The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression: Shirley Temple and 1930s America (43 page)

BOOK: The Little Girl Who Fought the Great Depression: Shirley Temple and 1930s America
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Great Dictator, The
, 198

Greene, Graham, 81–82

Green-Stone, Lois, 145

Greenwood, Charlotte, 195

Grierson, John, 69

Griffith, D. W., 104

Griffith, John,
, 209

Griffith, Mabel, 209

Griffith, Raymond, 109

Grumbine, E. Evalyn, 135–38

Gumm, Ethel, 46, 224

Haley, Jack, 173, 175

Hall, Alexander, 224, 289

Hancock, A. E., 177, 185

“Happy Days Are Here Again,” 26–27, 55

Harburg, E. Y. “Yip,” 55

Harlem Renaissance, 109

Harlow, Jean, 122

Hastings, Patrick, 82

Hathaway, Henry, 209

Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 211, 213

Havoc, June, 224

Hawaii, 215, 216, 239

Hays, Jack, 47–49, 51, 55

Hays, Will, 122

Hecht, Ben, 49

, 87, 148, 170–72, 173, 175, 209, 224, 279

Henie, Sonja, 204

Hersholt, Jean, 175

Hewart, Gordon, 82

Hickok, Lorena, 80

“hidden children,” 132

Highfields, 210

Hill, Ethel, 182

“His Enigmatic Smile,” 43

Hitler, Adolf, 44, 45, 116

Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 2, 234

motion picture industry

Hollywood Reporter
, 64

Holocaust, 132–33

homelessness, 27

, 238

Honolulu, Hawaii, 215,

Hooray for Love
, 94–95, 267

Hoover, Herbert, 26,

in attempts to minimize stock market crash, 11–14, 178

failed Depression strategy of, 11–21

FDR compared to, 21–22, 29, 32–33, 36, 42, 44, 55

loss of presidency by, 27,

as pessimistic and gloomy, 15–17, 19, 32, 46

public protest against, 20

respect and regard for, 9–11

sarcastic use of name of, 18

Hoover, J. Edgar, 1, 116, 240

House Committee on Un-American Activities, 238

House of Rothschild, The
, 154

Hovick, Rose, 224

Howard, Cordelia, 53

Howard, Kathleen, 195

Howe, Louis, 254

How Green Was My Valley
, 154

How I Raised Shirley Temple
(Gertrude Temple), 225

“How’s Chances?,” 58,

Hughes, Howard, 123

Hughes, Langston, 113


in Baby Burlesks spoofs, 48–50

of FDR, 41, 42, 43–44

of Robinson, 91–92

in ST films, 161–62

Hundred Days, 21, 31–32, 58

Hurrell, George, 218, 226

Hyde Park, N.Y., 22, 227

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
, 153–54

Ideal Novelty and Toy Company, 5, 82, 120, 141, 143–44, 147–48

imitation, of ST, 114, 133, 137, 143

look-alike contests, 5, 123–32,

IMP girl, 202

Independent Moving Picture Company (IMP), 202

Informer, The
, 167

inmates, 86–87

“In My Little Wooden Shoes,” 171

In Old Kentucky
, 97, 107, 152

Ireland, 131–32

Irwin, L. A., 170, 177

Jack Hylton and His Orchestra, 26

Jacobs, Floyd, 192

“jangler,” 111

Janis, Elsie, 224

Janis, Jennie Cockrell Bierbower, 224


ST look-alike contest in, 125

ST merchandise from, 148

ST’s fame in, 115

Jason, Sybil, 183

Jazz Singer, The
, 67, 153


as outsiders, 130

persecution of, 132–33

prejudice against, 44

Johnson, Ellsworth “Bumpy,” 1

Johnson, Hiram, 32

Johnson, Hugh, 62

Johnson, Nunnally, 166

Johnston, Alva, 153

Johnston, Annie Fellows, 99

Jolson, Al, 162, 186

Jones, Jennifer, 238

Jordan, Charley, 18

Joslin, Theodore, 13, 16

Joy, Jason, 70

Junior Girls’ Club, 138

Just Around the Corner
, 178–80, 226, 266

, 237

Kelly, Fred, 127

Kelly, Gene, 127

Kent, Sidney, 67

Kid, The
, 134

Kiddin’ Hollywood
, 50

Kid in Africa
, 52

, 214

kidnappings, 210–13

threats to ST, 213–15

Kipling, Rudyard, 161, 167, 170

Kiss and Tell
, 238–39

Kiss for Corliss, A
, 239

Kligman, Ruth, 129–30

“Knocked ’Em in the Old Kent Road,” 183

Koehler, Ted, 270

Korean War, 241

Krieger, Gertrude,
Temple, Gertrude Krieger

Krieger, Maude, 8, 48, 51, 241

Kugler, Victor, 133

Ladies’ Home Journal
, 138, 221

Laemmle, Carl, 202

Lahr, Bert, 179, 190

Lamont, Charles, 47, 51–52

Landon, Alf, 43

Lange, Dorothea, 1

Laughton, Charles, 209

Lawrence, Florence, 202

“Lay-De-O,” 190

Lee, Gypsy Rose, 224

Le Gon, Jeni, 94

LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,” 42

Lemus, Renzi B., 110–11

Leslie, Elsie, 53

Levine, Peter David, 212

Liber, Benzion, 225

Lieberman, Ruth, 38

Liebling, A. J., 127

Lincoln, Abraham, 107–8, 112, 189, 244

FDR compared to, 35

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 210, 212

Lindbergh, Charles, 210,

Lindbergh, Charles, Jr., kidnapping of, 210–13

Lin Yutang, 115

Little Caesar
, 153, 204

Little Colonel, The
, 89, 97, 98–103,
, 144, 152, 153, 155, 163, 168, 226

Little Diplomat, The
, 186

Little Eva (char.), 164–65

Little Lord Fauntleroy
, 53, 214

Little Miss Broadway
, 139, 176–79

Little Miss Marker
, 75–78,
, 82, 89, 152, 155, 159, 218, 224

Little Orphan Annie
, 157

Little Princess, The
, 53, 87, 159, 161, 181–84,
, 209, 226, 282

Littlest Rebel, The
, 89, 97–99,
, 103–9,
, 112, 155, 161, 163, 168, 227, 269

“Little Three” motion picture corporations, 65–66

Little Women
, 167

“Living in a Great Big Way,” 94–95, 98, 267

Lloyd’s of London, 210

Locke, Alain, 109–10

Loew’s, Inc., 65–66

Long, Huey, 44, 256

look-alike contests:

Jackie Coogan, 135

Shirley Temple, 5, 123–32,

Lord, Daniel A., 68

Los Angeles Times
, 191, 203

Louisville Courier-Journal
, 64

Loy, Myrna, 117

Lyle, Bessie, 106

MacArthur, Charles, 49

MacArthur, Douglas, 240

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 186–88, 190

make-believe, 132–33

malnutrition, 18–19

“March of the Wooden Soldiers, The,” 174

Marsh, Mae, 195

Marshall, Herbert, 220

Martin, Joseph W., 42

Masante, Silvio, 279

Matthews, Ralph, 110

May, Lary, 71–72, 262

Mayer, Louis B., 181, 185

McCarthy, Joseph, 243

McCrae, Joel, 161

McDaniel, Hattie, 89, 100

McGlynn, Frank, Sr., 107

McHugh, Jimmy, 94

McLaglen, Victor,
, 161–62, 167, 169

Meglin Kiddies, 46, 48

(Hoover), 17

Mencken, H. L., 43

Menjou, Adolphe, 76–78,
, 218, 238

Mercer, Lucy, 24

merchandising, ST licensed products in, 5, 82, 83, 120, 126, 131, 137, 138, 141–48, 200, 229, 235

Merriam, Frank, 116

Merrily Yours
, 141

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) studios, 26, 65, 70, 181, 186, 231, 237, 241

Metropolitan Theatre, 203

Mexican Americans, 72

Meyers, Gabriel, 118

Michton, Morris, 141

“Migrant Mother” (Lange), 1

Miller, Arthur C., 159

Minter, Mary Miles (Juliet Shelby), 104

Miss Annie Rooney
, 237–38

“Miss Brown to You,” 95,
, 98

Mississippi River Flood (1927), 10

Mitchell, Margaret, 104

Mix, Tom, 152

mob scenes, 202–4, 239

ST endangered by, 215–17,

Modern Screen
, 5, 122, 148

Modern Times
, 204

Moley, Raymond, 254

Monroe, Marilyn, 154

Montgomery, “Baby Peggy” (Diana Serra Cary), 46, 48, 53, 229–30, 255

Morgan, Frank, 164–65

Moscovitch, Maurice, 184

Motion Picture Daily
, 175

Motion Picture Herald
, 86, 103, 117, 169, 177, 179, 185, 191

motion picture industry:

alleged Communist infiltration in, 238, 243

American democratic ideals promoted by, 69–71

censorship in, 67–71, 122

changing tastes in, 187–98

color line in, 88–113

and consumerism, 133–38

crime plots in, 213

in Depression era, 65–73, 105, 179, 180–81

distribution control in, 66, 68

in FDR’s Depression recovery strategy, 45, 61–62, 69

global market for, 66–67, 69, 70, 151, 198

golden age of, 72–73, 114

movie attendance in, 71–73

1939 as annus mirabilis for, 180–81

political purpose of, 69–71

publicists in, 202, 217

public opinion in, 150–51

slump in, 67–68

ST’s popularity rating in, 117

studio star system of, 4, 6, 114, 150–51, 180, 202, 204, 241

use of color in, 26, 103, 181, 183, 189–91

use of sound in, 53, 67, 68–69, 93, 104, 151

women in, 118–19

Motion Picture News
, 83

Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association (MPPDA), 66–67, 70

moral code of, 68–70, 122

Motion Picture Production Code, 70

movie theaters:

first-run, 65, 68, 190

independent exhibitors in, 86, 105, 117, 123, 151, 166, 169–70, 177–78, 180, 185, 192, 197

premieres at, 204

proliferation of, 72–73

promotions for, 123

Moving Picture World
, 69

Muchman, Beatrice, 132

Muir, Edla, 208

Muni, Paul, 152

Mussolini, Benito, 45, 116

Nash, Mary, 209

National Alliance for the Protection of Stage Children, 54

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 268

National Bank of Kentucky, 12

National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 268

National Catholic Welfare Conference, 12

National Recovery Administration, 58–59, 62, 148, 261

Nazis, Nazi Germany, 1, 44–45, 66, 115, 116, 132–33, 155, 189

Negro and His Music, The
(Locke), 109

Netherlands, 133

Newark News
, 129

New Deal, 6, 20, 21, 27, 32, 41–42, 58, 62, 69, 79, 90, 112, 117, 197

New Deal Rhythm
, 261

New Jersey state penitentiary, 86–87

newsreels, FDR’s use of, 40–41

, 75, 239

New York, N.Y.:

Robinson’s funeral in, 112–13

Valentino’s funeral in, 203–4

New York American
, 123

New York Amsterdam News
, 113

New York Curb Exchange, 32

New Yorker
29, 153, 155

New York Herald Tribune
, 169, 179

New York Times
, 21, 44, 96, 103, 109, 163, 165, 174, 179, 184, 197, 238, 239

New York World
, 151

Nicholas Brothers, 95

Night and Day
, 82

Nobel Prize, 186

Norris, Kathleen, 213

Northwestern Miller
, 43

Now and Forever
, 75, 78, 82, 152, 161, 218

Nugent, Frank, 165–66, 174–75, 179, 184–85, 192, 197

Oakie, Jack, 195

“Oh My Goodness,” 173

Oh Yeah?
(Angly), 13

Oliver Twist
, 53

“On Account’a I Love You,” 81

“On the Good Ship Lollipop,” 5, 85–86, 173, 215

orphans, 82–83

Oscars (Academy Awards), 88, 167

Our Gang comedies, 53, 157

Our Little Girl
, 152, 153, 161, 213

Our Movie Made Children
(Forman), 126–27

Oursler, Fulton, 42

Out All Night
, 209

Pacific Gas and Electric, 240

Pangborn, Franklin, 173

Panic of 1893, 11

parades, 61–62,
, 149

Paramount, 65–67, 75, 95, 152, 173, 261

Parents Magazine
, 138

Patterson, J. R., 103

Payne Fund studies, 68, 126–27, 263

pedophelia, 81–82

Peple, Edward, 104

Perkins, Frances, 21, 22–23, 40, 45, 261

Perry, Lincoln,
Fetchit, Stepin

personality rights, 201

Peter Pan
(Barrie), 53, 86

, 5

Pickford, Mary, 133–34, 181, 196, 203, 204, 224, 237, 243

Pierce, John and Lizzie, 118

Pinocchio dolls, 148

Pitts, ZaSu, 209

, 143

Pokrass, Samuel, 176

poliomyelitis, of FDR, 23–26, 29–30, 171

Pollock, Jackson, 129

Polly Tix in Washington
, 50,
, 52

“Polly-Wolly-Doodle,” 5, 105, 109

Poor Little Rich Girl
, 155, 173, 174, 181, 213, 287

Pour Vous
, 125

poverty, poor:

pride and, 79–80

ST appeal to, 117–18, 146–47

Poverty Row, 48, 51

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