The Last of The Red Hot Firefighters (Red Hot Reunions Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Last of The Red Hot Firefighters (Red Hot Reunions Book 1)
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He held out the sunflowers—three gorgeous blossoms, each one as big as Naomi’s two hands put together, surrounded by decorative grass and tiny stalks of wheat. She took the arrangement reverently, the feeling that she was accepting something much more precious than store-bought flowers making her stomach start to flutter all over again.

What did this mean? Why was Jake bringing her flowers after he’d been avoiding her all week?

Why was he still smiling that heart-squeezing, panty-melting smile that made her feel cozy and desperate to jump his bones all at the same time? Was this some kind of crazy mind game? Was she imagining the way the air thickened between them, filling with sweet, erotic tension that made her thighs itch beneath her silk stockings?

“Thank you,” she said instead of any of the other things racing through her head. “They’re beautiful.”

Jake stared down at her, holding her gaze with an intensity that made her lips tingle and body yearn to be closer to his. She longed to have her arms around his neck, her breasts flattened against his hard chest as he pulled her closer, claiming her bottom in his hands the way he used to, using his palms to draw her up his body until her feet dangled and Jake became her foundation and his lips, teeth, and tongue became her world.

“We should head inside. We don’t want to miss that turkey,” Jake said, offering his arm like a man who had been trained by his grandma to have the handsome manners to match his handsome face.

Naomi slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, fingers curling into the soft cotton of his gray sweater and the crisp folds of his dress shirt beneath. It felt good to touch him, electric and familiar at the same time and fantastic enough to ensure Naomi could do nothing but offer a goofy smile to the woman who took her coat and flowers at the coat check just inside the door. Even when the young redhead thanked Jake for his service and shot him a come-hither look, Naomi only smiled and relished the feel of Jake’s bicep beneath her fingers as he led her through a second set of doors and down the long passage to the dining hall.

After all, she couldn’t fault the redhead for trying.

In black jeans, a white button-down, and gray V-neck sweater, Jake looked like he should be modeling business casual for
Delicious Man-Meat Monthly
. He was so drop-dead gorgeous it was hard to believe he’d stayed single for two years. Respect for his grief aside, Naomi could imagine that the women of Summerville had done their best to tempt Jake into rejoining the dating world. But he was still unattached, a fact Naomi had been clinging to as she’d tried to convince herself a second chance between them wasn’t the craziest thing in the world.

If Jake were willing to settle for anything less than love that made your heart race and your soul celebrate having found the way home, he surely would have hooked up with one of the many eligible women on the market. He must be holding out for something more than a woman to warm his bed and look pretty on his arm at church. He must be holding out for the real thing, the kind of love he’d likely shared with his wife, and the kind of love he and Naomi had shared when they were teenagers.

It had been young love, but it had been real, one of the realest things Naomi had ever known.

“Looks like your sister’s table is full,” Jake observed as they stepped into the VFW hall and scooted off to one side, searching for a place to sit.

The space had been transformed into a winter wonderland. Snowflakes dripping sequins hung from the ceiling, white tablecloths covered circular tables, and at the middle of each table a centerpiece that looked like a snowstorm had exploded bobbed and sparkled. It was gaudy, but fun and romantic, too, despite the fact the room smelled like Naomi’s Grammy’s house at Thanksgiving.

“Want to see if there’s room at Jamison’s table?” Jake asked, motioning to the far corner of the room where a table of firefighters and their dates were already seated, digging into their overflowing plates. “I think there are two seats. They’re not together, but I’m sure people wouldn’t mind shifting over.”

Naomi let her eyebrows draw together, hoping it looked like she was seriously considering sitting at the same table as the man who sent her into a guilt-induced seizure every time she was in his presence. “You know, it looks like there are two together at Howard’s table. Let’s not bother Jamison and his friends.”

“I’m sure they won’t care.”

“Well, I would,” Naomi said, smiling up at Jake. “And besides, Howard is a poultry frying legend. I want to pick his brain on how he brines his turkey.”

Jake cocked his head, shooting Howard’s table a critical glance. “I don’t know. Howard will talk your ear off if you let him, and I’m not really in the mood to share you tonight.”

Naomi’s mouth went dry and the smile slipped from her face as she met Jake’s gaze. She told herself she was imagining the way his hazelnut eyes darkened, but something deep inside her called foul. His tone was more than polite, it was downright sexy, and the look he was giving her was enough to make her nipples pull tight inside her lace bra.

Naomi’s tongue slipped out to dampen her lips. “That wasn’t a very civil thing to say,” she said, trying to keep her tone light, but failing.

“Well,” Jake drawled, leaning his forehead closer to hers before adding beneath his breath, “maybe I’m not feeling particularly civil where you’re concerned.”

“Oh yeah?” Naomi dampened her lips again, but the moisture did nothing to cool her heated skin.

“Yeah,” Jake said. “And if you lick your lips one more time, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to keep from kissing you.”



Holy fried turkey, where had
come from?

Naomi’s eyebrows shot up. “Is that right?” she asked, her pulse fluttering in her throat and things even lower in her body fluttering with longing.

“That’s right.” Jake’s voice was husky, and the look in his eyes indicated he wasn’t bluffing.

Still, a part of Naomi couldn’t believe this was real. Jake couldn’t have changed his mind about her so drastically, could he?

She supposed there was only one way to find out…

Slowly, deliberately, Naomi let her tongue slip between her lips, tracing the curve of her upper lip while she held Jake’s gaze and the air between them sparked and crackled. But unlike at the auction, this time the electrical current they generated didn’t cause any damage; it only made Naomi’s blood pressure spike as Jake claimed her hand in his and turned, dragging her back through the door.

Naomi wanted to ask where they were going, but she didn’t dare say a word. She didn’t dare do anything that might break whatever spell Jake had fallen under, or keep him from making good on his threat to kiss her.

Kissing Jake
. The thought was…dizzying.

By the time Jake pulled her into a janitor’s closet down the hall and tugged the door shut behind them, the world was spinning. When Jake pulled her into him and covered her mouth with his own, the spin became a whirl and Naomi’s knees buckled.

She would have fallen, but Jake was right there to catch her, one strong arm wrapping tight around her waist while his other hand drove into her hair, cradling her head as he pulled her closer. His tongue slipped between her lips and into her mouth, mating with hers with a hunger that made it clear he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him.

The kiss was definitely a Jake kiss and as familiar as her own face in the mirror, but it was different, too. This was no boy’s kiss; this was a man’s kiss. There was no hesitation or uncertainty in the way Jake’s mouth claimed hers, no doubt that he knew what he wanted and how to make her come half a dozen times while he was taking it.

He tasted like salvation, like every sweet dream and wicked fantasy she’d ever had wrapped in one delicious package. Within seconds, Naomi’s chest was so tight with emotion that she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Instead, she moaned into Jake’s hot mouth and twined her arms tighter around his neck, giving as good as she got, dying to be closer to him. She wanted his hands touching her everywhere, his skin bare against her own.

“God, you feel so good,” he mumbled against her mouth before claiming her lips for a bruising kiss, drawing another moan from Naomi’s throat as his hands moved to grip her ass, his fingers digging into her flesh through her dress and thin lace underwear.

As he pulled her closer, pinning her hips to his, sending a jolt of raw desire shooting out along her every nerve, Naomi silently celebrated her decision not to wear her pudge-imprisoning panties. As Jake’s hand slid up her thigh, she was grateful that only a scrap of fabric separated her from his touch, and hopeful that soon her easily removed underwear would be in a puddle on the floor.

Jake found the top of her silk stocking and groaned, a sound Naomi echoed as his hand moved to cup her sex through the damp lace of her panties. Naomi’s fingers dug into Jake’s shoulders, her head falling back with a soft cry as he pulled the fabric to one side and slid two fingers inside where she ached for him. He drove to the end of her channel and pulled slowly back, establishing a teasing rhythm that built the ache fisting low in her body, making her tremble as he took her closer to the edge.

But she didn’t want to tumble over alone. She wanted Jake with her.

“I want you,” she said, tugging his shirt from his jeans. “I’m on the pill. You don’t have to worry about protection.”

Instead of taking the words for the green light they were meant to be, Jake pulled away, his hand sliding from her body as he put space between them. The loss of his warmth hit like a physical blow, making Naomi’s nipples pucker and the needy place between her legs send up a wail of objection.

“We should talk,” Jake said, his breath coming fast as he brushed her hair from her face with one warm hand.

“Talk later. Kiss now.” Naomi reached for him, but Jake captured her shoulders and held her at a distance, eliciting a sound of protest from her throat.

“Now,” he said, gently. “Before we do anything either of us will regret, I want you to know where I stand.”

Naomi knew she wouldn’t regret anything Jake wanted to do with her, or
her, but he clearly wanted to talk. She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Talk. Why the sudden change of heart?”

He smiled, a shy smile that made Naomi’s insides melt. “I wouldn’t call it sudden,” he said, laughing beneath his breath. “I’ve been chewing on the idea all week. At first I wasn’t sure, but by this afternoon it became pretty clear I’m not built to resist you.”

Naomi’s lips parted in surprise, half expecting to wake up in her bed alone and realize this was all just another Jake-centered dream.

“There’s still something between us,” Jake continued. “I told myself it was only physical, but it’s not. I care about you. I want to get to know you again, to see how it would be between us now that we’re older. I would be a coward to keep running from that.”

“You’re not a coward,” Naomi said, her pulse thready with hope.

“I don’t want to be.” Jake held her gaze, making Naomi shiver as she saw all the way to the heart of him for the first time since she’d returned home. His shields were down; he really was letting her in. “And that’s why I think we should give this a shot. A real shot.”

“There is nothing I want more,” she said, pulling in a shaky breath. “Except maybe to have sex in the next five minutes.”

Jake’s eyes crinkled around the edges in a way Naomi found incredibly sexy. “I feel your pain, darlin’. But I think we should make sure we can tolerate each other for longer than a month of Fridays before we take things too far.”

Naomi’s lips pushed into a pout. “That sounds like a terrible idea,” she said, earning a laugh from Jake.

God, she loved hearing him laugh again. It was the best sound ever, enough to make her toes buzz and her heart do a slow, delicious swan dive in her chest.

“It’s only two more weeks,” he said, running his fingers down her arms to grip her hands in his. “I just want to be sure we’re on the same page. No more secrets, especially secrets that make you write long letters and run off without saying good-bye.”

Naomi took a deep breath and nodded, the weight of what he was offering her settling around her shoulders, helping take the edge off her lust. This was a real second chance, something she hadn’t been sure Jake was capable of giving anyone, especially her, and she had to make sure she didn’t do anything to screw it up.

“No more secrets,” she said. “And you’ll see I’m not the girl I used to be. I’m smart enough now to know what matters. All I want for the foreseeable future is to stay in Summerville, and that future would sure be brighter with you in it.”

Jake smiled. “You always did have a way with words.”

“I have a way with kisses, too,” Naomi said, twining her arms around Jake’s neck, her heart leaping as she realized that this was okay—it was okay to touch Jake, to press her body against his and let him know how much she wanted him.

“There’s no doubt about that,” Jake mumbled, wrapping his arms around her waist. “But I have a feeling if we start kissing again, I’m not going to stop until your clothes are on the floor.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Naomi pushed up on her tiptoes, bringing her lips closer to Jake’s.

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