The Lawgivers: Gabriel (21 page)

Read The Lawgivers: Gabriel Online

Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #scifi, #futuristic, #erotic futuristic scifi

BOOK: The Lawgivers: Gabriel
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The feel of his lips along her cheek
stirred warm currents inside of her, made her breathless and dizzy.
She closed her eyes, savoring the strange warmth invading her,
focusing on the feel of his lips as he explored her face with them.
When he reached her mouth, instead of trying to evade him again,
she turned toward him. He released a pent up breath, matching his
lips to hers, nibbling at them with his own.

The warmth increased and an odd sort of
jitteriness seized her, fluttering in her belly, making her heart
and breath quicken even more until she began to wonder if she would
pass out.

He broke contact after a moment,
pulling away just enough to meet her gaze when she slowly opened
her eyes to see what he was doing. “More?”

Lexa felt perfectly blank for a handful
of moments. Finally comprehension dawned and she swallowed a little
convulsively, struggling with opposing urges to flee before
something frightening and possibly hurtful happened and the urge to
discover more. “Yes,” she finally managed to say.

He covered her mouth with his almost
before she managed to get the word out, pressing his lips against
hers until she answered his unspoken command by allowing them to
part. His breath and taste invaded her as he stroked his tongue
along hers almost experimentally. It sent a harder jolt of warmth
and the odd jittery sensation through her, making it impossible to
ignore the fact that it was excitement at his touch, not fear, that
was making her heart race a little faster and then a little

Even so, she jerked a little in
reaction, tensing all over when she felt his hands coast upward
from her waist to cup her breasts. He merely cupped them for a few
moments and then began to gently kneed the flesh, kissing her for a
moment more before he broke from her lips to explore her face
again, and then her ears, and finally her throat.

She knew his goal and yet she found
herself waiting in breathless anticipation for his touch

It was like nothing she’d ever felt
before when he lifted her up and covered one peak with his mouth,
sucking on her nipple as he massaged her breast. It made her feel
strange all over and for a few moments she couldn’t decide whether
it was a good sort of strange or a bad one. The heat spearing
through her settled the matter. She felt her belly quake in
response and the muscles lower clench reflexively.

Without ever having felt it before, she
knew immediately that the ache that began inside of her was a
desire to feel him there.

Surprise and wonder filled her. He
hadn’t lied to her. He knew how to make her want him to do that to

“Gabriel,” she gasped, beginning to
feel distressed when he moved to her other breast to suckle it
instead of filling the emptiness inside her that had become a
restless ache.

He moved with her to the edge of the
pool, lifting her from the water and laying her back against the
ground. A shiver skated through her as the cool night air kissed
her skin, and then she felt the warmth of his body pressing against

“Do you want me inside you, Lexa?” he
asked in a husky growl as he explored her face once more with his
lips and her body with his hands.

Lexa swallowed with an effort, felt her
mouth and throat go as dry as a desert. For a moment, fear warred
again with pleasure, but she knew she did want it. “Yes, Gabriel,”
she gasped.

Gah-re-al shifted to his side alongside
her, caressing her breasts and then her belly and finally settling
one hand between her thighs. It was at that point, as he explored
her cleft with his fingers to test his welcome, that he made a
stunning and not particularly welcome discovery.

They weren’t anatomically compatible—at
least not completely.

He checked again, just to be certain he
hadn’t missed the second opening he was searching for and then
pressed one long digit inside the opening he did find. She was wet
enough to make him dizzy and he was already mindless enough he was
having difficulty deciding exactly what the hell he was going to do
with two penises and only one orifice—and room for no more than one
in the opening he did find.

Shelving his dismay and his sudden
certainty that he would be lucky if he came at all, he shifted over
her, aligned the lower of the two appendages with her opening,
settled the upper along her cleft, and began an uphill battle to
claim possession of her channel. He felt her tense as he tried to
enter her and met resistance, but he was too far gone to stop and
try to work on a better, or at least moister, reception.

He broke deadlock with a little jolt
that squeezed the head of his dick so hard he thought for a few
moments that he might pass out. A gush of moisture met him,
soothing the painful—for both of them he didn’t doubt—entry.
Unfortunately, it sent such a rush through him as he sank deeply
inside of her that he felt his cock buck, threatening to
immediately unload.

He paused to catch his breath—and hold
it, trying to focus his mind elsewhere to keep from cuming when
he’d thought only moments before that he might well not cum at all
when he couldn’t fully enter her. The member sandwiched between the
lips of her sex was stimulated enough by that circumstance,
however, that cuming had ceased to be an anxiety and holding back
long enough to manage a handful of strokes, at least, had taken

When she lifted her legs and curled
them around his waist it was almost his undoing, but it helped him
recall that he had a partner to please, not just

He was tempted to tell her to put her
legs down again before she made both of them unhappy, but it felt
too damned good when the movement helped him sink so deeply inside
of her that he could feel her flesh squeezing him from tip almost
to the root. Only a little more and he could have it

He hit bottom before he managed it. He
wasn’t certain he would’ve realized he was as deep as he could go
except she let out a yelp that didn’t sound like pleasure. Gasping
for breath as if he’d flown ten miles, he levered himself up far
enough to examine her face for anger, terror, or tears.

She had her eyes squeezed tightly
closed and he couldn’t tell if the expression denoted pain or

“Did I hurt you?” he gasped

She shook her head. “Not

That wasn’t exactly what he’d hoped to

He lowered himself until his chest was
pressed against hers and kissed her apologetically, thinking he’d
be cooled enough by the time he’d apologized he could control
himself a little better. As soon as he began kissing her, however,
the muscles along her channel began to clench and relax around his
cock and Lexa began to move restlessly against him. The currents of
pleasure her movements generated shot through his brain and
short-circuited higher thought functions. His hips jerked
reflexively, sending a harder wave of bliss through to his brain
and he instantly forgot everything but the pursuit of his ultimate

Breaking the kiss to suck in enough air
to keep from passing out, he began driving in and out of her with
single-minded desperation, dimly aware that she was bucking and
thrashing against him, but primarily as an impetus in attaining his
own goal. It wasn’t until he felt his body clench in preparation of
ejecting his seed and the thought crossed his mind that he hadn’t
enjoyed nearly enough to cum yet that he recalled that his goal,
before he started, was to bring her to climax if he could before he
allowed himself to cum.

He stopped abruptly, gasping for air
and trying to stem the imminent eruption.

Lexa gasped shakily, pumping against
him frantically when he suddenly stopped, leaving her teetering on
the verge of something tremendous. “Don’t stop!”

He growled a warning, “I’m going to

Goosebumps erupted all over her as if
the words had summoned them. The something ‘tremendous’ caught her.
Lexa let out a long, low groan as a rapturous spasm seized her,
shaking her to her core. Gabriel uttered a sound that touched off
another wave of heated ecstasy and made her skin pebble all over.
The wave crested as he shuddered and then began thrusting into her
frantically. She was near mindless already, but when she felt him
begin to shudder with release, felt the heat of his seed as it
bathed her womb, a different sort of pleasure crested over

The darkness in her mind created by the
spasms of pleasure parted slowly. Awareness of her surroundings
gradually flowed back. She became aware of his heat, his weight on
her, and his ragged breath first. It was oddly pleasing to her
despite the discomfort, but then her awareness expanded further and
she began to notice less pleasant things—the hardness of the ground
beneath her back and the grit grinding against her skin, the
stickiness between her thighs, various pressure points where their
bodies met that began to feel bruised.

As if he reached that point of
awareness at about the same time, Gabriel roused himself and rolled
off of her. He grunted when his back settled against the rough
ground. “Shit! Did I peel the hide off of you?”

There was a thread of amusement in his
voice that didn’t mask the concern also there.

“I’m not sure,” Lexa retorted with a
touch of amusement in response. “I was sort of preoccupied. Guess
I’ll find out when I wash off.”

Gabriel sent her a quick, searching
look and grinned. “You came all over my cock.”

Patting himself on the back, she mused?
Or was that in the nature of a complaint? “Oh! Don’t you dare try
to blame the mess on me!”

He chuckled, sat up, and caught her
when she began struggling to rise. Pulling her onto his lap, he
searched her face. “I made it good for you, baby?”

The question made a lump form in her
throat, made her chest tighten with some unidentifiable emotion.
She smiled back at him a little shyly. “You made it good for me,
Gabriel. Thank you.”

His face darkened—with discomfort, she
thought. She didn’t wait around to find out what thoughts had
produced the frown that gathered his dark brows together over the
bridge of his nose. She pulled away and moved back into the

He watched her for a few moments and
then followed her.

“We should get dressed and get back, I
guess, although I’m not looking forward to that.”

He caught her arm, pulling her against
his length.

Which is when Lexa made a startling and
unsettling discovery.

There were two long, thick, hard cocks
pressing against her mound. Her eyes widened. That was what she’d
felt rubbing her clit that had set off the most wonderful thing
she’d ever felt?

“If you’re in no great hurry, I could
be persuaded to do that again.”

Chapter Twelve

A rush of pleasure went through Lexa
despite the doubts that also surfaced.

She hadn’t expected him to want to
couple again—certainly not so soon—but it made her feel wonderful
that he wanted to.

The doubts were a little harder to pin
down, but she thought it was mostly a fear that another coupling
wouldn’t leave her with the glow she felt at that moment and she
wanted to cling to that to wash away all the ugly from before. It
seemed nothing short of miraculous that it had been wonderful. She
didn’t want to risk losing that feeling.

She realized she was also afraid that
he would tire of her very quickly and another round of sex would
leave him feeling as if he’d satisfied whatever need had made him
decide to couple with her at all. As she’d always been in habit of
doing whenever bad thoughts arose, though, she pushed those from
her mind and yielded to the desire she’d been struggling with for a
long time, she explored the feel of his skin with her palms and
fingertips. His skin, cooled by the night air, reacted by
tightening and pebbling and she met his gaze again

His expression had grown taut but
before she could interpret that to mean that her touch wasn’t
welcome, he drew her toward the edge of the pool again. This time,
instead of immediately mounting her, he settled beside her with his
head propped on one palm and skated a hand over her belly and
upwards to her breasts. She shivered as she felt the warmth and
faint roughness of his palm awaken her flesh to heightened
sensation. For a few moments she felt herself seesawing between
delight and discomfort as she looked down at his hand on her,
dismayed to see the ugly projection of rib bones and pelvic bones
tenting skin that lacked the flesh to soften them, but when she
searched his face she saw from his expression that he didn’t find
her appearance repulsive. Relaxing fractionally, she reached to
explore him again with her gaze and light, tentative touches and he
ceased his own exploration to allow it, moving his hand down to
rest lightly on her hip.

Moonlight gleamed on the water on his
skin, creating a landscape of mounds and shadowy dips that
emphasized his musculature so that she could see that he was as
beautifully made as she’d imagined him to be. The firmness of his
flesh was infinitely pleasing, began to warm her inside, created
that strange tension that she’d begun to equate with him before
she’d realized it was a precursor to want that could escalate to a
sense of desperation.

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