Read The Life of Thomas More Online
Authors: Peter Ackroyd
Osler, W.,
Thomas Linacre
(Cambridge, 1908)
Owst, G. R.,
Literature and the Pulpit in Medieval England
(Cambridge, 1933)
Pace, R.,
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Pattison, B.,
Music and Poetry of the English Renaissance
Paul, J. E.,
Catherine of Aragon and Her Friends
Paul, L. A.,
Sir Thomas More
Pendrill, C.,
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The Triumphs of Petrarch
, trans. Henry Parker, Lord Morley, 1544 (reprinted, 1887)
I trionfi di Francesco Petrarca
, ed. C. Pasqualigo (Venezia, 1874)
Pickthorn, K.,
Early Tudor Government
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Pineas, R.,
Thomas More and Tudor Polemics
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Rabelais, F.,
Gargantua & Pantagruel
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Rashdall, H., Powicke, F. M. and Emden, A. B.,
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Rastell, John,
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The Four Elements
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Rawlings, J.,
A History of the Origins and the Doctrines of Baptism and the Eucharist
Reed, A. W.,
Early Tudor Drama
Reynolds, E. E.,
Saint John Fisher
The Trial of Saint Thomas More
Sir Thomas More
Thomas More and Erasmus
The Field is Won: The Life and Death of St Thomas More
Reynolds, E. E. and O’Sullivan, D.,
Thomas More’s London
Ridley, Jasper,
The Statesman and the Fanatic: Thomas Wolsey and Thomas More
Ro: Ba.,
The Lyfe of Syr Thomas More Sometyme Lord Chancellor of England
, ed. E. V. Hitchcock and P. G. Hallet (1950)
Rogers, K.,
Old Cheapside and Poultry
Rogers, N.,
England in the Fifteenth Century
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Rope, H. E. G.,
Fisher and More
Roper, William,
The Life of Sir Thomas More
, ed. S. W. Singer (1822)
The Lyfe of Sir Thomas Moore, Knight
, ed. Elsie V. Hitchcock, Early English Text Society Edition (1935)
The Life of Thomas More. In
Two Early Tudor Lives
, ed. R. S. Sylvester and D. P. Harding (New Haven and London, 1962)
Roskell, J. S.,
The Commons and Their Speakers in the English Parliaments
(Manchester, 1965)
Ross, C.,
Patronage, Pedigree and Power in Late Medieval England
(Gloucester, 1979)
Richard III
Rosser, G.,
Medieval Westminster 1200–1540
(Oxford, 1989)
Roston, M.,
Biblical Drama in England
Routh, E. M. G.,
Sir Thomas More and his Friends: 1477–1535
Rubin, M.,
Corpus Christi: The Eucharist in Late Medieval Culture
(Cambridge, 1991)
Rupp, G.,
Thomas More
Russell, B.,
A History of Western Philosophy
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Samman, N.,
The Henrician Court during Cardinal Wolsey’s Ascendancy
(unpublished thesis, University of Wales, November 1988)
Sargeant, Daniel,
Thomas More
Scarisbrick, J. J.,
Henry VIII
The Reformation and the English People
(Oxford, 1984)
Scattergood, V. G.,
Politics and Poetry in the Fifteenth Century
Schoeck, R. J.,
Erasmus of Europe. The Making of a Humanist, 1467–1500
, vol. 1 (Edinburgh, 1990);
The Prince of Humanists, 1501–1536
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Erasmus grandescens
(Nieuwkoop, 1988)
Schofield, J.,
Medieval London Houses
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Seebohm, F.,
The Oxford Reformers
Seigel, J. C.,
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Seton-Watson, R. W. (ed.),
Tudor Studies Presented to Pollard
Shakespeare, William,
The Complete Works
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Shebbeare, C. E.,
Sir Thomas More
Sheridan, R. and Ross, A.,
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(Newton Abbot, 1975)
Sidney, P.,
The Defense of Poetry
Simmons, T. F. (ed.),
Lay Folks Mass Book
Singleton, C.,
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Smith, H. M.,
Pre-reformation England
Smith, Lucy T. (ed.),
The Itinerary of John Leyland in or about the years 1535–1543
Smith, R. L.,
John Fisher and Thomas More: Two English Saints
Sneyd, C. A. (ed.),
A Relation of the Island of England
Somerville, R.,
The Duchy of Lancaster
Squibb, G. D.,
The High Court of Chivalry
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Stanier, R. S.,
History of Magdalen College School
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Stapleton, T.,
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Starkey, David,
The Reign of Henry VIII
Henry VIII: A European Court in England
Starnes, Colin,
The New Republic
(Waterloo, Ontario, 1990)
Stevens, John,
Music and Poetry in the Early Tudor Court
Stewart, Agnes M.,
Margaret Roper or the Chancellor and his Daughter
The Life and Letters of Sir Thomas More
Stobbart, Lorraine,
Utopia: Fact or Fiction?
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Strong, R.,
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Swanson, R. N.,
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Taylor, F. and Roskell, J. S.,
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Teetgen, A. B.,
The Footsteps of Thomas More
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Thomas, A. H. and Thomley, I. D. (eds),
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Thomas, Keith,
Religion and the Decline of Magic
Rule and Misrule in the Schools of Early Modern England
(Reading, 1976)
Thomas More College,
Thomas More Quincentenial Conference
(Covington, Kentucky, 1978)
Thompson, Craig R.,
The Translation of Lucian by Erasmus and Saint Thomas More
(New York, 1940)
Universities in Tudor England
(Washington, 1959)
Thompson, E. M.,
The Carthusian Order in England
Thompson, J. A. F.,
Towns and Townspeople
(Gloucester, 1988)
Thompson, P.,
Sir Thomas Wyatt and his Background
Thrupp, S. L.,
The Merchant Class of Medieval London
(Chicago, 1948)
Thurston, H. and Attwater, D.,
Butler’s Lives of the Saints
Tracy, J. D.,
Erasmus: The Growth of a Mind
(Geneva, 1972)
Trapp, J. B.,
Erasmus, Colet and More: The Early Tudor Humanists and their Books
Trapp, J. B. and Herbruggen, H. S.,
‘The King’s Good Servant’
Ullmann, W.,
Medieval Political Thought
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Unwin, G.,
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Vergil, Polydore,
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Vespucci, A.,
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, trans. M.K. (1885)
The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci
, trans. C.R. (1894)
Visser, F. T.,
A Syntax of the English Language of Saint Thomas More
(Louvain, 1946)
Walker, G.,
John Skelton and the Politics of the 1520s
(Cambridge, 1988)
Walter, J. W.,
Sir Thomas More: His Life and Times
Walters, H. B.,
London Churches at the Reformation
Warren, F. (ed.),
Sarum Missal
Watney, John,
The Hospital of Saint Thomas of Acon
An Account of the Mistery of Mercers of the City of London
Wegg, J.,
Richard Pace: Tudor Diplomatist
Weiss, R.,
Humanism in England during the Fifteenth Century
(Oxford, 1941)
Welsford, E. E. H.,
The Fool: His Social and Literary History
Whiting, R.,
The Blind Devotion of the People
(Cambridge, 1989)
Whittington, Robert,
Wickham, G.,
The Medieval Theatre
Williams, C. H.,
England under the Tudors
Williams, P.,
The Tudor Regime
(Oxford, 1979)
Willow, M. E.,
The English Poems of Saint Thomas More
(Nieuwkoop, 1974)
Wilson, D.,
England in the Age of Thomas More
Wilson, K. J.,
Incomplete Fictions: The Formation of English Renaissance Dialogue
(Washington, 1985)
Woltman, A.,
Holbein and his Time
Woodhouse, J.,
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Woodhouse, R. I.,
The Life of Archbishop Morton
Wornum, R.,
Some Account of the Life and Works of Hans Holbein
Wortley, B. A. (ed.),
The Spirit of the Common Law: A Representative Collection of the Papers of Richard O’Sullivan
(Tenbury Wells, 1965)
Wrench, M.,
The Story of Thomas More
Wyatt, Sir Thomas,
Complete Poems
, ed. R. Rebolz (1978)
Collected Poems
, ed. Joost Daalder (1975)
Zeeveld, W. G.,
Foundations of Tudor Policy
(Cambridge, Mass., 1948)
The most important source of information remains
(Angers, 1963), the periodical devoted to More studies. Other articles of particular relevance are listed below.
Allen, P. R., ‘Utopia and European Humanism’, Renaissance Studies, 9 and 10 (New York, 1962–3)
Bossy, J., ‘The Mass as a Social Institution’,
Past and Present
Brann, E. V., ‘ “An Exquisite Platform”: Utopia’,
(Nieuwkoop, 1972)
Brown, B. K., ‘Sir Thomas More, Lawyer’,
Fordham Law Review
(New York, November 1931)
Carpenter, C. Nan, ‘St Thomas More and Music: The Epigrams’,
Renaissance Quarterly
, 30 (New York, 1977)
Cassier, E., ‘Pico Della Mirandola’,
Journal of the History of Ideas
, 46 (Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1985)
Crewe, J. V., ‘The Encomium Moriae of William Roper’,
English Literary History, 55
, 2 (Baltimore, 1988)
Crosset, J. ‘More and Seneca’,
Philological Quarterly
, 40, 4 (Iowa, October 1961)
Crossland, J., ‘Lucian in the Middle Ages’,
Modern Language Review, 25
(Cambridge, 1930)
Delcourt, J., ‘Saint Thomas More and France’,
Traditio, 5
(New York, 1947) ‘Some Aspects of Thomas More’s English’, in
Essays and Studies
, 21 (Oxford, 1935)
Derrett, J., ‘Thomas More and the Legislation of the Corporation of London’,
Guildhall Miscellany