The Mayflower and the Pilgrims' New World*

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Authors: Nathaniel Philbrick

Tags: #Retail, #Ages 10+

BOOK: The Mayflower and the Pilgrims' New World*
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Copyright © 2008 by Nathaniel Philbrick.
Adapted for young people from
Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and War
. First published in 2006 by Viking
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Philbrick, Nathaniel.
The Mayflower and the Pilgrims' New World / by Nathaniel Philbrick.
p. cm. Adaptation of: Mayflower : a story of courage, community, and war. New York : Viking, 2006. Includes index.
1. Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony)—Juvenile literature. 2. Massachusetts—History—New Plymouth, 1620-1691—
Juvenile literature. 3. Bradford, William, 1590-1657—Juvenile literature. 4. Church, Benjamin, 1639-1718—Juvenile
literature. 5. Indians of North America—Wars—1600-1750—Juvenile literature. I. Philbrick, Nathaniel. Mayflower.
II. Title. F68.P.2'2—dc22 2007030669
eISBN : 978-1-101-50040-8

To Melissa
First Settlers and Their Affiliates
William Bradford
• governor of Plymouth Colony after John Carver dies; writes
Of Plymouth Plantation
John Robinson
• pastor and leader of the English separatists in Leiden before they leave for America
Elder William Brewster
• Pilgrims' leading lay minister
John Carver
• first governor of Plymouth Colony
Robert Cushman
• helped organize voyage to America
Thomas Weston
• leading Adventurer from London
Christopher Jones
's master
Robert Coppin
• Jones's mate and pilot
Captain Miles Standish
• (wife Rose) Pilgrims' leading military officer
Christopher Martin
governor, original purchasing agent
Stephen Hopkins
• stranger who may have been to Jamestown before boarding the
Edward Winslow
• leading Pilgrim diplomat who also served as governor
John Howland
• indentured servant who eventually became a leading citizen of the colony
John Billington
• head of what Bradford called the “profanest family” on the
sons John and Francis
Thomas Morton
• leader of Merrymount
John Sanders
• leader of Wessagussett settlement
Phineas Pratt
• another leader of Wessagussett settlement
John Hamden
• English gentleman who spent winter of 1623 with the Pilgrims
Native Americans
• Pokanoket sachem
• Narragansett sachem
• Pilgrims' interpreter, originally from Patuxet (Plymouth Harbor)
• sachem from Martha's Vineyard
• sachem from Pemaquid Point, Maine
• sachem and powwow from Merrimack River in southern New Hampshire
• Nauset sachem
• Manomet sachem
• Cummaquid sachem
• Mattapoisett sachem
• Pokanoket pniese
• Massachusetts sachem
• Massachusetts pniese
• Massachusetts warrior
• Mohegan sachem, pledged loyalty to Puritans during Pequot War
• Narragansett sachem
The Next Generation Settlers
Thomas Prence
• Plymouth governor
Thomas Willett
• founder of Wannamoisett and friend of Alexander (Wamsutta)
Major William Bradford Jr.
• William Bradford's son
John Miles
• swansea minister whose house became Miles garrison
James Cudworth
• army commander from scituate
Benjamin Church
• carpenter and leading captain during King Philip's War
Alice Church
• Benjamin Church's wife
Josiah Winslow
• son of Edward; first governor of Plymouth Colony born in the New World
Samuel Moseley
• leading captain during King Philip's War; known for his hatred of Indians
Captain Roger Goulding
• mariner who rescued Church's men at the Pease Field Fight and was present at death of Philip
Captain Thomas Lathrop
• leader at Bloody Brook
Major Robert Treat
• led Connecticut forces at Great swamp Fight
John Eliot
• leading Puritan missionary to the Praying Indians
Captain Daniel Gookin
• superintendent to Praying Indians
Major Samuel Appleton
• commander of Massachusetts forces
John Gorham
• led Plymouth forces with William Bradford at Great swamp Fight
Captain Samuel Wadsworth
• led rescue of Lancaster
Mary Rowlandson
• (son Joseph, daughters Mary and sarah) captured by Indians at Lancaster
John Rowlandson
• Mary Rowlandson's husband, minister of Lancaster
Captain Michael Pierce
• from scituate, killed with most of his men at Blackstone River
Captain George Denison
• led Connecticut force with Mohegans, Pequots, Niantics that captured Canonchet
John Hoar
• from Concord, negotiated ransom and release of Mary Rowlandson

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