The Legend (70 page)

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Authors: Shey Stahl

BOOK: The Legend
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It was
bizarre to me to have these guys talk about how great I was, I was never one
for praise but I also remembered, throughout the twenty years in this series,
these were my friends. Given the chance, I’d say the same things about them.

As Tate
finished, he said one thing that
got my attention, his eyes
glazed over and he cleared his throat. “He would be proud of you right now
buddy. Always remember that.”

I didn’t
know Kyle was going to speak, but he did.

another driver can understand him and I always did. I’d worked with other
drivers before but the important thing was the combination between the driver
and the crew chief. If you don’t have a sundry of team members, it doesn’t
work. ” Kyle glanced over at me. “To spare myself a breakdown up here
I’m just going to keep this simple. I’ve
stayed out of the spot light but I’ve been in the heat. You stood by me no
matter what. I remember our first season in cup together when we were fined for
fuel additive.” He raised his eyebrows in
disgust and snorted, the crowd laughed at his sarcasm toward the bullshit fine.
“While I remember sitting in that hauler with you getting ready to hear the
verdict and you asked me, “How’d it get there.” I gave you my honest answer of,
“I don’t know.” And you know what, he never questioned me. Jameson trusted me
and that’s what made us the champion we became. He’s really what kept
Riley-Simplex racing all these years and as the new owner he will continue to
keep it a winning team.”

I had to
laugh as did the crowd. Kyle
me out.

I hadn’t
announced it officially but yes, I was the new owner of the team and would
assume that responsibility next year. Like I said, I was no longer racing with
the series but this team was hand crafted by my father. I couldn’t just let it

Kyle ended his speech he said one thing that pretty much summed up our
relationship over the years. “He may have been Rowdy Riley or the same guy that
would punch you if you threatened him but” he looked directly at me. “
there’s a reason why I’ve been your crew
chief for the last twenty years. You’re my family, that’s why.”

There was
a short intermission while drivers talked with others and their families but I
stayed seated at our table watching.

Axel was
there with Lily, she looked beautiful as she always did. They were standing
next to Justin and Ami who were also there in support of me. Tommy and Willie
were there too since there was free food so of course they came but most of
all, they were here to support and be the friends and brothers that they always
were to me over the years. I chuckled to myself thinking back to the time when
we changed out an engine on the way to Skagit going down the freeway and Tommy
dropped that wrench on my face.

and Alley sat side by side with Cole and Lexi near them, teasing Tommy. Aiden
and Emma lost in their own bubble together sat next to them across from all of
the crew guys from back home. Noah and Charlie, behaving for once, they all
came as well and even congratulated me at one point. I think they were scared
now that I had more time on my hands they wouldn’t have jobs but even though
they were still shitheads, no one could build engines like the Gomez boys.

Easton and
Arie were here and all smiles. It was a good feeling seeing her smile these
days and being with a guy that I was sure wouldn’t break her heart.

Casten, my crazy kid that found entertainment in everything life had to offer
him. He was here, laughing at me but he was here.

“What are
you laughing at?” I finally asked him when he chuckled beside me. Sway had
gotten up to use the bathroom so he stole her seat next to me.

of substance
” then he laughed again when Tommy stuffed a
beer in his suit jacket. Casten nodded toward him. “I don’t know what’s more
entertaining to me
Tommy in a suit or him
stealing free beer.”

I laughed
as Tommy stashed another one. “Definitely the suit, he steals free beer all the

returned and had a good laugh with us until the intermission was over and the
stage went dark.

I knew what
was coming and I wasn’t prepared for how emotional it would be for me.

It was
time for me to speak.

introduced me to the audience after that and played a short video of my career
to which the entire venue went ballistic with cheers when they saw a picture of
me at five years old racing quarter midgets. I was sure my mom was behind that
one. There were pictures of me and Jimi laughing together sitting on the pit
wall prior to races over the years. There were various snap shots of us
throughout my career, some of Axel with us and then the last picture of Jimi
and me. I remember that day clearly though it was years ago; it was the night I
won my tenth championship. In the black and white photo Jimi had his burly arm
wrapped around me but was pulled back, looking directly at me with a wide
smile. He was there for every championship I had ever won.

When the
picture faded to black, the phrase “Legends of our Time” covered the screen.

and gentleman, the fifteen time NASCAR Cup Series champion
Jameson Riley.”

With a
quick kiss on my wife’s cheek, I took the stage for the last time as race car
driver in NASCAR.

I didn’t
say anything for a long moment, just stared at the screen that still had the
phrase plastered upon it.

legends?” I asked rhetorically looking out into the crowd, whistles and cheers
roused. “Well he was undoubtedly a legend but me
don’t know about that.” I shook my head and looked down at the podium before
gazing into the crowd at Spencer, Aiden and Kyle sitting next to my mom. I
winked at her and she smiled holding Spencer’s hand. “But I’ll tell you
something else
” I began slowly. “I set out to accomplish
one thing in my career and that was to be known as Jameson Riley, not the son
of Jimi Riley. Somewhere along the way, I accomplished that. But I also
discovered that it was far more rewarding to me that I was
son. He
taught me everything I knew about racing, life and love. Now that I know what I
do now, I don’t know why I fought so hard to separate myself from him in racing
when all along, he molded me to the driver I became and I am honored now when
someone says, “
Hey there’s Jimi Riley’s son.
” I looked back at the
screen one last time. “This one’s for you dad.” 

I could
have said more and I did but that was the speech that came from my heart as it
was true.

night, when we left with one phrase stuck in my head. “You’ve made a lot of
money in your career.” I couldn’t get passed that particular phrase being said
to me. As if that’s
I did all this.

Well yeah,
I was never hurting on money but it wasn’t what I wanted out of life.

It was
never about the money. Looking back to my first midget race, it was about the
adrenaline, the competition. That’s what drove me.

I raced
because I
it, not because of the money.

You rarely
find guys like me walk away when they’re on top of their career like I was but
I did. I came back from a nearly fatal accident because I needed to prove I
could. That right there should tell you how much this sport meant to me over
the years. As I said, it was never about the money.

If you
asked me now what my happiest memories were, sure most were racing.

But then
there were the years spent with my dad at Lernerville, Terra Haute, Skagit, and
all vivid memories.

When I met
Sway, our summer together, those three weeks together after Charlotte, getting
married, our kids, all that was some of the best memories I had. The tie to
racing was strong. I loved them both. Both made me who I was today. And I took
pride in knowing I was still that same person I was back when I started racing
Jameson Riley.

I remember
where I came from, what made me, and I would always consider myself the kid
from Elma Washington.


Bench Racing – Sway


Bench Racing
– When a group of guys sit around talking about racing.


You would
think that I would know better than having everyone over for Christmas, but I
didn’t. I mean really, I’ve done it before and every year I tell myself that it
was a stupid idea.

This year
wasn’t any different.

Eve was usually the holiday that brought everyone together. Christmas Day was
spent with in-laws or whatever else all the various families had going on.

So this
year, the year Jameson retired, we had everyone over for Christmas Eve. Most
years we did this at Jimi and Nancy’s house but since Jimi passed away, Nancy
wanted it somewhere else.

The day
before Jameson was supposed to be coming home from Nashville where he’d been
doing an appearance but he wasn’t at the Nashville airport where Axel was
waiting for him.

“Where are

He sounded
slightly out of breath, which had me a little concerned. Casten who was sitting
next to me smiled and looked down at his phone when I glared at him.

“I’m at the
airport.” He sighed. “Why did I fly commercial?”

“Because I
told you, we gave the flight staff the week off for Christmas. What airport are
you at?”

grunted out a snort. “I don’t see why they get the week off and I don’t. I’m
supposed to be retired.”

scheduled the meeting before you announced your retirement.” I pointed out.
“But really, what airport are you at?”


started laughing when he overheard that. “Jameson, how did you get to Memphis?”

that’s kind of a dumb question honey.”

“No, it’s

“Well okay
then, I flew here on this thing called a plane. It’s a great source of travel.”

asshole,” Casten was laughing so hard he was turning red at this point. “I know
what a fucking airplane is, Jameson. What I’m asking is, why
in Memphis when Axel is supposed to meet you in Nashville. Why did
you switch planes?”

was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “Shit. I got the gates confused.”

I knocked
Casten off his chair when he got to laughing so hard he snorted his cereal.
“See if you can get the next flight to Nashville then. I really want you home
for tomorrow night.” I hinted without saying why.

He knew me
to well and let out a sarcastic laugh.
“What for?”

Christmas Eve, why else?”

“Why would
you want me there so badly?” he asked again with apprehension mixed equally
with irritation.

He knew me
to well at this point.

I decided
based on some internal debt that I would use his mother for this one. “Well mom
wanted everyone together for Christmas and Casten volunteered our house.”

looked up at me from the floor. “You dirty liar.” He whispered but smiled when
I through a cookie at him.

“Why is
Casten laughing?”

isn’t Casten laughing?” I added trying to compose myself.

point but I don’t understand why he would offer up our house.” Casten heard him
and starting laughing and then said, “I didn’t dad, she’s lying!”

Before I
could reach the little shit, he was running away from me.


“Tsk, tsk,
tsk.” Jameson clicked his tongue. “You shouldn’t lie to me honey.”

really, why is that?” The snow had just started to fall when I heard a loud
crash in the family room followed quickly with Casten saying, “I’m sorry, I’ll
buy you another one.”

must have heard that. “I swear to god Sway, if he broke another window, I’m
gonna kick his ass.”

“Will you
just get on the goddamn plane?”

He let
out a huff. “But I expect some dirty—”

“All right
you, just get on a plane. Let me worry about the making up.”

Jameson chuckled
“Getting on the right plane now.
I’ll be home

When our
family started to arrive, Casten was in heaven. Turns out he didn’t break a
window but the television. He wouldn’t admit to how but he did run out and buy
another one before Jameson found out.

was, harassing everyone as he did best. He enjoying himself because not only
was Tommy and Willie
there, but they also brought
a date that in turn brought her daughter who just happened to be in his age
range. I say range because she was a little older than him, by three years but
Casten liked them older for some reason.

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