The Legacy of Kilkenny (31 page)

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Authors: Devyn Dawson

BOOK: The Legacy of Kilkenny
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“Was it a
I ask Oakley.

“Well, the kid was too traumatized to talk to the media but he told his parents the wolf was almost as tall as him.
The parents think it might be an exaggeration but it sounds
to the General.”
Oakley said, his jaw clenching as he tries to keep his cool.

Who would attack a human?
It wouldn’t be part of our Pack; everyone is in Piedsville waiting for us.
Only the guards are out there, so who?”
Pru said fidgeting around with nervous energy.
“The implications are undeniable but I’m positive our Pack wouldn’t participate in anything like that.”

I don’t know.
I can’t help but think the vamps are behind this somehow.
No one is dumb enough to attack a kid and implicate our Pack.
I’m thinking a rogue was approached by a vampire and convinced to play a deadly game.
We’re all losers in this though. The general wants us to stay at the dance and continue on like nothing happened.”
Oakley put his hand on Pru’s back rubbing her bare skin.
“Before they think I’m letting you guys drink in here, we need to get back inside.
I told them we had a family emergency and needed to call home.”

I watch as Oakley put his arms around Pru; pulling her in for a hug.
I see her close her eyes and I know that any chance of her liking me just fizzled out.

“Hey Oak, can I talk to you for a second?”
I ask.
We stay in the limo as the others head back inside.
“Look, I know my date with Pru is fake and all, but I’d like everyone else to think I’m on an awesome date, so if you don’t mind…. Could you keep your hands to yourself?”

“Man, it’s not like that.
I’m sorry.
Look, I’ll just go over to the chaperone table and leave you all to your dance.”
He put his hand out to me and we man hugged patting each other’s back.

I go over to Pru and grab her hand dragging her to the dance floor with me.
I finally get down the steps to one of the line dances and the principal announces we have to go home.
The senior class president apparently snuck in some Jack Daniels and proceeded to barf all over the punch table and in the punch.

Most everyone at prom knew about the after-party over at Pru’s house.
Earlier in the day Bryon and I had gathered a bunch of wood for a bonfire.
Being the
that he is, Bryon starts the fire with lighter fluid and a stick he made into a torch.
If a fire is ever needed, Bryon is your man.
Dolly hooked us up with a chef to cook some food on the grill.
“Hey Bryon, who’s the dude with the system?”

“Oh, that’s Mike, he’s someone’s big brother or something.
He is a DJ that does a lot of weddings and
I think that’s how you say it.
A dance that the Hispanic families do for their daughter when she turns 15.
I hear he is pretty rad.
I’m so
’ hungry.
I’m going to go get a burger from that chef guy.
Want one?”

I think I’m going to go find the General.
If anyone asks, keep it on the down-low,” I say.

Bryon asks as he turns around heading towards the grill.

Chapter 60.


I snuck off to have a talk with my dad.
I found him in the sitting area of his bedroom reading a true crime book, his favorite kind.
“Hey daddy, are you up?
I thought I’d come hang out with you for a few minutes.”
I went and sat on his lap, just like the old days when I would sit and listen to him tell me stories about his father and his travels all around the world.

“Why aren’t you out there with your friends’ sweetie?
Did something happen?”
He asked.

“No, nothing
I just wanted to talk to you and find out more about the boy that was killed.
You don’t think it was one of our guys do you?”
I rested my head on his collar bone.

“It was
one of our guys, of course not.
We ran a 12-hour back log on their chips to make sure that none of them were anywhere near the incident.
And before you even ask, I didn’t suspect them in the first place; I just needed the documentation if something comes down from the Council.
Strike that.
I just need to make sure that our butts are covered if needed, that’s all.”

I pulled back and studied the expression on his face.
“What did you mean by Council?”

“Pru, sometimes you’re too precocious for your own good.
I’m not going to talk about that with you.
Go outside and hang out with your friends.
This is a night for
kids, go enjoy a piece of normalcy.”
He kissed me and led me out of the bedroom.

“Okay, but don’t think I’ll forget.”
I said as I started down the hall.

“Oh, I’m sure of that sweetie.”
He waved me out the door.

“Where’ve you been?”
Abel asked, as I came out onto the back porch.
“I was just headed inside to talk to your dad, is it a bad time?”

“Maybe, I think he was about to take a nap.
I thought I’d go talk to my dad about that stuff that was on the news.”
I shrug, putting my arm around Abel and walk with him over to the bonfire.

“Did he have any ideas about who it might have been?”
He grabbed a stick, shoved a marshmallow on it, and started roasting it over the fire.

“No, not really.
He wasn’t much in the mood for talking, he said we need to enjoy our night.
Hey your marshmallow is a lovely shade of black.”
I point at the charcoaled marshmallow, giving a little laugh.
“I guess you can’t talk and cook at the same time.”

“Oh, I was making this one just for you.”
He pulled it off the stick and tried shoving it in my mouth.

We ran around the fire laughing and trying to grab some more marshmallows to pop in our own mouth.
I finally had to stop because I was laughing too hard and death by chocking on a marshmallow is humiliating.
Abel was bent over next to me laughing too.
Oakley came over and started throwing marshmallows at both of us.
Soon, we had everyone that wasn’t making-out fight with us in a marshmallow war. It was awesome ending the night with laughter.

The next morning at breakfast, Shaynie sat next to me chattering nonstop about how much fun she had at prom with Bryon.
In the midst of me spreading grape jam on my toast my dad announced she was spending the rest of the school year with us.
I thought to myself.
“You’re staying?”
I blurted out.

We’re going to have so much fun.”
She took a sip of her heavily creamed coffee.

“When did this happen?
No one told me about this.”
I turned to face my mom, trying to mentally get her attention. “I didn’t know this was even an option, with all of the
going on.”
I took my napkin like a blanket over a corpse and covered my plate.
I pushed myself back from the table, trying not to seem like a spoiled brat.

“You’re right, dear.
No, I didn’t bring this up to you, the last time I checked, I’m Alpha.”
He stood up in one quick motion.
He turned and nodded at my mom and Shaynie.
“I’ve got some emails to return.
Prudence, you’ll need to move Shaynie from the guest room and put her in the room down the hall from you.
The one your mother had me paint for her.”


I’d rather be home sleeping but I guess shopping on an overcast afternoon isn’t the worst thing in the world.
“Oh mom, that’s a cute sundress.
That shade of orange being so bright, really brings out your tan.”
I turn to Shaynie and said “too bad you’re not going with us, you’re totally missing out.”
The obnoxious smile she had pasted on her face as she told me that she’d let us have our mother daughter time made me want bad things to happen to her.

We went to one of those discount stores, the kind with the tags that show you how much you would have paid but you’re getting it for another price.

Mom turns to me and says, “You’re conveniently side stepping away from the elephant in the room.
How are you feeling having another female
in the house?”
She guided the shopping cart to the comforter section.
“Oh this is a nice set, it’s very Parisian.”
She picked up a damask comforter set.

“Yeah, whatever.
I don’t really know
to know her taste but that one is nice.
If she doesn’t like it, we’ll hold onto the receipt and bring it back.
I said.

She put the set in the cart and we headed over to get some sheets.
“You didn’t answer my question about having her in the house.”

I don’t really know.
I guess there’s a part of me that’s always wanted a sister and thinks it would be
fun. There is the other part of me that knows how nice it is to be the only girl.
I mean, I know the guys have girlfriends, it’s not like I’m really related to all of them but most everyone has been in the Pack since I was a little girl.
I don’t think we’ve had anyone new in over ten years.
It’s just a bit strange to me.
I’ll be fine though.
she want to leave her Pack?”
I grabbed a couple of 500 thread count sheet sets.
“I need a new set too.”

“Well, this actually has been in the works for about a year now.
Your dad went to a meeting down there and spoke with the Alpha; we had thought she would be a good addition to us.
I think her Alpha convinced her that she would be better with us.
Being the largest and most powerful Pack in the United States, we are highly sought after.
Not only
but we are also from the
You are the end of the line on our side.
We had always hoped I’d have another, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me.
We secretly hoped you and Abel would imprint but I think you have eyes for another man
We have more men that would make great suitors for her.
All of them in her Pack have mates.”

You’re kidding me?
So we’re in the male to order bride business?”
I come to a dead stop to gawk at my mom.

“That is mail
And no, it isn’t like that.”

“No, I said it the way I meant it.
It sounds a little creepy to me.
Does she know she is here to mate?
Are you planning on her mating with Abel?”
I say as I shook my head back and forth.

“Well, not exactly.
He will make up his mind about what woman he wants on his own.”
She pulled the cart from my hand and kept pushing.

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