The Irish Princess

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Authors: Karen Harper

Tags: #Ireland, #Clinton, #Historical, #Henry, #Edward Fiennes De, #General, #Literary, #Great Britain - History - Henry VIII, #Great Britain, #Elizabeth Fiennes De, #Historical Fiction, #Princesses, #Fiction, #1509-1547, #Princesses - Ireland, #Elizabeth

BOOK: The Irish Princess
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Novels of Karen Harper
The Irish Princess
“A writer named Harper should have the bardic touch, the story-telling gift. Karen Harper does. Told by a member of the flamboyant Fitzgerald family,
The Irish Princess
is an intricate web of politics and passion. From the first page the reader is immersed in the dangerous atmosphere of Tudor England—as seen through Irish eyes. We are invited to feel history. What more can a bard do?”

Morgan Llywelyn, author of
Lion of Ireland
The Irish Century,
“Karen Harper writes with wit and elegance, offering her deep knowledge of Tudor and Irish history while madly entertaining us along the way.
The Irish Princess
is an amazing novel full of love and conflict, and it kept me up all night.”

Luanne Rice, author of
The Deep Blue Sea for Beginners
“From the very first line, Karen Harper spins a fascinating tale of the real ‘uncrowned princess’ of sixteenth-century Ireland. Her captivating heroine—Gera Fitzgerald—battles against Henry VIII and the Tudor rulers for her true place on the throne of Ireland.
Irish Princess
is an intriguing glimpse into a little-known piece of Irish history.”
—Heather Terrell, author of
Brigid of Kildare
“Harper’s vivid and suspenseful tale of Gera Fitzgerald,
The Irish Princess
, delivers the engrossing story of a true princess of Ireland caught up with her doomed family in the madness of Henry VIII’s later years . . . [an] enormously entertaining story peopled with all the famous Tudors seen through Irish eyes. A great read.”

Jeane Westin, author of
The Virgin’s Daughters
His Last Letter
“No other author captures the Tudors like Karen Harper. In
Irish Princess
, she breathes rare life into a little-known historical figure, and through her eyes, we experience the turbulent court of Henry VIII in all its pagentry, politics, and danger. This is a book to be savored by an execptional storyteller.”
—Susan Holloway Scott, author of
The Countess and the King
“A fresh look at the Tudor court, through the eyes of one of the most fascinating women of the sixteenth century. Celebrated by the poet Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, as “the fair Geraldine,” daughter of the uncrowned king of Ireland, Elizabeth Fitzgerald—here nicknamed “Gera”—comes to the English court as a fiercely rebellious girl, Irish down to her bones and determined to take revenge on Henry Tudor for his destruction of her family and her home. Placed in the households of Mary Tudor, Katherine Parr, and later Elizabeth Tudor herself, she plots her revenge while falling in love with one man and being married off to another. Karen Harper breathes authentic life into Gera and her beloved Ireland, and as she traces Gera’s extraordinary life, she takes new and surprising looks at a magnificent parade of well-known Tudor personages. Rich with period detail and emotional insight,
The Irish Princess
is a vivid and satisfying read.”
—Elizabeth Loupas, author of
The Second Duchess
The Queen’s Governess
“Rarely does a work of historical fiction endeavor to cover so much territory—Ashley lives through the reigns of four Tudors—but Harper’s diligent research, realistic portrayal, and insider-outsider heroine will hook those who can’t get enough of England’s turbulent history. Readers familiar with the period will feel at home and even manage some sympathy for men like Cromwell and Henry VIII. Still, bestseller Harper maintains her focus on the roles of women—both powerful and powerless—in Tudor England, resulting in another enjoyable protofeminist historical romp.”
—Publishers Weekly
“A lively and historically grounded reimagining of two Tudor survivors.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Well-paced and full of pitch-perfect detail, Harper’s novel brings new life to an old subject and, as good as the best of Philippa Gregory, is sure to be a big hit with historical fiction fans and book clubs.”
—Library Journal
Mistress Shakespeare
“This intoxicating, fictionalized memoir of Shakespeare in love is a romantic roller coaster rich with vivid details reminiscent of
Romeo and Juliet
—Women’s Day
“The narrative abounds with genuine period details, witty dialogue, and intertwined references to Shakespeare’s works. . . . Anne and Will’s tale is engagingly told.”
—The Historical Novels Review
“A fun romp through Elizabethan England with Shakespeare’s mysterious muse.”
—Lauren Willig, author of
The Betrayal of the Blood Lily
“So vivid and authentic—a totally satisfying re-creation of one of the great Shakespeare mysteries. I couldn’t put it down!”

Rosalind Miles, author of
I, Elizabeth
and the Guenevere Trilogy
“Karen Harper has written a riveting tale of intrigue and passion that plunges the reader straight into the complex heart of Elizabethan England. Rich with detail and drama,
Mistress Shakespeare
is a story Shakespearean fans will love.”
—Deanna Raybourn, author of
The Dead Travel Fast
“Karen Harper returns to the world of Elizabethan England in one of the most exquisite novels I have read in a very long time. Considered merely a footnote in Shakespeare’s life, Anne Whateley now takes her place at center stage in a story [that] will have readers wishing there were many more acts to come. Do yourself a favor and don’t miss this book.”
—Michelle Moran, author of
Cleopatra’s Daughter
“A delicious and intriguing historical novel. . . . Expertly researched and woven with the pageantry of Elizabethan and Jacobean history, [
Mistress Shakespeare
gives] us a rare glimpse of real persons from history, turning their lives into narratives that will entertain and delight the most discriminating of readers.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Harper . . . knows her period well, and it shows . . . in sure handling of the details of politics, theater, and daily life, including some harrowing passages featuring childbirth and the plague. . . . Anne is an appealing and spirited heroine, and her tale will be enjoyed by historical fiction fans.”
Mistress Shakespeare
The First Princess of Wales
The Last Boleyn
The Hooded Hawke
The Fatal Fashione
The Fyre Mirror
The Queene’s Christmas
The Thorne Maze
The Queene’s Cure
The Twylight Tower
The Tidal Poole
The Poyson Garden
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