Read The Luck of Love Online

Authors: Serena Akeroyd

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage; Military; SCOTUS Ruling

The Luck of Love (2 page)

BOOK: The Luck of Love
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His words were a warning, but she nodded, jerking upright to fling herself into his arms. He chuckled, wrapping her tighter in his embrace and rocking her a little.

In his arms, she always felt safe, protected. They clashed in some ways because they were similar, but Josh was her strength.

Though they’d only just woken up after a marathon bout of sex, and the topic was serious, she was helpless in her desire for him and the security he made her feel when he took control. Blindly, she reached for his lips. She aimed her mouth aimed for his, her tongue peeking out ready to play.

She moaned a little at the connection, needing him, reveling in his taste when his lips opened, welcoming her touch. He savored her mouth, suckled her tongue, and drove her insane with need when the tensile muscle penetrated her and began to fuck hers in earnest. The gentleness of moments before had gone, replaced with the burning fire the two always ignited when they were together.

It was a different kind of domination, one she was used to with him but never grew tired of. The instant it happened, her pussy felt red-hot with need. Almost like the earlier fuckfest had never happened.

She submitted because this was Josh. Her warrior. The man who could protect her from the bogeyman in any given situation. Physically, mentally, emotionally. She gave herself to him as she always did, as she always needed to.

There was no need to fight her urges, because he welcomed them. He praised her, and these moments when she let him take charge were beautiful to him.

He caressed the curve of her breast. The nipple immediately pouted, turning the soft flesh into a pucker. He pinched it, squeezed it, and she groaned against his lips, enjoying the tiny bite of pain.

He maneuvered his fingers between her legs, and this time, a mewl escaped her. A barely there whimper as he immediately found her clit and began to stroke it.

These two men were the only men who had ever enabled her to reach the peak, with fingers or tongues or cocks.

Hell, before then, an orgasm had been with a Battery Operated Boyfriend. Now, vibrators were accessories, rather than the main event. She had more cock than she could handle, but she still enjoyed the buzz of a vibrator against her most intimate self.

His fingers plied her tender flesh there, playing with it, slipping through juices that were there because of him.

The digits made a sound when they pushed into her deeply. These guys had watched her give birth to Lexi, so she had few secrets from them, but still the noise discomfited her, and she found her moans growing in volume to cover it up.

It was silly, but a woman had her vain moments, didn’t she?

And then all thoughts of vanity disappeared when he pinched her nipple, caressed her clit with the butt of his hand, and with three fingers in her cunt, rocked his wrist back and forth.

The orgasm of an hour ago felt like a distant memory.

She cried out as he dragged her up the steep climb, knowing Josh wouldn’t make it easy on her. It only made her want to climb the hill faster, though she knew he wouldn’t let her.

Somehow, the need to climax was imperative. She needed the connection, needed to forget for a while.

It was stupid, but it was the way her brain was working at the moment.

She gasped against his lips, moaning a little when he started to tongue fuck her, taking her breath away, robbing it from her, uncaring that she couldn’t calm herself down. Somehow, when her lungs choked, the burn of pleasure felt higher. He raised a hand, lifting it from her nipple, and while her body protested, she knew what was coming.

He pressed his fingers around her throat, and carefully, gently, but with intent, squeezed. The instant he did, her cunt clamped down on his digits, making him chuckle.

Every single nerve ending dedicated to pleasure came to life as soon as he pressed his thumb down, blocking off her air. Restricting her breathing.

She clutched at his hand. Panic, the natural reaction to his behavior, made her scrabble against his fingers, but he ignored her. Content with fucking her with his hand and choking her.

When her eyes stung from being wide pools of shocked pleasure and the lids clenched at the consuming power of the moment, he pulled his fingers from her slick pussy, and with as much care and ease as before, he released his clutch on her throat.

She spluttered, desperately seeking air, hoarsely sucking it in like a parched man glugged down water. But it was the denial of an orgasm that made her protest more.

Gia scrambled onto her knees, chugged in a huge gulp of air, then climbed over his lap. She grabbed his cock, thumbed the tip, nudging it, rubbing the precum that had gathered there, and quickly spread herself across his knee so that his cock rested over her pussy.

The pair of them looked down. The bright red, almost purply-pink flesh of her cunt, soft and wet, tender, was a huge contrast to his hardness. As they sat there watching, a few beads of precum escaped his cock, and she had to press her forehead to his as disappointment overwhelmed her.

“We need a condom,” she whispered.

He grunted but immediately leaned back, then burrowed inside the bedside table. It was her fertile time, and by silent agreement they both knew if she could get pregnant again, the child in her belly would be Luke’s. She reached for the packet, seeing to the sheath herself. She rolled it on, teasing him momentarily by slipping the wet latex along the length of his shaft. He grunted again, and she grinned at him.

But he stared at her. Brow cocked, and Gia immediately knew not to play, because this was the BG she was fucking. The big guy, the brigadier general, and he did not appreciate being toyed with.

Such regimental behavior should have stifled her. Instead, it excited. She grabbed a firm hold of his cock, then pressed it to her pussy. As it sank in, her cunt clutching to him, she moaned. Her head fell back as she delighted in his thickness filling her, but then there was support. His hands were there again, and she recognized what was coming.

They clamped around her throat once more, and she knew that for the school run in the morning and the meeting with the principal, she’d have to wear foundation to cover the marks. She’d have worn them with pride, but they already garnered enough strange looks in the schoolyard without adding to the gossip train by her appearing with bruises.

He squeezed and she spluttered. It was anything but sexy, and no matter how many times they did this, she could never get used to the rhythm.

For though she’d come to crave it and missed it when he didn’t do it, it always came as a shock. A good one. The best.

“Ride me,” he demanded, and the words were on a direct link to her clit. It sparkled and fizzed, burned and scorched. Shooting tingles through her womb, making need course down every single nerve she possessed.

Her pussy clenched around his shaft, and slowly she began the timeless rise and fall. Her gaze was glued to his. It was the pair of them. Nothing in her head but him, not even Lucas or Lexi—just their connection.

Almost as though he felt that too, he firmed his grip a little more. She struggled to maintain the rhythm he wanted, the rhythm her body needed. It was difficult when lack of air was making her ungainly.

She trusted him implicitly. Save Lucas, there was no one else she trusted herself to, no one she relied upon. He would never hurt her. He would hurt himself before he did anything to her.

Gia knew she was safe. Every part of her did, except for that part this act triggered, the part that came to life when panic was born as her lungs burned with need for oxygen.

She scratched her fingers against his, to beg for relief, but in her fear, her pace increased regardless. Each time she rose and fell, each time her chest burned for more precious air, her pussy gloried in his attentions.

And then he released one hand from about her throat and slipped it down between her legs. He was a big man—not huge, but his cock was large enough to sometimes make her ache after sex. He fought for space as he tried to plunge two thick fingers inside her.

She cried out. The cry choked and cut off. But he ignored her, intent on fucking her the way he needed to claim her.

He curled those fingers up, and once again, the butt of his hand clashed with her clit. And this time, she felt it.

It leaped on her back with huge, great claws raking down the sensitive flesh; it drowned her in sensation; and it scorched her senses, branding her as his.

The climax was like a tsunami. Destroying everything in its path.

But still his fingers burrowed, and she knew what he wanted. Her ears didn’t work, but she could hear mumbles of sound, and she knew he was egging her on, taking her higher, needing her higher, and then that strange sensation in her cunt appeared.

The peculiar release, the weird clench, and water burst free.

She hated when he made her squirt, was embarrassed by it. Not that he listened, because he forced it out of her whenever he could. By that time, she was in no state to argue. She couldn’t lie, because it was epic. It was the best, most freeing experience ever. And she thought that even though it was an icky mess she’d have to clean up later.

When everything inside her acceded to him, submitted to his strength, she could feel her vision start to blacken as the lack of oxygen worked with her body’s receptors to close down, to let her handle what he was urging her to experience.

When she felt sure she was about to slip away, he released her, and it happened again.

No liquid trickled from her pussy this time, but the orgasm was just as intense. As powerfully painful as the last. Her stomach muscles clamped down until she felt sure they’d cramp.

Her scream tore through the room, and she knew it would echo through the house. It went on and on, an endless peal of sound that declared her agonizing pleasure to the world.

The only thing missing was his cum as it pooled inside her.

She slumped against him, utterly wrecked by what he’d made her experience.

Gia rested her head on his shoulder, allowing him to support her, to keep her upright.

How long they sat there, trying to get their breaths back, she didn’t know, nor did she care.

She saw Josh less than she liked, and this moment felt reaffirming and reassuring. Then a thought crossed her mind. What he was about to do in the morning, act her hero, made emotions boil away inside her.

After the intensity of this time with him, of what he’d forced her to feel, that overwhelming bubble of ecstasy still shooting sluggish pelts of adrenaline around her body, she burst into tears.

He rocked her, soothed her with a faint humming sound. He had to clear his voice to speak, but when he did, he murmured, “Hush, now. It’s okay. It’s all okay.” When she still sobbed, he continued, “Lucas will never leave us. He needs us as much as we need him. Tomorrow, we’ll sort out the problem at school. What use am I if I’m not around to frighten the teachers, huh?”

“You’re a great dad,” she mumbled, not capable of anything more meaningful at the moment.

He shook his head. “I could be better. Lexi needs more from her daddy than an absentee cutout.” His sigh said how much that cost him to admit. “I’m surprised Luke didn’t go and deal with this in lieu of me.”

“I think it’s hurt him a lot more than he’s letting on.” When he tensed again, she clenched her eyes, only now able to acknowledge that she had needed him to take charge of this. To make it better.

“Well, not anymore.” His words were resolute, and she embraced them wholeheartedly.

As furious as the school’s behavior made her, as hurt as she was over Lucas’s knee-jerk reaction, Mrs. Jacobie terrified her.

“After all the fucking money we pay them to teach our baby, the least they could do is treat us with some goddamn respect. I’ll have Dana look into some new schools tomorrow.”

She shook her head. “Lucas will want to pick it.”

“Lucas will want to pick what?”

The husky baritone of her second lover had her pulling away from the nook she was certain had been made for her: the morsel of soft skin next to Josh’s Adam’s apple.

Her lips trembled when she saw Lucas standing there, combats rumpled, probably after Lexi leapfrogged him the instant she saw him at the school gates, waiting for her.

It wasn’t often her daddies were at the gates. She knew they had important jobs, knew what they did—as well as a five-year-old could, at any rate. So being collected at school was always a treat for her. Especially as they usually took her to the Golden Arches for some munchies afterward.

In fact, Gia spotted chocolate sauce on his uniform.

That would be a fun session in the laundry room tomorrow.

The weird combination of the sight of that chocolate sauce, the idea that Lucas thought he should leave them, and the mountain of cleaning due, added to it tomorrow’s nightmare session with Mrs. Jacobie…well, it made Gia burst into tears. Again.

Christ, the fact that her emotions were all over the place was a testament to how well Josh had fucked her. Her hormones weren’t exactly in sync either, and the only way they could find release was in the copious liquid free-falling down her cheeks.

Panic filled Lucas’s face, but it eased slightly when she held out an arm for him, beckoning him close. He knelt on the bed, and then, crawling toward her with his boots still on, he pulled her to him.

“Hey, baby, what’s wrong?” He rubbed his lips against the sharp edge of her jaw. “Don’t cry.”

She sniffled. “I hate crying. I’m not crying. I don’t do tears.”

Josh chuckled, and she pinched his thigh, making sure to grab some of the hair on his leg too. When he yelped, her laughter was watery.

“What the hell was that for?” he grunted, rubbing the spot.

“What did you say to make her this upset, jackass?”

Lucas’s defense made her press a kiss to his cheek. “He didn’t do anything.”

“Then why are you ‘not’ crying?”

“We’re going to see Mrs. Jacobie in the morning.”

Lucas tensed a little. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Oh.”

She could hear the raw anger in Josh’s tone and was grateful she’d burrowed her face into Lucas’s throat.

BOOK: The Luck of Love
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