Sociology for the South
Foote, Henry
Ford's Theatre
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Fort Sumter
Fortune, T. Thomas
Fox, George
Franklin, Benjamin
Freedmen's Bank
Freedmen's Bureau
Freedmen's Hospital
Freeman, Alice
Freeman, Elizabeth
Freeman, George
children of
and Clarissa Centers
death of
and Jordon Spencer
land owned by
prosecuted for fornication
protecting his children
racial status of
Freeman, Hiram
Freeman, Washington
free people of color:
first communities of
legal options open to
marrying whites and having children
restricted lives of
Fugitive Slave Act (1850)
Gano, Richard Montgomery
Garfield, James A.
Garner, Margaret
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gates, Elizabeth Jane
Gates, Ethel
Gates, Lillian Isabel (Isabel Irene Wall, Stephen's daughter)
Gates, Patrick
Gates, Russell (Patrick Murphy and Roscoe Orin Wall)
Gates, Ruth
Gates, Steven Russell (Stephen R. Wall)
Gates family, name change of
George II, king of England
Gibson, Claude
Gibson, Gibson “Gibby,”
Gibson, Gideon
and George Gabriel Powell
as Regulator
Gibson, Gideon (father)
Gibson, Hart:
arrival in New Haven
in Civil War
and family background
Hartland estate of
at Harvard Law
in Kentucky House of Representatives
and law practice
near bankruptcy of
“The Race Problem,”
and slavery debates
and steamboat explosion
as horse breeder
war losses of
at Yale
Gibson, Hubbard
Gibson, Louisiana Hart (Randall's mother)
Gibson, Louisiana Hart “Louly” (Randall's sister)
Gibson, McKinley:
in Confederate army
and family background
illness of
and law practice
Gibson, Mary Montgomery
Gibson, Montgomery
Gibson, Preston (Randall's son):
death of
early years of
and father
marriages and divorces of
as playwright
and World War I
at Yale
Gibson, Reverend Randal (grandfather)
Gibson, Randall Lee:
as accessible to Northerners
aging of
in Civil War
death of
and Democratic Party
descendents of
home of
in Hot Springs
and James Madison Wells letter
law practice of
marriage of
in New Haven
in New Orleans
in New York
racial rumors about
and slavery question
social connections of
and Terrebonne Parish
and Tulane
at University of Louisiana
in Washington
and white supremacy
will of
W. R. Carter
at Yale
Gibson, Randall Lee, Jr. (son)
Gibson, Sarah Thompson (Humphreys)
Gibson, Tobias (Randall's father)
Gibson, Tobias Richardson “Richie” (Randall's son)
Gibson, Tobias “Tobe” (Randall's brother):
in Confederate army
extravagant living of
law practice of
and night riders
Gibson, [William] Preston (Randall's brother)
Gibson family
descendents of
family background
mother's illness
plantations of
and racial classification
slaves owned by
Glennan, Patrick
Glover, Charles
Goble, Freda Spencer
Grant, Ulysses S.:
and elections
and Lee's surrender
political appointments of
and Randall Gibson
in Union army
Great Pee Dee River
Greene, Belle da Costa
Greener, Richard T.
Gregory, James Monroe
Gunter, Mr., buying slaves
Haitian Revolution (1790s)
Hale, John Parker
Hall, Gilbert
Hall, Joseph T. H.
Hampton, Wade
Harpers Ferry, Virginia
Harris, Isham
Harrison, Benjamin
Hart family
Harvard Law School
Harvey, Elizabeth and Jesse
Harveysburg, Ohio, Wall children in
Hatfields and McCoys, feud of
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Heflin, Thomas
Henderson, James S.
Henry (runaway slave)
Henry (slave)
Hewlett, Emanuel M.
Higgs, Augustus Ferzard
Hitler, Adolf
Hoffman, Malvina
Hood, John Bell
Horn, John
Horn, J. Q.
Horn, Tom
Howard, Oliver Otis
Howard University
Howes & Howes
Hughes, Henry
Hughes, Langston
Humphreys, Sarah Gibson,
Gibson, Sarah Thompson
Illinois, free soil of
International Colonial Exposition, Paris (1931)
Internet, genealogical databases on
Jackson, Andrew
Jacksonian Democracy
Jefferson, Thomas
Jennings, Anderson:
and Price's capture
Price as prisoner of
as slave-catcher
Jerome, Chauncey
Jim Crow (slave)
Jim Crow laws
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Richard Mentor
Johnson, Robert
Johnston, Albert Sidney
Johnston, Joseph
Johnston, William Preston
Jones, Charles
Jones, Reverend John Griffing
Jordan, Winthrop
Justice, Ray
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Kent, Leita Montgomery
Breathitt County
Civil War in
Clay County
coal mining in
corn in
feuding families in
Floyd County
founding families of
free blacks in
frontier violence in
intermarriage illegal in
Johnson County
Jordan Gap
mountain wedding in
oil in
Pike County
postwar poverty in
race restrictions in
racial violence in
Ragamuffins (Fifth Kentucky Infantry, C.S.A.) of
raid by Morgan's Cavalry in
Rockhouse Creek
salt drilling in
slavery in
statehood of
state militia

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