The Knight's Seduction

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The Knight’s Seduction





Renee Rose


Copyright © 2015 by Stormy Night Publications and Renee Rose





Copyright © 2015 by Stormy Night Publications and Renee Rose


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.



Rose, Renee

The Knight’s Seduction


Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

Image by The Killion Group




This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

Chapter One



Daisy gripped her sword, staggering under the weight of the chainmail. Her intent had been to join the fight to hold Hohenzollern but now Princess Susanna had run a white flag up after Lord Eberhard abandoned them. The sounds of splintering wood and the screams of the dying had stopped, for the moment.

Daisy struggled under the heavy war gear she’d just taken from the armory and donned over squire’s clothing as she climbed to the top of the turret to watch her lady negotiate with the sacking army. Below, in the bailey, Lady Natalia herded children, including the lady’s small stepdaughter, into the chapel.

Panic coiled in her belly, slithered up her spine and strangled her.
Not again.

She knew too well the fate that befell women when a castle is sacked by mercenaries. She’d lost her two sisters and her own innocence because of what had happened the last time. It was the reason she’d disavowed men forever. She wished the fighting had not stopped. She’d rather go out there and die as a soldier than give those monsters one moment of lewd pleasure with her body.

The portcullis opened wide and soldiers streamed into the bailey and then through the castle doors, whooping and calling with the excitement of plunder. She set down the heavy sword and fit an arrow to her bow, but she couldn’t make her fingers release it. It was one thing to be willing to die to save Hohenzollern. It was quite another to take someone’s life in her name. And shooting a man was far different from hunting a buck in the woods.

Kill or be killed,
she schooled herself.
Do it.
She sighted down the length of the arrow at the melee below.

A large burly knight caught sight of her from down below and boomed, “Stand down, squire! Your lady has surrendered.”

She bristled. Her lady may have surrendered, but she had not. She aimed the arrow at the knight. His armor would protect him. She let it fly, just for the satisfaction of defying him and his orders. It struck his chest plate, glancing off.

He did not roar or shake his fist. He levelled a stare at her that made her shift on her feet, somehow calmly conveying she had made a grave mistake. Fear tightened in her gut, but she held firm. He continued looking at her as he headed inside, presumably to come after her. Let him. Maybe she’d get lucky and he’d kill her before he realized she was female.

In just a few short minutes, the door behind her opened and the enormous knight stalked through. His helmet dangled from one hand and he made walking in heavy armor look easy. “I told you to stand down,” he said. “The princess has surrendered. Hohenzollern is ours.”

Daisy didn’t speak, because she didn’t want to give away the fact that she was female. Her helmet and chainmail should disguise her well enough. She gripped her sword with both hands and charged at the knight.

He didn’t even draw a weapon, he simply struck her across the chest plate with his forearm, causing her to fly backward and land on her rear end. “Come now, lad,” the knight said, his voice kind, “the fight is over. I admire your bravery, but it’s time to lay down your arms.”

Curse him for being so decent. Why couldn’t he just fight her? She’d rather he ended things quickly. She struggled to her feet, readjusting the helmet on her head. Her sword had flown from her hands, and she stooped to pick it up, hefting it in the knight’s direction.

“Enough, boy,” he said, not looking even slightly concerned by her attack. He knocked the sword from her hands with a quick chop to her wrists and cuffed the side of her helmet. The metal clanked against her skull, sending her staggering to the side. Retrieving the dagger from her boot, she charged, aiming the blade at his armor, not really wanting to hurt him.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he lectured as he jumped out of her path and gave her backside a kick that sent her sprawling in one direction, the dagger flying off in the other.

To her horror, her helmet rolled off. She looked up to see surprise bloom on the knight’s face, followed by amusement.

“No,” she said quickly, trying to scramble back.

“What do we have here?” he asked, reaching down to offer her a hand.

Instead of taking his hand, she aimed her foot for his privates and let it fly.

The knight moved shockingly fast for a man his size. Before her foot reached its target, he snatched her ankle and yanked up, effectively dangling her upside down by one foot.

“Stop,” she yelled. “Let go of me. Let me down!”

He chuckled, a low rumbling that made her armor reverberate. “Not until you stop fighting, lady. The battle ended. Now, lay down your weapon. No one is going to hurt you.”

She didn’t believe that for a second. She reached for the floor with her fingertips, kicking her free leg.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Let me go.”

“I asked you a question, little one.”

She continued to kick and thrash, but when it became evident she could not escape his grasp, she grumbled, “Lady Daisy, sir.”

“Lady Daisy, will you promise to behave if I put you down?”

“No.” She gave a few more kicks for good measure. He couldn’t hold her up there forever; his arm would surely tire soon.

Instead of angering him, her refusal made him laugh.

He caught her other ankle and stalked to the edge of the turret, holding her out, beyond the edge. “Would you care to revise your answer?”

She looked down at the ground far below, her stomach hurtling into her mouth. Her mind may have wanted death, but her body went completely still.

“That’s better,” he said. He brought her safely back and eased her down, then lifted her to her feet. He stood and gazed at her with amused benevolence, his eyes glittering as if finding a woman in a squire’s costume was the best surprise of his day. He had a ruggedly handsome face. If she cared for men at all, she would have found him appealing, both in appearance and personality. But she did not care for men. Not at all.

She took a step backward.

“Fear not, lady. I mean you no harm.” His brows drew together. “Did I hurt you?”

She rubbed her forehead where the steel helmet had knocked when she fell. “No, mostly my pride.”

He continued to frown and stepped closer, reaching for her head.

She jerked back, but not before he caught her, cupping her skull. He tipped and turned it, examining the lump. She flinched at his touch, his huge hands covering most of her head. He stood close, the masculine smell of leather and sweat reaching her nose, his chest plate bumping against hers. Her knees buckled and she wobbled on her feet.


* * *


“Easy, lady,” Barrett said, catching the maiden’s elbow. “Are you swooning?” He couldn’t believe he’d struck a lady down, not once, but three times.

“No, sir,” she said breathlessly. She blinked up at him with her large blue-green eyes as if dazed. He hoped he hadn’t scared her too much by hanging her over the edge. Of course, he’d had no intention of harming her, but a little fear never hurt for gaining cooperation.

“Are you sure?”

“Please, sir,” she murmured, pulling out of his grasp. She looked adorable in the ill-fitting chainmail, like a child playing dress-up. She turned away, as if dismissing him from her presence, and looked down over the bailey. Letting out a gasp, she reached for the bow she’d used earlier. “Put down that harp,” she shouted down, fitting an arrow and aiming.

He wondered where and how she had learned to shoot. Sauntering to the wall, he leaned on his forearms to watch the entertainment.

Edgar, one of his mercenary soldiers, carried an enormous harp out to his horse.

“You there!” she cried. “Put down my harp or I’ll shoot.”

Edgar stopped and looked up at them. Addressing Barrett, he said, “Are you going to let her speak to me like that?”

He shrugged, entertained by the pluck of the maiden. “I might,” he said with a grin. Turning to the lady, he asked, “Do you play it, lady?” Ladies did not play harps—minstrels did. He did not know why she would have a harp.

She did not move her gaze from her target. “Aye. It’s mine and I play it. I’d rather die than let some oaf who can’t tell music from his own vapors carry it off.”

He chuckled. “Edgar, can you play a harp?”

Edgar looked exasperated. “No.”

“Then it stays with Lady Daisy. Penrod,” he called down to his squire. “Take that harp from Edgar and bring it to me.” As he offered the determination on the fate of the harp, he realized the future of the lady herself hung in the air.

She turned to him, grateful surprise softening her features into pure loveliness. “Thank you, sir,” she exclaimed and started to run toward the door. She didn’t make it far, as she tripped over her fallen sword, the armor making her clumsy so that she could not recover and toppled once more to the floor.

He bit back a laugh as he righted her and reached for the buckles under her arms. “Let’s get this armor off you, shall we?” he said congenially.

She flushed, allowing him to unfasten the armor, but looking uncomfortable. He shucked the heavy plates and chainmail and stood back, drawing in a breath. She wore boy’s clothing, her shapely legs outlined clearly in the leggings. Though she cut a slight figure, her well-proportioned body had soft curves in all the right places.

Penrod threw open the door from the castle, his breath short from running up the stone staircase. “The lady’s harp,” he said with a bow.

“Thank you, Penrod,” she said with a tiny dip. Her manners showed the grace of a true lady, which he’d seen lacking when she’d been hollering over the edge of the turret. The contrast of refinement with bravado fascinated him.

Gerhard of Bavaria, the man who’d led their army to attack Hohenzollern, lifted his voice from the bailey below. “Remember, any woman you touch, you marry! Take your time and choose wisely. We will line them up against the wall for the picking.”

The idea of Daisy joining the lineup made him clench his fists at his side.

Her eyes widened in horror at the pronouncement. She started toward the edge at a run, as if to jump off the tower.

He lunged forward and caught her about the waist. “Fear not, Lady Daisy, I’ll not allow you in that assembly. I will claim you as my own wife,” he said, deciding in that moment he would never trust her to anyone else.

Her face turned pale and she jerked free. “What?” she exclaimed, looking alarmed. “No! I cannot. I am meant for no man,” she said in rush.

“Oh, yes, my lady. Every woman will leave here with a man. The princess has bargained for the safekeeping of the women and Gerhard has promised her they shall all go as wives, not slaves.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I cannot marry.”

He stiffened. “Do you already have a husband?” Why did that idea irritate him? He should be happy she had a man to look after her so he didn’t need to take her on.

“No. The princess and her father before her granted my freedom from marriage. I was never to wed.” She tucked her arms around her torso, shivering from the cold.

“You are a nun?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed, grasping onto the idea. “I’m married to our lord.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You may be skilled at archery, but lying is not your gift. I’m sorry, but you leave here today as a bride, whether to me or someone else.”

“I cannot,” she whispered.

The more she argued with him, the more determined he became to keep her. “My name is Sir Barrett. My birth was not legitimate, but I am the son of a prince and I serve as the commanding knight at Rothburg, where my half-brother rules. I also earn a living as a mercenary at times, so I have enough silver to keep you as you are accustomed and I will do my best to ensure your comfort and happiness.”

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