Read The Lady and the Earl Online

Authors: Diedre Clark

The Lady and the Earl (26 page)

BOOK: The Lady and the Earl
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her blasted horse without help
just as she’d done on the day of the hunt.
Declan would never get used to a woman so independent.  It pleased him to help in such simple things, but
thwarted his help
yet again
.  He shook his head as he mounted Colonel.

“Are you coming
?” she
, completely unaware of his irritation

“Yes, of course.  Lead

She nodded and urged Lancelot back toward

They rode mostly in silence, chitchatting about little things

Allana seemed distant this morning as if she wished to be alone with her thoughts. 
Declan wondered how much
knew.  Did she know they were betrothed?  Marcus should have told her yester eve.  He
said he would. 
Allana had not broached the subject, and Declan did not feel it was his place to
say anything about it
told her. 

Allana guided them almost to the place
Declan had
found her stranded ten days ago.  Then oddly
she changed course.  It was as if she planned to take him one place then changed her mind suddenly. 
It was curious.  He had discovered her twice in th
general area
.  T
he first time
was when
he mistook her for a thieving young boy, and
she so ruthlessly kicked him between the legs.  And the second was when he had rescued her from the mud
.  That one was a much more pleasant memory

He wondered why
she had led him
before suddenly changing course. 
there was somewhere nearby she liked to visit.  He stored the information away for
further thought, and simply continued to follow. 
she led
to a private inlet off the river.

“So this is the place
?” he

“One of them, yes.”  Allana
ouldn’t look at him.  She stared straight ahead as though examining the area. 

He contemplated her words. 
One of them?
  That meant she had several pl
aces she might venture.  He did

t like that, or maybe he did.  If she changed course frequently, nobody co
uld hide in wait for her.  T
hen again, if she went missing, he would
know where to start
a search for her

“Do you approve?”
Allana asked
.  She slipped
him a clever almost flirtatious look.   

It still
how senselessly attracted he was to
Yesterday in the stables he was ready to kiss her
.  It would have occurred too if it wasn’t for that boy’s interruption.
  And now he was wondering how he could create another moment like that but without the interruption.
He had to start using his brain around her.  He couldn’t simply kiss her like he
kept trying to do.
  He couldn’t succumb to those desires just yet.  But when she looked at him as she just had, all common sense slipped away. 
There was a pull to her he could not explain. 
All he wanted to do was
off that horse so he could…
!  These thoughts were not good.  He cleared his throat.  “
…of course.  Why?”

“Oh, since I a
m to be your
, I thought you should see some of the places I go.”  Allana tilted her head to the side and eyed him matter-of-factly.

chuckled softly.  “Ah, so you do know.  I’ve been wondering that.  In f
act, I’
m beginning to think it

the cause of
your melancholy mood.” 

  Why would you think that?  Maybe because our conversation yesterday implied
I will not be able to go anywhere without a shadow accompanying me when we are wed,” she said irritably.  She scowled at him
, or perhaps he should consider it more of a pout

He shook his head, smiling.  “Would it be so terrible if it was me shadowing you?”

eyes shot open in surprise.  There was hope there, and suddenly it was gone.  She shook her head and
answered quietly and soberly, “No, it would not.”

smile softened.  “I’m glad.”  Their eyes met, and a current
of heat
seemed to surge between them.  Allana looked away quickly,
a sigh of…was it despair
heard?  He sincerely
not.  Surely she
elt that strange current pulling her to him as he had
to her
Her eyes said she
, but then why the sad sigh?  “Allana, something is bothering you.  Please, tell me what it is,” he prodded. 

“I,” she hesitated.  “I’
m sorry.  I
mean to be such miserable company.  This marriage worries me.  I hardly know you,” she answered truthfully

“Do not apologize.  I understand.  But these things tend to work out.  It could turn ou
t to be quite the adventure.  I ha
ve never been one
to decline
a good challenge,” he finished with a grin.

She eyed him
, not looking very pleased with what he’d said.  Then she nodded in resignation. 
“A challenge, of course.”
  She said it more to herself than Declan.  He wondered if she even realized she’d said it aloud.

He cleared his throat.
say something more to help ease her mind.

The arrangement
isn’t sealed in blood
Allana.  You still have a choice.”

“A choice?”

we have six weeks before our wedding.  Four, unfortunately, where I will be away, but the rest we can use to our advantage and get to know each other better.  If we change our
minds at the end of
six weeks, we can call off the wedding before it’s too late.
  So you see?  If you’
re still doubtful, you may change your mind.
He looked at her with reassurance.


Allana nodded, but her mind was whirling. 
Declan thought
was having doubts?  Oh, what little he knew!  She would marry him no matter what.  Her heart wouldn’t allow her any other choice, but she was afraid
would be broken in the process.  He didn’t love her, and there was no guarantee he ever would.

He continued, “
, I highly doubt I will
change my mind, so it
have to be your decision.”

frowned at him. 
“Does my dowry mean so much to you?” she asked stubbornly.
  Surely that was the only reason he’d agreed to this marriage.
She was simply the baggage that would come with it.  This was definitely not what she’d ever imagined
her life to be
.  She’d imagined love and happiness from the man she would marry
.  She never expected to be considered
a business arrangement or an obstacle needing to be overcome. 

“Your dowry?”
Declan asked with a laugh.  His eyes twinkled in delight.  “Is that why you think I’m marrying you?”

What other reason
s there?

of course,
” he said bluntly. 

“Me?” she asked in astonishment. 

He laughed again.  “Must I corner you and try to kiss you again to prove it?  Apparently my other failed attempts were not enough.”

“But it’s different now.  We’re to be married,” she argued.

“And how is that different than yesterday?  Nothing has changed for me.  Believe me
when I say your dowry is not the only thing that tempts me.”  He eyed her purposefully, causing her heart to quicken and heat to flare all over her body.

“Oh,” she said weakly.

He shook his head, a smoky smile still lining his features.  “
Is that all you have to say?”

“I…I…,” she shut her mouth.  “
prove it.”
  Had she really just said that
?  Her cheeks flushed red
as his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

He chuckled
.  “
Come here, and I will.”

Allana swallowed hard.  She couldn’t move.  All she could do was
at him with wide eyes.  Finally, she
.  What was she thinking?  She wasn’t.  That was the problem. 

“It seems I’ve called your bluff,” he said with amusement.

“Or perhaps I’ve called yours,” she said
obstinately, still not looking at him

He laughed in delight.  “Oh Allana,
you are…,

and then he sighed in
.  He did not
say anything further.

braved a glance at him and found him looking
out over the river
, a smug smile on his face

She wondered what he was thinking.
He’d said she tempted him.  Perhaps he was thinking about her in ways she’d often thought about him

in his arms
his lips
Her heart quickened and she found herself breathing quite raggedly. 
Was it possible he wanted her as much as she yearned for him?   

Well, I don’t know about you, but I believe I need a swim.  Care to join me?”
he suddenly asked.

Allana’s eyes widened in shock.
think that would be very appropriate, do you?”

“Probably not, but who’
s to know
He gave her a
and climbed off his

  He opened his mouth as if to correct her.  “I mean
.  I really don’t think this is a good idea.”  Not a good idea?  This was ideal, wasn’t it?  After all, she could
exploit the situation and use her feminine wiles to win his affections.
  And it might also lead to that desired kiss.
She was certain it wouldn’t be a failed attempt this time.
  But then again, that’s what made it so dangerous.  Lucas would take advantage.
  She was certain if Declan tried to take advantage, she wouldn’t care one wit.  She would let him do as he—
Shame on you, Allana!
scolded herself before she could finish the thought. 

As if reading her
he said,
“Allana, I will stay perfectly modest, as shall you.  And I will be a complete gentleman.  It will be an entirely innocent activity.” 

Innocent activity?
Perhaps she would join him then.

?” he
He sat on the ground and tugged off his boots and stockings.

BOOK: The Lady and the Earl
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