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I heard Nicki and Brick ask a few questions, which my uncle and others answered. Right away, they gave the adults some ammunition, then there was more conversation where I could hear my uncle, the pastor
and several others telling Nicki not to go to the fort; even Brick said that it was hopeless and that she would die there. I saw her look around at everyone, calmly, and then without a word, leave downhill, shortly followed by Brick and Ben.

I know that they made it inside of Fort Hope, because I saw all three of them against the light of the fires, which were burning everywhere. Gunfire had stopped inside sometime earlier, although yelling and crying could still be heard.

Then, when Nicki, Brick and Ben entered through a hole in the fort wall, there was shooting like crazy. I could tell they were climbing to the upper floors, since I could make out flashes of light from Nicki’s and Brick’s guns.

Then the crying stopped; minutes passed as people at the window started firing again. Then I saw someone on the roof for a few seconds - Nicki Redstone, I learned from my uncle. Then, a minute or two later, she came back and started shooting at our big kerosene storage tank. She was a good shot, because stuff came out of it right away and started really burning - everything was flaming - followed by a huge explosion and fireball!

With that, the runners really went wild, since a big sound seems to be their number one magnet, and the monsters all ran towards the noise and the flaming liquid, which was everywhere out front and spreading.

White sheets knotted together came out of a back window and everyone inside came flying to the water
and up to where we hid.

Someone lowered Ben down - Brick, I think - then went back inside. Then there was all kind of shooting going on in the building. I thought I could hear angry screaming, which must have been Nicki.

The building was falling apart. Just as the highest part collapsed, Brick climbed out of the window, sliding half way down the sheet-rope, then he jumped out to the water. I know he made it because my uncle went to help and told me about it.

Then the whole place collapsed and was totally on fire, from one end to the other, including our main gate. Even the water was on fire. Many of the remaining runners were burned to a crisp in those flames.

Brick and Ben stayed on the shore all night. Every now and then there was a
pop pop
sound from a gun, which was Brick killing some runner. I heard that Ben ran up and down the shore, very upset, and would not stop. I know he was searching for Nicki, but she was dead. Everyone said so. They said there was no escape for her, but that she saved us all.

I still cry when I think about it. There has never been a more courageous person to ever live. I wish Nicki were still alive, because she would do great things for our new world. Even now, the little kids dress up like her, scar and all, playing
Nicki and the runners
, with Brick and Ben. All the girls wear their hair in a braid now. So do some of the women.

I don’t want Nicki Redstone to ever be forgotten. She was my hero...and always will be!

End of Book Two

~ About the author ~

The author, writing under a pseudonym, is a former Army officer, career operations manager, business owner, adventurer, and father of three

Myles Stafford completed his undergraduate work at Oregon State University and earned his Master’s degree from the University of Southern California

Author email:
[email protected]





Book One

“Hard Player”


Book Two



Book Three

“Journey ”

by Myles Stafford

© 2013, Myles P. Stafford. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

© 2015, Myles P. Stafford. All rights reserved. First print edition. Revised.

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