Read The Love Slave Online

Authors: Bertrice Small

The Love Slave (17 page)

BOOK: The Love Slave
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He lifted a lock of her silvery gold hair to his lips, sniffing at the lush gardenia fragrance, tenderly kissing the silken tresses between his fingers. It was utter madness! In even thinking such thoughts he was breaking the cardinal rule of a Passion Master. One did not fall in love with his pupil,
one made certain that his pupil did not fall in love with him. Had he not learned anything from his previous disaster? This was not just any slave girl. This girl belonged to his father’s friend. She was intended for the harem of the Caliph of Cordoba.
Utter madness

How fair she was in all aspects of her person
. The thought slipped by him before he might stop it. He let his eyes wander over her voluptuous young body. He had surely named her well. Abd-al Rahman would be ravished by this girl, and indebted to him for having schooled her to become the finest Love Slave ever created. The caliph would be equally grateful to his loyal friend, Donal Righ of Eire, who would then owe him, Karim al Malina, a debt that mere gold could not satisfy. Having a man like Donal Righ in one’s debt was not such a bad thing. Yet how much more he would have rather had Zaynab for his own.

“My days as a Passion Master are over,” he said softly to himself. “I cannot allow a thing like this to happen. I must be getting old, for I am helpless to control my emotions any longer.”

Reaching out, he stroked Zaynab’s satiny skin. He must teach her more than just erotic arts. He would have to teach her how to survive in the harem of her master. Abd-al Rahman’s favorite wife, Zahra, was a powerful woman known to be vindictive, even to use poison. It was her grown son who was his father’s heir. She guarded her son’s fate jealously and fiercely. Zahra would not welcome this young, beauteous rival. Indeed, she would do all in her power to remove Zaynab should she please the caliph too much, and Karim al Malina would see to it that Zaynab did indeed please Abd-al Rahman. It was his duty.

It was wonderful!

The girl’s breathless words reached out to pierce his own thoughts. Looking down into her eyes, he smiled a slow smile. “You’re no longer frightened? You understand how sweet passion can be?” he queried.

“Aye! I want to do it again, my lord!

His warm laughter waved over her. “You are simply too impatient, my flower,” he chided her. “Have I not counseled you to patience? There is so much to teach you. So much for you to learn. First we must bathe each other with the love cloths. Go, and fetch the basin on the windowsill. The cloths are with it, my beauty. Then we will discuss your request further.”

She scrambled from the mattress, hurrying to do his bidding. When she had brought the basin to him, she asked, “What should I do, my dear lord?” She knelt by his side expectantly.

She is a most adorable pupil, he thought. He wanted to take her in his arms, to smother her upturned face with kisses. Instead he said in a pedantic tone, “The water in the basin should always be warmed. In the future it must be scented with your fragrance. The cloths with the water should be of the
finest, softest linen. Take one up now, Zaynab, and refresh my manhood. I will then do the same for you. Remember, I have tasted the most intimate portion of your body. I may want to do it again. Eventually I will teach you to accept a manhood within your mouth to give it a different kind of pleasure than it receives sheathed within your body.”

She raised her startled eyes to his at this new information, but said nothing to him, instead wringing out one of the cloths and bathing his member. Her touch was gentle, and she was quite thorough. She was surprised that something now so small could have offered her such rapture. Then she noted that his manhood was disfigured. “Ohhh,” she cried softly. “When were you so grievously injured, my lord?”

” For a moment he was puzzled, and then realizing her confusion, said, “I am not deformed, Zaynab. I am circumcised. All Moors, Jews, and other men of the East are. I was seven when it was done. My brothers were also. I was given a special sherbet to drink that had a small amount of narcotic in it to dull my pain. Then the foreskin of my member was drawn up hard, and cut. My father is a charitable man. When each of his sons was circumcised, poor boys of our city who were seven were invited to be circumcised with us, thereby sharing in all festivities at my father’s expense. It does not harm a man, or as you can certainly attest, his ability to give pleasure. It is a health measure. In hot climates it is sometimes difficult if not impossible to find enough water to drink, let alone bathe. We men of al-Andalus are clean people. We love our baths. Removing the foreskin of the male simply makes it easier for him to keep his manhood clean and disease free.”

“I thought ye had been hurt,” she answered. “I feel most foolish now.”

“How could you know?” he told her. “Do not be afraid to ask questions, Zaynab, my jewel. You cannot learn unless you do. A woman’s body pleasures a man in many ways, but a wise man also enjoys more of her than just her body. In a few days we shall sail for my home. Once there, I shall undertake
to educate you, not simply in the amatory arts, but you shall learn to dance, to sing, and to play at least one instrument. You shall be taught poetry, the history of my people, and any other intellectual pursuit for which you appear to have a talent. You must learn Arabic and Romance, our two most important languages. You will study all manner of things that you cannot imagine, but when I finally deem you fit for the caliph’s harem, you will be neither ashamed nor afraid of who you are. You will rise above all other women known to Abd-al Rahman, even as the sun shines brighter than the moon. I shall, however, teach you discretion, that you not offend the lady Zahra, the mother of the caliph’s heir. Good manners are the hallmark of a Love Slave.”

He took up the other cloth from his basin. “Now, let me bathe you, my jewel. Lie back amid the pillows and open yourself to me, Zaynab.”

She repressed a small shiver as he began his task. This fine art of lovemaking was so intimate a thing. His touch was very delicate; very, very sensual against her sensitive flesh. Slowly, with great care, he gently erased all evidence of their bout with Eros. At the same time, however, he was skillfully arousing her once more. She could feel a single finger, wrapped in the soft cloth, teasing subtly at her. Her eyes closed for the briefest moment as she dared to enjoy the delectable sensations he was awakening in her. Why could other men not be like Karim al Malina? Or were all the men of al-Andalus like him? Perhaps it was only the men of the north who were so crude and brutal.

Placing the cloth back in the basin, he said to her, “Now, take but a single finger, Zaynab, and touch that sentient little jewel of yours.” He watched as she obeyed him, shyly at first, and then, as she discovered what she herself was capable of, more boldly. When her flesh had become moist and pearlescent to his eyes, he grasped her wrist. Drawing her hand to his mouth he took the finger into his mouth, sucking hard upon it. “You’re like pungent, wild honey,” he told her, releasing his grip.

She was breathless for the moment as he smiled that slow
smile of his that always set her heart to racing. For a moment she thought she might swoon.

He swung his body over hers, seating himself lightly upon her chest. “Put your hands behind your head,” he commanded her.

“Why?” she countered, all efforts at obedience gone. She wanted to trust him completely, but her ignorance caused her to be afraid.

“It is the position a woman takes for this particular exercise in sensuality, my jewel. You need not be afraid,” he explained patiently. Leaning forward, he propped her shoulders up with the pillows. Then raising up his manhood, which, she now noted, had enlarged a bit, he said, “Open your mouth, Zaynab, and take it in. You will use your tongue to tantalize it, but your teeth must
harm your master. When you are comfortable with this new sensation, you will suckle on me. I will tell you when to cease.”

She shook her head. “
I canna
,” she whispered, shocked yet at the same time fascinated by his directive.

“You can,” he told her quietly.

“Nay!” she declared vehemently. “

He did not argue further with her. Instead he reached out and pinched her nostrils shut with his two fingers. Deprived of air, Zaynab gasped, and Karim pushed his manhood firmly between her lips, releasing his grip on her nose as he did. “Now, gently begin to tongue me, my flower. Nay, do not take your hands from behind your head, or I shall have Donal Righ beat you. Remember, obedience to your master at all times.”

For what seemed like a very long time she lay frozen, her mouth filled with him, not quite certain what to do with
. Then, curious, she slipped her tongue, which she had drawn far back in her mouth, forward to make contact with his flesh. He watched her through half-closed eyes, barely breathing. This was a hard test. Tentatively she licked at him. Then again. Her eyes met his.

He nodded encouragingly. “That’s it, my jewel. Do not be afraid. Your tongue will not hurt me. Run it around the knob now.”

The taste of him was not unpleasant. It was slightly saline. Her fear was beginning to wane away. Slowly she lapped at him, her tongue swirling over his smooth flesh, feeling him begin to swell within the warm cave of her mouth.

“Suckle upon me,” he commanded in a tight, hard voice.

Obeying him, she found the action to be exciting. He groaned low as Zaynab stared up at him, amazed. His eyes were closed, his face tense with a mixture of rising desire and utter pleasure. She realized to her surprise that it was she who was in control of the situation, not Karim. Suckling hard on him, her own excitement soared with this newly discovered power.

” his voice ground out harshly, as, pinching her nostrils shut again, he forced her mouth open and withdrew his swollen manhood.

Her eyes widened at its new size. “Hae I displeased ye?” she whispered, half afraid again.

“Nay,” he told her, sliding off of her, his head dropping to plant kisses on her naked body. She murmured, reassured, her body arching as he fastened his mouth upon a nipple. He suckled, nipped, and then kissed it. One hand traveled down her silken torso, slipping between her legs, seeking out the little pearl of her sex, finding it, teasing at it. “I want you,” he told her. His fingers pushed themselves into her. “You’re young, and ill-trained, my flower, but you were born to be a Love Slave.”

His touch was setting her afire with a hunger to be possessed by him again. He taunted her, drawing down her love juices to bedew his digits. His mouth covered hers in a burning kiss to which there seemed to be no end. Their tongues entwined in a sensual dance. His other hand played with her until she thought she would scream. Her flesh grew taut with her desire. Both her belly and her breasts felt heavy, as if they would burst and pour forth a rich sweetness.

” she whimpered to him.

Please, what?
” he demanded.

” she pleaded again.

“A Love Slave never begs, though it is flattering to her master to know that she wants him,” he advised. Then he swung his body over hers and drove himself deep within her, his groan of pleasure punctuating the room.

Her cry of delight encouraged his lusty efforts. He felt enormous within her. The hot, hard throbbing pulse of him almost took her breath away. “Ohhh, my lord, ye will kill me wi’ this pleasure!” she half sobbed.

“Very good, my jewel,” he lauded her, his buttocks contracting and releasing as he thrust rhythmically into her tight sheath.

She wrapped her legs tightly about him. Her slender arms wound themselves around his neck. “Dinna stop!” she begged him. “It is too sweet!
Ahh, I die!
” She shuddered lightly.

“Not yet, Zaynab,” he told her. “You’re too quick. You must give yourself again, for I am not yet satisfied. Remember, your master must first know delight. Only then can you take yours.”

“I dinna think I can,” her voice came weakly to him.

Aye, you can!
” he insisted and began to thrust hard into her.

“Nay! Nay!” She half struggled against him, but then her body arched, her breasts pressing against him. “
Ahhhh! Ahhhh!
” she sobbed. It was happening once more, to her utter amazement. The feeling was even stronger than it had been but a moment ago. How could she have been so easily satisfied? Her nails raked down his back as her own lust rose, almost overwhelming her in its intensity.

“Little bitch!” he growled fiercely in her ear, and bending, sucked hard upon a breast. He could feel himself almost to the point of shattering, but now she would not let him go, encouraging him on in this overwhelming desire that she had aroused in him. Farther and farther he pushed himself within her until he could go no deeper, his hunger for this girl mushrooming until it erupted wildly in a hot explosion of fiery, staccato bursts.

For several long minutes they lay entwined. They were both wet and sticky with their exertions. Their hearts hammered wildly at first, then slowed. Karim finally said, “Call Oma.
Instruct her to bring us a fresh basin of water, love cloths, and wine. We both need to regain our strength.”

“Ye would hae my servant see us like this?” Zaynab was shocked.

“She must learn to serve you in all situations,” he responded. “Have you not seen each other naked in the baths?”

“But ye are naked!” Zaynab persisted.

“Aye,” he answered her calmly.

The girl shook her head wonderingly. “This world to which ye are taking me is so different from the one in which I was born into, my lord,” she told him. Then she called to Oma, instructing her while the blushing girl listened; struggling, not without difficulty, to keep her eyes from Karim al Malina’s attractive body.

“I hae heard that all men from yer land were dark-eyed,” Zaynab said while they waited for Oma to return. “Why are yer eyes blue?”

“My mother is a Norsewoman,” he told her. “She was captured in a raid, and given to my father as a gift. He made her his second wife. My two brothers are dark-eyed, as is my sister.”

BOOK: The Love Slave
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