The Lie: Evolution (18 page)

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Authors: Ken Ham

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People try to make the word "day" say something else because they are trying to make room for the long ages of evolutionary geology. This doesn’t work because these supposed ages are represented by fossils showing death and struggle, and thus you are left with the same old problem of death and struggle before Adam. The Bible clearly indicates that there was no death and suffering before Adam’s sin.

When people accept at face value what Genesis is teaching and accept the days as ordinary days, they will have no problem understanding what the rest of Genesis is all about.

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it" (Exod. 20:11).



Chapter 2


. Theodosius Dobzhansky,
The American Biology Teacher,
Vol. 35, No. 3, March 1973, p. 129.

Chapter 6


. Harianne Mills, "Greek Clothing Regulations: Sacred and Profane,"
Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphie,
Band 55, 1984.

. Although most anthropologists would deny there were or are cannibals in New Guinea, this story and others were related by missionaries who had spent most of their lives in that country. There are a number of books published documenting stories of cannibalism in New Guineau, e.g.,
, (Sydney Australia: Anzea Publishers, 1982).

Chapter 7


. G. Richard Bozarth, "The Meaning of Evolution,"
The American Atheist
, September 1978, p. 19.

Chapter 8


. Peter Hoffman,
Hitler’s Personal Security
(Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press, 1979), p. 264.

. Sir Arthur Keith,
Evolution and Ethics
(New York: Putman, 1947), p. 28.

. Henry Fairchild Osborne,
Natural History
, April 1980, p. 129.

. The evolutionary thinking that has influenced people’s attitudes about the Tasmanian Aborigines has been well-documented in various museum publications and other material. Full details may be obtained by writing to the author.

Creation Research Society 1969 Annual,
Vol. 6, No. 1, June 1969, p. 28.

. Eveleen Richards,
New Scientist,
Vol. 100, December 22/29, 1983, p. 887.

Chapter 9


. James and Marti Helfley,
By Their Blood: Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century
(Milford, MI: Mott Media, 1979), p. 49–50).

Chapter 11


. In recent years, partly because of the success of creationist geologists in pointing out the clear evidence of rapid processes in the rocks, many evolutionary geologists have begun to abandon the "slow and gradual" view in favor of the idea that there were many great catastrophes in the earth’s history responsible for shaping it. However, their opposition to the catastrophe described in the Bible is as vehement and as "willfully ignorant" as ever. A more complete treatment of this area can be found in the literature mentioned in the resource section.

Appendix 1


. An offshoot of theistic evolution, which is sometimes promoted by Christians who are sensitive to criticism of evolution, is known as progressive creation. This idea holds that while life was developing through the vast ages imagined by evolutionists, God stepped in at various times along the way. At each point, He created something new which the evolutionary process could not accomplish without His help. Progressive creation implies that God’s forethought in creation was not adequate for the complete evolutionary process at the beginning. It will be seen that the arguments against progressive creation are covered by the arguments against theistic evolution, particularly with reference to death and struggle existing before man.

. It is, of course, powerfully symbolic (more correctly a
) of the future relationship between Christ and His church. But what does it tell us, symbolically or poetically or whatever, in its own context, about beginnings? Old Testament types (e.g., Moses as a type of Christ) are always real people and events in real history.

It is also important to note that the Jews divided their writings into three groups: history, poetry, and prophecy. Genesis was included in their list of historical writings. Thus, they accepted it as real history.



The following list of resources is recommended for researching further into the topics referred to in this book.

All books can be obtained in the United States through Master Books, and Answers in Genesis. Addresses are given in section 19 below.

  1. A Is for Adam
    — Ken and Mally Ham (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1995). This is a children’s rhyme book with notes designed to give you background information for each rhyme, thus equipping you to explain the concepts in greater detail. It is like reading a commentary on the Book of Genesis!
  2. Answers Book, The
    — Ken Ham, Dr. Andrew Snelling, and Dr. Carl Wieland (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1992). Now you can have at your fingertips solid answers to those puzzling questions on creation/evolution and the Bible that are so often avoided or sidestepped, even though they come up all the time. How did the kangaroo get to Australia? Where did Cain get his wife? Dinosaurs? Where did all the races come from? Were there ice ages? Carbon-dating? Drifting continents? Fangs in Eden? Noah’s flood: Where did all the water go? What about the gap theory? Star-time? Six-day creation? Detailed answers to the 12 most-asked questions on creation and evolution. Plus: each answer includes a brief summary to help you grasp the idea at a glance.
  3. Bone of Contention
    — Sylvia Baker, Creation Science Foundation Ltd., Australia for Evangelical Press, England, Second Impression, 1987. This is one of the best brief overviews of the whole creation/evolution question. Thousands of copies have been distributed around the world, and many people give testimony that they became Christians as a result of this particular book.
  4. Bones of Contention
    — Marvin L. Lubenow (Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992). One of the best and most recent publications available that documents the intriguing background and information about the various so-called ape-men. After reading this book you will be shocked to find how brainwashed we have been about this issue. A thoroughly researched work that details information on all the familiar ape-men we were taught about in school: Neanderthal Man, Nebraska Man, Piltdown Man, Peking Man, etc. Great chapters that help Christians understand why evolution cannot be accepted, and an intriguing section on who wrote Genesis.
  5. Creation and the Modern Christian
    — Henry M. Morris (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1985). A wide-ranging look at the importance of the doctrine of creation for the Church today. Examining the Bible’s plain teachings on creation, Dr. Morris paves the way for churches to understand the science and theology behind the issue of creation vs. evolution.
  6. Creation
    magazine — published quarterly by Answers in Genesis, Australia, and is available through any of their various headquarters. This magazine is produced in glossy style with many full-color photos and illustrations. Each issue covers various aspects of creation/evolution and related topics. This can be used very effectively in witnessing as well as in educating the whole family. Yearly subscriptions are available, and back issues may be purchased if available. See Answers in Genesis address list on pages 178.
  7. Creation: Facts of Life
    — Dr. Gary Parker (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1994). A leading creation scientist and speaker presents the classic arguments for evolution used in public schools, universities, and the media, and refutes them in an entertaining and easy-to-read style. Once an evolutionist, Dr. Parker is well qualified to refute these arguments. A must for students and teachers alike.
  8. Genesis Record, The
    — Henry M. Morris (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1976). A verse by verse commentary through the entire Book of Genesis. Dr. Henry Morris, in an easy-to-understand style, explains all the biblical and scientific aspects of creation. As all Christian doctrine ultimately has its basis in the Book of Genesis, it is absolutely vital that every Christian believe and understand this book in order to understand what Christianity is all about. This is a scientific devotional in narrative style — the "Rolls Royce" of creation books!
  9. In the Minds of Men
    — Ian T. Taylor (TFE Publishing, Toronto, Canada, 1984). The best layman’s summary on all of the historical aspects of the evolutionary philosophy and its effect on men’s thinking.
  10. Life Before Birth
    — Dr. Gary Parker (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1992). Were we people before we were born? Do we have useless leftover animal parts inside us? Dr. Gary Parker’s popular Christian family book, reprinted and revised in a colorful format, brilliantly combines a family teaching book about development of a human being from the DNA upwards (and tasteful sex education), with a very powerful pro-life, pro-creation, pro-family, and pro-Christian message. Highly recommended for every Christian family.
  11. The Long War Against God
    — Dr. Henry M. Morris (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992). Another of Dr. Morris’ classic works which deals with the relevance of creation to the Christian. Dr. Morris, in this thoroughly researched masterpiece, documents the history of the creation/evolution conflict and its effect on nations down through the ages. Very rich! Your understanding of the creation/evolution issue will never be the same after reading this work. Contains over 500 quotes and citations. (Semi-technical)
  12. Starlight and Time
    — Dr. D. Russell Humphreys (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1994). The Bible teaches the universe is just thousands of years old and yet we can see stars that are billions of light-years away. In his book Dr. Humphreys explains his new cosmology with an easy-to-read popular summary and has included two technical papers.
  13. Stones and Bones
    — Dr. Carl Wieland (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1994). Basic reasons why Christians (and some non-Christians) reject evolution in favor of creation. Easy-to-understand explanations on fossils, missing links, mutations, dinosaurs, natural selection, and more.
  14. Understanding the Times
    — David A. Noebel (Summit Press, Manitou Springs, CO, 1991). Most Christians don’t fully understand the world we live in. What are today’s dominant world views? How can they be refuted? Extremely well-documented and indexed.
  15. The Young Earth
    — Dr. John D. Morris (Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 1994). The book we’ve all been waiting for! Dr. John Morris, a geologist, explains in easy-to-understand terms how true science supports a young earth. Filled with facts that will equip laymen and scientists alike.
  16. Video Series — Answers in Genesis
    — Ken Ham and Dr. Gary Parker. These 12 videos cover an entire AIG seminar. They feature everything from Dr. Gary Parker’s testimony of how he changed from an evolutionist to a creationist, and includes Ken’s challenging message on creation evangelism. Available from Master Books.
  17. Creation newsletters
    — Newsletters are available from the following organizations free on request. These newsletters usually detail the activities of the corresponding organization, as well as include important teaching on many aspects of the creation/evolution controversy.

    Answers in Genesis
    , published monthly by Answers in Genesis, P.O. Box 6330, Florence, KY 41022-6330, USA.

    Creation Science Prayer News
    , published quarterly by Creation Science Foundation Ltd., P.O. Box 6302, Acacia Ridge DC, Qld 4110, Australia.

    FOR CANADA ONLY: Answers in Genesis, 5 - 420 Erb St. W., Suite 213, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 6K6

  18. Personnel Available for Ministry
    — Speakers gifted and trained in presenting biblical and/or scientific aspects of the creation/evolution controversy — from layman through technical level — are available for teaching, preaching, debates, etc. In the United States contact Answers in Genesis, P.O. Box 6330, Florence KY 41022-6330. In Australia contact Answers in Genesis, P.O. Box 6302, Acacia Ridge DC, Qld 4110, Australia.
  19. Other Books and Resources
    — For a comprehensive listing of books and other resources available on the creation/evolution issue, contact the following organizations:

    Master Books

    P.O. Box 727

    Green Forest, AR 72638

    Answers in Genesis

    P.O. Box 510

    Hebron, KY 41048

    Institute for Creation Research

    Royal Lane

    Dallas, TX 75229

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