The Last Dragon Chronicles: Fire World: Fire World (48 page)

BOOK: The Last Dragon Chronicles: Fire World: Fire World
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“So, I would like two thousand words, by

a week on Friday, on the existence –or

not –of dragons.”

David felt the colour drain out of hisface. “You’re joking? That’s impossible.

How on earth am I supposed to writethat?”

Bergstrom shuffled the papers and said,

“May be ‘where on earth’ would be better than ‘how’…”

When David Rain is set an essay ondragons, there’s only one thing he knowsfor sure –he wants to win the research tripto the Arctic. As David begins to digdeeper into the past, he finds himselfdrawn down a path from which there is no

going back…

… To the very heart of the legend of dragons, and the mysterious ancient secret

of the ice fire.

There is a fire star coming, signaling atime of new beginnings. A time fordragons to rise again…

A research trip to the Arctic and acontract for a new book–life can’t getmuch better for David Rain.

As soon as David finds himself in the icyclimes, he starts to write his story ofbears, dragons and the mysterious firestar.

Soon he realizes his tale is beginning tomirror real life, and that an old adversaryis on her way to meet him. Can Davidthwart her terrible master plan? Or willhis world be destroyed forever?

Five years have passed since David Rain,now a cult author, disappearedmysteriously in the Arctic.

Life in Wayward Crescent has settled torelative normality. But as the weathergrows wild and the ice caps melt, all eyesturn north, where bears and the souls ofthe Inuit dead are combining to produce aspectacular solution…

… A solution with its focus on David’s child, Alexa –if the agents of evil don’t

reach her first.

With the Earth on the brink ofrecolonisation by dragons, David Rain issent on an important mission: to seek anddestroy a trace of dark fire, the deadliest

force in the universe.

But with success could come a terribleprice, the sacrifice of a beloved claydragon.

How much does the life of one small

dragon count, when the alternative is the

birth of a darkling… ?

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