The Lust Boat (17 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Lust Boat
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He did want to be with her. The sincerity in his voice, and the hopeful expression on his face, banished all her doubts. How could she be angry with him? “What’s the gift?”

Ryan held out his fisted hand and opened his fingers to reveal a small rubber butt plug. “It’s a butt plug. Wear it until I get to the island, and I’ll take you to my favorite spot where we can be alone. I’ll remove it and replace it with something else.”

Arousal swept over her in a red tide from her toes to her hairline. “Well, I… I’ve never…oh my,” she stammered.

“Lie on the bed on your stomach and I’ll put it in for you. It’ll help stretch you and it will be easier for my cock later.”

She nodded and climbed onto the bed. The sheets had cooled and felt like ice against her hot skin. She pressed her face into the covers that still smelled of the sex they’d had last night. Her palms spread out on either side of her face and she clutched the rumpled sheet into her fists.

Behind her, she heard Ryan rummaging among the lotions and creams on the dressing table, heard him pop the plastic flip-top on one of the bottles. The telltale splurt and burp sent a shiver down her spine. The mattress dipped on one side and then the other as his knees came down on either side of her legs, so he straddled her calves.

Ryan’s fingers on her bikini bottom startled her. He drew the fabric down to the crease between her thighs and her bottom. “Relax, Candace. I’m not going to force you.”

She realized she had squeezed her butt cheeks together tighter than a ballerina en pointe and made a conscious effort to relax them. Of course, Ryan wouldn’t force her. She wanted this, didn’t she?

“God, you have the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen.” Candace didn’t know what she’d expected, but it wasn’t this. Ryan kneaded her butt cheeks with his oiled hands. She began to relax more, giving in to his sensual touch. His thumbs skimmed the seam as he ever so gently spread her cheeks open. “Ahh, look at you. I can’t wait to fuck your ass sweetheart. I’m going to be hard all morning thinking about it.”

He held her open with one hand and with the other somehow managed to squirt out more lubricant. She instinctively clamped her butt cheeks around his finger and the cold ointment. Ryan laughed, low and sultry. “Sorry. I should have heated it first.” His finger wiggled between her cheeks and she willed them to relax again.

“That’s better. I’ll go slow. I don’t want to hurt you.” He applied more lube and massaged her tight muscles, pushing in further with each motion. “I’m going to put my finger in you first love, to stretch you. Relax, here it comes.”

Candace gasped into the mattress as his finger penetrated her. He held still for a moment, allowing her to get used to his size. His finger moved inside her, working the tight muscles. God, it felt good, so good. What would it feel like to have the butt plug inside her? It wasn’t huge, but it was larger than Ryan’s finger and nowhere near as large as Ryan’s engorged penis. A moment of panic flashed through her, and she clutched the sheet in a white-knuckle grip. Ice Water. If she said the words he would stop, but did she want him to stop?

More lube squirted. Wicked desire replaced the panic. No, she didn’t want him to stop. “Relax again for me. I’m going to insert the plug now.” She groaned at the pressure against her sphincter as Ryan pressed the plug down. “That’s it, sweetheart. Open for me. Relax. Let me in.”

Candace willed her entire body to relax, to submit, and the plug slid home. She sucked in a breath, her face coming off the mattress as the rubber plug seated itself in her ass.

“There, how does that feel?” Ryan asked, holding her ass open with his big hands and stroking her crack with his thumbs. “It looks incredible. I’m jealous. I want it to be me.”

She tried to move her hips, but Ryan’s weight prohibited it. “Hold still for a few minutes. Let your body adjust to it.”

As if she had any choice. Ryan’s hands massaged her ass. Candace relaxed, concentrating on the fullness in her anus. It was uncomfortable at first, but the more she relaxed, the less intrusive it felt. Ryan pulled his hands away, and her cheeks closed over the flat wing-like knob. He scooted back and pulled her bikini bottom back into place. “No one but you and me will know you have it in,” he assured her.

Ryan swung one leg over her and twisted to sit beside her on the bed. “Stay there a while.” He stroked her back with one hand and braced himself with the other. “How does it feel?”

She wiggled her hips, testing. “I don’t think I’ll be forgetting it’s there, but it isn’t painful.”

“I don’t want you to forget it’s there. Thinking about it, and what I’m going to do to you this afternoon, will make it easier on both of us when I shove my cock in your ass.” His hand stroked down to the small of her back and further to rest over the secret beneath her bikini bottom.

“I’m going to miss you this morning. Are you sure you can’t come with me?”

“I can’t, but I think this will keep us both occupied until I can get there.”

“I’m sure it will.” She rolled to her side and sat up, feeling the plug stretch her further as she changed position. Her pussy creamed at the unfamiliar, but erotic pressure.

“I’ve got to go.” He stood and leaned over to take her lips in a kiss that left no question as to his intentions later on.

* * * *

The line of waiting passengers stretched halfway down the length of the ship. Candace clutched her beach towel to her chest and inched along. She’d brought along the tube of lubricant Ryan had used that morning, wrapping it up in her towel since she didn’t have a beach tote. Supposedly, everything she would need for the day would be on the beach waiting for her, but she couldn’t imagine asking for a tube of lubricant. Then again, this
. They probably had buckets of it scattered around the beach.

She’d finally gotten within sight of daylight when she heard someone calling her name. Fallon pushed her way through the crowd to stand beside her. “I found you. Richard was supposed to come ashore with me this morning but he’s holed up with Ryan for the morning. I figured that meant you were going solo too, so here I am. Mind if I join you?”

“I’d like that.”

“Here, put your towel in my tote.” She held out her ship-issued turquoise beach tote. Candace had seen other crewmembers with similar ones. She slid the towel inside, grateful to have it out of her hands.

Candace loved the exhilarating ride to the island. The salt spray and wind rushing through her hair made her feel wild and reckless. Perfect, she thought, for someone wearing a butt plug and looking forward to a promised ass fucking. Lots of passengers were already taking advantage of the crystal blue water, swimming, snorkeling, or wading in the shallow areas. More than a few had taken advantage of the clothing optional opportunity. “I see a few bare butts out there,” she pointed to a cluster of naked asses bobbing in the water.

“Wait until you get to the beach. The infirmary always does big business after this stop.”

“Ouch! I hadn’t thought about the sunburn issue. I couldn’t get past wondering why anyone would want to walk around in public totally naked. Speaking of, I need to find some sunscreen ASAP.”

Candace took in the relaxed, party atmosphere on the beach. Blue nylon-covered lounge chairs lined the water’s edge like giant plastic toy soldiers. Behind them, scattered randomly, were dozens of large futon-style lounges that resembled open clamshells. There were several tents set up for massages and hair braiding, and who knew what, she thought.

 Fallon directed her to the supply hut. “Let’s get that sunscreen first thing. We’ll both be fried if we don’t.”

A small crowd had gathered around one of the clamshell futons. As she walked past, Candace caught a glimpse of the two couples on the futon, wound together like a pretzel, fucking their brains out. She became acutely aware of the plug in her ass and hurried to catch up to Fallon. Fallon had been right. Everywhere Candace looked, she encountered naked people. They were sprawled on lounge chairs sunbathing, playing volleyball, dancing to the Reggae band playing in a grove of palm trees, or fucking like bunnies.

Fallon moved them to the front of the line using her crew privilege and procured both sunscreen and a straw hat to shade her face. “Let’s find some chairs and get this stuff on before it’s too late. I’ll do your back if you’ll do mine.”

They covered themselves in sunscreen. Candace grabbed her towel and excused herself to the restroom; thankful she’d brought the lube along. She squirted some on her finger and spread it around the outer rim of her anus, and to the flat head of the plug where it had begun to rub against her skin. The ointment quickly soothed her discomfort and she returned to where Fallon lay sprawled on a lounge chair.

“Do you want to do something, snorkeling or parasailing?” Fallon asked.

Candace stretched out on the chair next to her. “No, I don’t think so.” She wasn’t at all sure it was a good idea with her concentration centered on her ass. “I think it will be wonderful to just lie here and soak up some sun. I’ve been going non-stop since I set foot on the ship. This will be a nice change.”

“I’m with you, girlfriend. This is my one day off each week. I have to wear the crew colored swimsuit in case there’s an emergency or something, so passengers will know I’m someone they can go to, but this is what I like to do.” She flipped over to her stomach. “This feels good.”

Candace flipped to her stomach too, the position conjuring up all sorts of fantasies about Ryan coming over her, shoving his cock up her ass. Her vagina creamed at the wicked thoughts and she wiggled her butt just to feel the plug shifting against her sphincter. The sun warmed her skin, but it didn’t compare to the blaze raging inside her. If Ryan didn’t get there soon, she thought she might go up in flames.

Chapter Eleven

Ryan and Richard arrived on the island in time for the lunch being served at open-air huts on the beach. Ryan stepped off the tender and headed straight for her, as if he knew exactly where she was amid the many rows of chairs. The little white swimsuit accentuated his bronzed skin. Her heartbeat sped up. Any woman would want a piece of that, she thought. His eyes found hers across the white sand beach and her heart somersaulted. A quick glance around the beach confirmed her conclusion. Several pairs of female eyes were watching him make his way through the sea of chairs to her. Her core heated. Those eyes, blue as the crystal Caribbean water, were for her only.

“You made it,” Fallon greeted the men. Until Fallon spoke, Candace had forgotten Richard had accompanied Ryan. Undoubtedly, the women had been watching Richard too, but Candace had seen only Ryan.

“We did. Sorry to keep you waiting,” Ryan sank down on her chaise and drew Candace into his arms. His head dipped and his lips took hers in a kiss that said how much he’d missed her and promised many delights to come.

“That’s okay. Fallon and I were enjoying the slow pace.”

Ryan nuzzled her neck below her ear. His breath feathered against her heated skin. “I’ll show you a slow pace, later,” he murmured for her ears only.

“I’d like that.”

“Let’s get some lunch.” He drew her to her feet, sliding his arm around her waist. His hand inched toward her hip and his thumb slid beneath the band of her bikini bottom. “I’m starving.”

Fallon and Richard disappeared together, leaving Ryan and Candace to eat alone. They found a table for two under a palm tree and sat to enjoy their meal. Candace didn’t know if it was the salt air or the sun, or her ramped up libido, but she ate heartily. The jerk chicken was the best she’d ever tasted, and the tropical fruit salad burst with flavor against her tongue. Ryan looked across the table at her as if she were next on the menu. She squirmed in her seat.

“Uncomfortable?” he asked.

“No, just anticipating, I guess.”

Ryan’s eyes narrowed and he froze with a cube of mango speared on his fork, halfway to his mouth. He dropped the fork on his plate and stood. “Let’s go.” His tone brooked no argument. Her stomach flipped and she wished she hadn’t eaten so much. She’d never been more aware of the intrusive plug. The muscles in her pelvis clenched involuntarily. She stood and helped gather their paper plates and napkins. In a matter of seconds, her fingers were laced with Ryan’s and they were on a tiny trail headed away from the beach. His touch reassured her.

“Where are we going?”

“A place I know. We won’t be disturbed there.”

Candace followed Ryan through the dense foliage. Voices on the beach faded and eventually the music was replaced by the gentle lapping of waves on the beach and the tropical breeze rustling through the broad-leafed foliage. “Are you sure you know where you’re going?”

“Yes.” He stopped and she saw it. A small lean-to hut, open to the beach, sat a few steps in front of them. It didn’t look like much, but the view took her breath away.

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