Read The Last Chance Online

Authors: Darrien Lee

The Last Chance (28 page)

BOOK: The Last Chance
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Ramsey looked at her and saw the anger in her. “Keilah, are you sure about this?”
She looked over at him and smiled. “I'm sure.”
Keytone got up and walked over to the window. “So, how do you want to do this?”
She laid back in her seat. “We're getting ready to shut this city down.”
Ramsey and Keytone looked at Keilah and then at each other. They had no idea what she planned to do, but whatever it was, they had no doubt it was going to cause some damage.
“I'm going to have X meet me at the Lucky Chance. Xavier's in for a big surprise, and he's not going to like it.”
“How are you going to close the casino on short notice?” Keytone asked.
She pulled out her cell phone. “With one phone call. I'll have them put on the marquee
If anyone wants to gamble they can go over to the Special K.”
Keytone held out his fist so Ramsey could dap his. “That's my sister. She don't play. It's on now.”
Ramsey laughed. “I'd have to agree with you, Keytone. Keilah is a dangerous woman in more ways than one.”
Chapter Twenty-six
All four of the Chance brothers' phones received a text message just like X instructed, but when he read them, his smile quickly turned into a frown. “What's wrong, X?” Romeo asked.
“I underestimated her,” he replied.
“Who? Keilah Chance?”
“Yes. She's no ordinary woman for sure. She's not coming to the warehouse tonight. She want me to meet her at the Lucky Chance, and she wants me to bring her brothers or there's no meeting.”
“Why?” Romeo asked.
Xavier looked over at Romeo. “I'm sure she's more comfortable meeting in a public place. Nah, she's smooth. Her brothers raised her to be like them, and they did a damn good job.”
“So what are you going to do?” Romeo asked.
Frustrated he yelled, “What do you expect? I need her signature, and if I don't get it, all of this is in vain.”
“Now what?” Romeo asked.
He hit the dashboard with his fist. “Take me back to the warehouse so I can have a little chat with the Chance brothers.”
Romeo made a U-turn in the middle of the street and sped down the boulevard. “Are you going to let them go once you get Keilah's signature?”
X laughed. “I haven't decided what I'm going to do with them yet. Maybe I should take them out to Runyon Canyon and put a bullet in their heads.”
Romeo laughed out loud and gave Xavier a high five. “X, I have to give it to you. You and P.K. played this just right. They didn't know what hit them. I think they're still in shock.”
Xavier lit a cigar and blew circles of smoke out of his mouth. He couldn't help but smile to himself. “I'm not worried about meeting Keilah at the casino. It only seems right for things to end where it all started. Victory is just around the corner for us, and we're going to be richer than our wildest dreams. I know my pops is looking down on me, proud as hell. I had to do something to regain his honor. That Chance family has been a thorn in my side for years.”
Romeo pulled down a dark street. “Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I can't wait for us to have boxing matches there. The money is going to roll in even faster.”
“This is just the beginning, Romeo, just the beginning.”
The Escalade came to a stop outside the warehouse. Romeo called Baby Dee on his cell and seconds later the warehouse door slid open. Romeo slowly drove the truck into the warehouse and parked. Xavier climbed out of the truck and looked at his watch.
“OK, guys. Keilah has altered our plans a little and changed the location of our meeting over to the Lucky Chance. That gives us about five hours to get things ready. I need to call P.K. and let him know there's been a change in plans. If I know Keilah like I think I do, she's not going to come alone. No matter what, do not take her out until I get her to sign on the dotted line. After that, I don't care what happens.”
Baby Dee folded his arms and asked, “Can I have her?”
Xavier started up the stairs but looked back and laughed. “What do you want her for?”
Baby Dee followed close behind him. He smiled. “Have you looked at her? That chick is hot.”
“I think you're in love, Baby Dee,” Romeo added.
“Maybe I am,” he joked along with them.
The trio finally reached the third floor where the Chance brothers were being held. Xavier walked in and clapped his hands together. “I have good news and bad news. The good news is that this whole thing will be over shortly. The bad thing for you is that your beautiful sister has agreed to join our little party.”
Luke looked at him angrily. “X, now you listen to me, and I want you to listen good. It's obvious you and P.K. have done whatever it took to steal our casinos from us, but if you put even one finger on my sister, I will kill you.”
X, Baby Dee, and Romeo all burst out laughing. X walked over to the caged area and said, “I'm sorry, Luke, but Baby Dee already has dibs on her. I wish I could help you out, but I can't.”
Luke leaned forward and whispered, “Please, Xavier. She's our sister. Have a heart, man. Damn.”
Xavier could see the agony in Luke's eyes. He cleared his throat and whispered back, “I'll think about it. But if she gives me any trouble about signing this paper or anything, I won't be responsible for my actions or Baby Dee's.”
After Keytone and his entourage left Malachi's house, Keilah and Ramsey used that time to catch up on their sleep. They wanted to make sure they were alert and refreshed before they met up with Xavier and his crew. It was nearly eight o'clock before Keilah woke up. She yawned and stretched as she sat up on the side of the bed. As she sat there, she couldn't help but think about her brothers and what lay ahead for them. Why Xavier was holding them hostage was still a mystery, but she wouldn't rest until they were released and back home safe and sound.
Keilah looked at the clock on the nightstand before walking over to her suitcase. She pulled out a few toiletries and headed into the bathroom for a hot shower.
Down the hallway, Ramsey was awakened as soon as he heard Keilah turn on the water. He rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. As he lay there, he wondered what dangers they would be faced with later and then prayed everyone would come out unscathed.
Ramsey sat up and picked up the 357 Magnum he got out of Malachi's stash of weapons and inspected it one last time. He heard the shower turn off, alerting him that Keilah would be dressed and ready to go shortly. He stood, unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on the bed. A hot shower was exactly what he needed to clear his head and adjust his mind set. He walked around the bed to retrieve his luggage and realized he'd left it in Keilah's room. While she was still in the rest room, he padded down the hallway to get it, but when he opened the door he startled Keilah who was standing in the middle of the room in only a black lace thong. She covered her breasts with her hands. “Ramsey, you startled me.”
Frozen in his spot, he stood there and admired just how natural her beauty was. “I'm sorry, Keilah, I thought you were still in the rest room. I didn't mean to bust up in here without knocking.”
She smiled and dropped her hands to her sides. “Come on in, Ramsey. It's not like I have something you haven't seen before.”
Keilah was right. He had seen her in even less than what she had on at the moment, but it had been a while. Gazing at her unbelievable physique caused him to totally forget why he'd come into her room in the first place. He walked past his luggage and straight over to her, where he cupped her face and softly said, “I see your bruises are almost gone.”
She wrapped her arms around his body. “I'm glad.”
They stood there staring at each other in silence while Ramsey caressed her cheek. “Are you ready to kick some butt tonight?”
“I'm ready to do whatever it takes to save my brothers. It doesn't matter what happens to me. They've looked after me all of my life. Now it's my turn to take care of them.”
He lowered his lips within inches of hers and whispered, “And it's my turn to love you like you need to be loved.”
Keilah's eyes widened with shock upon hearing Ramsey's confession as he seared her lips with his sultry passion. Ramsey held onto Keilah as tightly as he could while continuing to savor her soft, ample lips. His hands and mouth were all over her body. She could hardly catch her breath, and when his large hand slid inside her lacy undergarments so he could touch her, she gasped and softly said, “Please don't tease me, Ramsey.”
“Do I act like I'm joking with you?” His voice was slightly strained. “I love you, Keilah.”
She pressed her face against his bare chest and kissed him in various sensitive areas. Keilah could hear the changes in his breathing as he trembled against her lips. “Baby, I don't know how this night is going to end, but right now, all I want to do is feel you in every possible way.”
Ramsey tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but it was impossible. Tears welled up in his eyes, because he finally realized that the emotions he experienced were the real thing. He was in love with Keilah, and having her in every way possible was only going to be the beginning for them.
Keilah's hands quickly unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and did the same with her undergarments. They stood before each other bare, emotionally and physically, and neither of them flinched. Ramsey picked Keilah up, and she wrapped her legs around his body. He kissed her insatiably, and she happily returned the favor. Ramsey gripped her hips and pressed her body against the wall as he dipped his mouth and covered her brown, swollen peaks. He was hungry for her, and he greedily feasted on her round mounds, causing her to pant uncontrollably. He wanted more, and as he carried her over to the bed, he continued his assault on her voluptuous, feminine lips.
As she lay on her back, he slowly ran his tongue from her slender neck, down through the cleavage of her breasts, to her navel and lower to the small triangle patch between her thighs. Before dipping his head into her sweet abyss, he pinned both of her legs to her side so he could feast on her without any obstacles. “Keilah, I'm not going to stop until I have my fill of you. You've been warned.”
Before she could mumble a word, his lips were torturing the very essence of her. This was nothing like anything they had experienced between each other before. Keilah felt sensations running up and down her body, which caused her to shudder violently. Ramsey was putting his brand on the most sensitive area of her being, and she felt like she was going to disintegrate. He had control of her body now, and there was nothing she could do but hang on for the ride. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes seemed to turn into hours as he showed no indication that he was nearing the end. If anything, he increased the way his tongue swirled and twirled over her flesh. Keilah gripped the sheets and arched into him while moaning and panting loudly. She knew her body couldn't take much more. Especially when she felt her skin sweltering and her body trembling. She gritted her teeth as her body shuddered causing her to scream, “Oh, Ramsey.”
Mission accomplished. Only then did he stop. He smiled and kissed his way back up to her lips. He whispered, “You can't say I didn't warn you.”
She was still trembling, and her skin was hot to his touch. She was on fire, and he was just beginning. He played in her soft, auburn hair as he looked her in the eyes. “You know I love you, right?”
Breathlessly she answered, “Yes.”
“And you trust me, right?”
“With my life,” she answered.
“Then you know there's no way I'm going to allow anything bad to happen to you, right?”
She nodded in agreement as if she were in a trance. In a way she was, and it was a state of mind beyond anything she had ever experienced. He leaned down, then kissed and toyed with her lips before whispering, “Turn over, baby.”
Keilah rolled over onto her stomach and then looked back over her shoulder at him. He gave her one firm kiss on the lips before kissing his way down her back. He kissed her tattoo, causing her to suck in her breath. He pressed his body against her hips and moments later, she felt him inch his way inside her. She bent over farther and prepared herself for his enormous love. He held onto her hips and let the rhythm of their bodies and hearts transport them from the past, to the present, and into the future. Each thrust of his body told her a different story about them, but they all had the same ending, and he whispered it each time their bodies came together. “I love you, Keilah. I love you, Keilah ...”
Keilah buried her face into the pillow and let Ramsey penetrate her core. His momentum increased when he heard her subtle whimpers. He continued to plunge deeper into her chasm as he inhaled her body and spirit. When she looked at him, he noticed the glazed look in her eyes, and then he felt his body explode, paralyzing him as his seed filled her space. The pair collapsed onto the bed and into each other's arms. Keilah nuzzled her face against his warm neck and murmured, “I have never in my life felt anything even close to what I just felt with you, Ramsey.”
BOOK: The Last Chance
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