The Lion's Game (43 page)

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Authors: Nelson DeMille

BOOK: The Lion's Game
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No one seemed certain they understood what Alan was saying, so to clarify, Jack Koenig said, “No one should speak to the press.” He added, however, “This afternoon, there will be a joint press conference of the NYPD and the FBI, followed by another joint press conference that will include the Governor of New York, the Mayor of New York City, the NYPD Commissioner, and others. Someone, at some point, in some manner, will announce what a lot of people already know or suspect, which is that Flight One-Seven-Five was the subject of an international terrorist attack. The President and members of the National Security Council will go on TV tonight and announce the same thing. There will be a media feeding frenzy for a few days, and your respective offices will get many phone calls. Please refer everyone to Alan, who gets paid to talk to the press.”
Koenig then reminded everyone that there was a million-dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of Asad Khalil, plus Federal money available for buying information.
We tidied up a few loose ends and Jack Koenig concluded, “I realize that interagency cooperation is challenging, but if ever there was an occasion for everyone to pull together, to share information, and to show goodwill, this is the occasion. When we catch this guy, I assure you, there’ll be enough credit to go around.”
I heard NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Moody mumble something like, “There’s a first.”
Captain David Stein stood and said, “We don’t want to find out later that we had a tip on this guy that got lost in the bureaucracy, like what happened with the Trade Center bombing. Remember, the ATTF is the clearinghouse for all information. Remember, too, every law enforcement agency in this country, Canada, and Mexico has the particulars on this guy, and every tip will be forwarded here. Plus, now that Khalil’s face is on TV, we can count on a couple hundred million citizens to be on the lookout. So, if this guy is still on this continent, we might get lucky.”
I thought of Police Chief Corn Pone in Hominy Grits, Georgia. I imagined getting a direct phone call from him saying, “Mornin’, John. I hear y’all been lookin’ for this Ay-rab, Khalil what’s-his-name. Well, John, we got this feller right here in the pokey, and we’ll hold him for you till you get here. Hurry on down—this boy won’t eat pork, and he’s starvin’ to death.”
Stein said to me, “Something funny, Detective?”
“No, sir. My mind was wandering.”
“Yeah? Tell us about where it wandered to.”
“Well ...”
“Let’s hear it, Mr. Corey.”
So, rather than share my stupid Police Chief Corn Pone reverie, which is maybe funny only to me, I quickly came up with a joke apropos to the meeting. I said, “Okay ... The Attorney General wants to find out who’s the best law enforcement agency—the FBI, the CIA, or the NYPD. Okay? So she calls a group from each organization to meet her outside D.C., and she lets a rabbit loose in the woods, and says to the FBI guys, ‘Okay, go find the rabbit.’” I looked at my audience, who were wearing neutral expressions, except for Mike O’Leary, who was smiling in anticipation.
I continued, “The FBI guys go in and two hours later, they come out without the rabbit, but of course call a big press conference and they say, ‘We lab-tested every twig and leaf in the woods, we questioned two hundred witnesses, and we have concluded that the rabbit broke no federal laws, and we let him go.’ The Attorney General says, ‘Bullshit. You never found the rabbit.’ So then the CIA guys go in”—I glanced at Mr. Harris—“and an hour later, they also come out without the rabbit, but they say, ‘The FBI was wrong. We found the rabbit, and he confessed to a conspiracy. We debriefed the rabbit, and we turned the rabbit around, and he is now a double agent working for us.’ The Attorney General says, ‘Bullshit. You never found the rabbit.’ So then the NYPD guys go in and fifteen minutes later, this bear comes stumbling out of the woods, and the bear has taken a really bad beating, and the bear throws his arms up in the air and yells out, ‘All right! I’m a rabbit! I’m a rabbit!’ ”
O’Leary, Haytham, Moody, and Wydrzynski let out a big laugh. Captain Stein tried not to smile. Jack Koenig was not smiling, and therefore neither was Alan Parker. Mr. Harris, too, did not seem amused. Kate ... well, Kate was getting used to me, I think.
Captain Stein said, “Thank you, Mr. Corey. I’m sorry I asked.” David Stein concluded the meeting with a few words of motivation. “If this bastard strikes again in New York metro, most of us here should think about calling their pension office. Meeting adjourned.”
On Monday morning at 6:00 A.M., Asad Khalil answered the ringing telephone and a voice said, “Good morning.”
Khalil started to reply, but the voice continued without pause, and Khalil realized it was a recorded message. The voice said, “This is your six A.M. wake-up call. Today’s temperature will get into the high seventies, clear skies, chance of a passing shower late in the day. Have a nice day, and thank you for choosing Sheraton.”
Khalil hung up the phone and the words
Yob vas
came into his mind. He got out of bed, and carried the two Glocks into the bathroom. He shaved, brushed his teeth, used the toilet and showered, then touched up the gray, and combed his hair with a part, using the wall-mounted hair dryer.
As in Europe, he reflected, there were many luxuries in America, many recorded voices, soft mattresses, hot water at the turn of a faucet tap, and rooms without insects or rodents. A civilization such as this could not produce good infantrymen, he thought, which was why the Americans had reinvented warfare. Push-button war. Laser-guided bombs and missiles. Cowardly warfare, such as they had visited on his country.
The man he was going to see today, Paul Grey, was an old practitioner of cowardly bombing, and now had become an expert in this game of remote-control killing, and had become a rich merchant of death. Soon, he would be a dead merchant of death.
Khalil went into the bedroom, prostrated himself on the floor facing Mecca, and said his morning prayers. When he had completed the required prayers, he prayed, “May God give me the life of Paul Grey this day, and the life of William Satherwaite tomorrow. May God speed me on my journey and bless this Jihad with victory.”
He rose and dressed himself in his bulletproof vest, clean shirt and underwear, and gray suit.
Khalil opened the Jacksonville telephone directory to the section he had been told to look under—AIRCRAFT CHARTER, RENTAL & LEASING SERVICES. He copied several telephone numbers on a piece of notepaper and put it in his pocket.
Under his door was an envelope, which contained his bill, and a slip of paper informing him that his newspaper was outside his door. He peered through the peephole, saw no one, and unbolted and opened his door. On the doormat was a newspaper, and he retrieved it, then closed and rebolted his door.
Khalil stood by the light of the desk lamp and stared at the first page. There, staring back at him, were two color photographs of himself—a full-face view and a profile. The caption read:
Wanted—Asad Khalil, Libyan, age approximately 30, height six feet, speaks English, Arabic, some French, Italian, and German. Armed and dangerous
Khalil took the newspaper to the bathroom mirror and held it up to the left of his face. He put his bifocals on and peered through the clear tops of the lenses. His eyes shifted back and forth between the photographs and his own face. He made several facial expressions, then stepped back from the mirror, and turned his head slightly to one side so he could see his profile in the wraparound wall mirror.
He put the newspaper down, closed his eyes, and created a mental image of himself and the photographs. The one feature that stood out in his mind was his thin, hooked nose with the flaring nostrils, and he had mentioned this to Boris once.
Boris had told him, “There are many racial characteristics in America. In some urban areas, there are Americans who can tell the difference between a Vietnamese and a Cambodian, for instance, or between a Filipino and a Mexican. But when the person is from the Mediterranean region, then even the most astute observer has difficulty. You could be an Israeli, an Egyptian, a Sicilian, a Greek, a Sardinian, a Maltese, a Spaniard, or perhaps even a Libyan.” Boris, who stank of vodka that day, had laughed at his own joke and added, “The Mediterranean Sea connected the ancient world—it did not divide people, as it does today, and there was much fucking going on before the coming of Jesus and Muhammad.” Boris laughed again and said, “Peace be unto them.”
Khalil clearly recalled that he would have killed Boris right then and there had Malik not been present. Malik had been standing behind Boris, and Malik had shaken his head and at the same time made a cutting motion across his throat.
Boris had not seen this, but he must have known what Malik was doing, because he said, “Oh, yes, I have blasphemed again. May Allah, Muhammad, Jesus, and Abraham forgive me. My only god is vodka. My saints and prophets are deutsche marks, Swiss francs, and dollars. The only temple I enter is the vagina of a woman. My only sacrament is fucking. May God help me.”
Whereupon Boris began weeping like a woman and left the room.
On another occasion, Boris had said to Asad, “Stay out of the sun for a month before you go to America. Wash your face and hands with a bleaching soap that you will be given. In America, lighter is better. Also, when your skin darkens from the sun, those scars on your face are more visible.”
Boris had asked, “Where did you get those scars?”
Khalil replied truthfully, “A woman.”
Boris had laughed and slapped Khalil on the back. “So, my holy friend, you’ve gotten close enough to a woman for her to scratch your face. Did you fuck her?”
In a rare moment of candor, because Malik was not present, Khalil had replied, “Yes, I did.”
“Did she scratch you before or after you fucked her?”
Boris had collapsed into a chair, laughing so hard he could barely speak, but finally he said, “They don’t always scratch your face after you fuck them. Look at
face. Try it again. It may go better next time.”
Boris was still laughing when Khalil came up to him and put his lips to Boris’ ear and said, “After she scratched me, I strangled her to death with my bare hands.”
Boris had stopped laughing and their eyes met. Boris said, “I’m sure you did. I’m sure you did.”
Khalil opened his eyes and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror of the Sheraton Motor Inn. The scars that Bahira had inflicted on him were not so visible, and his hooked nose was perhaps not so distinguishing a feature now that he wore eyeglasses and a mustache.
In any case, he had no choice but to go forward, confident that Allah would blind his enemies, and that his enemies would blind themselves by their own stupidity, and by the American inability to focus on anything for more than a few seconds.
Khalil took the newspaper back to the desk and, still standing, he read the front-page story.
His spoken English was good, but his ability to read this difficult language was not so good. The Latin letters confused him, the spelling seemed to have no logic to it, the phonetics of letter groupings, such as “ght” and “ough,” provided no clue to their pronunciation, and the language of the journalists seemed totally unrelated to the spoken language.
He struggled through the story, and was able to comprehend that the American government had admitted that a terrorist attack had taken place. Some details were provided, but not, Khalil thought, the most interesting details, nor the most embarrassing facts.
There was an entire page listing the three hundred and seven dead passengers, and a separate listing of the crew. Missing from all these names was a passenger called Yusef Haddad.
The names of the people whom he had personally killed were listed under a caption titled
Killed in the Line of Duty.
Khalil noted that his escorts, whom he knew only as Philip and Peter, were surnamed Hundry and Gorman. They were also listed as
Killed in the Line of Duty,
as were a man and woman identified as Federal Marshals, who Khalil had not known were on board.
Khalil thought a moment about his two escorts. They had been polite to him, even solicitous. They had made certain he was comfortable and had everything he needed. They had apologized for the handcuffs and offered to let him remove his bulletproof vest during the flight, an offer that he declined.
But for all their good manners, Khalil had detected a degree of condescension in Hundry, who had identified himself as an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Hundry had been not only condescending, but at times contemptuous, and once or twice had revealed a moment of hostility.
The other one, Gorman, had not identified himself beyond his name, which he gave only as Peter. But Khalil had no doubt that this man was an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency. Gorman had shown no hostility, and in fact, seemed to treat Asad Khalil as an equal, perhaps as a fellow intelligence officer.
Hundry and Gorman had taken turns sitting in the seat beside their prisoner, or their defector, as they referred to him. When Peter Gorman sat beside him, Khalil took the opportunity to reveal to Gorman his activities in Europe. Gorman had been at first incredulous, but finally impressed. He had said to Asad Khalil, “You are either a good liar, or an excellent assassin. We’ll find out which you are.”
To which Khalil had replied, “I am both, and you will never discover what is a lie, and what is the truth.”
Gorman said, “Don’t bet on it.”
Then, the two agents would confer quietly for a few minutes, and then Hundry would sit beside him. Hundry would try to make Khalil tell him what he told Gorman. But Khalil would only talk to him about Islam, his culture, and his country.
Khalil smiled, even now, at this little game that had kept him amused during the flight. Finally, even the two agents found it amusing, and they made a joke of it. But clearly, they realized they were in the presence of a man who should not be treated with condescension.

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