The Long Hot Summer (8 page)

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Authors: Rochelle Alers

BOOK: The Long Hot Summer
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She smiled. “You want me to tutor you?”

He smiled for the first time, showing a mouth filled with large white teeth. “Yes, ma’am.”

“How old are you, Mark?”


“Do you have a high school diploma?”

“Yes, ma’am. I dropped out at sixteen, but I went back and finished up last year. My dad said if I passed the test to get into a college he would pay for me to go.”

“What do you want to be?”

He dropped his head again. “I’m not sure. I know I don’t want to muck out stables for the rest of my life.”

“Good for you.” Kelly paused. “I’ll help you.”

Mark leaned forward and grasped her hands. “Thank you, Miss Kelly.”

She winced as he increased the pressure on her fingers. “You can let go of my hand now.” He released her hand, mumbling an apology. “If I’m going to tutor you, then it will have to be in the evenings.”

He bobbed his head. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Do you have any SAT practice books?”

“No, ma’am,” he said quickly. “If you want I can pick up some.”

“No, Mark. I’ll buy them. I have an account with a company in Richmond that specializes in educational materials and equipment. I’ll call and have the books sent to me at the school.”

“But I’ll still pay for it.”

Shaking her head, Kelly said in a quiet voice, “Save your money, Mark. I’m certain Blackstone Farms will not be forced to file for bankruptcy because I charged a few review manuals to their account. As soon as they arrive I’ll get in touch with you so we can arrange a schedule that will be conducive to both of us. Do you live here on the farm?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Kelly stood up, Mark rising with her. “I’ll meet you in the dining hall, and we’ll talk.”

He closed his eyes, inhaled, and then let out his breath slowly. When he opened his eyes they were glistening with moisture. “I’d like to ask another favor, Miss Kelly.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Ask.”

He managed a sheepish grin. “I don’t want anyone to know you’re tutoring me.”

Nodding, Kelly said, “It will remain our secret.”

“Thank you, Miss Kelly.”

“Thank me after you get an acceptance letter from a college.”

“Thank you,” he repeated before he turned on his heels and walked quickly out of the building.

Kelly felt a warm glow flow through her. She had come to Blackstone Farms to teach the pre-school children of its employees, but there was nothing in her contract that precluded her extending her teaching skills to the farm’s employees.


All of the children arrived by eight o’clock. They babbled excitedly about going swimming. Kelly had promised them the day before that if the morning temperature rose above seventy degrees, they could go swimming before lunch.

Sheldon motioned to Kelly. “I’ll be bringing Sean for the next few days. Ryan had to take a mare to Richmond late last night for surgery.”

“What happened?”

“He had to repair a bone spavin.” Sheldon noted Kelly’s puzzled expression, reminding himself she hadn’t lived on the horse farm long enough to become familiar with equine terminology. “That’s when there is an indefinite hind-lameness that shortens a horse’s stride.”

“Will she be all right?”

“Ryan says her chances of recovery are at least ninety percent.”

“Ryan told me that all of the children ride.” Sheldon nodded. “But do they know exactly what everyone who works at the farm does?”

Sheldon’s silver-colored eyes narrowed as he angled his head. “I don’t know.”

Kelly lifted her dimpled chin and smiled up at Sheldon, unaware of how attractive she was. “I’d like to set up a field trip. I’d like to take the children on a tour of the property to see firsthand what makes up a working horse farm. I want them to talk to the grooms, trainers, the people who put up and repair fences, cut the grass, muck out the stables and bale hay. I’d even like to give them a tour of the kitchen. It will help them to appreciate where they live and the importance of their parents’ jobs.”

Sheldon flashed one of his rare smiles. “Let me know when you want to do it, and I’ll set it up.”

“How about next week?”

“Monday is a holiday, so that’s out. By the way, we always have big outdoor doings to celebrate Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.”

Kelly mentally filed this information. “What if we do it over four days? An hour for each presentation should be enough. Any more time than that will challenge their attention span, especially since they know everyone.”

“You’re right about that. Kids growing up on a farm tend to know a lot more than city kids when it comes to things like birth and reproduction, but we have strict rules about keeping kids away from the mares in heat. Seeing a stallion mount a mare can be an awesome sight for a child, especially if they believes he’s hurting her.”

Waves of heat warmed Kelly’s cheeks. She’d seen dogs and cats mate, but not horses. “Thanks for your cooperation.”

“Don’t mention it,” Sheldon said as he left.

One of the kitchen personnel walked in with breakfast, and the children raced over to the sink to wash their hands as Kelly smiled at her charges. They were so eager to learn and to please. She had bonded quickly with them, refusing to think of the time when she would be forced to let them go.

The wall telephone rang, and she rushed over to answer it. “Blackstone Day School, Miss Kelly speaking.”

“Good morning, Miss Kelly.”

Her heart leapt, turning over when she heard the deep, drawling voice. “Hi, Ryan.”

“How are you?”

“Good.” She wanted to tell him she was very good now that she’d heard his voice. “Sheldon told me about the mare.”

“Peachy Keen is still in recovery, but I expect her to come through okay. She stopped racing several years ago, so we’ve used her exclusively for breeding purposes. Thankfully she has already foaled two colts, both of which could be potential winners.”

Kelly smiled. “That’s good for Blackstone Farms.”

“You’ve got that right. I’ll probably be here until the end of the week. I want to wait to bring her back.” There was a noticeable pause. “If you’re not busy on Friday, I’d like to take you out for dinner.”

Kelly wrinkled her nose. Ryan was asking her out. Finally her sister could stop haranguing her about not dating. “I have to check my calendar, but I believe I should be able to put aside a few hours for you Friday evening, Dr. Blackstone.”

His sensual laugh came through the wire. “Still with the quick tongue? I believe I have the perfect remedy to take care of your tongue.”

“Really?” she teased.


“Hang up, Ryan.”

“You first.”

“Bye.” Depressing the hook, she ended the call. A dreamy smile settled into her features, one that lingered throughout the day.



ean sat on the padded bench at the foot of his father’s bed, watching Ryan loop the length of a dark brown tie into a knot under the collar of a white shirt. “Do I have to sleep at Grandpa’s tonight?”

Ryan caught his son’s reflection in the mirror over a triple dresser. He tightened the tie, then turned to stare at Sean. “Yes, Sean.”

The young boy stuck out his lower lip. “But, Daddy,” he wailed.

“No whining, Sean. What is it you want?”

“I want to sleep over with Travis and Trent. They are having a Spider-Man party tonight.”

“They may be having a party, but were you invited?”

“Yes, Daddy. They invited everybody from school. Even Miss Kelly.”

Ryan studied his son’s deeply tanned face and smiled. Sean had talked nonstop about what he did with Miss Kelly and the other kids at school during the time Ryan was in Richmond. He said he could read a lot of words, could count up to one hundred and match shapes and colors.

“Go get your sleeping bag while I call Miss Millie.”

Sean jumped off the bench and raced out of the bedroom. Ryan picked up the telephone and dialed the number to the twins’ house. Millicent Smith answered the call after the first ring.

“Hi, Millie. This is Ryan. I’m calling about the Spider-Man sleep over at your place tonight.”

“Doc, I really need to have my head examined for agreeing to this,” Millie drawled.

He smiled. “So, it’s on?”

“Yeah. Drop Sean off at the dining hall and we’ll bring him back with us.”

“What time do you want me to pick him up in the morning?”

“Don’t bother to pick him up. The kids don’t have school tomorrow, and if the hot weather holds we’ll probably hang out at the pool most of the day.”

“You know if he gets to be too much for you just bring him back to Sheldon.”

“Dr. Blackstone, you have the most well-behaved child on the farm. If my boys were half as good as Sean I’d consider myself blessed.”

Ryan wanted to tell Millie that she
blessed. She had two bright, healthy sons. A parent couldn’t ask for more than that. “They’re boys, Millie.”

“That’s what Jim says. Thanks for letting Sean come.”

“No problem, Millie.”

“Bye, Doc.”

Ryan rang off, then picked up the jacket to his suit, slipping his arms into the sleeves. He walked out of his bedroom and into Sean’s across the hall. The boy was busy putting out changes of clothes on his bed. He watched as Sean took out socks, briefs, T-shirts and shorts.

Sean glanced up at his father. “Is that enough?”

Nodding, Ryan smiled. “Yes.”

Sean picked up a backpack and put the clothes inside. After zipping the colorful bag, he hoisted it over one shoulder, then picked up a small duffel bag containing his sleeping bag.

“Are you ready, Champ?”

The little boy puffed out his narrow chest. “Yes, Daddy.”

Ryan had taught Sean independence early. He had learned to select the clothes he would wear for the next day, laying them out the night before. He had to keep his room clean by picking up his toys and books. He knew he had to brush his teeth twice a day, wash his hands before and after meals, and say his prayers before he went to sleep.

Ryan cupped the back of his son’s head, leading him down the staircase and out of the house. “I’m going to drop you off at Grandpa’s.”

Sean looked up at Ryan. “You’re not going to eat with us?”

“No, Sean. I’m going out to eat.”

“Who you eating with, Daddy?”

“Miss Kelly.” He’d never lied to his son, and he did not want to begin now.

“She’s pretty, Daddy. She’s pretty like a princess.”

“You’re right about that, son.”

“You like her, Daddy?”

“Yes, Sean, I like her.”

“I like her, too. Isn’t it good we both like her?”

“Yes it is.”

Ryan wanted to tell Sean that what he felt for Kelly went beyond a simple liking. What he wanted was to see her—every day. He wanted to hold her close and feel her feminine heat, inhale her feminine fragrance. He wanted that and so much more.

He led Sean up the steps of the porch to the house where he’d grown up. The inner door stood open, as it did every day until Sheldon closed it to retire for the night. He held the screen door open for Sean.

“Grandpa!” Sean’s strident voice echoed in the large living room.

Sheldon came from the direction of his study. It once had been called the family room. A network of lines fanned out around his eyes. He saw Sean’s backpack and sleeping bag.

“Where are you going tonight?”

“I’m going to eat with you, then I’m sleeping over with Travis and Trent. We are going to have a Spider-Man party.”

Sheldon’s head came up and he stared at Ryan, who nodded. “Good for you.”

Sean turned and stared at his father. “But Daddy’s eating with Miss Kelly.”

Sheldon angled his head, grinning. “Boo-yaw!”

“Boo-yaw to you, too,” Ryan mumbled, while trying not to laugh. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Have fun,” Sheldon called out.

“Yeah, Daddy. Have fun with Miss Kelly.”

Ryan walked out his father’s house head high, and his step lighter than it had been in years. And it had been years since he really looked forward to sharing time with a woman, especially one as sexy as Kelly Andrews.


The week had passed quickly for Kelly and her students. They’d frolicked and splashed in the in-ground kiddie pool before they were served a picnic lunch under a large tent. Everyone napped, then swam again. When the parents came to pick up their sons and daughters later that afternoon all remarked how tanned and healthy they looked.

On Thursday Heather brought a kitten to school to show off her new pet. Miss Buttons had caused a stir when she jumped on the table to press her tiny nose against the fish tank. Kelly had to issue her first mandate: no pets in school.

It was now late Friday afternoon and she lay in the bathtub, eyes closed, and her hair wrapped in a silk scarf. A soft sponge pillow cradled her head. She had just completed her first full week teaching, and had almost forgotten how much energy it took to keep up with preschoolers. The only time they were still and quiet was at naptime.

The doorbell rang and she jumped, opening her eyes. “He can’t be here!” she gasped. Ryan had called her earlier that afternoon to inform her he would come by to pick her up at six. Rising quickly, she stepped out of the tub, splashing water onto the tiled floor. She reached for a bath sheet, wrapped it around her wet body, and walked out of the bathroom.

She hadn’t taken half a dozen steps when she saw him. Kelly sucked in her breath. Ryan stood in the middle of her parlor, dressed in an ecru-colored suit that made him look like a
cover model. His black hair was neatly brushed off his forehead and his deeply tanned gold-brown skin radiated good health. But it was his eyes—a smoky-gray that pulled her in and refused to let her go.

“Did you know that you left your door open?”

Her eyelids fluttered as she shook her head. She couldn’t remember whether she had closed or locked the door. “I must be slipping. That never would’ve happened back in New York. By the way, what are you doing here so early?” Her voice had dropped to a whisper.

“I told you I’d be here at six.”

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