The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) (20 page)

BOOK: The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers)
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After all, they
meeting in

Yet even dreams had their own reality, and right
now, there was no denying the very real desire that was building once more
within him, just holding her like this.  How much time had they left? he
wondered.  After all, time was ever difficult to determine here, sometimes
seeming far longer than the reality, other times much less.

Ah, no matter.  They were together now.

He kissed her again, not wanting to rush things
with her.  Tonight... he desired this evening to be perfect for her, and he’d
make sure it was, feeling a warming tenderness towards her.

She slowly raised her head to face him,
surprising him with the intensity in her eyes.  His feelings of desire were
reflected in them.

A desire neither could fight anymore.

Moving to the comfort of the bed, Dominick kissed
her gently, his lips ever so lightly brushing against hers, while his hand
caressed her cheek. 
Chavernos, she’s sweet
, he thought.  As if having
heard him, Julianna’s own hands reached up to pull him closer, coming to rest
about his neck.  Her slightest touch was an enchantment, spurring him to clasp
her tightly to him, deepening their kisses until they were left nearly

So much for fighting the inevitable.

Pressing heated kisses along her cheek, he
murmured, “My dear sweet temptress...”

Through the gown, Julianna could feel the urgency
in his hands as they tightened about her waist, one breaking free to stroke her
back lovingly.  Inwardly, she felt it wasn’t enough, silently wishing the
fabric was no longer between her and his touch.  All the while, he whispered
sweet endearments which left her trembling with anticipation.

Despite her lack of experience, Dominick exuded
an air of confidence and tenderness that was too intoxicating to resist.  Deep
down, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, and the thought comforted her more than
any other.

When his kisses traveled past her neck, a
fluttered sigh escaped Julianna, certain that this time there would be no
interruptions.  Nor did she want there to be anymore.

Dominick’s hands raised slightly as he reached
behind her to unfasten the dress, parting the material easily, and drawing it
from her, leaving her garbed only in a thin slip.  The dress fell to the floor
as he tossed it lightly aside, resuming his kisses even as he tugged off his
jacket and shirt.

Seeing her trepidation, he gently lifted her
hands to place them against his bared chest, holding one more tightly there. 
“Don’t be afraid, love,” he said softly.  “Feel how strongly my heart beats for
you.  I swear by it, and by my life, I’ll not hurt you this night.”

She nodded once without speaking as he kissed her
again, resting his hands against the softness of her shoulders, and stealing a
gasp from her as he edged the slip from her as easily as the dress.

“Dominick...” she protested, when he drew back to
gaze at her openly.  Suddenly realizing how bright the room was, and feeling
most vulnerable, Julianna found herself wishing they were in concealing
darkness instead.  Blushing, she tried to turn away, but his hand on her cheek
gently prevented this, his tender smile like the warming sun.

“Don’t feel the need to hide from me, love,” he
whispered, caressing her lightly.  “You’re beautiful, Julianna.  If I have to
tell you a million more times tonight to convince you, I shall.”

She tried to return his smile, but felt awkward. 
“I’m just not used to being seen like this,” she said quietly.  “I’m sorry I

“No,” Dominick interrupted, silencing her with a
soft kiss.  “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about, Julianna.  Nor any
need to be afraid.  I swore I wouldn’t hurt you, and I meant every word.” 
Waving a hand towards the lights above, they dimmed to a softer glow.

At his swift understanding, her smile became more
relaxed.  “I know you won’t,” she whispered.

“Good,” he replied, kissing her once before
reaching forward to pull back the covers.  As she quickly slid beneath them,
Julianna smiled at the hidden satiny coverlet and sheets within. 

“Yes,” she fairly purred, shutting her eyes as
she snuggled against the feather pillows.

Dominick smiled at her warmly as he removed his
remaining clothing.  She was such an odd combination of child and woman all
wrapped up in one, he thought.  Yet for all the desire he felt, he resolved to
be extra attentive to her innocence, even if this would be merely a dream to
her in the morning.

When he joined her beneath the covers, she stared
at him with mixed trepidation and curiosity.  Dominick shifted closer,
caressing her cheek and gazing into the brown depths of her wide, ever blinking

“What’s that look for?” he asked softly in
amusement.  “You act as though I’ve become a frightening ogre.”

“Oh, no, nothing like that,” Julianna said
quickly.  “Although I must admit I prefer being with you when you’re like this,
rather than distant and angry.”

Dominick kissed her temples as he spoke.  “Even
if we have our arguments, as couples often do, you never have to worry beyond a
verbal tiff.  I swear I’d never harm you physically, in any way.”

“Then I’ll grant you the same courtesy,” she
decided, earning a chuckle from him.

“I’m certainly glad to hear
since you’re so good with that kicking maneuver,” he replied honestly, slipping
his hands beneath the covers to caress her back and pull her closer.  “Now come
here, my sweet tigress, and let’s speak no more of fighting this night.”

As his mouth recaptured her own, Julianna
surrendered to his embrace willingly.  His warmth encompassed her totally as
their bare skin touched, and she reveled at the contact.  Different, yet
comforting, feeling his heart beat against hers.

Dominick felt a rare wave of protectiveness flood
through him as he realized how much trust she was granting him.  Kissing her
endlessly, while he expertly enflamed every inch of her trembling body, he
silently vowed she wouldn’t regret the endowment of that trust.

As his kisses moved to her neck, her response was
greater this time, only heightening his desire for her as well.  Against the
comfort of darkness, his mouth covered her breast, and her surprised gasp
swiftly changed to sounds of pleasure as he kissed and worshipped her there,
slowly, thoroughly.  She clasped him against her, kissing him even as he did
the same with the other, until finally he captured her mouth with his again.

She responded passionately, even as she felt his
hands travel lower.  Arching against his exploring touch, his increasingly
intimate kisses swallowed a moan from her, while he slowly continued to set her
every sense aflame.

So much so, that Julianna was becoming
increasingly stirred up by the restless newness of passion, running her hands
along his back and over his shoulders, her kisses as demanding as his own,
sending the already burning heat between them up several more degrees.  Her
questing hands stroked across his chest and then tentatively reached lower.

She felt his sharp responding shudder, as he
groaned against her mouth and quickly but gently pulled her hands away. 
Staring into his eyes, Julianna felt her face flush crimson.  “I’m sorry,
Dominick,” she whispered uneasily.  “I’ve never done this before, so I’m not
sure what to do.  I guess you might have thought otherwise.”

He stifled her words with a gentle shush, holding
one finger against her lips.  “I thought exactly what you’ve just told me, that
this is your first time,” he replied.  “You have no need to apologize for
anything tonight, the least of which for having a lack of experience.  I’m
grateful to be your first.”  He smiled knowingly, kissing her quickly.  “And
the one to show you what to do.”

“But before...”

“It wasn’t wrong,” he chuckled.  “I’m afraid you
just caught me by surprise, and even dream knights only have so much

Understanding now, Julianna smiled.  “I don’t
mind if you lose some of that control, Dominick.”

“I’m glad,” he replied softly, the temporarily
banked flames of desire rekindling in his eyes.  “Because in another moment,
I’ll no doubt lose whatever remains of it.”

The urgency in his kisses emphasized this as he
reached his arm beneath her waist to pull her still closer, allowing his other
hand to stroke upward to caress her breast again warmly, evoking a magic all
its own.  Emitting a soft sigh of pleasure, Julianna shut her eyes in dreamy

At last, she understood what she’d been missing. 
With the right person, romance could indeed be a beautiful thing.  Roger’s
attempts paled in comparison.  Dominick’s kisses and caresses were taking her
to a realm of wonderful sensations she’d only imagined before, which she had no
desire to return from.

When he finally moved over her, Julianna’s
breathing quickened, her eyes opening to stare back into his own glazed

“Julianna, love,” he breathed.  “Tell me... are
you certain of this?”

Simple words, but tenderly meaningful.  In
answer, she smiled with a soft whisper of consent, “I’m certain, my dream

Dominick’s features softened into a thankful
expression as he kissed her again, encouraged by her response, and inwardly
relieved that at least in the dream-state, there wouldn’t be any pain for her
in their loving.

In the midst of his next kiss, Julianna sensed
his own breathing quicken, but despite her prior words of acceptance, she was
hesitant.  “Trust me, love.  I’ll always keep you safe,” he whispered, gazing
into her eyes as he smiled upon her reassuringly.  “Remember that always.”  She
whispered assent, clinging to him as her eyes fluttered shut.

Cradling her close, Dominick continued to whisper
soft endearments to her, enticing her acceptance as he covered her mouth with
his own.  Enraptured further by his ensuing sweet caresses, she gave a low
moan, tugging against his shoulders, pleading with him not to wait any longer. 
Slowly, he brought them together, feeling her sweet warmth all around him, just
before she gasped softly.

Pausing to kiss her cheek comfortingly, he
smoothed her hair back.  “Easy, love,” he whispered.  “Remember my promise. 
There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Warmed by the compassion in his voice as he
kissed her again, she nodded slightly while he drew them closer still.  What
she’d heard of this act couldn’t describe
, she
realized, a small cry escaping her from the unexpected feelings of his complete

Feelings that might as well have been new to him
too, he decided, experiencing an unexpected deeper sense of soul-filled
pleasure at finally being one with her.

Expressing this through his kisses as he held
her, he waited until she’d adjusted to their newfound intimacy.  It didn’t take
long for her to reciprocate, kissing him back.  Upon sensing Julianna’s grip
tighten, her soft murmuring beckoning him, Dominick gratefully acquiesced,
withdrawing only to gently thrust deeper, sending ripples of pleasure through
them both, and building into a slow and easy rhythm.

Julianna’s last fears dissolved, replaced in her
mind by brightly colored lights dancing before her, the sweet strains of
beautiful music humming in her ears.

There was no imagining the man responsible for

With heartfelt happiness, she smiled against his
kisses.  “Dominick, it’s like magic,” she whispered blissfully.

“It is that, love.  The sweetest magic,” he
agreed, smiling back.  “And it gets even better.”  She was about to question
this, but as soon as he began to move again, their thoughts became equally lost
to their desire.

Before long, she caught onto the rhythm they
shared, as he guided her with a quickening pace towards quenching the desire
they both felt.  The sounds of passion that escaped Julianna were foreign to
her, yet she seemed no more able to control them than Dominick could stifle his

Her heart was soaring with sheer euphoria,
climbing ever higher, until she suddenly felt a wave of pleasure that left her
breathless.  Dominick echoed this, breathing her name against her cheek, as he
followed her into the timeless ecstasy of lovers.

When their racing hearts gradually slowed,
Dominick finally looked down to gaze into his companion’s eyes, seeing the same
tired bliss in them as she stared back.  Smoothing a hand against her forehead,
he smiled upon her with a wave of adoration so strong, she found herself

“Are you all right?” he whispered.

“When I can breathe again, I’ll let you know,”
she replied softly.  He started to move from her, but her hands clasped him
tighter, her smile unmistakable.  “That’s not what I meant,” she assured him. 
“I don’t mind.”

“Maybe not,” he chuckled, “but the rest of me
will voice itself again if I don’t back off slightly, while your own sweet body
deserves a respite from its initiation to love.”

Julianna blushed, but made no further protest as
Dominick leaned back and pulled her close against his side.  Shutting her eyes,
she nestled closer with one arm resting across his chest, while his own grasp
on her tightened possessively, tugging the covers higher over them.

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