The Land of Rabbits (Long Shot Love Duet #1) (9 page)

BOOK: The Land of Rabbits (Long Shot Love Duet #1)
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“I can’t believe I came twice.”

“You did all the work the second time.”


“Fuck.” He sits up and looks toward the door. “Put your clothes on.” He dashes into his jeans.

“What?” I start to dress, a second later smelling what put him on edge... a cigarette. “Oh shit.”

“She’s coming.”

“You stupid boy.” Roxanne stands in the doorway, holding a backpack. Ashes fall as she moves closer, tossing the bag to his feet.

“Keep your cigarette over by the workbench before you blow this place up. There’re gasoline cans close to where you’re flicking that thing.”

“Shut up. Pack up. And get out!”

His lips purse as he stands in front of her, hesitant before saying, “Fuck you.”

He gets a hard slap and a finger pointed in his face. “Get your fucking junk and leave or I’ll send the guys to toss you out on your ass. Do it before they beat you to a pulp. I want you off my grounds, now!”

I stand behind him, speechless. Helpless.

“You think you can work for me and never give in? Eat my food, drink my beer, and do whatever the fuck you want without ever lying in my bed?” A vein pops out of her neck. “What makes you so goddamn superior to the other men here? Get your shit together and get the hell out!”

He picks up the backpack and exhales, taking a handful of items from the nightstand and reaching for the books.

“Leave ‘em.”

“This one’s mine,” he says, placing the drug addiction book in his bag. He zips it up and walks to the corner, taking a look at the flower seed box to say goodbye to Grace. “You don’t belong here, either. Find your way home to the other rabbits. Stay safe.”

“Where are you going?”

I follow him to the door and he gives me a quick kiss. His face is long, showing extreme disappointment. “Having just a small taste of you was worth it.”

“Blah, blah, blah. Get the fuck out.”

He turns to Roxanne with clenched fists. “You’re lucky I don’t hit women, cuz you’d be flat on your ass if I did.”

“Such a tough guy. Good luck living in misery,” she says, watching his figure disappear into the dark night.

“Wait!” I look out, seeing him vanish down the trail. I race to find my sandals and cell, but the door shuts before I can head out after him. “Quinn, wait!” I shout. She blocks the door, flicking ashes to the plywood floor. “Get out of my way.”

“Your total charge is five grand.”

“What? Fuck that. Move over.” My wrist is brutally grabbed when I try pushing her aside, her long-nailed clutch causing my hand to shake. “Unlike Quinn, I
hit a woman. Now let go.”

My strong tone produces a

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I say.

“Oh.” She cocks her head, giving me a victorious look. “I’m an admired woman around here. And you... you’re a sleazy, revolting criminal. Your acts are inexcusable.” I try to pull back, only to be held tighter. “If you don’t have the money, we can make a deal. How about you work it off? Come to my room and crawl into bed with me. All of my employees are busy and I could use the company.”

My lips twitch in anger. “Let. Go.”

“You know, dear...” I’m pushed to the floor, landing on my ass in a thud. Her hairy legs power toward the workbench where she blows out the candles. I’m in the dark again, this time with a vile witch, not a charming prince. “... he’s a filthy boy. Don’t waste your time on such scum.”

“If he’s such scum, then why’d you hire him?”

I get to my feet, defenseless as I watch her glowing cigarette circling, tormenting, goading me on. She ignores my question. Damn, I’d love to kick her knees and take her down.

“Where’s he going?”

“I’d tell you to pack your bags and leave, except the rest of your party paid a healthy fifteen grand. Why is it always the cheapskates who try to steal from me? People take the inexpensive package and want the whole shebang. Everyone wants a handout these days.”

“Where?!” I seethe.

“Home. He’s getting his clothes from inside then it’s bye-bye time. Hit the road, Jack. He’s finished. I don’t need employees like him defying me... treating me like I don’t exist. This is
fucking home. Not his. The kid’s a bad seed. I should’ve fired him months ago.”

“So why didn’t you?”

“I enjoy a challenge.” She walks out and I follow a yard behind, not wanting to get close enough to be grabbed again. “Tyler had to nearly force him into my car when I picked them up.”

“Tell me where he lives. I want his address.”

Orange embers trail through the night as she shakes her head. “Demanding little thief, aren’t you? If he wanted you to know he would’ve told you himself. What’s the attraction to that piece of garbage anyway? It’s not like he’s a rich doctor or a star athlete.”

I stop my pursuit, letting her walk ahead. Screw this. I won’t get anywhere with her.

I keep my distance until we reach the backyard of Afterglow. She’s still in that skanky black robe, still sauntering, and still a bitch—nefarious nasty-ass woman that she is.

“I’ll charge him to your room,” she calls back. “Thanks for fondling one of my men.”

“He’s not yours anymore!”

I wait for her to go inside while trying to figure out what to do. Following him won’t get either one of us anywhere. He can’t stay here, I can’t bring him back, and even if I’m able to catch up with him, I can’t tag along. I can’t call him either. Damn it.

“Fuck, this sucks.”

“Adlyn?” Brian’s voice comes from the pool. “What are you doing back there? It’s almost morning. Didn’t you sleep?”

“No.” I drag my feet through the wet grass, hit by the smell of chlorine when I get closer to the pool. “Didn’t feel like it.”

“Didn’t feel like it or can’t?”


He’s in the hot tub, his arms outstretched and head back, exploring the sky. “Nice night to be out. Tons of stars up there.”

“Yeah.” I sit on the concrete and slip my feet into the bubbly hot water. “Why aren’t you asleep?”

“Ahh, I’m wounded.”


“Threw my back out.”

I try not to laugh, holding my smile against my shoulder.

“Don’t ever get old.”

“From what I’ve experienced through you and Nadine, I don’t plan on it.”

“You okay?” He looks at me and I give him a weak nod. “Wow, I guess so.”

“What does that mean?”

“Your hoodies inside out and your usual pristine hair’s a complete mess.” He closes his eyes and lets his hands float in the water. “I remember those days. Quick and erotic. When you get older those moments are few and far between. Sex becomes more planned, less exciting.”

“That’s what Nadine said.”

“Did she?”

“Why does it have to be that way? Maybe it’s just the two of you.”

He opens one eye, questioning my response. I can sense he views me as naive, same as Nadine.

“We’re leaving in six hours. You should get some sleep.”

“Actually... I’m getting drunk.”



Chapter Six



“ADDIE, TAKE OFF THE sunglasses and sit up. I thought I told you to lay off the booze. Remember that conversation we had last night? Dang it, I didn’t want to wake up and find you passed out.”

Nadine’s peeved. I drank a shitload so I could fall asleep. I can’t remember much after the third, or maybe it was the fourth, fourth shot of... what the fuck was I drinking? Must’ve been good, whatever it was.

“At least she made it to her room,” Jess says, shoving a forkful of scrambled eggs into her mouth.

“I think I’m gonna barf,” I grunt, slouched forward with my hand supporting my head.

“Good. Here, eat some eggs. They’ll help you upchuck, then you’ll feel better.”

“Oh God.” I push the plate away and puff out my cheeks. “Why didn’t you let me sleep in?”

“We did,” Jess says. “It’s ten o’clock.”

“Mmph, too early. Way too fucking early.”

“How was your night, anyway?” she asks.

My nose scrunches at the piece of egg stuck to her bottom lip, moving up and down, taunting my queasy stomach as she speaks. “Mine was awesome. But I thought Tyler would be in his thirties, not so young. Hey, did you ever kiss that guy?”


“Is that a yes or a no?”

“Addie, you’re a wretched drunk and even worse when you’re hung over,” Nadine says. “I hate it when you get this way. Why do you think I asked you not to go overboard last night? Now please, be an adult while you’re sitting here.”

“Me, be an adult? You’re the one who’s a horrible caretaker.”

She drops her fork and tosses her napkin, glaring at me with a heavy sigh. Shit, why did I open my big mouth?

“Is that what I am to you? A caretaker? Where the hell did that come from? That one hurt.”

“Sorry, but—”

“No buts. No more excuses for drinking.”

“Well, you don’t have to gripe about me not being an adult because I’m hung over. People get drunk no matter what the fuck their age is. It’s not just college students. Eighty-year-old alcoholics can be this way.”

an alcoholic.”

“Yes she is,” Jess says.

“Enough. Here, drink some juice. Wake up before we start the drive home.”


“I said,
. You want a caretaker, fine. I’m caring for you. Stop pissing and moaning and cut the crap. And I don’t want to hear you say you’re better and drinking less when clearly you’re not. I’m tired of it.”

“You’re lecturing me.”

“Damn right I am.”

“She’ll be better when she gets back in school,” Jess says under her breath, checking who’s around. “Tell me about your man before Brian comes out.”

They chatter back and forth, causing my headache to turn into a migraine. I take small bites of a dry bagel, trying not to hear the details. Wish I had my headphones. Wish I were home. My real home... makes me wonder about Quinn and his. I haven’t stopped thinking about him since I was dragged out of bed.

I’m stuck in the dreaded longing stage, the way I always feel after a terrific first encounter. An infatuation. A crush. Replaying my time with him in my head like I do with every part of my life.

... he took the anal beads, you know, right at that moment and...

My mind returns to his touch, our kiss, the way my name was spoken in a short, heated breath when he came. Over and over I imagine those moments, and the more I think about him, the more aroused I become.

I’m dick-whipped.

... and what a name. Afterglow. Just look at our faces...

I wonder how many Ellises live in Schenectady and how difficult it’ll be to find him once we get back? Is that stalking? Am I one of
irrational women who track a man after one night together? Should I even bother?

“Speaking of glowing faces... Addie,” Jess prods. “What the heck did you do last night? Look at her smile, Nadine. Spill it. Details lady. We want details.”

“What? Nothing.” I uncross my legs and squirm in the iron chair.

“Baloney shit.” She flaps a piece of bacon at me before taking a big bite.

“What? That’s not bologna.”

“Close enough. Look, are you one of those girls who acts all sweet and innocent but you’re really a slut?” She turns to Nadine. “Is your niece a closet whore?”

“No.” She laughs. “Far from it.”

“Hey, I could be. And why don’t you ever act your age? You’re so annoying.”

She responds with a playful frown, triggering a dirty look from my side of the table.

“I think we should go, like now,” I say.

“Like, totally,” Jess teases again.

“Not funny. How would you like it if I barf in your car?”

“Addie, stop!” Nadine’s frustrated voice causes turning heads from nearby tables. “What’s with the attitude this morning? A threat to damage someone’s car isn’t funny.”

I lower my head in regret. “I-I’m just tired and disappointed. And you’re right, I shouldn’t have had so much to drink.”

“She must be feeling just terrible, aren’t you little one?”

Fuck... Roxanne. I wanted to get out of here before running into her again.

“How did you ladies enjoy your stay?” She places a firm hand on my shoulder, stinking of smoke, perfume, and coffee. Combine those three things and you get the smell of a skunk.

“Faaantastic!” Jess beams. “I’d stay an extra night if I had the money.”

“It was absolutely wonderful, thank you,” Nadine adds. “The retreat’s beautiful and Sean was perfect. He made me feel like I was with the real character.”

“Fake,” I say. “Characters aren’t real, they’re fake.”

Her eyes widen like she wants to smack me.
, I mouth. Based on my mood, I know I’ll be repeating that word all day.

“And you, Ms. Moore?” Roxanne asks. “Did you enjoy your night?”

I look up at the two-faced woman. I’d love to tell her off, except that would be the last straw for my aunt. “Fine,” I lie. “The room was... it was orgasmic. O-R-G-A-S-M-ic.”

They’re silent, staring at me like I’m out of my mind until Jess flaps another strip of bacon and says, “She got laid. I’m sure of it now. My guess is she’s afraid to admit it so she’s acting out.”

Nadine attempts a quick explanation, embarrassed by the two of us.

“This one,” she gestures toward Jess, “I have no excuse for—she tells it like she sees it. But my niece, she lost her mom a while back and—”

“Lost?” I’m aghast. I can’t believe she just said that. “Lost her?” I repeat.

“Well, if your niece got lucky with one of my men it’ll be on your bill. You can count on it.” Roxanne’s hand slips away.

“She was murdered, Nadine. I’ll never play that down. It wasn’t an illness. She wasn’t lost. Someone
her life.”

“Okay, here we go again,” she says.

“Murdered?” Roxanne questions. “Is that why you’re so fascinated with Quinn?”

“What?” My brows lift. “What does that mean?”

Her mouth curves into a smile, but dies out a second later. “Ladies, I’m happy to hear my retreat gave you such pleasure... all of you. Enjoy your trip home.”

She walks to another table, asking the women the same questions about their stay, while snapping for a server to refill the coffee cups.

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