The Living Bible (438 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Justice for, commanded

Lev 19:15
not noticing whether a person is poor or rich;
Prov 24:23
wrong to sentence the poor, and let the rich go free.
Jas 2:5
God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith,

Laws concerning

Exod 22:25
not to handle the transaction in any ordinary way,
Exod 23:11
let the poor among the people harvest
Lev 19:10
Leave them for the poor
Lev 25:25
If anyone becomes poor and sells some of his land,
Deut 14:28
use your entire tithe for local welfare programs;
Deut 15:4-5
No one will become poor because of this,

, see
Poor people

Exhortations concerning

Prov 6:11
as you sleep, poverty creeps upon you
Prov 10:15
The poor mans poverty is his only curse.
Prov 20:13
If you love sleep, you will end in poverty.
Prov 23:19-21
for they are on their way to poverty.
Prov 24:34
poverty will break upon you suddenly
Prov 28:19
work brings prosperity; playing around brings poverty.
Prov 30:8
give me neither poverty nor riches!


Examples of

Exod 15:1
I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed
Exod 15:21
Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed
Judg 5:2
Praise the Lord! Israels leaders bravely led;
1 Sam 2:1
How I rejoice in the Lord! How he has blessed me!
2 Sam 22:4
the Lord, Who is worthy to be praised;
1 Chr 16:8
give thanks to the Lord and pray to him,
1 Chr 29:10
God of our father Israel, praise your name

In heaven

Neh 9:6
all the angels of heaven worship you.
Job 38:6-7
stars sang together and all the angels shouted
Psa 148:2
Praise him, all his angels, all the armies of heaven.
Luke 2:13
the armies of heavenpraising God:
Rev 11:15
loud voices shouting down from heaven,

God worthy of

Deut 10:21
He is your praise and he is your God,
Isa 42:10
Sing a new song to the Lord;
Dan 2:23
I thank and praise you, O God of my fathers,
Joel 2:26
Praise the Lord, who does these miracles
Hab 3:3
the earth is full of his praise!
Eph 1:6
all praise to God for his wonderful kindness


Examples of

Gen 32:9
Then Jacob prayed, O God of Abraham
Josh 7:7
Joshua cried out to the Lord, O Jehovah,
1 Sam 1:10
crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord.
2 Sam 7:18
sat before the Lord and prayed,
1 Kgs 18:36
Elijah walked up to the altar and prayed,
2 Kgs 20:11
So Isaiah asked the Lord to do this,
Ezra 9:5
I fell to my knees and lifted my hands
Jer 32:16
after I had given the papers to Baruch I prayed:
Dan 9:3
I prayed, I fasted, and wore rough sackcloth,
Jon 2:1
Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from inside the fish:
Acts 9:11
He is praying to me right now,
Acts 10:2
He gave generously to charity and was a man of prayer.
Acts 10:9-10
Peter went up on the roof of his house to pray.
Acts 12:5
prayer was going up to God from the Church

The Lords

Matt 6:9
Our Father in heaven, we honor your holy name.
Luke 11:2
Father, may your name be honored


Exod 20:24
I will come and bless you there.
2 Chr 7:14
if my people will humble themselves and pray,
Matt 6:5
by praying publicly on street corners
Matt 18:19
if two agree here on earth concerning anything
Mark 12:40
by praying long prayers in public


Psa 55:17
I will pray morning, noon, and night,
Dan 6:10
he went home and knelt down as usual
Matt 6:6
shut the door behind you and pray

In the name of Christ

John 16:26
you will present your petitions over my signature!

Before eating

Matt 14:19
asked Gods blessing on the meal,
Matt 26:26
Jesus took a small loaf of bread and blessed it,
Mark 8:6
he took the seven loaves, thanked God
Acts 27:35
he took some hardtack and gave thanks to God

Positions of the body during

Num 16:22
Moses and Aaron fell face downward to the ground
1 Kgs 8:22-23
Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord
2 Chr 6:12-13
he knelt down, reached out his arms toward heaven,
Psa 95:6
Come, kneel before the Lord our Maker,
Matt 26:39
fell face downward on the ground, and prayed,
1 Tim 2:8
to pray with holy hands lifted up to God,

Of the wicked, not heard

Psa 66:18
He would not have listened if I had not confessed
Prov 15:8
The Lord hates the gifts of the wicked,
Mic 3:4
Do you really expect him to listen?
John 9:31
Well, God doesnt listen to evil men.
Jas 4:3
you dont get it because your whole aim is wrong

When offered

Psa 5:3
Each morning I will look to you in heaven
Psa 55:17
I will pray morning, noon, and night,
Psa 88:1
I have wept before you day and night.
Psa 88:13
will keep pleading day by day.
Psa 143:8
Let me see your kindness to me in the morning,
Isa 33:2
Be our strength each day and our salvation
Dan 6:10
prayed three times a day,
Luke 6:12
prayed all night
1 Thes 5:17
Always keep on praying.

Exhortations concerning

Zec 13:9
They will call upon my name and I will hear them;
Matt 21:22
You can get anythinganything you ask for
Rom 10:13
Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord
Jas 1:5
ask him, and he will gladly tell you,


Matt 7:7
Ask, and you will be given what you ask for.
Luke 18:1
they must keep praying until the answer comes.
Eph 6:18
Pray all the time. Ask God for anything
Col 4:2
Dont be weary in prayer; keep at it;
1 Thes 5:25
Dear brothers, pray for us.
1 Tim 2:1
Pray much for others; plead for Gods mercy
1 Tim 2:8
men everywhere to pray with holy hands

Answered, examples

Psa 3:4
I cried out to the Lord, and he heard me
Psa 99:6
cried to him for help, he answered them.
Jon 2:2
I cried to the Lord and he answered me;
Acts 4:31
they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
Jas 5:17
he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell

, see

Examples of

2 Sam 17:23
Ahithophelpublicly disgraced
2 Kgs 5:11
But Naaman was angry and stalked away.
2 Kgs 20:13
Hezekiah welcomed them and showed them all
2 Chr 26:16
But at that point he became proud
Est 6:6
Whom would he want to honor more than me?
Ezek 28:2-3
You are so proud you think you are God,
Dan 5:20
his heart and mind were hardened in pride,

Origin of

Ezek 28:2-3
You are so proud you think you are God,
Zep 3:11
you will no longer be rebels against me.
Mark 7:21
out of mens hearts, come evil thoughts
Jas 4:6
but sets himself against the proud and haughty.
1 Joh 2:16
They are from this evil world

Evil results of

Psa 10:2
Pour upon these men the evil they planned for others!
Prov 21:4
Pride, lust and evil actions are all sin.

Exhortations condemning

Prov 11:2
Proud men end in shame,
Prov 16:5
proud men shall be punished.
Prov 18:12
Pride ends in destruction;
Mark 12:38
Beware of the teachers of religion!
Luke 11:43
you love the seats of honor in the synagogues
Rom 11:18
you must be careful not to brag
1 Cor 10:12
For you too may fall
Gal 6:3
If anyone thinks he is too great

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