The Maid For Pleasure Bundle 2 (4 page)

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Or maybe it was having an effect on me, too. It was hard to notice for them, I think—but my body had changed. Become stronger, even somewhat taller. I think that, now that I was healed from my gunshot wounds, all the milk I was taking in was going out of its way to improve, rather than just repair, my body. And if that was the case—if it could change the way a woman thought, the way she responded to a male's voice—why couldn't it change the commanding nature of a male's voice too?

“You’re not mad at Steel?” I asked Nora. “On my behalf?”

Her face softened. “Of
I am. We both are.” She put a hand on Willow’s leg. Willow moaned loudly, leaning up against Nora. It seemed her mind was a bit weaker than Nora’s, feeling the effects of the milk much more strongly already. Her body was so tiny, too—so fae and breakable. Perhaps it just needed less to feel more, like alcohol. “But, Pace, we can’t just...I mean, it’s Steel, you know? He’ll kill us if we try to expose him.”

She took another long drought of milk from the glass in her hand.

“That’s why I don’t want to expose him. I want to take him out.”

“Take out—” she coughed, trying to keep swallowing the thick milk in her mouth. “Take out Steel? Are you insane?”

“Maybe. What do you say? Will you help me?”

She stopped, considering it.

“God, I don’t fucking know. Let us talk about it, okay? Me and Willow?”

In short order, they picked up and left the room. As they left, Vivian entered, casting hot, heavy looks at them as they passed. When they were out of the room entirely, she slid down on my lap, giggling happily.

“What's so funny?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing. It's just....well.” She shrugged, raising a perfect eyebrow. “I spiked their milk with your cum, Sir.”

“You did what?”

“As I said. I ensured that your cum was the first they took in. When combined with my milk, the product should be...very rewarding for you.”

I was a bit stunned. I thought my seduction would have a little bit more deviousness behind it. Turns out, Vivian was more devious than five of me.

“How do you mean?”

“They’ll be like me,” she explained. “Eager. Busty. Happy. And completely loyal, only to you. Even more so because yours is the first cum they’ll ever have had. There will be no competition in the chemistry of their brain for the imprinting process.”

“Fuuuuck me.”

It was that word, “imprinting,” that got to me. That was a hot concept, all right.

Vivian slid off my lap and down onto her knees, spreading my legs apart. My cock, heavy and half-hard already, thickened even more.

“While they’re gone...might I have some fun, Master?”

I still had a lot of trouble denying anything to her when she was going to call me that. And besides, at that point, I had been staring for almost an hour at the woman of my dreams sucking down the substance that was going to make her my submissive sexual servant. I could hardly contain my arousal.

Within just a few seconds of Vivian’s stroking, I was rock hard and shoving my cock down the beautiful blonde's throat once more. I still hadn’t touched her cunt, but I was starting to seriously consider it, sex slave or not. She was having too much fucking fun for me to not want to give her more.

And the thought of breeding her, of giving her the honor of taking my children and filling up her womb...god, that really got me going. I could already imagine her voice as I fucked her cunt, so soft and gentle, begging for me to fill her up with twins, triplets, quintuplets. That’s what all that milk was for, wasn’t it? For her to be a sexy heir-making machine, full of my baby batter all the time.

I could hear Nora and Willow finish up their conversation outside, but Vivian had gone too far for me to stop or even finish up already.

They strolled in, both of them holding tall glasses in their hands, mostly emptied of milk. That was three—no, four?—glasses for them already. A lot, at any rate. I had only had one and a half today, and I was feeling pretty loaded.

“What the fuck, Pace?” said Nora. “You’re shacked up now with this fucking chick?”

My breath was ragged—I was close to cumming. “I wouldn’t say I’m shacked up with her.”

“She is sucking your cock, right now!”

I shrugged, winking at her. Feeling superior—and knowing that I could back it up.

Nora was used to seeing guy’s getting blown. It was a pretty common occurrence at the Hot Poker. Biker gangs had a different sense of propriety than other people, I suspect. I wouldn’t know too much about it, though, outside of what I’ve seen on television. I’d been practically raised to be in a gang my whole life. But fucking in the open was no thing at all to us—maybe the same way you would see spitting or sneezing. Something to cover up if you have the time; if not, it's not the end of the world.

Nora tapped Vivian on the shoulder, eyeing her form with increasing lust. I could see her cheeks flushed.

“Would you get off my partner’s cock? Please? We have things to discuss.”

But Vivian was just finishing up. She moaned in response, feeling my balls tense up underneath her. She instead wrapped her legs around Nora's, keeping her in place. I could see Nora's eyes widening as she eyed my cock, just a touch of saliva gathering around her lips.

Grunting, I came down Vivian's throat, spasming and pumping my hips, a sort of routine measure at this point. Vivian swallowed me down orgasmically—literally. She told me that the taste of my cum gave her instant, physical bliss.

As she drew off me, I kept cumming. Vivian wanted them to see how much I could produce. It sprayed all over her tits, and she rubbed it all into her heavy, tanned globular breasts slowly, smiling happily.

Nora and Willow drew away, like they had seen some monster. Their faces were masks of lust, of need. Willow pushed her body hard into Nora’s, her crotch motioning hard against Nora’s hands. She was rubbing her clit on Nora’s fingers, I realized.

“Oh my fuck, Nora.” Willow’s voice was quiet and loaded with arousal. “C-cock! Cock...oh, that cock. He’s so fucking big. I didn't know...I didn't know about

“Like a fucking...cum volcano.” Nora’s voice was tinged with awe...and lust, too, just like Willow’s.

Slowly, Vivian stood up. All the cum on her was shiny and drying, now, making her sparkling hot skin look even hotter.

“I’m so sorry, Madam,” Vivian said to Nora. “I didn’t realize you would want some. He said you were a lesbian.”

a lesbian.” Nora’s face was flushed. She grabbed Willow's hand. “We...we

“Then why are you so turned on?”

. This...this fucking air in this place, that’s all. You heated it up with your sex.”

I wasted no time, covering my still-trembling cock up with my robe. It didn't do much to hide the totem that my penis had become.

“Have you thought about my offer?” I asked Nora.

“Yeah, sure, we thought about it. We just um...”

Willow moaned, kissing Nora’s ear. She whispered something, staring intently at my tented bathrobe. Her hands sliding over her lover’s body as she watched me.

“Fuck, Willow,” Nora moaned. “Would you cut it out?”

But Willow wouldn’t cut it out. Her hands become more insistent, her hips gyrating hard against Nora's.

“Look,” said Nora. “We’ll keep talking about it, okay? But would you give us some time for know. More alone business? We can’t all just do it the fucking living room like you two.”

I smiled. “Sure thing.”

Willow nodded eagerly, eyes lighting up. “And lots more of that milk, please! It's really yummy!”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “You’ll definitely get more of that.”

* * * * *

illow and Nora took the night for themselves. I took the night with Vivian.

It was a delay in my original plan, but honestly, one that I welcomed. My body was stronger than ever, and I welcomed the opportunity to let Vivian suck me off in more and more ways. I could tell you about the changes to my body—about how all my muscles had hardened, shoulders bulging with strength, my hands thick and large, my abs a washboard made flesh, all clothes needing to be tailored by Vivian because of how tall I'd become.

But it's just as easy to tell you this: I held Vivian upside down by the ankles as she sucked my cock. I did it effortlessly, even when I shot upward into her throat. This was after she had showed me the strength of her own body, taking me down her throat while she suspended herself from a stripping pole in the bedroom.

My body was different, all right. And it was for the better. The Scorpions respected strength, and I was feeling more and more that there was no one as strong as me.

I woke up in the middle of the night, finding Vivian gone from my bed. That was fine. She was probably cleaning somewhere, or doing whatever else she did with her boundless energy. Making more bottles of milk, maybe.

I was hungry, though. Maybe thirsty. It was hard to stop drinking that milk, and what’s more, it made me more ravenous for thick, hardy food than I had ever been in my life. There was plenty of food in the kitchen, though. Vivian kept it well stocked.

A long time ago, Nora had saved my life. That was how we met, in fact. Funny how that works. Nora saved my life. Willow saved Nora's life. Vivian saved my maybe I could save all of them from Steel. I knew he'd hurt them if he had the chance, just to hurt me. He was cunning, in a low way.

But yes, Nora saved me. I had crashed and burned on the side of the road after some drunk asshole drove me into a barrier. I tried to land in a way that protected my bike and hurt me—a stupid thing to do. Probably would have died straight off if Nora hadn't showed up to take me to the hospital. When I woke a few hours later, she was looking after me, practically fighting with the doctor to make sure I was okay.

Nora was always like that—making quick attachments with the ones she thought were good enough. She had liked my bike. She said anybody that drove a bike like that, and who had protected it during a crash, deserved to have his life saved.

I'd earned her loyalty a hundred times over since then, and her mine. We'd had plenty of adventures. And yet, my lust for her was so great, my love for her so deep, that now that I could finally make her know my cock using Vivian and her milk, I had lost all potential guilt.

I know it seems contradictory—to love someone so much that you want to own them. To keep them to yourself, forever. But I couldn't help the way I felt about Nora, and I had never felt this way about anyone or anything else. I
her in my life. I
her as my lover,
her body, and I always, always would. The feeling hadn't dissipated in nearly ten years, and had only become stronger in fact. There was no reason to think that now, when I had the tool at my disposal to make her feel toward me the way I wanted, that I would want her less.

I tried to justify it by telling myself that I would treat her right—which I absolutely would. I'd protect her, keep her safe. Make her feel wanted, constantly. She'd be my perfect baby girl, just like how things ought to be. And Willow, too. Willow was welcome to come along for the ride. Nora could keep all her feelings for Willow...I just wanted her to have the same ones for me, that was all. Was that so very bad?

The kitchen was large, with several island counters and a granite counter tops. The fridge was the sort that looked like it was part of the oak wood cabinets, until you opened it up.

“Hey, Pace.”

The voice that said that was soft, eager, happy, and needy.

None of these were attributes that I would have ever applied to Nora. And yet, when I turned to source who said it—she was the one standing there, leaning against the doorway. She wore tall, sexy skintight leather boots that stopped just above her knee, her tight riding vest...and that was it. Her finger traced from her bare, juice-pulsing cunt up to her heaving, magnificent chest. A little path of pussy juice slid down from her finger.

She had changed, already. Her red hair almost sparkled with vibrancy, and it layered down her back down to her ass. Before, it had just barely touched her shoulders. Her eyes were so green, bright green, practically glowing in the darkness as she swallowed up the sight of me.


“Mmmhmm,” she nodded. “I think something’s like...happened to me.” She shook her head, unable to do it any way but sexily. Her thick red locks flew in the air before resettling easily into a sexy, tangled mass. “I think you
what it is. I think you were behind it.”

“Now...Nora...” I began to step back.

She strutted forward, sliding her arms around my neck. “I think that’s
. I think you’ve made me want
, your cock, and I think that’s hot too.”

Fuck, but she had figured that out quick.

“Where’s Willow?”

Nora giggled for several moments. I had trouble focusing on anything but her bouncing, happy tits as they jiggled against my chest. They were full of milk, I realized. Full of milk...and leaking milk all over my hard, muscled body.

“She can’t move. I fucked her too hard. I want pussy four times as much as I used to.
pussy especially. But Vivian’s, too.”

Her voice was breathy, her tits leaking milk down on the floor. Fuck. How had this happened so quickly? Whatever Vivian was putting out, it must have been incredibly potent.

“But I need cock
times as much as I need pussy now. Won’t you come fuck me now? I need...I
cock. I need
cock, not just a dildo. I need a
, Pace. Please? I’m so desperate for your cock. I have been for the

“The longest time? What?”

That made my heart race. Thinking that she maybe had just repressed feelings for me. That she had wanted me all along, just as I wanted her. To think, if only...

“ know, I’m not sure. But I
it so bad now, it must have been my
life.” She reached up on her toes, kissing my chin. I was taller than her now, much taller, Just a day before, we would have been the same height.

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