The Mall (Evenstad Media Presents Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Mall (Evenstad Media Presents Book 2)
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DATE: 1/16/2075


Things are shifting around in here, so I'm going to take
advantage of everything I can. I want to survive this, and there's an opening
that could let me survive better, and longer. So I really don't think I can
pass it up. The big general shop on the end used to be where the big scary guy
was, but he moved out. So it's empty, and I’m positive it’s the best option for
me surviving this out.

I've got some cooking knives, in case I need them. It's
farther than I want to go out in the open, but it could be a lot worse. I just
have to take down anyone who gets in my way. If they're trying to kill me, then
they're just heartless, and they don't need to be let back out of here alive.
It wouldn't be right if I let them live, if they're the kind of people who can
kill. Especially the kind who could kill a mother. But I'd be different. I'd be
protecting myself, and doing society a service, and getting back to my baby
girl, and that's okay. That's good. I need to say it enough times until it's

Thank God Rosa's too young to really understand any of this.
Not that I want her watching anyway, but if something comes up… she doesn't
need to think of her Mama as a killer, even for the right reasons.

Are they really the right reasons? I can’t look at it too
much, otherwise this all falls apart. So yes. They’re definitely the right



'The Mall' Falls to the Pit of Sequels



It's a generally accepted fact that the sequel is never as
good as the first one. There are a lot of different reasons for that, depending
on the situation, but it's almost always true. And after last night's episode
of 'The Mall,' I think we can safely say that this season has no chance of
living up to 'The Park.'

Let me get this out of the way first thing, before I even
touch on the problems with this show: I don't buy it. I didn't buy it last
season, and I sure as hell don't buy it this time around. They aren't actually
letting people into a trailer park or a mall or anywhere else and having them
kill each other. That's illegal, and anyone stupid enough to believe it's real
should probably just get themselves out of the gene pool now. It's a very-well
constructed ruse, complete with fake social media posts. And on that front, I
would say that this season is even more impressive than the first. They’ve
managed to arrange vigils for these characters, for Christ’s sake. So kudos for
them on the realism.

It's everything else that's the problem. The cast just isn't
as good as the first one, which for me is the biggest disappointment. I mean,
sure, they haven't interacted as much yet, which is a problem in and of itself,
but even the interaction we've managed to get is just crap. Not to mention that
they suddenly have a gay couple, just like they had a lesbian couple last year.
Only one allowed. I guess they thought throwing it in at the end of the episode
would work like some kind of cliffhanger? I don't know.

Then there's the weird timing. The deaths were good last
season. I guess part of it is that I'm just not shocked by the graphic death
this time around. I saw it, I'm used to it. Hell, maybe 'The Park' was just as
bad, and they hid behind the blood and gore. I don't know. But I think that
they're definitely missing something, here. 'The Mall' just simply isn't a good
show, and I won't continue watching it, personally. No offense meant if you
like it, but they've broken my suspension of disbelief with this second season,
and there's no repairing that, once it's damaged.

After they wrap up this season, I hope Evenstad Media turns
to something different, because this cash cow is bone dry.



DATE: 1/16/2075


I think it might be fruitless to fight against the madness
that this place is trying to push on me. I'll eventually succumb, and I'd
rather not be exhausted to the point of death when I do. Honestly, if I could
just take the full brunt of it right now, I would. While I'm still somewhat
capable, let go of my sanity. Unfortunately, I can't, so I'm settling and
letting myself play this game the way we're supposed to. That seems to me like
it's the closest I'll be able to get to actively jumping into insanity. I’d
already taken a tentative step, telling myself to go ahead and be more active.
But that was the only step I took toward the end goal, and it really wasn’t

I've broken as much of the glass in this shop as I could,
including the windows, and I've scattered all the shards around in front of the
door and though the shop. There's one clear path so I can get out, at least,
but it's damn hard to see. Anyone who comes this way is going to get torn up
and distracted, and that's when I can do what needs to be done. I've never
killed anyone before, good reason or otherwise. Doing my best to go mad
probably isn't a good reason to kill at all. But that's in the world as a
whole. This mall is its own world, the way I see it. Everything is different,
even the laws. There aren't any, supposedly. And I accept that anarchy doesn't
have to be destructive, or descend into murder. However, although they've
negated the laws of the outside world for us while we're in here, there are new
rules imposed that ruin it. We can't leave. Most of us can't live to the end of
this. We have no extra food. It might look like chaos, at first glance, but
it's far from it. And those rules are what will cause our problems. Without
them, perhaps we all could have lived. Or if they hadn't sent in the men with
guns to keep us on track. But the rules are there, and they will be enforced,
and that is what created the madness.

So I intend to follow the rules, just the way I always did
in the outside world. They abused me when I did it, but it's safer to suffer
the abuses you know than those that might be so much worse.





DATE: 1/17/2075


It's just over two weeks in, and I'm sure I'm going to see
another death any time, now. At least I will if things are going to keep a rough
pace. Unfortunately, that's the best case scenario. It's been two weeks and
we've had two people die. It's simple math.

But that's still the best case. In reality, the pace
probably won't hold. It's only going to increase, like a show. It all ramps up
toward the big finale. Same with movies and books and everything else. The
deaths will come a little faster, then a little faster, and a little faster
again. If it keeps up, there could be one every day, or maybe even more than
one a day. It's happened throughout history. Death always ramps up leading to
the end of a war, or the capture of a serial killer. Faster and faster and

I'm psyching myself out about this, and I know that. But I
also know that what I'm saying makes a lot of sense. And it's probably the way
things are going to be, too. It's already kind of happening. The first death
happened in a little over a week, then less than a week. It's a small pickup,
but it's a pickup. Eventually, all the people who don't want anything to do
with killing will be dead themselves, me included. And that's when it's really
going to get bad, I guarantee it. I guarantee it to anyone who happens to read
this journal, if anyone. And I guarantee it to myself.

This is the calm part.



TO: Niels Evenstad

FROM: Edward Andel

SUBJECT: Possible Ratings Increase: The Mall

SENT: 1/15/2075 AT 1:28 p.m. EST


Mr. Evenstad.

I've caught wind of some viewers who are less than pleased
with the way the show is going this time around. They say it’s slow, compared
to last season. On paper, of course, that doesn't really make sense. The second
season is currently projected to finish in about three months, which is half
the time that the first season was on air. Not that I need to tell you the
numbers, of course. I just wanted to preface what I have to say with that.

I think it would be worthwhile, in order to keep the viewers
happy, to consider raising the stakes of the competition. It would be
relatively simple to do without disturbing gameplay. Turning off the power to
the arena comes immediately to mind, as does turning off the water. Or both in
conjunction, if necessary.

I realize that wasn't in the original plan for this season,
but it seems to me that, if we have the power to provide a better experience
for the viewers, we should think about using that power, at the very least.

I shouldn’t say we. I have no say, but I think you should
consider it. The final decision would rest with you and the other board
members. I just thought I would propose the idea, if nothing else.



TO: Edward Andel

FROM: Niels Evenstad

SUBJECT: Possible Ratings Increase: The Mall

SENT 1/17/2075 AT 3:14 p.m. EST



I apologize for my tardiness in replying to this email. I've
been very busy of late and only just found time to check my email.

Everyone is aware of the views you've expressed concern
over. However, the viewership of this show is half again as large as the first
season. We may lose some people who think the show is moving too slowly this
time around, but obviously not enough to damage the numbers we're seeing from
it. I wish we could keep every viewer satisfied, but that's unfortunately
impossible. That being said, your idea to deny the players power and/or water
is something we've considered. If it came down to it, we've already decided it
would be an option. But I like that you thought of it. However, I'd prefer if
you gave your full focus to the Live and Breathe update for the time being. I
hear it's coming along nicely, so it's in need of a leader now more than ever

As usual, my intent is not to shoot you down, but we have
quite a bit to do in a very short amount of time. I’m sure you understand.


Niels Evenstad,

Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media

TO: Niels Evenstad

FROM: Frederick Evenstad

SUBJECT: Concerned

SENT 1/17/2075 AT 10: 13 a.m. EST


Brother, I'm worried about you. You've been unreachable for
the past two days, nearly three days. I did my best to convince myself that it
was nothing, and that you needed your privacy or needed some space to relax. If
that's all it is, then I'm sorry. But in as long as we've been brothers, I've
never had this much difficulty touching base with you, and it's very
disconcerting to me. I feel like there's something going on that you don't feel
like you can tell me, or anyone else. But I promise you, you can tell me
anything you need to, no matter what it is.

I hope you are well, Brother.


Frederick Evenstad

Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Technologies



TO: Frederick Evenstad

FROM: Niels Evenstad

SUBJECT: Concerned

SENT 1/17/2075 AT 4:02 p.m. EST


I'm sorry for any worry I may have caused you, Brother. I
was forcing myself to take some time away from the desk. I should have been
more responsive, but I wanted a few days to just decompress. Really, I'm fine.
I do appreciate your concern. It means a lot to me that you care enough to
worry. Not everyone in this world is lucky enough to have someone like that in
their lives. But your concerns are unfounded, I'm happy to say. I'm not keeping
anything from you. I wouldn't do that, especially with you being so insistent
on knowing. I'll be back to my normal self once this season is over, I assure
you. It's just proving to be much more work than the first one.

I am well, Brother.


Niels Evenstad,

Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media



DATE: 1/18/2075


It's been fairly quiet lately, but things are finally
starting to pick up, at least a little bit. It’s unfortunate, because I don't want
any more blood spilled. However, I think I'll finally have my distraction. At
least enough of one to go take care of that poor man’s body. The old lady down
at the end is a lot more active, keeps stepping out, throwing things around.
Farther each time. The guys with the guns keep turning their attention over to
her, but she doesn't stop. Every now and then, they actually shoot something
she throws out, which is insane in its own right.

The only thing I can figure is that she's testing her
boundaries. Although I suppose she could just be completely losing her mind in
here. But both of those are likely to lead to her leaving the safety of her
clothing shop. And as soon as she does that, I'm out and running to get that
man put away.

This is a stupid obsession. I know that. But I can't get
over it. I'm probably losing it as much as anyone else, deciding to go out and
pull that corpse out of sight, risking my life for some dead stranger. But I'm
already committed, and I haven't managed to talk myself out of it, yet.

And I've tried.





DATE: 1/18/2075


I feel like I’m in a warzone. I’ve never been in one, but I
imagine it has to sound something an awful lot like this. Guns going off and
people yelling and things breaking. I’m trying to just cover my head and get
through it all without looking, but I don’t know. Sometimes I think what I‘m imagining
is probably worse than what’s actually happening. I’m too scared to find out
though. Instead, I’ve got some dresses and such wadded up to try to block out some
of the noise. If I press it all hard enough against my ears it almost works,
but not quite.

But you know, worse than the loud sounds and the guns and
anything else I’m hearing, it’s when things are just dead quiet. I can only
think so much when I hear screaming and all that, but when I don’t hear
anything I can come up with much worse. Terrible things I didn’t know I was
capable of until I came in here.

That’s why I decided to write. The gunfire just died off,
and that’s when it’s the worst of all, because you know for sure something
happened. It’s just a question of what.



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