The Mammoth Book of Best New SF 25 (Mammoth Books) (56 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Best New SF 25 (Mammoth Books)
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I’d seen and heard roughs of Edith’s message. In with a Carl Sagan-style prime number lexicon, there was digitized music from Bach to Zulu chants, and art from cave paintings to Warhol, and images of mankind featuring a lot of smiling children, and astronauts on the Moon. There was even a copy of the old Pioneer spaceprobe plaque from the seventies, with the smiling naked couple. At least, I thought cynically, all that fluffy stuff would provide a counterpoint to the images of war, murder, famine, plague and other sufferings that the Incoming had no doubt sampled by now, if they’d chosen to.

I said, “But I get the feeling they’re just not interested. Neither the Incoming nor the Venusians. Sorry to rain on your parade.”

“I take it the cryptolinguists aren’t getting anywhere decoding the signals?”

“They’re not so much ‘signals’ as leakage from internal processes, we think. In both cases, the nucleus and the Patch.” I rubbed my face; I was tired after the previous day’s long drive. “In the case of the nucleus, some kind of organic chemistry seems to be mediating powerful magnetic fields – and the Incoming seem to swarm within. I don’t think we’ve really any idea what’s going on in there. We’re actually making more progress with the science of the Venusian biosphere . . .”

If the arrival of the Incoming had been astonishing, the evidence of intelligence on Venus, entirely unexpected, was stunning. Nobody had expected the clouds to part right under the orbiting Incoming nucleus – like a deep storm system, kilometres deep in that thick ocean of an atmosphere – and nobody had expected to see the Patch revealed, swirling mist banks where lights flickered tantalizingly, like organized lightning.

“With retrospect, given the results from the old space probes, we might have guessed there was something on Venus – life, if not intelligent life. There were always unexplained deficiencies and surpluses of various compounds. We think the Venusians live in the clouds, far enough above the red-hot ground that the temperature is low enough for liquid water to exist. They ingest carbon monoxide and excrete sulphur compounds, living off the sun’s ultraviolet.”

“And they’re smart.”

“Oh, yes.” The astronomers, already recording the complex signals coming out of the Incoming nucleus, had started to discern rich patterns in the Venusian Patch too. “You can tell how complicated a message is even if you don’t know anything about the content. You measure entropy orders, which are like correlation measures, mapping structures on various scales embedded in the transmission—”

“You don’t understand any of what you just said, do you?”

I smiled. “Not a word. But I do know this. Going by their data structures, the Venusians are smarter than us as we are smarter than the chimps. And the Incoming are smarter again.”

Edith turned to face the sky, the brilliant spark of Venus. “But you say the scientists still believe all this chatter is just – what was your word?”

“Leakage. Edith, the Incoming and the Venusians aren’t speaking to us. They aren’t even speaking to each other. What we’re observing is a kind of internal dialogue, in each case. The two are talking to themselves, not each other. One theorist briefed the PM that perhaps both these entities are more like hives than human communities.”

“Hives?” She looked troubled. “Hives are
They can be purposeful, but they don’t have consciousness as we have it. They aren’t finite as we are; their edges are much more blurred. They aren’t even mortal; individuals can die, but the hives live on.”

“I wonder what their theology will be, then.”

“It’s all so strange. These aliens just don’t fit any category we expected, or even that we share. Not mortal, not communicative – and not interested in us. What do they
they want?” Her tone wasn’t like her; she sounded bewildered to be facing open questions, rather than exhilarated as usual.

I tried to reassure her. “Maybe your signal will provoke some answers.”

She checked her watch, and looked up again towards Venus. “Well, we’ve only got five minutes to wait before—” Her eyes widened, and she fell silent.

I turned to look the way she was, to the east.

Venus was flaring. Sputtering like a dying candle.

People started to react. They shouted, pointed, or they just stood there, staring, as I did. I couldn’t move. I felt a deep, awed fear. Then people called, pointing at the big screen in the visitors’ centre, where, it seemed, the space telescopes were returning a very strange set of images indeed.

Edith’s hand crept into mine. Suddenly I was very glad I hadn’t brought my kids that day.

I heard angrier shouting, and a police siren, and I smelled burning.


Once I’d finished making my police statement I went back to the hotel in Helston, where Meryl was angry and relieved to see me, and the kids bewildered and vaguely frightened. I couldn’t believe that after all that had happened – the strange events at Venus, the assaults by Shouters on messagers and vice versa, the arson, Edith’s injury, the police crackdown – it was not yet eleven in the morning.

That same day I took the family back to London, and called in at work. Then, three days after the incident, I got away again and commandeered a ministry car and driver to take me back to Cornwall.

Edith was out of intensive care, but she’d been kept in the hospital at Truro. She had a TV stand before her face, the screen dark. I carefully kissed her on the unburnt side of her face, and sat down, handing over books, newspapers and flowers. “Thought you might be bored.”

“You never were any good with the sick, were you, Tobe?”

“Sorry.” I opened up one of the newspapers. “But there’s some good news. They caught the arsonists.”

She grunted, her distorted mouth barely opening. “So what? It doesn’t matter who they were. Messagers and Shouters have been at each other’s throats all over the world. People like that are interchangeable . . . But did we all have to behave so badly? I mean, they even wrecked Arthur.”

“And he was Grade II listed!”

She laughed, then regretted it, for she winced with the pain. “But why shouldn’t we smash everything up down here? After all, that’s all they seem to be interested in up
The Incoming assaulted Venus, and the Venusians struck back. We all saw it, live on TV – it was nothing more than
War of the Worlds.”
She sounded disappointed. “These creatures are our superiors, Toby. All your signal analysis stuff proved it. And yet they haven’t transcended war and destruction.”

“But we learned so much.” I had a small briefcase which I opened now, and pulled out printouts that I spread over her bed. “The screen images are better, but you know how it is; they won’t let me use my laptop or my phone in here . . .
Edith. It was incredible. The Incoming assault on Venus lasted hours. Their weapon, whatever it was, burned its way through the Patch, and right down through an atmosphere a hundred times thicker than Earth’s. We even glimpsed the surface—”

“Now melted to slag.”

“Much of it . . . But then the acid-munchers in the clouds struck back. We think we know what they did.”

That caught her interest. “How can we know that?”

“Sheer luck. That NASA probe, heading for Venus, happened to be in the way . . .”

The probe had detected a wash of electromagnetic radiation, coming from the planet.

“A signal,” breathed Edith. “Heading which way?”

“Out from the sun. And then, eight hours later, the probe sensed another signal, coming the other way. I say ‘sensed’. It bobbed about like a cork on a pond. We think it was a gravity wave – very sharply focused, very intense.”

“And when the wave hit the Incoming nucleus—”

“Well, you saw the pictures. The last fragments have burned up in Venus’s atmosphere.”

She lay back on her reef of pillows. “Eight hours,” she mused. “Gravity waves travel at lightspeed. Four hours out, four hours back . . . Earth’s about eight light-minutes from the sun. What’s four light-hours out from Venus? Jupiter, Saturn—”

“Neptune. Neptune was four light-hours out.”


“It’s gone, Edith. Almost all of it – the moons are still there, a few chunks of core ice and rock, slowly dispersing. The Venusians used the planet to create their gravity-wave pulse—”

it. Are you telling me this to cheer me up? A gas giant, a significant chunk of the solar system’s budget of mass-energy, sacrificed for a single warlike gesture.” She laughed, bitter. “Oh, God!”

“Of course we’ve no idea
they did it.” I put away my images. “If we were scared of the Incoming, now we’re terrified of the Venusians. That NASA probe has been shut down. We don’t want anything to look like a threat . . . You know, I heard the PM herself ask why it was that this space war should break out now, just when we humans are sitting around on Earth. Even politicians know we haven’t been here that long.”

Edith shook her head, wincing again. “The final vanity. This whole episode has never been about us. Can’t you see? If this is happening now, it must have happened over and over. Who knows how many other planets we lost in the past, consumed as weapons of forgotten wars? Maybe all we see, the planets and stars and galaxies, is just the debris of huge wars – on and on, up to scales we can barely imagine. And we’re just weeds growing in the rubble. Tell that to the Prime Minister. And I thought we might ask them about their gods! What a fool I’ve been – the questions on which I’ve wasted my life, and
are my answers – what a fool.” She was growing agitated.

“Take it easy, Edith—”

“Oh, just go. I’ll be fine. It’s the universe that’s broken, not me.” She turned away on her pillow, as if to sleep.


The next time I saw Edith she was out of hospital and back at her church.

It was another September day, like the first time I visited her after the Incoming appeared in our telescopes, and at least it wasn’t raining. There was a bite in the breeze, but I imagined it soothed her damaged skin. And here she was, digging in the mud before her church.

“Equinox season,” she said. “Rain coming. Best to get this fixed before we have another flash flood. And before you ask, the doctors cleared me. It’s my face that’s buggered, not the rest of me.”

“I wasn’t going to ask.”

“OK, then. How’s Meryl, the kids?”

“Fine. Meryl’s at work, the kids back at school. Life goes on.”

“It must, I suppose. What else is there? No, by the way.”

“No what?”

“No, I won’t come serve on your minister’s think tank.”

“At least consider it. You’d be ideal. Look, we’re all trying to figure out where we go from here. The arrival of the Incoming, the war on Venus – it was like a religious revelation. That’s how it’s being described. A revelation witnessed by all mankind, on TV. Suddenly we’ve got an entirely different view of the universe out there. And we have to figure out how we go forward, in a whole number of dimensions – political, scientific, economic, social, religious.”

“I’ll tell you how we go forward. In despair. Religions are imploding.”

“No, they’re not.”

“OK. Theology is imploding. Philosophy. The rest of the world has changed channels and forgotten already, but anybody with any imagination knows . . . In a way this has been the final demotion, the end of the process that started with Copernicus and Darwin. Now we
there are creatures in the universe much smarter than we’ll ever be, and we
they don’t care a damn about us. It’s the indifference that’s the killer – don’t you think? All our futile agitation about if they’d attack us and whether we should signal . . . And they did nothing but smash each other up. With
above us, what can we do but turn away?”

“You’re not turning away.”

She leaned on her shovel. “I’m not religious; I don’t count. My congregation turned away. Here I am, alone.” She glanced at the clear sky. “Maybe solitude is the key to it all. A galactic isolation imposed by the vast gulfs between the stars, the lightspeed limit. As a species develops you might have a brief phase of individuality, of innovation and technological achievement. But then, when the universe gives you nothing back you turn in on yourself, and slide into the milky embrace of eusociality – the hive.

“But what then? How would it be for a mass mind to emerge, alone? Maybe that’s why the Incoming went to war. Because they were outraged to discover, by some chance, they weren’t alone in the universe.”

“Most commentators think it was about resources. Most of our wars are about that, in the end.”

“Yes. Depressingly true. All life is based on the destruction of other life, even on tremendous scales of space and time . . . Our ancestors understood that right back to the Ice Age, and venerated the animals they had to kill. They were so far above us, the Incoming and the Venusians alike. Yet maybe
at our best, are morally superior to them.”

I touched her arm. “This is why we need you. For your insights. There’s a storm coming, Edith. We’re going to have to work together if we’re to weather it, I think.”

She frowned. “What kind of storm? . . . Oh. Neptune.”

“Yeah. You can’t just delete a world without consequences. The planets’ orbits are singing like plucked strings. The asteroids and comets too, and those orphan moons wandering around. Some of the stirred-up debris is falling into the inner system.”

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