The Lightkeeper's Daughter (10 page)

BOOK: The Lightkeeper's Daughter
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Something in the words stirred him. Had he ever been the focus of a heartfelt longing? Not even Katherine had thought of him as her hero, nor, for that matter, had wanted to share her innermost thoughts. She certainly hadn’t loved him with all her being. What might it be like to be loved like that?

Something rustled in the grass behind him, and he whirled with the book in his hand. Addie stepped into his line of vision, with her dog tagging along. She was singing “When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob-Bob-Bobbing Along” in a clear, sweet voice. Her bare toes peeked from under the gray skirt she wore. He couldn’t look away from her long hair, which caught a shaft of light that slanted through the leaves.

Her smile came as soon as she saw him. And dimmed when she spotted the book in his hand. The open book.

Pink rushed to her cheeks. “You found my book.”

He shut it and held it out to her. “I stumbled across it when I was looking for clues that might point to your attacker.”

Her fingers closed around the book, and she clasped it to her chest. She didn’t meet his gaze, and her color heightened. He was sure she wondered if he’d seen her notes. The truth would embarrass her further.

Her gaze finally rose to his face. “You read it, didn’t you? I can see it in your eyes.”

“You’re very direct,” he said. His own face burned, a sensation he didn’t think he’d ever felt before.

She lowered her lids and twisted a long curl through her fingers. “I’m sorry. It’s not very ladylike to say what I think, is it? You must forgive me. I grew up with only my parents for company.”

“Your honesty is refreshing,” he said. If she didn’t ask again whether he’d read her note, he wasn’t going to offer up the information. “Is Edward up yet?”

She nodded. “He’s having his breakfast, and I came out to find my book.” She fell silent and bit her lip. “I should explain about the note.”

He held up his hand. “Please don’t. It might dilute the pleasure I took in knowing you find me somewhat attractive.”

Her face turned a brighter shade of pink. “You’re mocking me,” she said in a choked voice.

“That’s not my intention,” he said before falling silent.

How could he clear the air between them? Right now he’d like to ask her to dinner and the nickelodeon. He suspected most women who flirted with him at a social event were more interested in his bank account or the fact he was a naval officer. Women found the role strangely dashing and romantic, but few really saw him for who he was. No one had ever remarked on his eyes. He studied her downturned face. She was no more capable of subterfuge than the moss under his feet was.

He removed his bowler and rubbed his thick thatch of hair. “Can we start over? You mentioned earlier you’d like to be my friend. I’d like that too.”

She stared at the ground, and he followed her gaze to her bare toes. He’d never seen a woman’s bare feet except for Katherine’s, in the privacy of their bedroom. The young woman was unlike any he’d ever met. He wanted to find out more about her, hear her views.

“Please?” he said, putting a plea into his voice.

She smiled, a timid curve of her lips. Her long lashes swept up, and those green eyes smiled too. “Do you promise never to bring up this book again?”

“I promise,” he said.

She rested her chin on two fingers, and her dimple flashed. “If you break your promise, you have to jump in the waterfall.”


But he was talking to the wind in the trees. She had turned and fled the way she’d come, her auburn hair flying behind her.

Addie pumped cold water over her feet. What was she thinking to have gone out without her shoes and with her hair down? This wasn’t the beach. There were standards here she needed to abide by. She sat on the edge of the rock garden and dried her feet with the hem of her dress. The ugly wet spots on the fabric looked terrible. Now she’d have to change her skirt as well.


She glanced up to see Mr. Driscoll approaching. “Good morning, Mr. Driscoll,” she said.

He’d discarded his sling and wore a gray jacket and waistcoat. “You’re out and about early.”

She held up her book. “I dropped this in the forest yesterday after that man knocked me down.”

“I’m glad you found it.”

She noticed his eyes shone, and a smile tugged at his lips. “Do you have news?”

“You’re a very bright girl,” he said. “I do indeed. I received a call from my investigator. He’s located the attorney.”

She held her breath. “And?”

“The lawyer refuses to reveal his client, but he told my agent where the money is located. My agent managed to discover that there’s quite a sum in the bank in San Francisco.”

“I told you I don’t care about the money. Ma—Josephine can have it.” In spite of her word choice, Addie realized she still thought of Josephine as her mother.

His smile flickered and went out. “She cannot, Adeline. It’s not right. That money belongs to you, and I mean to see you get it.”

She stood and shook out her skirt. “I just want the proof so we can tell my father the truth.”

“I want that as well. And we’re getting close. Another couple of days, I suspect.”

“I want to know more about my mother and the rest of my family. It’s hard to ask questions without appearing nosy.”

“Check out the attic. Some of her old dresses are probably packed away in trunks. Maybe pictures and diaries as well. There are traces of Laura around.”

Addie wanted to run straight to the attic and see what treasures it contained, but she restrained herself. She was expected at the breakfast table. “Won’t the family wonder what I’m doing poking around in the attic?”

“I doubt they’ll notice. No one but the servants ever goes up there.”

“I’ll find a time to slip up there, then. What about the attack on you? Any word from the police?”

“No.” He offered his arm, and she took it. He led her toward the back door. “I discovered the name of Henry’s rival. The one whose son committed suicide. Samuel Tuttle. He lives in Crescent City now.”

She stopped just shy of the door. “Near our lighthouse. Is it mere coincidence, or something more?”

“My question too. I think I’ll travel up to speak to Mr. Tuttle personally. He might be the culprit.”

Addie shuddered. “Revenge is so pointless. It can’t bring his son back.”

Mr. Driscoll held open the door for her. “Revenge can be sweet if the offense was grave enough. At least that’s what I’ve heard. Maybe that’s Tuttle’s view as well.”

“If he’ll admit it, at least we’d have our proof.” And her family would welcome her with open arms.


room, a smile lifted Addie’s lips as she braided her hair. While she might be naive of the ways of men, John clearly had not been offended by her ridiculous note about him. What had possessed her to write such a thing? Anyone might have seen it. She pulled on socks and shoes and coiled her braid around her head, then hurried down the steps. After she checked on Gideon, who waited patiently on the porch, she started toward the dining room.

She went down the hall past the salon where she’d talked with Mrs. Eaton. The dining room was down another hallway. She passed a large, airy room. Its bay window looked out onto a formal garden with clipped hedges, a labyrinth, and several fountains. Exploration would have to wait until later, but she was eager to see what delights the garden held.

She stepped into the dining room and approached the long table. “Good morning.” The handsome lieutenant’s eyes still held the warmth she’d seen in the forest. She’d never thanked him for his kindness in showing her which utensil to use the first night she’d arrived.

“Come sit by me.” Mrs. Eaton indicated the seat to the right of her at the far head of the table.

Addie walked through the gauntlet of stares. Things were much more formal here than she was accustomed to. She didn’t think she would ever get used to this lifestyle. She slid into the chair and picked up the linen napkin. She swallowed hard and prayed she wouldn’t embarrass herself by clinking her fork on her plate or spilling her tea. This time, John couldn’t easily show her how to proceed.

Mrs. Eaton passed her a bowl of fluffy scrambled eggs. “How are you adjusting, my dear? Are you sleeping well?”

“It’s a strange place, Clara. Of course she doesn’t sleep well yet,” Mr. Eaton said.

Addie’s smile faded at his tense tone. She turned to face Mr. Driscoll. “How are you feeling, sir?” She should have asked him outside.

Mr. Driscoll spooned scrambled eggs onto his plate. “Other than a slight headache, I am none the worse for wear.”

“I told him he should have stayed in bed, but he insisted on getting up,” Mrs. Eaton said. “His arm heals, but then he’s nearly killed by an intruder.”

“I need to open the drugstore,” he said.

Addie took a bite of egg, but she barely tasted it. Mr. Driscoll was attacking his food with gusto.

“How are you, Adeline?” Mrs. Eaton asked. “I neglected to inquire after your health when we spoke earlier.”

“I’m fine, ma’am.”

“Not sore or bruised?”

“Perhaps a bit. But I feel nothing a long walk along the beach wouldn’t cure.”

John glanced at his pocket watch. “I would have time to take you and Edward to the beach if you’d like. He could use some exercise.”

“There are bicycles in the carriage house,” Mr. Eaton said. “You’re welcome to use them.”

Addie put her hands to her cheeks. “You have bicycles? I’ve always wanted to learn to ride one.”

“Bicycles are out for today, then,” John said. “Tonight I’ll give you a lesson. You’ll need to be able to get around at your leisure.”

“Does Edward have a bicycle? Once I learn, we might go together. It would be excellent exercise for him.” The family grew silent, and a rock formed in her belly when she realized her gaffe. “Oh, of course not. What was I thinking?” Her face burned, and she fixed her attention on her plate.

“Edward does have . . . challenges,” Mrs. Eaton said. “But there is much he is able to do.”

“Of course.” Addie put her napkin down. “If I might be excused, I’ll get Edward ready for our excursion.”

“I’ll direct the cook to prepare a lunch for you,” Mrs. Eaton said. “And I’ll send Wilson to fetch you around two. Would that suit?”

“That’s perfect,” Addie said.

John rose as well. Addie followed him out. “I’ll only be a moment,” she said. “Thank you for your offer.”

His smile and easy manner returned. “My pleasure. I assume you want to take the dog?”

“Oh yes. Edward will have great fun with him at the water.” Dressed in a navy blue sack coat and matching trousers, the lieutenant was just as handsome as he’d been in his navy uniform. “You have nothing else to do today?”

He shook his head. “I’m on leave for a month. It’s been much too long since I had the opportunity to play with my son.” He took his bowler from the hall tree and donned it. “I’ll have the buckboard ready.” He exited through the front door.

She took the stairs two at a time with a smile on her face. A day at the water and a drive with John, followed by lunch at the beach! She wanted to dance, but she forced herself to assume a sedate pace. She stopped off in her room to change into her bathing costume, tights, and bathing shoes. When she fetched Edward, she nearly danced into the room. She changed him into his bathing costume, then packed his sailboat, pail, and shovel in a bag.

“I forgot my hat,” she said. “You take your things out to the buckboard, and I’ll be right there.”

Edward skipped off, and she darted into her room. When she returned to the hall, she found Mr. Driscoll waiting for her. His somber expression wiped the smile from her face.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“You seem very chummy with John.”

“We are related,” she reminded him.

“By marriage only. Don’t let your guard down around him. For all we know, he’s the one who arranged for the attack on you and me.”

“That’s impossible,” she said. “He was with me in the woods when you were attacked.”

“He could have paid someone.”

“For what reason?”

“Addie, you must use your head. If your identity becomes known, his son will no longer be Henry’s immediate heir. He has the most to lose of anyone.”

She found it difficult to breathe. “I believe he’s an honorable man.”

“The women all like him. I should have guessed you would be taken in by his good looks. He never stays with any woman long. Katherine was going to leave him.”

“For seeing other women?” Bile burned her throat.

Mr. Driscoll patted her shoulder. “The reasons are too numerous to go into. But hold him at arm’s length, my dear.” He walked off.

Addie swallowed hard. Had she been duped by John’s smile and dark eyes? She didn’t want to believe it.

BOOK: The Lightkeeper's Daughter
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