The Knocked Up Lust Bundle (7 page)

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Authors: Nadia Nightside

BOOK: The Knocked Up Lust Bundle
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“Here it is,” said Cindy, clearly pleased with herself. “What if we slept with him?”

Audrey’s mouth flew open. Truly, Cindy’s sluttery knew no bounds. “What?”

“Look, you know all those rumors flying around about Mr. Strong?”

“Yeah. Sure. Everyone knows.”

“Well...I didn’t want to tell anyone this, because I really don’t think it’s anyone’s business and I’m not a gossip.”

With a show of immense strength that probably would have brought Hercules to his knees, Audrey did not roll her eyes.

Meanwhile, Cindy continued. “So, two nights ago, I was hanging out at school after hours—”

“What for?”

“Nothing. I was”

“You weren’t here because there was a wrestling meet and you’re fucking Danny Towers?”

“Shit, shut up!” Cindy hissed. “How did you know that?”

“Because everybody knows?”

“Shit!” exclaimed Cindy, but then she shook her head. “Whatever. Not important right now.
, I was coming out of the locker room and heading out to the parking lot. And what did I see, right there in the stairwell, but a pair of hot little legs splayed out to one side...”

“Oh my god.”

“So I quietly slipped up the stairs a bit...and there was Mr. Strong, fucking the mouth of Misses Gonzales.”

“Misses Gonzales? The busty Hispanic teacher with...with...”

Audrey was going to say the giant pregnant belly.

“That’s the one. The pregnant one. Just completely fucking her mouth senseless. Ruthless. He was enjoying it...and so was she. I think she might have seen me...but her eyes were all glazed over with fuck-happiness, so who knows.”

“He didn’t see you?”

“No way, girl. I’m a ninja.”

Audrey put her hands to her eyes a moment, trying to think this through.

“So you think he’ll...I don’t know, fuck one of us, and that’ll get us off?”

The cheerleader shrugged bouncily. “I don’t know if it’ll get us
, but it’ll get us out of here, sure.”

“That’s what I...oh. Ew.”

Cindy giggled, her big tits bouncing in her tiny top. “Ew? That’s your reaction to orgasms?”

“Nevermind that!” Audrey poked her in the arm. “Are you seriously suggesting cheating on your boyfriend so you can get out of your boyfriend thinking you’re cheating on him?”

“Shut up!” Cindy poked her right back. “You’re over-thinking this! It doesn’t matter what
. It just matters what
like what happens.”

From across the room, Mr. Strong cleared his throat. “Three minutes, ladies.”

The two young beauties exchanged a desperate glance.

Cindy grabbed Audrey’s hand, almost affectionately. Her fingertips were smooth, like polished stones. “Come on. Sex only takes like what, five minutes? Maybe ten? That leaves us more than thirty minutes to get where need to be. You’re good at like, science or math or whatever, you should figure this out. It only has to be one of us, anyway. We can...we can flip a coin, or something. If you go, I won’t tell. If I go, you don’t tell.”

Audrey sighed. What Cindy was proposing did, unfortunately, make a lot of sense. Audrey wasn’t a whore, and she never would be...but she really, really needed that trust fund money. She had a way of life that she couldn’t just squander because this domineering teacher was abusing his power!

She could imagine Mr. Strong fucking her. She could imagine Mr. Strong fucking anyone. The way that Cindy described it wasn’t partial to the rumor that he was only fucking teachers to keep them quiet about fucking so many teachers. No, he was doing it because he liked to own women.

She could imagine it—a teacher like the gorgeous Ms. Vanes, the English teacher, slim and Asian, her body so slight and delicate.

He would show up at her class room when she was staying late one night, grading papers. His big hand coming down on her shoulder. Squeezing hard.

“You’re going to be mine, now,” he’d tell her. Growling. Animalistic. A pure stud.

She would moan, protest maybe, but deep down, she would know what she wanted.

She wanted his stud cock deep inside her, teaching her. She wanted him to flip her over on the desk and fuck her silly from behind.

Audrey, lost in thought with the fantasy, didn’t know if she was imagining the gorgeous Ms. Vanes or herself anymore. Her breaths were getting rapid, her cheeks flushed.

Cindy looked at her quizzically. “So what’ll it be, space cadet? Trust fund, or no trust fund? Dick or no dick?”

“Okay.” Audrey nodded, finally conceding. “It only has to be one of us?”

A suspiciously evil-looking grin spread over Cindy's face as she nodded. “Totes.”

“Okay. Well...” Audrey waved her hand, looking away. “...get to it, I guess.”


“You’re like, sleeping around anyway! Why wouldn’t you do it?”

“You don’t even have a boyfriend! Nobody gets hurt if you do it!”

Cindy put her hands to her head, letting out a frustrated moan. “Let’s just flip a coin, okay?”


Audrey reached into her purse and pulled out an old quarter. If this worked, it’d be her lucky quarter from now on.

“Call it in the air,” said Audrey, tossing it up.


The coin landed on Audrey’s binder, and she sighed a long breath of relief. Tails. A lucky quarter after all.

“Fine,” said Cindy. “But you

“Whatever. Go on, then.”

Cindy took a moment to pull out her compact and adjust her make-up. She looked delectable, of course. Even Audrey had to admit that.

“Wait,” said Cindy, looking Audrey over.


“We have to get you changed into something sexier.”

“No, we fucking do not!” Audrey hissed. “You're the one who's going to sleep with him!”

“Yeah, but we
have to turn him on. He's not going to want to fuck either of us if one of us looks all...drab.”

Cindy made a face, gesturing at Audrey's outfit.

“I do
look drab!”

“You will to him! Just, trust me, okay?” Cindy raised her hand, getting Mr. Strong's attention. “May we go to the bathroom, sir?”

He looked up from his crossword, frowning deeply. “What? Together? Of course not.”

“It's about like, feminine needs, sir. We
have to attend to them.”

Mr. Strong sighed, setting his pencil down. “You have five minutes. But not a second longer.”

Seconds later, they were both in the bathroom. Quickly, Cindy handed Audrey a pair of sexy white knee-socks and a pair of teensy tiny denim shorts.

“Put these on,” said Cindy.

Audrey, hurrying for her very way of life, did as she was told without any argument. She tried to ignore the building bud of anticipation swelling in her pussy—the hot, wet feeling that was taking over several portions of her thinking. In this outfit, she and Cindy looked like they had planned their whole day together. Her socks slid all the way up to her knees—clearly a sexy Lolita-esque girly girl look. The denim shorts were practically sprayed on—it was a good thing Audrey was in terrific shape.

Cindy handed her finally a cherry-red lollypop and a pair of sunglasses.

“To complete the look. And so like, he can't see you doubting yourself. And if you're weirded out, just suck on the lollypop instead of saying something.”

“Oh,” said Audrey. “Good idea.”

She took both, slipping the sunglasses on. She and Cindy both looked at each other in the wide bathroom mirror.

They were, Audrey had to admit, killer hot. Mr. Strong had no idea what was coming.

“Follow my lead, babes,” Cindy sang out, strutting out the bathroom.

As soon as Cindy entered the classroom, she went to work, strutting hotly, and elaborately licking her lollypop. Her pink, hot little tongue dragging over the round candied surface.

“Misterrrr Jaaaacobs,” Cindy said, strutting down the aisle of desks. “Could you help us, please?”

“Help you?” He smiled. “Certainly. Your seats are right over there.” He pointed.

Audrey, nervous as could be, anxiously sucked on her lollypop. The cherry flavor was cool and fruity in her mouth.

“No, that that, silly!” Cindy giggled, right next to his desk now, bending over so he could see straight down into her cleavage. “It’s just that like, we both
need to leave, and—”

He cleared his throat. “You should have thought about that before you decided to act up in class.”

Cindy, contrite, nodded big, her eyes wide. Slowly, she started running the sticky, translucent surface of the lollypop down her neck and to her cleavage. “Oh, for deffos! Totes! But like, isn’t there...anything we can do to convince you to let us go early?”

“Something like what?” From the stern-yet-amused look on his face, it seemed as though he knew exactly what was happening, but was willing, for the time being, to see how far Cindy would actually take it.

With a series of giggles, abandoning her lollypop to the ground, Cindy slid up on his desk and began stroking the long, soft, young skin of her legs.

“I dunno...something that like, a strong man does with a totally cool, discreet girl who knows a good thing when she sees it?”

“Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, ?”

Leaning over and sliding across his desk, Cindy’s hands landed on his crotch. Her mouth pressed up against his ear. Her soft young tits crushed hard on his thick arm. Audrey's eyes, hidden by the sunglasses, were stark wide. She couldn't stop sucking down the lollypop...and couldn't help but imagine, just a little bit, that it was a big, fat cock.

Mr. Strong's cock, in fact.

“Please?” Cindy whispered desperately. “Fuck me and let us leave?”

Mr. Strong stood up, pushing Cindy aside, walked past Audrey, and locked the door to the classroom, putting the key in his pocket. Then he shut the blinds.

“Very well,” he said, clapping his hands. “Who wants to go first?”

First? Oh god, though Audrey. He was planning on fucking both of them?

Audrey raised her hand, concern dotting her gorgeous face. “Um, Mr. Strong?”

“You? All right, then.”

“No way! I mean, it’s Cindy. It’s only Cindy. We decided.”

He shook his head. “That’s not the way out of this place, dear. It’s all or nothing.”

Audrey gulped.

Cindy, for her part, was already preparing herself. She had hopped up onto the desk, clearing it off entirely. Her sexy, tanned legs were opened wide, and her shocking pink panties were already in her mouth, stretched out by one beckoning hand.

“Come here, Sir,” she purred. “Come and fuck me like a real man can.”

If Audrey didn’t know better, and she wasn’t entirely sure that she didn’t, she would have suspected that Cindy was enjoying herself!

Quickly, Mr. Strong dropped his pants to the ground, revealing his sculpted ass and his...oh man. His cock.

Audrey gasped, seeing it. Oh god. It just wasn’t fair!

As if it wasn’t enough that he already had them trapped in this insane situation, and as if it wasn’t enough that he had practically announced his desire to fuck them for a long time coming—now Audrey knew that his cock, his beast-like, enormous, stud-god cock was the sexiest thing she had ever seen in her life. Her entire body was flooded with heat.

He was already hard, just from looking at her and Cindy. God. He was so enormous. His cock was like a pole made of meat.

She sat down on the nearby desk, eyes wide, dreamily making googly-eyes at it. She wanted to doodle in her notebook about marrying it. God. It was so fucking big. She felt like he could tear down buildings with it.

Fuck. He was going to tear down
with it.

Without any foreplay—as if it were something he had done a thousand times before, he stepped up to Cindy and spread her legs even wider. Grabbing the cheerleader's hips, he pushed hard inside her tight young pussy. Hot pussy juices from Cindy's clear arousal leaked down to the desk. Cindy moaned out in instant bliss.

“Oh fuck, you’re so big!”

Audrey watched as he thrust into Cindy's eager hole. Cindy stared up at him with open need, panting and desperate. His hands came up to her top and ripped her shirt away. Thick, strong, male fingers climbed up Cindy's heavy breasts, kneading into her nipples.

Excited now, whimpering, Audrey sat down and just watched. She was more than a bit stunned, but even so, she couldn't help touching herself as she watched the proceedings. It was so fucking hot, watching that slut Cindy get that hard cock inside of her.

Mr. Strong continued to fuck her ruthlessly as Audrey watched and touched her clit. Fuck, oh fuck. He was drilling her soooo hard!

“I’m gonna cum,” he growled in Cindy’s ear.

“Oh fuck,” Cindy said, her eyes growing wide.

“Oh fuck!” Audrey moaned, watching and sucking hard on her lollypop now.

He grunted out in between thrusts, “I’m gonna—gonna—gonna cum right in your fucking hot cunt.”

“Oh god! Oh goddd!!” Cindy moaned.

Mr. Strong threw his head back, grunting and panting, spasming uncontrollably inside of Cindy's pussy. Cindy, for her part, seemed to have orgasmed the same time he did, a happy, serene smile of purest pleasure decorating her pretty face.

Breathless and sweaty, covered in Mr. Strong's cum, Cindy tumbled to the ground. Giggling and humming little happy tunes, she crawled over right next to where Audrey was sitting.

“He came...came right inside of me,” Cindy said, her lips dancing along the knee socks on Audrey's legs. “God, there was sooo much of it. So fucking much cum. I’ve never...never ever felt so much.”

Mr. Strong smiled, as happy as Audrey had ever seen him. Looking over at his creampie-filled prize, he leaned back on the desk, eminently satisfied.

Staring up at Audrey lustily, Cindy kissed the brunette's legs suddenly. Audrey didn't know how to pull away, how to tell her to stop. Instead, she just kept licking her lollypop, her eyes big behind the sunglasses.

Once more, Cindy giggled. “God, I’m probably preggos for deffos. You nasty man. You fucking owned my cunt.”

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