The Keepers: Archer (14 page)

Read The Keepers: Archer Online

Authors: Rae Rivers

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: The Keepers: Archer
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With her free hand, she motioned to the bottle of brandy and sent it flying through the air to shatter on the ceiling above his head. Shards of glass and alcohol splattered around him, on him, and he quickly slumped back. She saw the flash of fear in his eyes, and the quick attempt to cover it.

The cupboards to the liquor cabinet burst open and several bottles of alcohol slammed against the far walls. Spirits splashed everywhere, dripped down the walls and onto the floor. Fuelled by the spatters of the alcohol, the flames from the candles flickered brighter, stronger, until sparks were flying in all directions.

Within moments, several flames licked at the walls surrounding them, fire hissing through the room like a snake about to consume its prey.

The blazing chaos triggered a brief flash of recognition for them both, but Sienna kept her focus. This time there wouldn’t be any uncertainty or zoning out. This time, she was all control. And it was exhilarating.

“Sienna, stop!” Warrick shouted, afraid to move in case the flames chased the splatters of brandy she’d spilled on him.

She kept her eyes pinned on him, almost enjoying herself now. It had been a long time since she’d used her powers to this extent, especially to instil fear in another person, but instincts ruled.

He’d threatened her Keepers and she had a message to deliver.

Not blinking at the flames that licked the walls around her, Sienna sauntered toward the couch where he’d tossed his jacket. She reached into the pocket and withdrew a single bronze key. Then she scooped Sarah’s ring off the floor. The heat had faded from the silver, and Sienna was able to slip it onto her finger.


When she reached the large wooden doors, she turned around and settled Warrick with a hard, unbending stare. “You will never get what you seek, Warrick, and don’t ever threaten me or my Keepers again.”

Shoving the key into the lock, she yanked open the heavy door and walked out.

At the same time, the flames vanished.



When Declan bolted forward the moment Sienna left Warrick’s study, his brothers were ready for him.

“Declan, no.” Archer grabbed his brother by the arm, not surprised by the strength of the resistance he felt beneath his grip. They were outside and had heard everything.

Ethan stepped in front of Declan, blocking a quick escape. “Don’t be stupid, Declan,”

“Back off, brothers,” Declan grumbled, shrugging them off. He was running on the hot fumes of fury and pain, all rational thought extinct as he fought for the one thing he had to have in order to put Sarah’s death behind him.


With both hands, Archer shoved Declan backward. He stumbled, straightened, and cursed when Archer grabbed the front of his shirt, balling the material into his fists. “Calm the hell down,” Archer said through gritted teeth, his face close to Declan’s. “We promised Sienna we wouldn’t interfere.”

“You promised Sienna you wouldn’t interfere. She’s had her turn with Warrick. Now it’s my turn.”

Archer slammed a hand against Declan’s chest, pushing him backward. “And what are you planning to do, huh? Charge in there and rip his head off with a bunch of town folk watching?”

“At least it’s better than sitting on our asses doing nothing while Warrick creates a full blown war around us. Our parents, Sarah, they’re all dead and it’s thanks to that heartless asshole and his family! I can’t sit around anymore, dammit!”

Ethan put a hand on Declan’s shoulder. “Now’s not the time for revenge, Declan. Warrick’s got a house full of people.”

“And it’s about time this party ended,” Declan said in a fierce tone.

The cold, steely, and eerily familiar determination that flashed through Declan’s eyes sent a chill of warning down Archer’s spine. He cursed as he heard the familiar sound of groaning metal behind him. He didn’t need to turn around to know that Declan had focused his rage on the metal poles of the marquee. And he knew his brother well enough to know that once he’d tapped into his elemental power of fire, not much would stop him. Thanks to the hundreds of candles and fire torches that burned throughout the garden, Declan had all the ammunition he needed. The flames flared, burning brighter and stronger, extracting several surprised reactions from the guests in the garden. One by one, the metal poles of the marquee weakened from the intense heat and gave way, creating a stir of panic and confusion amongst the unsuspecting guests. “Declan, stop it. You know the rules. There are people here.”

“They shouldn’t be here.”

“You’ll hurt someone.”

Archer spun around as a series of frightened shrieks echoed across the lawn. The band had stopped playing, and there was a mad scramble of people as they frantically tried to escape the collapsing marquee. Surprised guests poured out from beneath the tent in a whirl of frightened screeches. Moments later, the roof caved in, swallowing everything beneath it.

“Declan!” Archer snapped, punching his brother’s shoulder. “Stop it.”

“Back the hell off!” Declan growled, breaking focus. Using both arms, he shoved his brothers off him and took a steadying step backward.

In perfect unison, Ethan grabbed Declan from behind whilst Archer slammed a hand on each of Declan’s shoulders.

“Get a grip, Declan,” Archer said firmly, trying not to show how rattled he was from his brother’s outburst. Sienna had been right. They’d all taken Sarah’s death hard, but for Declan, it was different.

“Let me go, Archer.”

“Hell no.”

“He took her powers!”

Silence fell as all three brothers took the blow that came with those words.

“I know,” Archer said with a brief nod. “I know, Declan. And he’ll pay for what he did to Sarah. But it’ll have to wait. There are too many witnesses here tonight, and too many people could get hurt in the process.”

“She would’ve hated this, dammit.”

“I know.” Archer eased the pressure on Declan’s shoulders and lowered his voice. “Trust me, brother. I get it. I want to rip his head off as much as you do – and we will. Just not here and not tonight.” Sensing that his brother had regained some control, Archer gestured to Ethan with a brief nod. “The party’s over. I’ve got this. Find Sienna and check that’s she okay. Then find Rose.”

Ethan hesitated, eyeing Declan. “If I let you go, you won’t try anything stupid?”

“Screw you, Ethan. I’m not ten years old.”

“Maybe not, but your silent temper tantrum just killed the party.” He slapped Declan on the head. “You could’ve set something alight, you ass. Show some control.”

“If I wanted to set something alight, I would have. I didn’t. That is control, brother.”

Ethan came around Declan and settled his brother with a hard, unbending stare. “We’re all pissed at Warrick, and we all want him to pay for what he did but raging through his house wielding anger and a sword in front of his guests is not the way to avenge Sarah’s death.”

Declan inhaled sharply and nodded toward the house. “Just go find the women.”

Ethan glanced at Archer and released Declan. “I’ll meet you at the cars.”

“And give Pam a call and tell her she needs to find a way into Warrick’s study.” Archer turned to Declan, keeping a firm grip on his brother’s shirt. “Are you cool?”

“He’s using Sarah’s powers. The asshole has her ring.”

“Which makes him stronger than we anticipated. And more dangerous. It also means that he’s connected to Sienna through Sarah.” The thought that Warrick had that access to Sienna, a very treasured, deep part of her, sent a bolt of fury through him. He quickly pushed the thought aside where it could be dealt with later. For now, he had his hands full with his brother’s anger.

Declan turned his head and looked at Archer, a thunderous expression twisting his features. “Warrick threatened Sienna, threatened us.”

“And we’re not about to let that slip by. Sienna made it clear what she thought of his threats. Let’s take a beat, and we’ll find a way to deliver the same message. Only stronger.”

Something sinister and quiet flashed in Declan’s eyes as he processed Archer’s words. “All Sienna’s done is rile him up.”

“And shown him that she’s stronger and more in control of her powers. What Sienna did to him tonight would’ve yanked his chains, but I bet she purposely provoked him in an attempt to get him to reveal his powers. At least now we know what we’re dealing with.”

Archer felt the fight lessen, and Declan blew out air. “So when do we get to rip his spleen through his throat?”

Archer released him and stepped back. “It’s late and we’re all riled. Let’s get Rose and Sienna home, sleep on it, and come up with our game plan in the morning.”


Sienna glanced at Archer during the ride home and frowned. She’d expected all three brothers to come guns blazing and swords wielding. Instead, there’d been an eerie silence that had creeped her out.

Calm before the storm?

“Archer,” she said softly, her voice slicing through the thick silence in the car. “We should talk about what happened tonight.”

Archer didn’t reply, kept his grip on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road. His frown became more pronounced, the only indication that he’d heard her.

“Are you mad at me?” she asked.

“I’m mad at myself.”

That surprised her.


“Because Warrick’s right.”

“About what?”

“We’re hard-wired to protect a Beckham witch, to protect you. It’s as natural to us as breathing.”

Sienna frowned, waiting for him to continue. When he didn’t, she placed her hand on his arm. He surprised her by shifting his arm out of her reach. She swallowed, her eyes never leaving his face. “Archer, what’s wrong?”

“It’s not unnatural for a Keeper and his witch to develop a bond after all the time they’ve spent together. But we’re different. We’ve known each other forever and there’s a lot of history between our families, our parents, and us. That changes everything.”

An uneasy feeling prickled through her as she realized what he was getting at. “Archer, you’re not my weakness.”

Archer laughed, but the sound was empty and held no humour. “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. Warrick was spot on when he said we’re your weakness, Sienna. We’re your biggest damn weakness. Despite our differences and our arguments, the relationship we share between the four of us is unique. We would die for each other, and Warrick knows that.”

“We couldn’t help but develop a solid relationship, Archer. I’ve known you all my entire life. You’re my best friends, my Keepers, and I’d do anything for you.”

“Even reverse a spell and break a curse?”

She sucked in air, staring straight ahead of her, and thought of several responses.

But she didn’t offer any. Instead, she kept quiet, relieved when Archer turned the car into the driveway leading up to the house. His brothers weren’t home yet, the house mostly in darkness. The garden was well eliminated with soft lighting that masked the mansion in a warm glow.

Archer parked the car beside Declan’s motorcycle at the front door, not bothering with the garage, and killed the gentle hum of the engine. He shifted his weight so that he was facing her. “Because of the bond we all share, it’s easy to forget that we fight for the greater good and that our aim is to maintain the balance between good and evil. That should be our first and utmost concern.” His voice was steady, even, and succeeded in sending a slight shiver down her spine. “The problem is, Sienna, when it comes to choosing between the safety of one of your Keepers and choosing what’s best for the greater good, you’d pick us. Every damn time.”

Sienna didn’t look at him. Couldn’t look at him. He was right. Somehow, over the years, they’d become more important to her than her destiny, her promise, or her constant fight to maintain the balance of nature.

Not if it meant sacrificing one of her Keepers in order to do it.

“Warrick was right when he said we’ve become your greatest weakness. That’s why he’s threatened us. He knows that through us, he can get you to do whatever he wants, including breaking that damn curse.”


He raised an eyebrow at her weak answer. “Even if it meant one of us dying?” When she didn’t reply, he closed his eyes and sighed. “Precisely,” he said and made to exit the car.

“Archer.” She placed a hand on his arm, and he glanced back over his shoulder, brushing off her touch as though she’d scalded him.

“We better go in. It’s late.”

“Archer, don’t do this to us.”

“Sienna,” he said, meeting her gaze, “there is no ‘us’.”



Archer hated the way her eyes rounded and her lips parted, as though he’d sliced through several layers of her. He saw the confusion in her eyes and ached to rectify it.


“I don’t understand. You were the one who said you were willing to fight for us,” she said.

“And you weren’t. You shot me down.”

“I changed my mind.”

“And I’ve changed mine.”

“Why? Because of Warrick?”

“Damn right, but more so because of everything that stands between us, between me as your Keeper and you as my witch. I was stupid to think we could be anything more than what we are now.” A furrow appeared between her delicate, curved brows, and she lowered her long lashes. It took everything he had not to brush away the hurt he’d caused. “It’s bad enough that our existing relationship has put you in danger with the likes of Warrick. I’m sure as hell not about to put you in danger with The Circle.”

And everyone knew that nobody messed with The Circle. Only senior witches like Rose and Lora could contact The Circle but even so, they rarely did.

Determined to maintain the balance of nature, The Circle would stop at nothing to achieve their goal and see that order is upheld. Even if that meant trashing a relationship between a Keeper and his witch.

Thanks to some cranky dead witches, the woman in front of him was everything he wanted yet everything he couldn’t have.

Sienna looked away, staring out the window ahead of her. “Last night it was all rockets and fireworks, and now you won’t even let me touch you.”

“Last night was a mistake,” he said, needing space between them. He pushed open the car door and slid out the car, not bothering to look back.

He couldn’t bear to see the sadness reflected in her eyes, or the way her lips had thinned into a disapproving line.

Screw the damn Circle. Screw Warrick Brogan. And screw the fact that they were all right.

He went inside, tossed his keys onto the kitchen counter, and rolled his shoulders, inhaling slowly.

Sienna marched into the kitchen, green eyes blazing with something sharp and unrelenting. “No.”

Archer raised a brow. She crossed the room and stopped a few feet away from him. He had no choice but to look at her.

“I’m not letting you back away from this now, Archer. Not after everything we’ve been through. I know you feel something for me, and I refuse to walk away from that because of some rule.”

Archer stared at her lips, trying to resist the urge to lay claim to them. Everything he’d ever wanted was right here before him, and his gut twisted with the knowledge that he would never truly have her. He could never risk hurting her and the curse that threatened them was too real, too dangerous.

“We can’t do this, Sienna,” Archer murmured, his voice low and insistent. Through sheer force of will, he pulled back, needing the distance between them.

“Don’t push me away, Archer. Please don’t do this to us.”

“There is no us, Sienna!”

“Only because you won’t give us a chance.” She reached for him, her eyes widening in surprise when he stepped out of her reach.

“This is for the best.”

“For you maybe. What about what I want?”

“I’m doing this for you, dammit. It’s because I care about you that I won’t let this happen.” The urge to leave her conflicted with the urge to hold her, and he dragged in a ragged breath.

“We’ll find a way to beat Warrick and break The Circle’s curse, Archer.”

“We don’t even know what that curse is, Sienna, or how to break it. The Circle hasn’t exactly offered a guidebook to their crazy assed rules.”

“Rose said it would take a blood sacrifice and a counteracting spell.”

“A spell we don’t have and blood sacrifice we’d never offer.” The tone in his voice cut like a knife, and his gut twisted even more when she flinched.


“Warrick. The Circle. I can’t risk hurting you.” Her look of anguish kept him transfixed, unable to look away. He flexed his fingers, reaching for control. Wrenching his gaze away from hers, he headed for the kitchen door.

A gust of wind whooshed past him with such force that it unsettled a vase on a nearby table. Simultaneously, the vase toppled over with a resounding crash as it hit the floor, and the door slammed shut before he reached it. Clearly, she wasn’t going to let this go. Archer blew out a breath and closed his eyes, not daring to turn around. He didn’t need another glance to know that her expression was twisted with pain and confusion, and he refused to lay claim to the reason of their existence.

“This is not just about you, Archer,” she said softly, her voice shaking with emotion and fresh anger. “I know you care, and I know you feel what I feel. I’m here, and I’m willing to fight for us. If this is really over between us, it’s because you walked away.”


“Archer, look at me.” When he didn’t move, she repeated the instruction and moved toward him, but he heard the slightest crack in her voice. “We’ll find a way to deal with Warrick, and I’ll do whatever it takes to find a way to break this crazy curse.”

“Sienna, I can’t.”

“I can.” She stopped in front of him, her eyes filled with an emotion that rocked him. Her hands came up around his neck, her fingers brushing the side of his jaw. “I’m not afraid, Archer,” she whispered, pressing her lips to his. “I’m not afraid.”

Her words stirred something untouched, sacred, inside and he felt the slightest chip in his resistance.


She pulled away, the familiar steely look back in her eyes, and he knew he didn’t stand a chance.

“I love you, Archer. I’ve always loved you.”

Their gazes met and everything that mattered came into focus. Everything that didn’t simply fell away.

Throwing caution to the wind, Archer captured her face in his hands, and kissed her.

The kiss held all the intensity of their emotions, their heated argument, and when he broke away, they were both breathless.

He pulled back, searching for signs of hesitation. There weren’t any. “I would never forgive myself if –”

She silenced him with a finger to the lips. “Ssh. We’ll figure this out.” Leaning forward, she touched her lips to his. “You’re stronger than Hercules, and I’m a Beckham witch. We’ll figure something out.”

Archer stroked her face with his thumb. God, she was beautiful. Her hair hung in a mass of wavy curls around trembling shoulders, and although a flush had broken out on her cheeks, hope had fired in her eyes.

“Trust me,” she whispered against his lips.

“Dammit, Sienna –”

She silenced him with another kiss, and he felt the last of his resistance melt away. With a groan against her sweet lips, he shoved his hands in her hair and ravished her.


Everything inside Sienna tingled as though Archer had ignited hot little tendrils of electricity throughout her body.

His mouth plundered hers until she was breathless. His hands scoped across her body, his gentle, possessive touch making her shiver. He’d invaded every one of her senses, brushing away everything that didn’t matter.

It was only them, now, here.

His body stiffened and he tore his mouth away from hers, cocking his head in the direction of the door.

Sienna gasped. “No, don’t stop.”

“My brothers are back,” he grumbled and grabbed her hand.

A smile broke out on her face when he pulled her toward the kitchen door and headed for the stairs.

With a low growl that sounded like a caged animal, Archer tugged her into his bedroom, slammed the door shut behind them, and pushed her up against it.

“I have to have you,” he murmured before capturing her mouth with his again. He caught her wrists in his hands and held them above her head.

His taut body held hers in place against the door, pressing against her, unable to move, sending delighted quivers of desire straight between her thighs.

She gasped, rolling her head back as a shiver ran through her when his teeth nipped her earlobe. “For a second I thought you were going to stop.”

Archer leaned back and gave her a predatory smile. “Hell no.”

She smiled and inhaled sharply when he pressed his hips against hers, his erection hot and hard against her pelvis. He kissed her again, his tongue sweeping against hers in soft, teasing motions that had her groaning against him.

Without breaking their kiss, she tugged her hands free and pulled at his shirt. So far, he’d done all the touching and tasting and she wanted some of her own.

He stepped back, dark green eyes filled with desire and anticipation, searing into hers. The heated look he gave her was so intense, so raw, that her breath caught. Without looking away, he reached behind her and unzipped her gown, the material dropping to the floor in a soft whoosh of champagne flutters.

Sienna stepped out of the dress, and Archer tossed it aside with his foot. His jacket and shirt quickly followed, and she flashed him a predatory smile of her own when she saw the hard wall of sleek muscles that beckoned to her.

She brushed her fingers across his tattoo on his shoulder. His muscles bunched beneath her fingers, his satisfied growl making her grin. His hands came up to cup her face, and his mouth took possession of hers in a kiss so gentle, but so powerful, that she quickly grabbed onto his shoulders in order to ground herself.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, trailing a hand across her smooth skin. She felt the gentle scrape of his ring across her skin, a fleeting reminder of everything he stood for. The thought thrilled her rather than frightened her. She trusted him with her life, and the notion sent a fresh wave of sexual determination though her.

When his hand reached her breasts, he pulled back to cast a leisurely gaze across her body. He teased her nipple beneath his fingers and drew in a sharp, appreciative breath. Moments later, his hands slid around her and his mouth took over.

Her thoughts shamelessly scattered, and she lost herself in the delicious onslaught of pleasure.

His mouth returned to hers and this time, his kisses were hotter and held a sense of urgency that thrilled her. Still holding her, still kissing her, he moved backward toward the large bed in the corner of the room, bringing her with him.

She followed, quickly working on his belt, his zipper, and pushed the material over his hips.

Completely naked and with growing excitement, he turned around and nudged her backward onto the bed, covering her body with his.

She trembled as he shifted between her legs, gasped when he kissed her, and sighed as the surging heat rumbled through her.

“Archer,” she said, her voice raspy and thick with emotion and desire. “Now.”

Her body burned for him, needing the release only he could give her. She touched a hand to his face, looking up at him, her other hand moving around his body and capturing the hard wall of muscle she found there.

He paused and met her gaze, his eyes searching, questioning. “Sienna?”

She knew what he was asking, and her hand curled around his neck. Drawing him closer, she kissed him softly on the lips. “I’m sure, Archer.”

He nodded and in a fluid movement, he captured her mouth and her body with his.

They moved together, slowly at first, in perfect harmony. A rolling rhythm, a moment in time when nothing else mattered, a connection like no other.

Fingers laced together, bodies entwined, tidal waves of pleasure.

And then suddenly, the tenderness gave way to an urgency that had them both gasping against each other, frantic with need. The heat intensified and he increased his pace, pumping into her, filling her.

She cried out as she came and wrapped her arms around his neck, needing to hold onto something while she soared. Her release brought on his and with a low groan, he buried his face in her neck and gave way to the incredible sensations that rolled through them.

An incredible feeling of lightness, of overwhelming joy, of absolute pleasure.

They fell silent, still, for a long while as their breathing levelled. Sienna held onto him, not wanting the moment to end, not wanting to give room to any of the doubts that threatened.

He shifted above her, leaving a trail of feather light kisses along her neck until his mouth was against her ear.

“I love you,” he whispered.

And all her doubts vanished.


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