The Marriage Merger (19 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Probst

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Marriage Merger
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Her throat tightened. Why did this seem different from the scar on his face? As if he didn’t care who saw that public mark. A tattoo that gave him flavor and a bad-boy de-meanor. But these hidden scars were so much more. She sensed these were the ones he hid from the world, a secret, deeper pain no one suspected. Pain he refused to share or explain.

The rational woman inside knew the proper response.

Be cool. Ignore the marks, pretend she didn’t care, and move on. A woman engaged in a one-night stand obeyed the rules—no attachments or emotion or sharing painful pasts.

Just pleasure, orgasms, alcohol, and a hasty retreat at dawn.

She struggled to be that woman, but silly tears threat-ened to fall. The idea of the strong man before her being helpless and hurt by nameless people tore her soul. She moved toward him and laid her hands gently on his back.

Sawyer flinched. With light strokes, she caressed and traced every scar over the broad expanse of flesh. He never moved.

Didn’t speak. Finally, she broke the silence.

“I’m sorry someone hurt you.” Julietta made sure no pity leaked into her voice. No one could possibly pity a man who exhibited such strength and character and success.

Perhaps the scars drove him to be better. She refused to cluck over him and ask a million questions, but she would never pretend she didn’t see what someone or many had done to him. “I’m glad you won.”

He bent his head. Sucked in a ragged breath. And spoke.

“I never talk about my past, Julietta. I lived in it far too long and fought too hard to leave it behind. He was evil, and I was stuck with him for too many years. He tried to beat everything out of me, but I refused to give him that final satisfaction.” His voice took on the demons of a past she couldn’t even imagine. “I’ve done—things. I won’t apologize for them either. I understand if you can’t handle that right now or choose to leave. I’ll release you from the contract.”

She gazed at the back of the man who had commanded her orgasms and made her feel like a woman for the first time in her life. Throughout the hours, he’d never taken but had freely given and pushed her boundaries. He made her feel safe. yet he actually believed she was so fragile she’d run at the sight of a few scars or his admission he’d made some bad choices?

Julietta pressed her lips to his back. He tensed under-neath the caress, but she kissed each scar with a gentle humbleness she ached to show. “
Che idiota!
How dare you insult me with such a comment? Whatever things you had to do you did to survive. Do you really think so little of me to believe I’d run from a few physical scars after the greatest sex of my life?”

He turned and faced her. Gaze wary, he studied her expression. She cursed the telltale dampness on her cheeks and realized she’d never be good at this stuff.

Sawyer reached out and ran his thumb over her face.

“Are you crying?”

His stunned tone lit her temper. “I’m not crying for the man you are,” she bit out. “I’m crying for the boy who never had anyone to care.” Julietta let her anger dry up her tears.

“I hope he is dead. I hope whoever put his hands on you died in a horrible, painful way.”

A raw longing burned from amber eyes. His fingers traced the curve of her cheek as if she was a fairy about to disappear into the mist. Slowly, he pulled back, and Julietta caught the tremor in his hand. He opened his mouth, but before the words left his lips, Sawyer bit them back. His lower lip quirked in that sexy half smile that tripped her heart. “Calling me an idiot again, huh?”

She sniffed. “That’s how you’re acting.”

He chuckled. “Such violence tucked beneath polite civility. remind me never get on your bad side, baby.”

“I have no civility when someone hurts one of my own.”

Sawyer stilled. The words had slipped out before she’d had an opportunity to censor herself.
Mio Dio,
what had she done? He didn’t belong to her. Never would. This was a contract—pure and simple—and though they had extended it to one more night, there was no relationship possible.

Was there?

An array of emotions flickered over his face. His voice came out rough and gravelly. “I believe you. The man you choose as your own is one lucky son of a bitch.” He cleared his throat and the crackling tension eased. “Come with me.

you must be hungry.”

He intertwined her fingers with his and led her back to the bedroom. They feasted on crisp crackers, creamy cheese, and sweet peppers, washing it down first with water and then champagne. Sawyer lifted her feet into his lap and massaged the tender insteps, sore from the high heels. Surprised she didn’t feel awkward after the various intimate encounters, Julietta relaxed into conversation about work, then chatted about her upbringing with a protective older brother.

Swirling the golden liquid in the delicate flute, she broached her next question with care. “How long have you known Wolfe?”

His fingers paused. “About a year.” She fought a groan as he kneaded the tight muscles in her hamstrings. “I never thanked you for giving him a chance. Most see his appearance and believe he’s useless.”

“you’d never hire an employee who didn’t own incredible skills. especially with Purity. He told me a little bit about his past.”

Sawyer gave a half laugh. “yeah, he told you he came from a tattoo parlor, didn’t he? Tells everyone that story.

Wolfe doesn’t talk about his real past.”

“He said you kept him from jail and took him in. Gave him a chance to prove himself.”

He looked up in surprise. “I can’t believe it. He never— he never shares.”

Julietta smiled. “He admires you. Hides it behind a smart-ass attitude. He’s got some incredible business skills for someone so young. No wonder you brought him to Italy.”

Sawyer shook his head as if trying to clear it. “yeah, he’s a smart kid. Got lost in the foster system and was trying to make it on his own in the streets. I caught him trying to pickpocket me, and I gave him a choice. Jail or an internship at my company.” A flash of pain lit his eyes. “The first few months he gave me so much shit I was tempted to throw him out. But he was so damn smart it was eerie. He has a photographic memory and knows how to talk to people once he gets over his initial insecurity. every time I gave him a task, he finished it before my regularly paid employees.” Sawyer shrugged. “So I kept increasing his workload, paid him a salary, and waited for him to run. He hasn’t yet.”

“you care about him.”

He flinched and pulled his hands from her leg. Her skin cooled as fast as his tone. “This has nothing to do with emotion. I decided to bring him with me to test his skills. He listened to that rosetta Stone thing and learned the language in record time. But if he fails, I’ll let him go.”

Julietta studied the man before her. odd, he was able to give so much in the bedroom, but normal relationships seemed impossible for him to accept. Sawyer was lying.

He obviously cared more about Wolfe than he was ready to admit. Probably had no clue how to deal with a broken teenager, and Julietta suspected they shared a similar past.

But this wasn’t the time or place to push.

“Understood. After all, business is business.”

His gaze warmed and the ghosts receded. She sucked in her breath as the familiar heat took hold. Sawyer wrapped his fingers around her ankles and dragged her close.

“exactly. I think it’s time to get back to our own negotia-tions.”

Julietta ignored the rush of joy and chalked it up to sexual hormones. “I thought we had concluded our business.

Three orgasms definitely wins the bet.”

He gave a wolfish smile. “Then just call me an over-achiever.”

He covered his body with hers. Julietta had never known losing could be so sweet.

Chapter Ten

Sawyer paced the unfinished lobby of Purity with the team. The roar of power tools filled the air, and the scent of wood, oil, and paint rose in his nostrils. The empty building of the popular Le Méridien had been abandoned for years: a lonely, sprawling piece of architecture that created a longing in the heart of the city. After years of working on buying the building, he’d finally won. He’d taken the first step in making his mark in the world and obtaining a slice of immortality. It was the best he could ever hope for.

The structure owned the old-world grace he needed to make his mark here. The marble winged horse in front led to an elegant building with a crumbling white facade amidst the bright red doors lending distinctive character. The full restaurant and lounge would be replaced by a modernized version of entertainment and the best of technology brought in for a media suite for business. Already furnished, each room needed to be made over and renovated while decisions of what furniture and structures should remain and what should be ripped out boggled his team of designers.

Pride surged as he led the team through the slowly de-veloped rooms. They chattered as Wolfe took notes and Sawyer guided them toward his vision, pointing out where each of their respective spaces would be housed. When he stopped in front of the bakery area of La Dolce Famiglia, he paused to direct his attention to Julietta.

She had cried for him.

The memory of her tears wrecked his concentration.

other than a few flashes of being held by his parents, he had no soft memories to hold on to. Touch usually meant punishment or something to avoid at all costs. He’d learned brutally early that tears were useless and looked upon as weakness. How many times had he been beaten bloody, starved, humiliated, or punished in various ways and not one person had given him a second glance? even his foster siblings were too busy looking after themselves, and any kindness to him was always severely punished.

Sawyer never blamed them. He would’ve done the same. But the moment he saw Julietta’s tears, a strange yawning emptiness rose up and tried to strangle him. She had actually cared. Kissed his scars. yelled at him for even mentioning she might want to leave. She’d demonstrated everything kind and good and he didn’t know what to do with it.

The endless women before her blurred into a line of nameless faces who’d only seemed interested in his scars to make sure he got them off. He’d never had a lover kiss him with such tenderness, let alone shed tears over something she didn’t know or understand. His heart squeezed with so much emotion he couldn’t process the flood. Sawyer refused to analyze the weakness. Much better to concentrate on her stinging anger and insults than on such an intimate gift. He might never recover.

A whole week had already passed, and he’d been swamped every evening with work. When he finally dropped into bed, slumber eluded him. only the image of her naked body and wet heat rose to his closed lids until sleep was impossible. He ached for another evening, but had decided earlier on to wait. Another night spent in her company might throw him off his game—and he needed to be in control in order to keep giving her the pleasure she deserved.

It was also good for his suddenly slipping emotions. When was the last time he’d actually gotten mushy over a woman?

Wondered how her day was going, or what she was eating for lunch, or what television show she watched before bed?


The answer was simple. Pull back for a bit, and then go in for another night once he was solid. And to think he’d been worried about her getting attached.

Sawyer cleared his throat. “Julietta, as we discussed, we’re preparing La Dolce Famiglia to take up this main space for foot traffic. you’ll need to pick your team carefully for this one since we won’t have the main equipment on the floor.”

She nodded and examined the empty store. Her severe black suit was his personal favorite. It was the most conservative, with a pencil-slim skirt and a double-breasted jacket that covered most of her delicious assets. With her hair twisted up tight and her proper white blouse, the urge to rip away her prim demeanor engulfed him. He always loved the naughty librarian fantasy. Maybe he’d make her keep the suit on. Hike the hem up her thighs, lay her back on the desk, and rip off her panties. He’d test her control by commanding her not to make a sound, then do everything with his tongue and teeth to make her scream.

His cock rose and he quickly switched his thoughts. All he needed was Tanya to think she turned him on and he bet he’d get a late night visit. Her designer skills were flawless, but she reminded him of a female predator. Sawyer shuddered at the thought.

Julietta spun on her heel. “I can make this work. Though I’d rather have the other space we discussed.”

His lip twitched. Damn, she had spunk. He’d assumed she’d pretend the erotic evening had never happened.

Instead, she’d switched into full business mode without a hitch. No heated glances across the conference table or blushes when their gazes met. She treated him with the detachment of a business partner, which drove him even crazier.

“Actually, I do remember the discussion. Since I was able to clearly demonstrate why that wasn’t a possibility, I’m surprised you brought it up.”

“Hmm, I guess I forgot.” She kept her voice bland.

“Perhaps the conversation should have been more memo-rable.”

He almost choked at her impertinence. Wolfe shot him a strange look, then went back to his notes. She also owned a wicked sense of humor. oh, she was going to pay for that remark. only his endless practice of hiding his emotions allowed him to press down his growing arousal. “Perhaps you’re right.” He pinned her with his gaze. “I’ll be sure to make myself clearer in the future.”

Her delighted smile ruffled his nerve endings. “Good.

Practice makes perfect,” she chirped. “Now, let’s check out the kitchen. I want to be sure the setup is what we agreed upon.”

Her heels clicked in front of him in a siren’s song. Her gracefully swaying ass lured him to follow, and Sawyer realized Julietta Conte had blossomed to her full power.

God help him.

They toured the site, tweaked plans, and finally finished in the late afternoon. He made sure he escorted the other members of the team out first. Would she follow his lead and allow him some alone time? Sure enough, Sawyer spotted her lingering with Wolfe. Was she just as desperate to touch him? Like a horny teen, he wanted his hands all over her, his full week of celibacy at the limit. He did a quick sweep of the room and tried to catalogue a safe place he could get her naked without giving the construction crew a thrill.

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