The Living Bible (421 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Exod 19:18
descended upon it in the form of fire;
Acts 2:3
like flames or tongues of fire appeared


Deut 4:24
He is a devouring fire, a jealous God.
Psa 104:4
his messengershis servants of fire!
Jer 23:29
Does not my word burn like fire?
Luke 12:49
come to bring fire to the earth,


Examples of

Gen 33:10
I was frightened of you
Judg 8:2-3
What have I done in comparison with that?
2 Sam 14:17
you are like the angel of God
2 Sam 15:3
I can see that you are right in this
1 Kgs 1:42
for you are a good man;
Dan 6:7
for the next thirty days anyone who prays to another
Luke 20:21
we know what an honest teacher
Acts 12:22
It is the voice of a god and not a man!
Acts 24:2
you have given quietness and peace to us
Acts 26:2
I am fortunate, King Agrippa,


Psa 5:9
Their tongues are filled with flatteries
Psa 12:2
Everyone deceives and flatters and lies.
Prov 7:5
prostitute, from listening to her flattery.
Prov 26:28
Flattery is a form of hatred
Prov 29:5-6
Flattery is a trap; evil men are caught
Dan 11:21
will take over the kingdom by flattery
1 Thes 2:5
flattery, as you very well know,


Article of

Num 6:3-4
strong drink or wine or even fresh wine,
Deut 12:17
grain and new wine and olive oil,
Deut 32:14
He gave them milk and meatChoice
1 Sam 17:17
roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread
2 Sam 6:19
some wine, and a cake of raisins.
Job 10:10
like milk, and curdled me like cheese.
Prov 15:17
soup with someone you love than steak
Song 5:1
honeycomb with my honey. I drink my wine
Matt 7:10
If he asks for a fish, will he be given a snake?

From heaven (manna)

Exod 16:4
food from heaven for them.
Num 11:6
day after day we have to face this manna!
Deut 8:3
feeding you with manna, a food
Josh 5:11-12
The following day no manna fell,


Character and conduct of

Psa 14:1
The man is a fool who says to himself,
Psa 53:1
say to himself, There is no God.
Prov 10:8
self-sufficient fool falls flat on his face.
Prov 13:16
a fool doesnt, and even brags about it
Prov 14:16
a fool plunges ahead with great confidence
Prov 15:5
a fool despises his fathers advice;
Eccl 4:5-6
The fool wont work
Eccl 10:2
a fools heart leads him to do evil.
Isa 44:25
make them into fools.
Matt 7:26
like a foolish man who builds his house on sand
Matt 23:17
Blind fools!
Rom 1:22
they became utter fools

Parables of

Matt 25:2-4
the other five were foolish and forgot.
Luke 12:20
Fool! Tonight you die.

, see


Of enemies

Prov 19:11
restrains his anger and overlooks insults.
Matt 5:44
Love your enemies!
Matt 6:14-15
forgive those who sin against you;
Luke 6:35
Love your enemies! Do good to them!
Col 3:13
Be gentle and ready to forgive;

Mutual, commanded

Gen 50:16-17
father instructed us to tell you to forgive
Matt 18:21
how often should I forgive a brother
Mark 11:25
forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against,
Luke 11:4
forgive our sinsfor we have forgiven others


Lev 4:20
everyone will be forgiven.
2 Chr 7:14
will hear them from heaven and forgive
Isa 55:7
for he will abundantly pardon!
Jer 31:34
I will forgive and forget their sins.
Jer 33:8
I will cleanse away all their sins
Matt 26:28
poured out to forgive the sins
Mark 1:4
so that God could forgive them.
Luke 24:47
There is forgiveness of sins for all
Heb 10:18
sins have once been forever forgiven
1 Joh 1:9
he can be depended on to forgive us

Of sin, see
Sin, forgiveness of

, see

Laws concerning

Exod 22:16
If a man seduces a girl who is not engaged
Lev 19:20
If a man seduces a slave girl
Deut 22:21
She has defiled Israel by flagrant crime,
Deut 23:17-18
No prostitutes are permitted in Israel,


Prov 2:16-17
save a man from the flattery of prostitutes;
Prov 6:25
Dont lust for their beauty.
Prov 31:3
do not spend your time with women
Matt 15:19
fornication, theft, lying and slander.
1 Cor 5:10
who live in sexual sin, or are greedy
Eph 5:11
Take no part in worthless pleasures


Hos 1:2
marry a girl who is a prostitute,
Rev 14:8
she seduced the nations of the world
Rev 17:2
have had immoral relations with her,

Examples of

Gen 19:5
Bring them to us so we can rape them.
Gen 19:32
then we will sleep with him,
Gen 38:16
So he stopped and propositioned her
Judg 19:25
they abused her all night,
1 Sam 2:22
his sons were seducing the young women


Examples of

Ruth 1:16
Dont make me leave you,
1 Sam 18:1
an immediate bond of love between them.
2 Sam 10:2
Nahash was always so loyal and kind
2 Kgs 10:15
Are you as loyal to me as I am to you?
Job 2:11
three of Jobs friends heard
John 11:3
Sir, your good friend is very, very sick.
Rom 16:3
They have been my fellow workers
Phil 2:22
He has been just like a son to me

Value of

Prov 18:24
a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Prov 27:6
Wounds from a friend are better
John 15:13
person lays down his life for his friends;

Of Jesus and his disciples

Luke 12:4
Dear friends, dont be afraid of these
John 15:14
you are my friends if you obey me

Exhortations to

Job 6:14
be kind to a fainting friend,
Prov 17:17
a true friend is always loyal,
Eccl 4:9
Two can accomplish more than twice

With the world, condemned

Rom 12:2
Dont copy the behavior and customs of the world
2 Cor 6:17
separate yourselves from them;
Jas 4:4
making friends with Gods enemies
1 Joh 2:15
Stop loving this evil world


Examples of

Exod 35:21
returned with their offerings of materials
Num 7:2
they brought their offerings.
Acts 2:45
selling possessions and dividing with those in need
Acts 4:34-35
brought the money to the apostles
2 Cor 8:2
an overflow of giving to others.
2 Cor 9:13
because of your generous gifts
Phil 4:15
my partners in giving and receiving.

Laws concerning, see
Offering(s), freewill

Exod 25:1-7
everyone who wants to bring me an offering
Exod 36:3
materials donated by the people
Deut 12:17
nor your freewill offerings,
Deut 15:9
Dont refuse a loan because the year of cancellation
Deut 24:19
Leave it for the migrants, orphans, and widows;

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