The Link (12 page)

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Authors: Dara Nelson

BOOK: The Link
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Wait, Carlos. I have a question for you,” I said. I saw Matt shaking his head next to me. I turned to him first
“What?” I said.


I can’t believe you’re going to ask him. Can you go outside? I really don’t need to hear this,” he said.


Oh, this must be good,” Carlos grinned. He put his arm around my waist and led me outside. “Ask away, beautiful,” he said.


Suddenly my nerves hit. I squeezed my eyes shut, “I can’t believe I’m going to ask you this,” I said.


Oh, Sarah. Now I have to know. Don’t leave me hanging here.”


I looked at him, “Okay,” I said and then I took a deep breath. “Well, do your fangs ever drop during, ummm, certain times when you’re, when you’re, well, when you’re having sex?” I said. There, I said it.


His mouth dropped as he gaped at me for a second, but he soon recovered and unleashed his biggest grin yet. “Why?
You want to go somewhere so you can find out?” he grinned. “Just kidding, Sarah. But to answer your question, I haven’t really thought about it, but yeah, I guess sometimes they do. You gonna tell me why you want to know? Wait!” he gasped.
“It didn’t just happen with you and…? And you’re okay? He must not have pierced you or you’d be…” he said as he squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them again, I held my hand up to show him the pin prick on my thumb. “Whoa,” he said as he looked at it. “Sarah, promise me you’ll be more careful. It would devastate him if he…”
I nodded my head.


I will, I promise,” I said then I leaned up and
kissed him on the cheek
“Thanks, Carlos,” I said, then I turned to head back in.


As he left he said
“Just let me know when you want to see my fangs too, Sarah

I smiled as I closed the door.
Carlos was really growing on me and he was definitely a great friend to Matt, who was smiling and shaking his head as I walked back in. “I can’t believe you did that, Sarah,” he said.


Neither can I,” I said.


Well? Did you find out anything useful?
ut, please, nothing graphic,” he grinned.


There’s nothing wrong with you, Matt. It happens to him too. We just need to be more careful.”
He nodded and held his arms open, where I gladly went.


Once in the car, it was a fairly short ride to the airport, then about a four hour flight to Cairo. I looked longingly out the window at the pyramids, knowing this was all I was going to see of them, this time. Matt leaned over and whispered into my ear, “Soon, I promise.”


We made our way to the hotel and just had time to unpack when there was a light knock on the door,
“Well, that can’t be Carlos, because whoever it is knocked

I muttered under my breath. Matt smiled as he walked to the door. When he opened it I gasped, as in walked the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had pale white skin, long black hair, hypnotizing, black, cat’s eyes. Matt walked over to me, closed my mouth (I didn’t realize
it was hanging open), placed his arm around my shoulder and
“Sarah, I’d like you to meet Bahiti. Bahiti, this is my Sarah.” She glided over to me and took my hand in both of hers.
Her hands were cool and smooth like Matthew’s.


It is very nice to finally meet you,” she said, with a slight accent in her voice. “Matthew has been speaking of you for so long now that we were all beginning to wonder if you were a figment of his imagination, I’m very glad to see that you are not.”



it’s very nice to meet you too,” was all I could manage, as I wondered how many “we” meant.


Well, shall we go?” she said and she turned, keeping my hand firmly in hers, and headed towards the door. I was used to having to stay behind during these times, so I hesitated and said, “We?”


Yes, we,” she replied. “We’re going down into the hidden temple of Sekhmet, an ancient Egyptian goddess who drank blood and was actually a vampire. I feel you, as a woman, could be very helpful in interpreting some of the symbols we will see,” she said.


Okay,” I squeaked, the excitement clear in my voice, and out the door we went.
I was glad it was evening, I wouldn’t want to be wandering in this heat in the direct sunlight, and neither would they I assumed. As we moved through the crowds, with the two of them trying very hard to be patient with my

human speed’, I noticed that everyone stopped and stared as Bahiti moved passed. “I know the feeling,” I thought, smiling to myself. We wandered for what seemed like hours. Down an endless maze of streets and alleys and I really was beginning to think we were lost. When we turned into a narrow alley that ended with a brick wall, I said, “Okay, now I know we’re lost.” Bahiti just smiled and her hands began moving at lightning speed as she pressed different places around the wall. I had no idea what she was doing, but suddenly a door sprung open at the end. It
led to a staircase that went down. Where the heck did that come from? I wondered.


She handed me a flashlight
“You’ll need this,” she said and gestured with her hand for me to go first. I headed down the longest staircase I had ever seen. I had no idea how many steps but I stopped counting when I reached one hundred. The steps finally ended at a narrow hall and we walked on, passing several small rooms off to the sides. The hall ended in huge room. My flashlight swept around the room, trying to fathom the scope of it. There were small statues, bowls, carvings, and other artifacts all around. The walls were painted blood red (maybe it was blood, I thought) and were covered with hieroglyphics from the top of the twenty foot tall ceilings to the floor. My flashlight continued to sweep around, then stopped, dead in its tracks, when it reached the center of the room. Sitting on a huge throne was a ten foot tall statue of a woman, one whom I could only assume was Sekhmet
No big deal seeing a statue but it was her eyes that stopped me. They should have been looking straight ahead, but instead I would swear they were watching us.
Bahiti and Matthew grabbed hold of my hands and I watched as they bowed their heads, so I followed suit. We stayed that way for a while and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. Suddenly something happened that made both Matthew and Bahiti squeeze my hands tighter and Matt clamped his other hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming. In that moment an ancient, grating, gravelly female voice said, “You may proceed.” My eyes were wide as I stared at Matthew. I wanted to scream, I wanted to ask him what the hell that was. I wanted to say,

Please tell me that wasn’t really the statue that spoke.’ But instead, I only swallowed hard and nodded my head at him, letting him know I would be quiet. We silently moved around to the back side of the throne, although they had to help me because my feet didn’t seem to want to work right now. There were more hieroglyphics carved into the back of her throne. I noticed Bahiti tracing her fingers over some as if she was searching for something. She seemed to have found what she was looking for and she pressed first one - a hand with an eye in the middle, then another - a snake with dripping fangs,
then another - a male holding a goblet, then one more - the goddess Sekhmet drinking something red from a goblet - and suddenly this panel of symbols slid down to reveal another one, hidden inside. Bahiti seemed to want to work quickly now. She handed me a small camera and pulled a notepad out of her bag. “Please take pictures, quickly,” she said as she began drawing and whispering to herself while she did it. I started snapping pictures then I jumped back and gasped when the panel suddenly slid shut and the voice said, “Enough.
Leave now.” I could only hope that we got everything we needed. We walked back to the doorway and, once again turned and bowed our heads and waited.


The voice finally said, “You may go,” and we turned and quickly walked into the hall. I was suddenly overcome by the loneliness of Sekhmet’s existence, sitting by herself on her throne for who knows how long, perhaps thousands of years. I realized that I was crying as I handed the camera back to Bahiti. She wiped away my tears and said, “She chooses to live this way for now, it hasn’t always been like this and it won’t always be this way for her,
but for now this is how she wants it.” I nodded and tried to stop. Bahiti smiled and said, “Now, we have to work quickly and I’m afraid you are much too slow, so please sleep precious human.”
Confusion filled my face as she reached out and touched my temple

that was the last thing I remember.


I awoke several hours later.
The room was dark except for the small lamp by the dining table in the corner of the room. And I heard voices whispering. I stretched and yawned, and excused myself to the bathroom.
Then I walked over and sat down with them. “Okay
I said, “who’s going to tell me what that was about?”


She smiled at me, “We needed to return quickly so we could get to work, and I didn’t want you to have a heart attack or something when we flew.”


I turned and looked at Matthew, “We FLEW back here?”


Yep,” he replied, smiling.


And I missed it? That is so not fair,” was all I could manage. I was definitely disappointed that I hadn

t been awake for it. Maybe next time. I looked down at the table. It was covered with the
drawings and pictures from the temple. We discussed them for hours, trying to make sense of them. My eyes continued to be drawn to the one of the hand. It was an open hand, palm side out, a large eye in the middle of the palm (and was that a flaw or was it a scar along the lifeline?). The fingers were stretched out wide. Matthew and Bahiti kept talking about the eye in it, but something kept telling me that the eye wasn’t the important thing about it. I didn’t know why and I couldn’t figure out what else was important about it, but I really felt it wasn’t the eye, and I knew without a doubt that this drawing was an important piece to the puzzle. Suddenly Matthew stood up. His eyes appearing completely unfocused. He managed to turn to us and quietly say through clenched teeth, “I need to go out for a bit. Bahiti, will you stay with Sarah, please?” She nodded her head and didn’t seem surprised. It was almost as if she was expecting this. He quickly kissed my cheek and then was gone. I looked at her with questioning eyes. She smiled gently and said, “He shouldn’t have to exist on pints alone, you know.
And with all the traveling you’re doing, he really needs better
nourishment. There is a serial killer nearby, very close, who is stalking his new target and preparing to strike again. Matthew went to stop him.”


Oh,” I whispered trying to remain calm. I wasn’t used to this part of him yet and I really didn

t want to ever be okay with it, but it was a part of him and it might someday be a part of me, so I needed to accept it.


How do you not fight each other if you’re both near someone evil?” I asked.


Our minds are somehow connected in such a way that when one of us locks in on a prey, it causes other vampires nearby to lose sight of it. Others can no longer smell or sense the evil and they have no choice but to back down. As soon as Matthew locked in on him, I could no longer see where he was,” she replied.


I thought about this as we continued to go over the symbols for a short time. Was I really prepared for this to be a part of me? Even if I never acted on it, it would still be a part of me. Is that something that I could accept? Could I do that for him?


When Matt finally breezed back in through the
door, he looked calmer, more relaxed and more
than he had in days, weeks even. Despite knowing what he had done to look this way, I felt relief for him.
He came in, whispered something in Bahiti’s ear causing her to smile slightly and nod her head. She turned to me, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and was quickly out the door. I opened my mouth to him to ask why she had left so abruptly without saying anything, when he scooped me up in his cool embrace and carried me to the bed as his mouth found mine. I instantly understood. Each time he did this my mind always thought “I really could get used to this” as I surrendered.


Chapter Six






Much later we were packing (again! I thought) when Bahiti tapped on the door and then glided in. “Better now?” she said to Matthew with a smile.

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