The Lion and the Lamb (16 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: The Lion and the Lamb
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“Sounds like you’re having quite the time controlling yourself, brother.”

“I’ve told you I’m not your brother.” Leo went back to pacing. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself from going over there and finishing this.

Slade chuckled deeply. “That’s where you’re wrong. Leo. You and I aren’t that different, especially when something as juicy and sweet as Miss Weatherton comes along.”

The phone snapped in his hand. Pieces of it fell to the ground
, and he let the roar that had been brewing since this shit with Slade went down, free.

Leo threw the remnants of his phone against the wall, and a small sliver of pleasure at the way the rest of it shattered filled him. Snatching his keys off his desk, Leo stormed out of his office, past Tryck and the rest of his staff, and into his car.

Yeah, this shit ended today.


Tatum washed the last cup and set it in the strainer. Since Leo had left her pleasantly sore in her bed this morning, she hadn’t been able to think of much else. It was her night off, so she just stayed at home, cleaning things she hadn’t cleaned in far too long. A knock on her door told her it was either Kiki or Leo.

Kiki had sent her a quick text last night saying she got home okay and that Beau had been waiting up for her so they  could talk. She hadn’t heard from her all day, and knew if something bad had happened between them Kiki would have been a blubbering mess at her door this morning. The fact it was going on dinnertime and she hadn’t heard a thing from her was a good sign.

So, chances were it was Leo on the other side. A thrill went through her. They hadn’t spoken either since he left, but she had more than enough to keep her busy. After telling him all the crap that had gone down at Stripped, she thought he would have an aneurysm. His anger had been pretty clear, and when he left Tatum worried he was going to do something that got him in trouble.

Oh, she had tried to call him, but there hadn’t been an answer, and his reply texts had been short. After that she had given him space, knowing that he obviously
dealt with this in his own way, and her continuing to pester him was only going to make things worse.

She pulled the curtain aside and felt her brows lift to her hairline at who stood on her porch. Pulling the front door open, Tatum smiled.

“What are you doing here?” Tatum stepped aside. “You want to come in?”

“Actually, no, but thanks. Leo sent me over to bring you to the club.”

Tatum felt her brows knit in confusion. “Really? Why didn’t he just call me?”

“Not sure, but I do know he’s got a lot of shit going on right now. He just said to come get you and bring you to the club.”

The situation was weird, but Tatum did get the feeling that Leo had been busy today, and had a lot on his mind after she told him about Slade. She still didn’t know what their issue was with each other, but it obviously ran deep. “Well, okay, let me just grab my phone and call him.”

“We really need to go. I know there is some shit going down with Slade
, and he said to get over there quick.” Tatum started to feel really uncomfortable with the urgency.

“I think I should at least call him, let him know I’m on my way.” Tatum turned to get her phone when searing pain lanced the back of her skull. The world tilted as she fell forward. The last thing she saw before darkness crept over her was a pair of mile high stilettos stepping in front of her face.


Tatum blinked several times to try
to clear her vision. She was on something soft, and when she inhaled she caught the scent of leather. Was she in Leo’s office? For a moment she couldn’t remember anything, and the pain in her head stopped her from delving any deeper.

“Ah, she wakes.”

Tatum closed her eyes and struggled to sit up. Rubbing a hand over the back of her head, she winced when she skimmed over a particularly sensitive spot.

“I have to apologize for Lucy. She got a little carried away.” Tatum turned to the sound of the voice and saw Slade sitting across from her in a leather chair. His suit jacket was thrown across the back of it, and the periwinkle colored dress shirt was unbuttoned at the throat. The color itself was feminine, but on Slade it seemed to make him look all the more dangerous.

“I specifically told her to bring you in unharmed, yet she got a little excited when you went to call Leo.” Slade leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “You see, we can’t have you spoiling all the fun just yet.” His grin was all teeth and filled with predatory excitement. He leaned back and threw his arms over the chair.

knock on the door was overly loud, and the pounding in Tatum’s head intensified. The door opened, and in walked Peaches, or Lucy as Slade called her. Peaches sauntered over to Slade and placed her tiny ass right on his lap.

“Baby, I thought you were just going to shift and deal with
her?” Peach let out a sexual purr and rubbed herself against Slade. Clearly the woman knew all about men changing into lions, and clearly she didn’t bat a lash at that knowledge. In fact, it seemed Peaches wanted Tatum out of the picture. If she could have, Tatum would have left right then and there, but Slade wouldn’t have any of that, not until he got whatever he wanted from Tatum.

Slade’s hand landed on the busty female’s bare thigh. “Shut up, girl.” His tone was serious, but he looked at Tatum as he addressed the other woman. Tatum let her eyes go back to the woman she had thought was her friend at one time. Today Peaches wore a bright pink pin-straight wing, a pair of boy shorts, and a shirt that looked more like Tatum’s bra selection. Looking between the two of them, realization finally slammed home.

“You’re a smart one, honey.” Slade grinned and crept his hand up Peaches’
s leg, stopping at her boney hip.

“You’re happy with me, baby?” Peaches rubbed herself against Slade in a sickening display of affection. “I did just like you asked.” Peaches leaned forward and kissed the corner of his mouth, but right before her lips made contact Slade jerked away.

“Not now, Lucy.” He glared at her, and Tatum watched as the young girl curled into herself. “Can’t you see I have a guest?” He pushed her off and made his way toward Tatum. She moved to the farthest corner of the couch and eyed him warily.

“What is this about?” she said as she looked back at Peaches. The girl had narrowed eyes trained on her. When Tatum looked back at Slade again he had his upper body turned toward her and a smirk on his face.

He cocked his head to the side and stared at her throat. Tatum’s face heated, and her hand instinctively went to the mark Leo had left where her shoulder and neck met. It wasn’t anything overly flashy, more like a mix of a hickey and scrape.

Just thinking about what they had been doing when he gave it to her had Tatum’s heart racing.

Slade inhaled deeply and made a deep noise in the back of his throat. “You know, when you think of him the most intoxicating scent leaves you.” His fingers tapped a rhythmic sound on the arm of the couch as he watched her. “I can’t say I’m pleased it is Leo that causes that reaction in you, but given time I have no doubts that aroma will be all mine.”

Tatum’s heart beat faster at Slade’s words. “I don’t understand what you want with me?” She looked at Peaches, hoping the woman she had grown to call her friend would come to her aid. Why Tatum thought the same woman
who had hit her over the head and knocked her out would save her was beyond her, but she was desperate. Whatever fucked up delusions Slade had about her, this would not end well.

“Has Leo told you who and what he is?” Slade looked smug, like he was just itching to reveal some deep, dark secret.

“Leo told me everything.” Whether that was true or not was beyond Tatum, but she wasn’t going to give Slade the advantage that he knew more. Besides, how could she believe anything he said when his intentions were nefarious?

“Oh, he did, did he?” Those damn fingers tapped a quicker tempo on the leather. “Tell me, Tatum, what did Leo Castill tell you?”

She didn’t know if he was trying to fish information out of her, or if he really wanted to see if she knew anything. Instead of revealing something that might ultimately hurt Leo, Tatum clamped her teeth together and straightened her shoulders. Slade chuckled deeply and snapped his eyes to Peaches.

“Get the fuck out of here.”

A small, almost hurt, sound left Peaches, but she left without making a scene.

The finality of that door closing sent a wave of dread through Tatum.

“Come here.” Slade’s voice was deceptively soft, but she could see right through it. He patted his lap, his grin speaking of painfully ugly things.

Shaking her head, she placed her back further into the couch. The air around him shifted
, and a flash of white beamed from behind his green eyes. The creature staring at her right now was no longer human. “Come. Here.” His distorted voice sounded deep and crazed.

“No.” Shaking her head, she whispered that lone word. The door was to her left, close enough that if she sprinted she might be able to make it. The look in his eyes told Tatum he knew what she

If she could just get out of the room she could make it to the main floor. It seemed everything in the room slowed until only that one moment mattered. Jumping off the couch, she raced toward the door.
It felt as if she was in a dream, one where she ran and ran to get away from her unseen attacker, but no matter how fast she ran she didn’t make any progress. It was a slow motion reel, one where her legs kept moving and moving, but she didn’t advance. That was exactly how she felt at that moment.

Her fingers curled around the handle and she could taste freedom, but just as she would have wrenched the damn thing open he grabbed a chunk of her hair, his laughter filling her head.

Pulling her back, her feet came out from under her as he yanked her backward. The ground met her in a rush of concrete and pain. In the next instant he hauled her back, like she was the caveman’s prize. Clawing at Slade’s hand tightly wrapped in her hair, she cried out. Kicking at the air, Tatum tried to grab something to give her leverage, but he made sure everything was just out of her reach. Slade suddenly let go of her hair, and sweet relief from the searing pain filled her, but that was short-lived as Slade hauled her up with his hand on her throat.

Toes bar
ely touching the floor, Tatum gasped and gripped his hand that clenched tightly around her neck. Green eyes bored into hers.

“I could have been gentle with you, Tatum, but it’s clear Leo’s hold on you is far too strong.
” His other hand lifted, and he smoothed it over her cheek. Before she could react his lips were on hers and he kissed her.

Twisting her head away, bile rose in her throat as cigar smoke and liquor filled her mouth. Gagging, Tatum sucked in air when he pulled away. His smile showed elongated canines, and it was then, as she stared at the wicked sharpness that she tasted the metallic flavor of blood.

He bit me.

“No worries, love
.” She closed her eyes as his hot, sticky breath moved along her cheek. “I plan on making you scream my name over and over again until the name Leo Castill is a painful memory. Soon you’ll be my little bitch.” His lips touched the shell of her ear. “I’m going to make sure every last inch of you is covered in me. Leo’s mating scent will be a distant memory.”

“He’ll come for me.” The fierceness in her voice surprised her as she stared into his dead, lifeless eyes.

“I’m counting on it, Tatum.” Face stoic, Slade tightened his fingers around her throat until stars and darkness flashed in front of her vision. Not thinking, just acting, Tatum brought her knee up and connected with his balls. Satisfaction filled her as he let go of her to cup himself in pain.

Hands and legs grappling for leverage, Tatum scrambled back to the door. Her heart pounded, adrenalin raced through her veins, and the fight for survival gave her the strength to rip the door open. Tatum half expected to see Collin standing on the other side, Slade’s
henchman all snarling and growling hatred, but the hallway was empty. A sob left her, and she tore down the hallway, running as fast as she could, knowing that if Slade caught her she would not get another chance.

Chapter Sixteen


Leo’s Corvette skidded to a stop in front of Stripped. A few cars were parked in the lot, but he didn’t need to see Slade’s Mercedes to know he was inside with the woman he loved. Zeb had been on detail at Tatum’s house, and when Leo had gotten the call that Peaches had gone to see his girl, Leo knew something wasn’t right.

Zeb, being blinded by the fact he knew Peaches on a personal level, meaning he had fucked her, hadn’t thought the waif of a female a threat, but turns out they had both been wrong. Leo planned on murdering the fucker for dismissing what was clearly a shifty situation and putting his defenses down.

When Zeb finally saw Peaches leave, with an unconscious Tatum thrown in the front seat of her car, it was too late for him to do anything but follow. At least that’s what the asshole had told him.

The rage Leo felt was indescribable.

had followed Peaches to Stripped while he kept Leo on the phone, giving him play-by-play details of what the fuck was going on. Leo had hauled ass, told a few of his men to follow him, and took off to get his mate back. He had broken every fucking driving law known to man, but there wasn’t a human or shifter that was going to stop him from getting her back.

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