The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (26 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared
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Vlad stood to speak again and Wilhelm sat
down, pulling Anna into his lap. She leaned her head against his
comforting chest and listened to his heartbeat. She looked up to
see Kurt looking at her with longing. She reached out her hand to
him and he smiled brightly. Wilhelm pushed her gently up and she
went to sit with Kurt.

“Anna,” Kurt whispered, stroking her cheek.
She rested her head on Kurt’s chest and reached behind her for
Wilhelm’s hand. Anna closed her eyes and sighed. This is where she
wanted to be.

When the dinner was over, the plates were
cleared and the tables were pushed to the sides of the room. The
girls were led in wearing short dresses similar to what they wore
at the spring and summer gatherings and the revelry began.

Anna stood nervously and looked at Wilhelm.
“How may—”

Wilhelm shook his head. “
You are not to be used tonight. Kurt and I are going
to take you to our room and make up for the last year and a half.
We have a lot of catching up to do.” He gave Anna a heart-melting
smile and nodded to Kurt.

Kurt took her hand and they followed Wilhelm
to where Devin sat with Tom and Oscar.

“I want to thank you for changing your mind,
Devin,” Wilhelm said in a humble tone. “I did not want to start any
trouble. I just wanted to be with Anna. I hope you can understand

Devin narrowed his eyes and lifted his chin.
“She will return to me.”

Wilhelm nodded. “As much as I detest the
thought, I will not argue. She cannot stay with me for long periods
of time. This I know.” Wilhelm paused. “I was wondering if you
would be willing to let her return to Germany with me. I believe
she has some time off dancing? I will return her before the end of
the month. You have my word.”

“I was looking forward to having her to
myself for a few weeks,” Devin protested.

“You have had her for a year and a half
without any interference from me.”

“She was with Peter.”

“That is not my problem. I have been
forbidden from any sort of contact with her. You owe me.” Wilhelm’s
eyes flashed and Anna could sense his anger. Anna had never seen
him fully angry before but knew that he and Alex had similar
tempers; she knew enough to be afraid.

Devin’s jaw clenched. “Give me a date you’ll
return her.”

“I will let you know before you leave.”

They glared at each other for a long minute
before Devin nodded. “Fine. But if you try anything—”

“I am not you, Devin. I keep my word.”
Wilhelm turned and walked away before Devin could say anything

Anna stared wide eyed as Devin’s face turned
red in rage. He turned his gaze onto Anna before Kurt tugged at her
hand and led her away.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Kurt opened the hotel room door and Anna
walked into a room of gold and blue. She immediately spotted a
picture of Anna Pavlova on the far wall.

“Oh!” she exclaimed walking over to it. It
was the picture of the famous ballet dancer in her Giselle

“This is the Mariinsky suite,” Kurt
explained. “We were hoping you would be able to come and see it.”
He moved to stand behind Anna and put his arms around her waist,
pulling her close.

Anna turned in his embrace and looked up at
him. She stroked his cheek, rough with evening whiskers, and looked
into his dear face. “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered.

Kurt’s gaze intensified as he looked down
into her eyes. “And I, you,
mein Engel
. So much.” He
leaned down and gently brushed his lips against hers. She pushed up
onto her toes and kissed him hard. She wrapped her arms around his
neck, determined to show him how much she missed him with her kiss.
He backed up until his legs hit the couch and sat down, pulling
Anna down to straddle his hips. She pressed her hips forward,
making him moan softly against her mouth. Oh, how she had missed


Wilhelm knocked softly and opened the door of
the adjoining suite. He had called Ilsa and given her the joyful
news that Anna would be returning home with them for a few weeks.
Ilsa was ecstatic and assured him that all would be ready for their
return in a few days.

He looked around the living room and didn’t
see any sign of his son or Anna, and wandered closer to the bedroom
doors when he heard soft moans and gasps.

Wilhelm’s heart gave a twinge of jealousy,
but he pushed it away. It was right for Kurt to be with her. He was
young and unmarried. Kurt would be a good husband to her. Wilhelm
needed to accept the fatherly role to her again. That is what she
needed, not a fifty-three-year-old lover. Still, her soft moans
aroused him and he turned to go back to his room, determined to
think with the proper head.

He took a cold shower and lay down in bed,
trying to sleep. To have Anna so close and in his son’s bed was
proper, but painful. The shower hadn’t done what he had intended
and now his cock was throbbing with desire for her. He wrapped his
hand around himself and stroked himself slowly, imagining Anna’s
sweet body next to him.

He heard a whisper of sound and opened his
eyes to see a slender shape in his doorway, illuminated by the
moonlight. He sat up on his elbows. “Anna?”

She stepped forward, wrapped in a robe, dark
hair streaming around her face. She was a vision of pure

“Why are you here? Is Kurt all right?”

She smiled timidly and walked slowly toward
his bed, untying her robe and letting it fall to the ground. “He
is. He thought I should come be with you.”

“Anna, he is young and good for you. I am an
old man.” His voice cracked like a pre-teen as he gazed on her
perfect breasts, the circles of her nipple piercings glinting in
the moonlight that trickled through the curtains. His eyes trailed
down her perfectly toned stomach and the gentle swell of her hips
and thighs. He licked his lips as his eyes strayed to her bare
pussy lips.

“You’re not old, Wilhelm,” she said softly,
coming to sit next to him on the bed. She reached out and cupped
his cheek. “I love you both,” she whispered. “I need both of

His cock throbbed at her words. She trailed
her hand down his chest and stomach, pushing aside the blankets and
gazed at his cock. Before he could stop her, she bent down and took
him into her hot, wet mouth. He fell back on the pillow and moaned
low as she sucked on him. His hand came to rest gently on the back
of her head, stroking her silky hair and whispering words of
encouragement and love. God, he loved her.

“Anna, it is not right that Kurt sleep

She looked up at him and backed her mouth off
his cock. “I’ll go get him when we’re done, if that’s okay. I want
to sleep between you two.”

“Anna, you do not have to do this,” he
protested, and then groaned as she swallowed him down her

“I want to,” she said after a few minutes.
“I’ve missed you both so much.”

Wilhelm fought within himself. She came to
him willingly. If he rejected her, she would be hurt. If he allowed
her to continue, he would feel that he went back on his decision to
remain fatherly. But her throat made it hard to stay determined.
Sex was, after all, how she felt things. To reject her sexually
would hurt her unlike it would a normal woman. It would hurt her to
the core. Sex was her love language.

He tugged on her hair gently and she looked
up at him with nervous eyes. “I want to kiss you,” he said in a
husky voice and pulled her up his body and pressed his lips to
hers. He would show her how much he loved and cared for her. He
would show her how much he’d missed her.

Wilhelm rolled her to his side and then onto
her back and kissed her and explored her body with his hands. When
he reached her pussy, he gently pressed a finger inside her core
and she sighed and arched her back.

“Oh, Wilhelm. Please!” she begged, spreading
her legs wide.

“Not yet,
,” he murmured
against her mouth. “I must explore every inch of your body and see
where you have changed since we were last together.”

Two hours later, Anna tiptoed back to get
Kurt and found him fast asleep in bed. She turned to go tell
Wilhelm and found him right behind her.

“We can stay in here,” he whispered. He
kissed her and led her into Kurt’s bed and lay down next to her.
She curled next to Kurt and Wilhelm curled his body around her, so
thankful that he was hers again.


Anna felt herself waking, but desperately
clung to her dream. She was safe in Kurt’s embrace. Devin had
relented and let her be with them again.

But no, awareness took hold and she sighed
unhappily and opened her eyes.

“Why do you sigh so sadly,

Anna turned her head and laughed in delight
when she saw Kurt lying on his side next to her. His head was
propped up on his bent arm, his blond hair disheveled from sleep.
It hadn’t been a dream; it was real!

She looked behind her, but Wilhelm wasn’t

“He had to make a phone call,” Kurt explained
when she looked back at him. “Is that why you sighed?” he asked,
looking hurt.

Anna shook her head emphatically. “I
thought...all this...was just a dream. That I was in Devin’s room
and not here.”

Kurt grinned. “
. You are here,
and here you will stay.”

“I’m so glad,” Anna whispered. She reached
out to touch his face, now very scratchy, and smiled. Her heart
swelled with emotion as she gazed into his eyes.

He curled a piece of her hair around his
fingers. “Still so beautiful,
mein Engel

A discreet cough made Anna turn to look at
the doorway. Wilhelm stood there wearing only pajama bottoms, no
shirt, with a broad smile on his face.

Anna smiled at him.

“We need to get dressed and get breakfast.
The service begins at ten.”

Anna bit her lip. “I don’t have my clothes.
They’re in Devin’s room.”

Wilhelm smiled. “I spoke with him and he is
sending them over. The front desk sent up some toiletries so you
could begin getting ready.” He held out a white gift bag and then
set it on the dresser near the door.

Kurt grunted as he sat up. “I would rather
stay in bed.”

Wilhelm chuckled. “Duties, my son. They are
never ending. But at least we have our Anna back.”

Kurt leaned over and kissed Anna. “That is
true. The day cannot be bad if she is here.”

Anna blushed and looked down at the bed.

“I will send your clothes in when they come,”
Wilhelm said, and turned and walked away.

Anna turned to look at Kurt.

“Shall we shower?” he asked with a glint in
his eyes.


“We can save water.” He laughed and pulled
her to her feet.


Wilhelm was shrugging on his shirt when he
heard the knock on the door. He went to open it and saw Ian
standing there, holding a large suitcase.

“I’ve brought Anna’s things,” he said in a
deep voice, looking around.

Ian wanted to see her? “She is in the
adjoining suite getting ready,” Wilhelm said slowly, watching the
big man’s face. He stepped back and allowed the man inside.

The slightest hint of disappointment flashed
through his eyes but was gone instantly, and he nodded. “I believe
the maid got everything, but if something is missing, let me know.”
He put the suitcase down and looked at Wilhelm. “She’s...okay?” he
asked quietly.

Wilhelm was surprised at the question. This
was Devin’s right hand man. Why would he care about Anna’s
wellbeing? “I would never hurt her,” Wilhelm said, lifting his chin
defensively. “Neither would Kurt.”

Ian hesitated. “I know,” he said quietly,
almost gratefully, which again surprised Wilhelm. “She got pretty
banged up yesterday afternoon.”

Wilhelm raised his brow. “Did you have
anything to do with it?”

Ian shook his head. “I would only do so if
Devin ordered me to,” he said intently, as if trying to convey
something unspoken. “He generally prefers to do it himself.”

Wilhelm nodded. “I could see that being the
case.” Maybe Ian wasn’t the evil monster he’d always assumed him to

“She...doesn’t heal like she used to,” Ian
said. “She had bruises on her back and arms last night.”

Wilhelm nodded. He’d seen them this morning.
“I will make sure she is all right, and keep her by my side. No
harm will come to her while she is with myself or Kurt.”

Ian looked like he wanted to say more, but
just nodded with a grateful look on his face.

Anna walked into the room and smiled when she
saw Ian. “Thank you, Ian,” she said softly.

Ian looked at her, searching her face for
something, and then he smiled. “You’re welcome, Mistress.” He
glanced at Wilhelm and then back to Anna with a tenderness Wilhelm
had never seen in the man’s face. He looked back at Wilhelm. “If
you need anything....” He trailed off and then nodded and left the

“Did you get your—” Kurt walked into the room
and smiled. “Ah, good.” He pulled her suitcase into his room and
Anna followed.

She glanced back at Wilhelm. “He’s not a bad
man, Wilhelm,” she said motioning to the door. “He only does what
Devin tells him to do.”

Wilhelm nodded and she disappeared into the
other room. He stood for a moment, thoughtful. Ian’s care for Anna
surprised him. Wilhelm tucked the information into his brain to
think about another time. Perhaps it would prove useful later.

He returned to the bedroom and finished


Anna leaned against Kurt as they rode down in
the elevator to the main floor. Wilhelm stood on her other side and
would occasionally reach out and touch her, as if to assure himself
that she was really there. She liked the assurance that he was
there as well.

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared
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