The Line (6 page)

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Authors: Courtney Brandt

Tags: #marching band courtney brandt, #band nerd drumline, #high school, #band geek, #drum line

BOOK: The Line
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“South? I take it you haven’t introduced your new friend to the rest of the Line?”

“Not exactly.”

“Well, maybe you should.”

“We’re only hanging out. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything.”

“I guess you know best then. Be home by midnight.”

Lucy really did not know best. All she knew was she was really looking forward to tonight and seeing Sam again. As much as she wanted to call Mandy and Gina, she still wanted to keep Sam to herself. This fact, however, did not stop her from calling and telling them about her developments with Nevada. Both girls were very excited for her. After getting off the phone, Lucy tore through her closet, looking for something that looked like she wasn’t trying too hard for a simple evening of ice cream. After countless options, she decided on low-rise khaki shorts with one of her favorite thrift store t-shirts and black and white Puma track shoes. She wasn’t going to change her personality for some guy, and a sundress or skirt was definitely not Lucy Karate.

Promptly at seven o’clock, Sam’s black PT Cruiser pulled up in front of the Karate household. Lucy, wanting to delay interaction between the South Washington senior and her parents for another evening, ran out to the car, yelling behind her, “Bye Craig! Bye Pam!”

Sam, a little confused, asked, “Who’s Pam?”

“My pug.”

“Okay, she could come with us – I don’t mind.”

Lucy liked her date more already. Pam could break any awkward silence or tension. She answered, “Hold on, let me just run in and get her.”

Lucy grabbed a surprised Pam and her leash and ran back out to the car. Sam opened the door for the pair. During the drive over, they chatted easily about the upcoming school year and what classes they would be taking. Lucy only felt a small amount of pressure to tell Sam she really played second bass for the Forrest Hills Flyers drumline and, in a mere three months, they would be competing against each other which would most likely cause him to never want to see her again.

They had been at Scoop It Up for over an hour and the ice cream cones were long gone when Lucy suggested going to the local park, where they could take Pam for a walk. After strolling, they settled on the swings. Rocking gently, Lucy asked, “So Mr. Senior, do you know where you want to go to school next year?”

“I really don’t know. I mean, it seems so far away right now that it’s not really a reality. I know I’m supposed to have it all figured out, but…”

“You never know, Runaway Truck Ramp could take off and then you’d get to be a drummer professionally.”

“As great as that would be, I think it’s more realistic I do something in music education.”

Lucy looked over at him and smiled. She said, “I could totally see you doing that.”

“Thanks.” He took her smaller hand in his larger, muscular one causing Lucy’s heart to beat a little faster. Sam looked at her intensely, and tracing small designs on her callused palm, said, “You know, I can’t help feeling we’ve met each other before.”

Lucy gulped. Sam was a smart guy, and he was going to figure things out sooner or later. She racked her brain for another subject or any distracting small talk. Just then, none other than Murray walked up. It was the first time Lucy had seen him since the end of the previous school year. Murray ran on the cross-country team who sometimes practiced at the park. Flushed and sweaty, he had obviously just finished a workout. Lucy was glad he wasn’t wearing anything blatantly Forrest Hills, but realized something with Forrest Hills HS on it would have been better than not wearing a shirt at all! Lucy noted with interest the junior class president must have been working out over the summer.

“Hey Lucy!” her classmate said with obvious enthusiasm.

Lucy gulped again. She had wanted a distraction, but she really didn’t want another guy to be it. Given Sam’s proximity, and her unwillingness to turn her first date into some sort of group function, she answered with considerably less eagerness, “Hey Murray.”

Lucy didn’t say anything else, hoping the junior class president would take the hint. He clearly did not get she was on a date. Lucy sighed as he sat down in the next swing, forcing her to make awkward introductions. Fortunately, and much to Lucy’s delight, Sam chose this moment to take charge. Taking Lucy’s hand, he pulled her up and commented, “Nice to meet you, Murray, but we were actually just leaving.”

Lucy smiled for a number of reasons. First of all, take that Murray! She had liked him ever since they had Biology together during their freshman year and now here she was – cute boy in tow. Second of all, Sam was still holding her hand!

“Come on, Pam,” Lucy called over to her dog. Trying to control her smug grin, she said, “See you in school soon, Murray!”

It was getting late, so Sam drove Lucy back home. As they pulled into her driveway, Lucy got out of the car slowly – she had never been on a real date, so she had no idea how to act, other than what she had seen on TV and in films, or what Mandy had told her. With all her guy friends, she usually just gave them a hug (Tom got a kiss on the cheek) and went inside. Her heart fluttered nervously, and she didn’t know if she should linger or what sort of signs to give Sam as they walked to the door. Lucy was glad for the small miracle that was the side garage door. There was more privacy there than under the blazing lights of her front porch.

Lucy took a deep breath and turned around once they reached the door, ready to tackle Sam with a lame hug. As luck would have it, there was no need for all her concern. As she pretended to fumble with her keys, Sam’s strong hand shot out around her waist, pulling her slender body in close to his larger muscular frame. As Lucy held her breath, he leaned in to kiss her as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The kiss started out softly, but their attraction, which had been building since they met at the movie theater, quickly made the kiss much more intense. Lucy surprised herself, sneaking her arms around his broad shoulders, inviting him closer. After making out with South’s drumline captain for the better part of a half hour, the Forrest Hills second bass drummer forced herself to step breathlessly away. She looked up at Sam and asked with swollen lips, “Is that a drumstick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

“You can always reach in and find out for yourself…”

Smiling while she smoothed out her clothes, Lucy forced herself to breathe normally and asked, “So, I’ll see you soon?”

Tracing her lips with his index finger, Sam answered softly, “You can count on that. I’ll call you.”

Lucy stumbled wordlessly inside, unable to keep the smile off her face. What a perfect date…and there was only one person in the whole world who she could spill all her feelings to –
. She crossed her fingers, hoping he would be online and breathing a sigh of relief to find he was.


Were we out enjoying the last of our summer holiday?


Lucy smiled. In the course of their online friendship, she had determined Cartwright lived somewhere in her general area (at a minimum they seemed to be on compatible time zones), was also in high school, and had a pretty decent explanations for the often annoying and confusing behaviors of his gender.


Yes. I have so much to tell you!

It’s not my fault you’ve been at band camp.

I know. So, do you remember me telling you about Nevada?

Let’s see if memory serves me...“a red-headed dream?”

*blush* So, he asked me out!


I said yes, but…

How can there be a ‘but’? I thought you liked this guy forever.

I met another guy.

You have been busy. *Smirk*

It’s not like that! I don’t know who I like better or if I should tell each other about the other.

Well, if you all go to the same school I’m pretty sure that one’s going to work itself out.

That’s just it! They don’t!

The best thing to do is to be honest. What if one of these guys was dating some other girl? How would you feel?


Lucy paused and looked at the screen. She had never considered the possibility. While she had an eye on Nevada and his social interactions, it was entirely possible a cute boy like Sam could be dating another girl.


Not that great…

So, maybe you should tell them?

The thing is technically…

Technically doesn’t cut it – you should be honest – end of story. ‘Cause if you don’t, the whole thing is going to blow up in your face.

Yeah…but Nevada isn’t going to be happy when he hears about Sam.

Who would want to share bassgirl?

Ha ha, very funny. With me, you know it’s always going to be more complicated than that.

How so?

Sam happens to go to a rival high school, and is on THE rival drumline.


There was a slight hesitation before Cartwright responded. Lucy was too excited to finally share her news with someone to really take notice.


That fact definitely changes things.

I know. *sigh* I guess I’ll let things go for awhile. I’ve never dated two guys at the same time before. Who are we kidding? I’ve never dated any guys before.

As I’ve told you before, that’s their loss, not yours.

So, as usual – enough about me. How are things in your life? Weren’t you just starting a relationship? How’s that going?

Yeah, that’s going fine. But things just got VERY complicated.

Do you want to talk about it?

Not at the moment.

Fine by me. I’m tired.

Goodnight then, bassgirl.

Good night, Cartwright.


Lucy signed off, feeling better after talking to her online buddy. There was no pressure and now, at least she had been completely honest with one person in her life.


The first day of school as an upperclassman at Forrest Hills was a good one for Lucy Karate. As usual, the junior and her friends collected in the band room before school. It was the unofficial place to cram for a test, catch up with friends you didn’t have class with, trade notes, and, if you were dating, a good place to spend some quality time with your boyfriend or girlfriend for those last minutes before the bell rang and you were separated for the day. Lucy looked around, knowing no one knew she had spent Saturday night with a rival drummer and that knowledge made for an exciting start to her junior year.

Later in the day, sitting at the percussion table in the lunchroom, Lucy wondered what Sam was doing right now over at South Washington. Her mind had been drifting towards Saturday night’s kiss all weekend. Sam had followed up on Sunday with a text, and the pair had traded silly messages throughout the day. Lucy was wandering into a Sam filled daydream, when she heard Jerm say, “So this year, I think we should take it to the next level. I want to really intimidate South’s drumline.”

Hearing the word ‘South,’ Lucy perked up and leaned in to pay attention to the conversation.

Doug spoke up, “Like, what do you mean?”

Jerm said off-handedly, “Nothing violent. Maybe a few pranks. Mostly, I was just thinking we find out where they practice and go watch. Let them know we're not backing down from anything this year.”

Adam asked, “You think the whole Line should go?”

Jerm replied, “Nah, just the upperclassmen."

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