The Making of a Submissive Wife (Suzi's Journey Book 1)

BOOK: The Making of a Submissive Wife (Suzi's Journey Book 1)
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C J Edwards on Kindle


The Making of a Submissive Wife

Copyright © 2014 by C J Edwards



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Adult Reading Material




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After eleven years of marriage, things had
definitely gone stale between Damion and Suzi. When Damion’s work moved to
London and he began to weekly commute, it was almost inevitable he would find a
lover. His evenings began to fill up with wining and dining and finally
seducing his deliciously submissive lover, Emma. The calls home became
infrequent and focused on practical issues like the children’s education.
Before long he started staying away at weekends too.

On one of those rare weekends spent at home with
wife and kids, Suzi decided to confront him on his behaviour. He was sitting in
the lounge, watching some inane quiz show with a bottle of beer in his hand,
when she turned off the television and stood in his field of vision. ‘You’ve
hardly said a word to me all weekend. Do you want to tell me what’s going on?’

Damion took a breath. This was the conversation he
was planning to have anyway but not quite so soon. He tried to make his voice
as friendly as possible. ‘The fact is, Suzi, I love you a lot and will always
care for you.’ He paused to gather his strength. ‘…but I’m not
in love
with you anymore.’

Suzi went pale. She knew something was up but she
never dreamt it could be this. A dreadful thought gnawed at the pit of her
stomach. She knew, but still couldn’t bring herself to face it. ‘Go on,’ is all
she felt brave enough to say.

‘I’ve been seeing another woman,’ he blurted out, ‘and
I’ve fallen in love with her.’

Suzi felt as if she had been hit over the head with
a big stick. ‘I think you’d better leave,’ she said in a quiet voice.

The next week was hell for Suzi. She had no contact
at all with her husband until she rang him at work on Thursday. ‘Damion,’ she
began with a shaky voice. ‘Can we talk?’

‘I think we’d better,’ he replied. ‘I’ll come up at
the weekend.’

‘I’ve got a better idea. I’ll come down to you.’

The following evening saw them both having dinner at
an exclusive restaurant in the West End; one of Damion’s favourite. They made
small talk throughout the meal: events at work, how the children were doing at
boarding school and so on. The coffees arrived with a couple of brandies and
Damion cleared his throat, ready to explain how he planned to terminate the
marriage with the minimum of pain for his wife.

Suzi got in first. ‘I don’t want to lose you Damion.
I’ll do anything to keep you!’

chose his next words carefully. ‘I don’t think that’s possible, Suzi. I do love
you but you know I have strong sexual needs and frankly I don’t fancy you anymore.’


That hurt but Suzi was ready for it. ‘I know. I’ve
put on over three stone during our marriage and I spend no time on myself. Even
I don’t fancy me,’ she tried to joke. ‘I will sort that out Damion, if you’ll
give me another chance.’

‘That’s easier said than done,’ replied her husband.
‘Even if it were possible though, it’s more than that.’

‘What then?’

‘You know I am dominant by nature and we began to
explore that facet of our relationship until you started to tire of sex.’
Damion could see his wife getting embarrassed but he was determined to get to
the nub of the issue. ‘Emma and I went well beyond that point weeks ago and we
now have a very fruitful sexual relationship that gives us both what we need!’

Suzi looked up demurely. ‘Teach me!’

Damion’s business was booming and he decided it made
sense to move the family home to Greater London. He rented a big detached house
in Surrey; Suzi left her job and moved down. In the six weeks since that
difficult conversation, she had already lost half a stone. With that, regular
exercise putting colour in her cheeks and time spent at a beauty parlour each
week, Damion found his prick stirring each time he saw her; this woman now resembled
the one he had fallen for all those years ago.

Now, with a full car and a removals truck on the
way, Damion showed his wife around their new home for the first time. The fully
fitted kitchen and beautiful en suite were definitely to her liking, as were
the spacious bedrooms. Once the tour of the part of the house that sat above
ground was complete, Damion led his wife down the stairs to the basement. She
had been warned about what lay beyond the door and she was nervous as hell to
see it.

Damion unlocked the door and pushed it open. ‘Welcome
to the dungeon, my sweet,’ he announced.

The room was surprisingly spacious, running the
entire length and breadth of the big house. Damion had clearly been busy in the
two weeks since he had picked up the keys. One half of the room was a fully equipped
gym, with treadmill, stationary bikes, weights and Jacuzzi. The other side was
equipped with chains, a vaulting horse, a big crucifixion cross and, most
ominously, a cage.

‘The gym was already here,’ said Damion. ‘I’ve just
adapted the room to suit our purposes. You’ll stay down here until you’re fully

Suzi gulped. ‘Okay!’

‘That’s ‘okay Master’,’ said Damion. ‘Now, I reckon
we’ve got about an hour until the removal men arrive. Take off your clothes!’

Suzi hated anyone seeing her naked at the moment,
she wasn’t proud of her body. All the same, she knew she had to obey without
question. Without hesitation, she unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped her skirt,
carefully placing them over the back of a chair and stood in front of her
husband dressed only in a new bra and pantie set and a pair of heels.

Damion looked her up and down. ‘We’ve got a lot of
work to do, haven’t we?’ he said, deliberately being unkind. As Suzi reddened
and her head dropped, he raised his voice a little. ‘I thought I said strip? 
That means everything!’

Reaching behind her back, Suzi unfastened her bra to
let her magnificent breasts bounce free and then, peeling her delicate panties
down her thighs, she stood in front of her husband’s critical gaze once more,
this time only in heels.

‘That’s better,’ said Damion. ‘Now walk up and down
a little so I can see what we’ve got to work with.’

As Suzi paraded up and down like a nude catwalk
model, she had never felt more exposed. She knew her husband was appraising
and, well, judging her. She felt her overly fleshy body jiggle as she walked
and it was not a good feeling. Damion beckoned her to his side and ran his hand
down her body, gripping her tits first and then the excess fat around her middle,
before slipping a finger between the folds of her cunny and rubbing a little to
get her hot.

When he felt Suzi start to wriggle with pleasure,
Damion stopped abruptly and took her face in his hand. ‘Your training starts
now, slut,’ he snarled. ‘Are you ready for it?’

‘Please don’t call me that,’ Suzi whispered. ‘I
don’t like it!’

Damion released her face and then slapped her across
the cheek. Not hard but enough to leave a mark. ‘Listen to me slut and listen
well. There’s a lot of things going to happen that you won’t like at first. I
will call you whatever I like and when I give you permission to speak, you will
address me as ‘Sir’ or ‘Master.’ Is that understood?’

‘Yes Sir,’ replied Suzi in a quiet voice, completely

‘There is only one safe word here and it’s ‘Red’,
Damion continued. ‘But you need to understand exactly what ‘Red’ means. It
means I stop what I’m doing and release you. You then walk out of that door and
out of our marriage.’

Suzi gasped and looked visibly shocked at what was
effectively an ultimatum. She said nothing and Damion continued. ‘If that’s
your choice,’ her Master said, ‘I will respect it and I will look after you
when we divorce. You will have a comfortable life for as long as you are
single. But you must understand that if we are incompatible sexually, we are
incompatible in life.’ He paused to let his wife absorb the information. ‘Do
you understand?’

Suzi nodded mutely.

‘Good,’ Damion continued. ‘Let’s start your training
with addressing one of your little hang ups. Get on your knees.’

Suzi knew exactly which hang up her husband was
referring to. It had caused a few arguments over the years. Despite being
pretty good at blow jobs, she just couldn’t bring herself to swallow his sperm,
the idea just revolted her. She always finished him off with her hand and took
it all over her face or tits. With some trepidation, she sank to her knees.

The blow job went well at first. Suzi successfully
suppressed her gag reflex and took her Master’s thick, seven inch cock straight
into her throat. He let her control the motion for a while, before grabbing her
head firmly and thrusting hard; fucking her mouth like a cunt. Suzi took it
well for a while and then, just as she felt her husband near the final strokes,
she panicked and ripped her head free, just as he came all over her face.

Damion contained his temper. This was after all what
the training would address. Grabbing Suzi by the hair, he dragged her over to a
horse and bent her over it.

Suzi was blabbering her apologies as Damion selected
a thick penis gag and pushed it firmly into place, securing it tightly behind
her head with a thick leather strap. Next he pulled her arms behind her back
and cuffed her wrists together, before securing her ankles to the legs of the
horse with Velcro straps. The final touch was a thick velvet blindfold. Damion
stroked his wife’s cheek affectionately, speaking in a low tone. ‘You need to
get used to these restraints, my slut. You’ll be wearing them a lot until
you’ve learned the self-discipline required for complete compliance.’ He picked
up a soft leather strap and tested it across his hand, well aware that Suzi
could hear the hard ‘slap.’ ‘Today’s lesson is how to give your Master a proper
blowjob,’ he continued, stepping back and laying the strap hard across her
raised rump.

Suzi’s head whipped back and she cried out into her
gag. ‘Nggugg!’ Damion had spanked and even whipped her before but that was now
years in the past and the sudden sharp pain across her buttocks was a sensation
she was no longer accustomed to. As she was clearly distraught, Damion set the
strap down for a moment and gently caressed her red arse, slipping the fingers
of his other hand into her juicy pussy. Considering how little attention he had
given her cunt, she was surprisingly moist, he mused.

When he felt she had relaxed enough, Damion picked
the strap back up and began a steady rhythm across both buttocks, not stopping
until they both glowed a satisfying red. Suzi sobbed quietly throughout the
ordeal but another quick check revealed her pussy was now completely dripping;
something about this torment was very arousing to his wife. Laying the strap
down on a table, Damion stroked the big, round spheres of her bottom; now as
red as a Rhesus Monkey. ‘That’s what a good strapping feels like, my slut,’ he
whispered in her ear. ‘Remember the sensation because that’s what you get every
time you fail to obey.’

Getting no response at all from his gagged and bound
wife, he gripped her firmly by the hips and buried himself up to the balls in
her hot pussy. Banging her hard, her upper body came up off the horse, only to drop
back down and bounce on her full tits. He fucked her like an animal until his
balls erupted and filled her with hot cum.

Patting his wife on the bottom, Damion grabbed a
cushion from beside the horse and worked it underneath her head. ‘That’ll be
the removal van arriving,’ he said. ‘Best get some sleep, you’ll need it. I’ll
see you at lunchtime.’ Kissing his wife on the cheek, he left her bound and
gagged and went upstairs to start the move in.

Despite the uncomfortable position, Suzi was fast
asleep when the sound of a key turning in the lock woke her with a start.
Damion unstrapped her ankles and helped her stand, letting her walk around a
little to get the stiffness out her legs. When he was satisfied she had
recovered, he fed her some water from a sports bottle, before leading her to
the little ablution area in the gym, watching her piddle and carefully wiping
her pussy clean when she had finished.

Leading his helpless wife back out to the gym, he
removed her blindfold and gag and helped her on to the treadmill. ‘This is the
start of your calorie burning routine,’ he explained. ‘With your arms behind your
back, I don’t recommend falling over, it wouldn’t be pretty.’  Picking up the
leather strap again, he held it up for Suzi to see. ‘And if I think you need
encouragement, don’t worry, you’ll get it!’

Damion set the machine off at 6kph to let her get
used to running with no arms. When she seemed to be into her stride, he gradually
increased the speed to what he considered a reasonable pace; and what Suzi
clearly thought was too fast. Before long her breathing was ragged and she was
begging to stop. Damion gave her a swipe across the arse with the strap. ‘Save
your breath, bitch, I’m not stopping until you’ve done thirty minutes.’ All the
same he watched her closely for any sign of her legs buckling and dropped the
pace a little after twenty minutes.

At thirty minutes Damion stopped the treadmill and
helped Suzi down. She looked a complete mess, dripping in sweat and snot
running down her face. Giving her another generous drink of water, he then fed
her lunch, a protein shake, before taking her for a rinse down in the shower.
After drying her off with a towel, he kissed her on the forehead and replaced
her blindfold, before leading her back into the dungeon and kneeling her back
down in the same spot as this morning. ‘BJ 101, lesson two coming up,’ he said.
‘Don’t go away!’ Patting her on the head, he left her alone for a few minutes.

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