The Key (Heartfire) (5 page)

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Authors: Celeste Davis

BOOK: The Key (Heartfire)
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She sighed, hurrying so she was early for her shift. Something strange was going on between them whether she liked it or not. She wasn't sure what it was yet, but she had little doubt that she'd find out.

Whether she wanted to or not.

Hopefully, it was something good because she was pretty sure she was stuck with him.

She hid a smile. There were worse things than being stuck with someone who looked like Dylan. And he wasn't just handsome. He was intrinsically a good person. Inside and out.

She could tell when she looked into his eyes.

Either way, it was clear that she wasn't going to be able to just blow him off at this point. He knew where to find her, even in her sleep apparently. That had been a first.

But it hadn't scared her. Somehow, it had made her feel even more secure. He knew where to find her. He would look after her. He wanted to be with her.

And now she was on her way back to the field house, where he'd be in the flesh. He'd give her that crooked grin and try to get her to see him later. She wasn't using precognition to guess that. It was just his style to be direct and persistent. Just like it was her style to hide and protect.

Hunter and prey.

She pushed open the door to the service entrance and slipped the dirty apron into a laundry bin unnoticed. Her manager was a warm older woman named Pam. After a stilted explanation Pam stared at her for a brief moment before breaking out in a big smile.

"Think nothing of it sweetheart."

"Thanks Pam."

She'd been tempted to ask her if she could stay in the back, work the blazing hot dishwasher instead of the service line. But she held her tongue for some reason. Besides, she wanted to see Dylan.

There. She'd finally said it.

She wanted to see him.



He walked out of the dining hall and headed to the back, standing under a tree near the exit. He sniffed the air, and moved slightly further away. He could smell everything now and it wasn't always pleasant. He'd been noticing it all day.

Right now the dumpster felt like it was right next to him, instead of fifteen feet away.

He felt a breeze coming from the North and lifted his chin to sniff at the air. He looked up, realizing the air was cleaner above. In two minutes he was in the air, staring down from his perch in the tree.

It had been years since he'd climbed a tree.

Nearly a decade.

But somehow, it came as naturally as breathing to him. Just like today at practice. Everything felt simple to him somehow. Easy.

Everything except Kaylia.

She was complicated as hell.

He'd spent the entire meal watching her. Waiting on line. Accepting his food from her. Sitting and eating.

She'd smiled shyly at him. But he hadn't smiled. He'd been too intent on watching her. Gathering her. Keeping her.

As if he could lock her away forever. Safe. His. He didn't try to stop his possessive thoughts. He knew it was pointless to fight it.

So he sat. He ate. He watched.

And he bided his time.

Now he was outside, waiting patiently again. He didn't know when her shift was over but he would be there. He wanted to be alone with her. To talk, if nothing else.

To arrange for their date, when they could finally be alone together.

Dylan smiled at the thought of them in his room, limbs intertwined, straining together on his bed. He had sex on the brain. But it was more than just hormones. He could get laid whenever he wanted to.

It had to be her.

They belonged to each other.

A startled squeak caught his attention. He stared down at the mewling squirrel in his hand. He'd caught it without realizing what he was doing. Without even looking at it. He tilted his head, pity and revulsion twisting in his gut.

It's squirmed frantically, desperate to get away. He felt the fragile bones in its body already breaking. He'd already killed it without meaning to. It might take hours but it would not recover.

It would be kinder to kill it. But he'd never killed anything. He didn't even like to fish.

But right now... right now, it didn't really bother him.

He twisted its neck and dropped it, staring at the faint smudge of blood on his hand.

Then his head snapped up and he let go of the branch, landing in a crouch ten feet below.




She was tired and dirty. Smelly probably. She was definitely not at her best after a six hour shift. But the boy standing in front of her was looking at her like she was a queen.

His queen.

"Dylan. What are you doing here?"

Her voice squeaked like a mouse in surprise. She expected him to laugh at her but he didn't. He didn't even smile. He just stood there, staring at her.

"Waiting for you."

She laughed nervously.

"You are persistent, I'll give you that."

Again, he didn't joke along with her. She was used to him being lighthearted and teasing. But he was as still as a statue, staring at her with the same intense look on his face.

"I know what I want."

She was almost afraid to ask. But her Gran hadn't raised her to be a coward so she lifted her chin and asked.

"And what's that exactly?"

His eyes seemed to burn into her as the same thought pulsed through her veins over and over again. Something was strange. Different.

He was different today.

Time seemed to stop as they stared at each other. She had that same strange thought again... that they were predator and prey. But then he smiled and they were friends again.

"Dinner with a beautiful lady."

She found herself nodding. Something about him... she had a strange feeling she would have said yes to anything.


He grinned in that lopsided way of his. The one that made her heart go pitter patter. The one that was half adorable boy and half virile young man.

This was the old Dylan. Sweet and charming. Manly, for sure, but harmless. She felt all the tension leave her body in relief.

"Alright then. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7."

He walked closer and she froze, sure she smelled like French fries and dish soap. He didn't kiss her though. His lips barely brushed her cheek but the impact was felt in her entire body.

She lifted her hand to her cheek as she watched him walk away.

Chapter Seven


Dylan pulled on a freshly pressed blue button down shirt and tucked it into his crisp khakis. His laundry had been delivered that morning. He shook his head. This was almost as easy as home, though it lacked the familiar laundry scent.

The players had a laundry service that included dry cleaning. It was stupefying, how easy the school made life for their athletes. They even had on call tutors to help with homework. Some of them even did your homework for you, if you wanted them to.

Dylan did not.

Unlike most of the guys who were here for sports and partying, he was in college to actually
a degree. His worst nightmare was being just another stupid, rich white asshole. Lord knows, his parents knew enough of them.

Hell, they were borderline assholes themselves. They were already rich and white. Of course, his parents were kind and loving for the most part. And smart. But still, they had moments of snobbery. They definitely weren't too far from joining the club.

There were enough RWA's back home to fill a country club with. Actually, that's what they should rename the golf and beach club. He shook his head and grabbed his wallet, walking through the empty townhouse.

He'd somehow managed to get the nightly party to switch to another suite, just with a few pointed looks. But he didn't say anything. He didn't want to alienate the team he'd be playing with for the next four years. Thankfully, his skills on the field seemed to be enough to earn him little more than the mostly affectionate nickname of 'Rich Boy.'

He didn't mind as much as he might have a few weeks ago. The truth was, he
rich. It didn't really bother him one way or the other.

All he really cared about at the moment was getting close to Kaylia. Tonight was the first step. He'd had to ask her out three times, but three was apparently the magic number.

She'd finally said yes when he'd cornered her in the smelly service alley behind the field house. He was taking her to dinner tonight at the fanciest place he could find. It might be overkill, but he felt like it was important to show her that he was taking this seriously.

That he took

Dylan hadn't brought his car with him to school yet but now he was planning to. If you had a girlfriend, it made sense, especially when the cold weather came. He'd have his parents bring it up for the big opening game next weekend. Then he could drive Kaylia wherever she wanted to go.

He grinned. That was something to look forward to for sure.

He knocked on the door to her room and smiled when she opened it. She looked beautiful, with pale pink lipgloss enhancing her already stunning good looks. She was wearing jeans and a cardigan over an old t-shirt.

She looked horrified when she realized how dressed up he was.



"Um, so where are we going exactly?"

"La Poutiserie."

"That sounds fancy..."

"It's okay, I can wait downstairs while you change."

She stared at him looking supremely uncomfortable.

"I don't really... have anything else."

It had never occurred to him that she wouldn't have something to wear.


For the first time since arriving at school, Kaylia was thankful for the necessity of having roommates. Hers in particular.

Kaylia was standing there like an idiot, wearing her same old grubby clothes. Dylan stood there looking like a model in a beautiful, pressed shirt and tie. He was taking her out. Not just out but

Some fancy ass place.

She wanted to slide into the floor. She was going to ruin their date before it even started. She was out of her league, and then some.

She almost fainted with relief when Charisse piped up from across the room.

"I got this. She'll be down in five."

Dylan looked both relieved and embarrassed as he turned and headed outside. Not nearly as embarrassed as her though. Kaylia felt like a full blown moron.

"How'd you score that guy? He's radick hot."

"I met him at work study."

does work study?"

Kaylia had stood stock still as Charisse held up various dresses in front of her.

"No, he's on the football team. I work in the kitchen at the athletic department."

Charisse had stopped and lowered her arms. She stared at Kaylia in awe.

"You met him serving food in the caff?"


"You're joking."

Kaylia just shook her head. It was mostly the truth.

"You do realize that you sound like God damned Cinderella, right?"

Kaylia rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh. Charisse did kind of have a point... Dylan was pretty much the Prince Charming type to a T. And she was definitely not prepared to go to the ball.

Not without help anyway.

She stepped into the emerald green cocktail dress that Charisse held open for her. Then she'd sat still while her roommate applied a thin layer of eyeshadow and powdered her nose before handing her a pair of kitten heel pumps. Charisse had stood back to survey her handiwork.

"Well, I have to admit you do clean up nice. Prince Charming won't know what hit him."

"He's not-"

"I know, I know. Just go- and be home before midnight."

Charisse winked knowingly. Kaylia had giggled, rolling her eyes. But she hadn't left without hugging her friend.

"Thanks Charisse. I owe you one."

"Ain't that the truth. Now 'git!"

Kaylia walked uncertainly down the hallway in the heels. Thankfully they were relatively low. It was a good thing since she'd never worn anything higher that a sneaker in her life.

It was all worth it for the look on Dylan's face though.

He looked awestruck for about thirty seconds. Maybe longer. And then something shifted in his eyes. After that he'd looked... hungry somehow. Like he wanted to devour her.

"Wow, Kaylia... you look beautiful."

She swallowed nervously and lifted her chin. Fake it till you make it. That's what Nan always said.

So she did.

"Let's go."

Chapter Eight


Dylan still couldn't believe that she was the same girl. A dress, a little makeup, high heels and KAPOW- she was gorgeous. Hotter than hot. A woman who could stop traffic. To be honest, he felt like he'd been tricked. But he was 100% okay with it.

Kaylia wasn't just a sweet and pretty little thing as he'd previously thought.

She was stunning.

Movie star stunning.

In fact, he was having a little bit of trouble focusing on what she was saying. Something about being raised by her Grandmother, something about being here on scholarship, something about wanting to work in a museum restoring art. That's why she was majoring in art history and minoring in fine art.

She was fascinating. He cared about all those things. Of course he did. Her mind. Her soul. Her body.

Especially her body.

All he really wanted to do at the moment was kiss her. And more. Much, much more.

In fact, he was getting hot and bothered just sitting there, imagining taking her to bed. How she would look as he undressed her. How she would feel against him. If her skin was as silky as it looked.

Maybe they could get a hotel somewhere. He certainly wasn't going to bring her back to the pussy palace. The thought of bringing this pristine girl to that seething pool of jock hormones was out of the question.

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